Refu-e to trust us when alive, Whcen preachers spread the gospel for breakers tossing their white foam not more | ground we bad loaded again. wioner ana earns what his wife spends for Just fifty oonts a day ; than o quarter of a mile away, and beyond} Bang ! bang ! bang ! ; the family needs he sheuld have tne desid- "ree puRcarvsa™ at ior oldine thin "handing their lot them the threatening cl ffs, . All three weat witte of the mark, and the ing veloe in all matters of importance ; he FESTiV In hopes thereby to earn a cent, ** Lat go the drag!' yelled the captain, | pirates came speeding Gp to the side ef our shou'd gevern. A Brahman Fete That is New Being Cele- It's ; 7. and the ancher ehet ever the bow, but atjahip. Givern! We disiike the use of that Threughest Indies ai ee a fal oeie jens, and ---- oC i : Jaet then there came the sweetest seund --_ Ib -- never be seen h. a - mn i + Item. ** By Goergs!" he exclaim * ['vell ever heard. Borns en the gale came tie j ¥* or ach; never enter senda us & rims. bead ta Goat places before, bah this beats[" boom" of an sureniihie vessel. Our| heart between man and wif. No | Phetegraph illustrating the celebration ef , " them all, We're a goner, sure." volley had been geen and answered. woman can be as happy as God tntend-d abe great Brahman Dashara, or FIGHTING RIFF PIRATES. Noarer and nearer we drifted, with neth-| 'Dawn, Jennie! Down beneath the | ™arriage sheald make het if her husbacd's = ja, the med sacred feeiival in the ing but the chance of eur ancher grippiag | bulwarks!" It way gettiog rather hot for leye is chiefly manifested by hit dispesitien "om Calendar. During the present 'bebwoen us and death: Presentuy the cap-}the little womav, and eho quickly did a: te govern. Fow women, ver your the twe years ususaal . | dsic, po:nting shoreward, sheuved : '* Look|she was bid. Toe captain and I sted up and velf encrificirg, if endowed wiih the 4 -- be the val, owing te --~ N January let, 1864, | dbere !" together te draw our astallant<' fire, Bang 1 | fe58° aigment, ever yield thelr own wns agar than the sanctity ef the Ganges, Pm 1 calendsred in my The moon, shiaing oud fora moment be-jbwng! bang! Witn ne more damigs, how- j P'e once ei ideas and theerie: to thelr 1895 -- ft, is asseciated, will cease tn % memory the day on tween the scudding clouds, revealed thejevér, than whole through tne pki, per'é cap. hasband's judgment and dictation. A man Riser. of be transierred te the Nerbadda { ve) lo hioh occurred the} Shore swarming wit Riff eavages, eagerly | Ib was no placs for leng, clu:nsy- firesrma. weuld & woman who dit. It would | ("0% Central is .- gel the . at aS, 2X moat exciting expert- awaiting our destruction. Dalten and our old orew were now ad our | Strengthen the bend between them to dis- stone tisthe is celebrated with aa eajbe- Se noe of my adventurous} »"' Tem," ssid be, * ran below and cee} side, each armed with a heavy cepstan bar. | 288 the matter--it the unien-is ao streng al shert ef fanaticiam, In Rajpo- x. ifo." I wanat thattice | What you can raise in the way ef firearms,!The three scoundrelly Spaniards torked between them that they cam 'eo se--ins ee -- te ts . Sn, = mate of the BorthaMay, and bring them on deok at ouc»." near the forecastly,. exaltedly swalting the plessand and loving way. But wives s+me- tary tival ef the 'mative _ ' * 4 suunch little brig off "* Little use, I'm afraid, sir, againat these! turn of events. umes, after a few years, do, infortanately, they ge ferth ie caval- ecm 160 seas, ston had sailed from Boe- | rocks." oo - Boom! The sound wae nearer now | learn that it tende te more harmony to re- cade--iafantry, cx artillery ten a mont brfvre, bound for Naples, with 'Well, there's a bare chance of our} Weuld help be teo late? The boat grap irain frem argu'pg or discussion, even when . gayest = untferme a gener: ogo. ancher biting yet, and, besid:s, I don't like} p'ed, There were fuily a dozen ef the eav- their own cenvictions have no. plumes, Our veseal wax oommand.d by Oapt. Jehn Perry, 8h» carried « crew of elgnt, beside the cook, and there was en board alse the captatn's wiic, s goot-looking Ines of rome 26 eummors. « Oa the 28:haf Decomber we found our- selves lua pottect hurrloane eff the coast of Spain. Wisn.i> had abated, we were minus our bowsrprit and feretop, beside inoorring eather minve damages, So the captain pul inco Oxdiz fer temporary repatre. . Bat that wes only the beginnicg ef our treobles. We tad mavsgei, in ploking up our Basten cro, te x60 together the wored lot et grum!ler: it bss ever been my lot to : eeng. In many par encounter. Nothing acaméd te please} her husband, offering her the fowling plsce. The stardy-hearted litle woman, treogh tock a4 ew shen, atd wien fi:e of them deserted the "You have dene well with it egsiost sea cowering bsneath the rail, had nov be-n eae end to shape bir Iife an wil bess naan their herese swith pala brig at Cadiz we were neither sarprised | birde, now try it om sea savages. idle all thia tims, and the discharge froa London Daily Graphic. ner serry. Bid as they were, howover, wd soon wished them cack »gsin, for whea we aa- dertosk to supply th. ir places ws hai on beard such a race of va*+vhreate thet for a leng tims che ca; t-ts h sitated te select s aingie ons of tran: A-av-n acowa the beat' was bat smoush, bad finaly fear Spanlards and a Portogy: ss were choren, and ad day- break oa Ne Y-ars meraiag we sed again for Nap-ve. Abtwiiight ef the same day we entered sthe Btraita of Gi-raloar, with a spanking breeza and a oh+pey sea ronatng. + We had by this time, sco:t as 1. waa, begun te dus- cover eom th og ef the quality of oar new- comers. Une-e wxs a sro of intelesoe io the'r monnur wiich | ored very like the first sseges of su cs. Kavwing taas they numbered adwu: tli the men on bgard, this wae tar from » pcossot étate of affsire for the mini '» dwell upoa Moreorer, ib seemed 'hat hy bad somebaw precured liquer, with which tuey «ere celebrating Now Year's on Lao-tr own scostat. Woe were ye: six va five, counting the coek | en our eids, bo. ors et the eld crew was' very uoreliab!s. J:m Dalton was a heavy drinker, seni uov'er the influence of bad whiskey bad dene »-eny 7 and dis- repatable thievs. Jim had p cked up a sma tering of Spanish »ni cenversed freely with the new bands. man muat bs kep" esber, lest they ever teany murderous scheme they might propose io cap ure vhe ship. He stood as the balance «f power. . the two bea.s were weil ucder way. }and in balf a micute are fiundering far I, is jusd this sssumption ef rele er dem- ** Dalten !" cred the captain, steraly, | sereops were get ent, two wn exch site, oad astern, Jennie bad played another trump fnent aie target ecm gg ep of the Im a Cireic. ** come aft ani take the wheel" * manned by great, muscalar barb«r'ane, . card. Ged bices her ! ------ .* suit en ce "To ie : " be sald " 'Jum looked jong rgiy at uhe whiskey bettle,}| Ferbanatcly for us, their clumsy firearms '* Harrah, Inds!" yelled the oaptain, |*™* : iife. glory pertec o: a ~ interesting, /~ te the hesitated a m-mant, and then sulkily ebeyed 'and the tossing of thelr galisy made it} grabbing hie brave lisstle wife in bis arms | 5&*¥e2'y yspeP man, ""tectaxrve the iif- the captain's utder. ' ' ' arid rolling and drifting, antil now we could ¢issern through the darkness the the looke ef that knead of fecliows forward there. There's enly one beat abvard that's goed fer anything in sach a sea as thir, and we must at ali hszirda prevent. these scoundrels frem taking it." . I went below, and rummaging around» 1 foand a couple ef old muskets and a towling piece. These-wigh suffi:tent ammunition for a dezen reunds apiece, I carried en deck. I had ewikened the oaptaid's wife while below, asd she fellewed m» up. **@h, Jobn!" she cried, when she saw the threatening rocks teward which we were rapitly drifting, " vbia is terrible, taprible r "* Cover up, iusa, we more> bope 'fer the best. Here, you, take this, J.unio," sald She hesitated. "« Nay, lesa!' he coatinsed, somewhat at raly, ** there's ne place avre for womanly scruples ; when the time come: yeu must aboot, #n4i shoot ta kL, Take iv, I say !" With an.effcr) ehe contro led herself and accepted the ligh'er w.apos, wiile he aad f teok each a musket. . Of wm evdien che anchor bid and held dail} firmly, aod ore brig was brought up with atich a jerk that we were all thrown to the deck. , The shore wers gett'ng im- patient, and a number of trem 1ad tauled a loag boat frem etme bh dirn cave tn the cliff. Anogher sen fellowed, and beth wera rep d'y marned, Each Riffisn was armed be the teeth, and littl» mercy might te «xycored frem them if we should fall into tre!r clutches. "* St.n4 back, there!' yeiled the capta'n, suddenly. We turned te fini him levelling hie musket at semetbing in ths forechsios. neck ey glance ferward, he had dis- oevered the Pertogaeee fellow endeavoring atealthily te cas) off the board end ef eur cable, eo as te send us on the rocks. The-rarscal ca v tha se was covered by the osptsin's gun and aneated ecewlingly into the forecesiie. Tae cld crew were pew called af> and detailed be s'and yuard--btwo At all nazards tt is pear the windlars and two besi:e the leng win him: bea Daring this interval our eyes had been turned frem the there, and when we leoked Bidding me hep ®; almeet asziess for them bo stwmypt to de us dangsrously inte the trough ef the sea, Before they had t'!me ts regain their leat ayes, and their murdereus dirks gixam dio the flick moonl'gbht met awfally. They, too, heard the appreaching rescue 'and were grewn desperate. : . , Up the side they swarmed like wildsats. A biow frem Dalten gave a final sebvier ty ene ef them, while the reat ef us succeeded in beating them back in'o thar gait-y. Tue second abttemp? the pirates wers rsther more auovezaful. Two o! them leaped over the rail, ant betors we knew it one of cur sturdy fellows l.y prone upoa ths deck, atabbed to the heart. We coald ill epare him, particalarly as we bad to divide oar atrention. Bud there was help at haud that we had not oxpected bor releade@ weapon was ce well ritrecond that there was no longer anybaing to fear from ths two whe had got ea beard. . And Dalton, with nis glan) steength, esized the wounded roffiany ene afcer anovher, and hurted them do#n apon their climbing companiens, dashing ali in coc- fusion to the bottom of tie boa». Beem ! ence mre, and se rear this tim» chat ts put fresh cegragd idto ui aud fresh dseperation inte ca piration! assai: ants. Te gat on board and drop ear cable vas new cheils theu-ht, This doze, thee minutes mere weu'd sea ua smashed upon tbe ¢-cks and theira as mach beoty as they might save. Up they, swarm o-ce more, nine agsinst fivy sing all she str ezy ther experien ¢ by "ghtthem Tool them ciicg low d @ the ch anel irons, while t! e rest draw thelr boat further along the sid« to the davite, by which they try ts clambe ep In vole way they divide cur «fort, and stand a better chance by reason ¢f thelr numbers. There isa long ant bitter struggic; Dalton's right arm ts pleroed by «a dirk and readered uw &- lesa; tke oaptain and iI are beth -wounded severely in the banile-- heaven belp ae! Suddenly there ie a rash of unreeving teckle, followet by a crap : the stern ef the lexg bodt has drepped frem the davite plump Inve the galley o! our assailants, crashiag oce ef th-m inte ia- sensidility and -o disoancerting the Other» that they lese their hold of one br'g's side, and kissing her. It ja a great pity that such reticence sheald ever be found the wisest way. THE IDEAL HOME LIFE. Ia a oe-pardnersh'p cenocrn, which the rasrriage reiation ocr atnly ls, there may be two beada or two goveraing powers, the nasband having control ever >is d+put home. Bat in crier that the home shail net be- come divided against iteslf let there be fre- queat mest'ngs for coneut'at'oa sad advice, aad where is breaght the intuliio1, which is prt ofthe woman's nasare, to assist the -vuad, commoas asage, whish should beleng vo the man. met bis tastes and wishes, provided always bead he does nob lead her asids from ber csuscientions cenvistion ef duby. She shaa d always in mind that althougt abe ia the wife, sheia. mone the lees & re- posible being ; that she, and got her bda- raad, pd the Isat day maed s'axd or fal: ayeerdiag to what she haa deas with the ta'e sts intraste? te heres:f alone, and nod to or husband, , Ths best and pureste!ements of a woman's ohar cer can never b> ee thorsughly de- veloped ae by the love, cenfifencs and ten derneas of he: husband. Giying this with macly, lovirg c-urtesy, he wth find a rich resard in such j+y aad ocemfert as only a ayppy woman's thorghtfalcxrs can being Bat 'f a husband dstermines thar his yeill shali be the controlling metive fer their dally life and cendect Ged be merct- ful te a home thus geverned ! This courre ne deea not call governing by ais wit, bur by his "* rightfal authority as tesd ef the hvuse." sounds Better; mneverthe'eza those i-rters (will) bstter express hia real mean- MUTUAL CONCESSIONS NECESSARY. A spirit ef compromise sheuld govern the home. A determination ia each te have bis or her own way, even theagh car- tied ent ia w g2tst manner, will inevitably resold in ho and jastics ie) the ~p iacip ea ef eaon be found: d em arock. In ail m«tiers ef un- 'mpertance be yielding, ene to ths o ber. } lf ali could reailza the differtace between jreapiog by eni by." Repentance comes toe late must be a lifeleng terture, ment, the workshop; the wiie here, the [ heid Taat way ef delving bis actleas| four ce. In all m«tiors of right be pioneer Ae ; b ie ; ® : é * nes LAO i = . cmtalioa . ; ' ; "Sigua of Ward Times. . scemmduale and bleed- : ' 4 crush é : = . , * ¥ te osha --- "* . cng } was s te bis a 4 * ano the 7 ' 'wis peulti pase geting «v8 pabout a -- betaring MRE BRECHER CARK\ -- the bend which helés than 'When people walk more ourdling werk. Living almost bya mast be perfect confidence and unfaltering To save a nickel fare, shadow of the gartisen ab G . a y . : r r of the ab Gibraltar, these| The warning waa just in time, and the leve--the husband's manifested by guarding Pecreg ty tnonaht a your ane Riffiaga were yet as reckless ef life and as/ blow descended oa the rallj ee kd | from every distarbasce, with uncstenta Meus When on the facex that you meet" teuch pirates within the limite of their' The next manent Nenere, me a care ahd tenderness, and the wile's, a2 is An stzeet, in enurch, or hall, mewn: as aDy revere who ever pat out frem | lay staaned upen the deck with a blew from Which Should Rale the House, Hes- weman's matare, by quiet devotion, mest ~lenating To Sara oeieame Sales, Theré were stories ef yachts be, | the batt ef my musket. He was beund ee- , when ministering te the comfort and . = hen honest folks 'seithchiberte calmed and disabled ships 'which had es-|octrely and carried below te await farther . heaseheld. y for work, i . band Wif 2 ef her And records free from "ee savages only by miracle. punishment, should we be fertunate encugh r- C: " Her husband "Can fing no honest watk to Ge, Riff, as thie pertien of the Moreoco | te escape. ; ¥ Sn preberced beherwthe angel, and of hiss a hhegttye " coast is called, extends from Tangier'en the} 'In the excitement ef this incident we had} " , leara chose rather. hard | weab te near the western fresitier of Algiers, | fo abeut the secénd beat, and when TRUE MEANING BE BLIND TO SMALL FAULES. times, . * having a length of 210 miles. a yell from Dalten breaght us te the ether OF MARRIAGE, A happy wife, whe keows whe cam fally oa , ' « So great ab one time were the injuries|side of the brig, the were almest |}. Exe teust her husbaad, willingly pan ereeus. youths aro ree tohedge [inflloted by the Riffians on gmercbant} upon us. Waen tne cat-threat § 5 » 3 him as the head in deciding matters fer And pai tage hh cba Si Se. round sxscls that mosh of the Mariiime States|asw this they gave a sheut ef chooaraze- | Bote Must Make Cenceasions--The Wife | gencral good of the heussheld if their epin- Cool soda and ice cream ; : an anncal sum that-they might ge] ment. Oae of them, more enthuaigstic than Should Have Leve and Confidence, the/ions are net quite in unigen. She easily 'Wien ee papers of the day. leated, Austria and Spain deo the reat, leaped upon and beck+red yields this or any impertant point, met Whine e Silene ee ne { war against the Saltan ol Morecce, and} them op excitedly ; -wheredpen, Dalton, through authority or bat A page or nv arly 80 ; ; /Teocoseded Im obtaining cempensation for] seizing the acces bes pare the villain sach | threugh ber leve and "whe When men cut off cigareand beer, losees, hos a clip that the fellow let ge and fall with a Thoss whe are to walk threagh life te- atone onto ae Cae The Saltaize autherlty in the Rif region} scream into the raging waters. : ther eheuld be slew te netice faults; bus it's ¥ their good was not strong, hewever, and piratioal de-]| Meantime we had leaded our muskets and 5-me stould be quick te ses, and gladly, pretty predations still continued. ° blazed away. As geod luck .weuld have it, recogaizs a well dene, hewever ~ hard: What a prizsweuld be our brig, drifting} the twe sav who were rewing en ens if for love's sake. If this course of , Limes, surely inte their clatches and hslf-manned | side were hit, ene so badly that he let biel action is not frem the beginning Whengrocses, biltchers, t --_ with fellows as viliainens as themselvec. | sweep gé, and it wae swirled away by the and scrape rea, we there must be And the urdertakers, too, and wiillog te sbare tte spell. wages. The other ceased rewinyg, bus heid ard repentance " fer Fer ceariy ax hour we had besn pitching } his grip, while the uabalanoed boat yawned EF becanee it comes teo late for atonement. hewer Califernia. Lawer Califeraia, which somebedy pari- threatens te parchass and tke. dominican s>ream and a woman rashed up te the cen- ducter -and exclaime i "You ** Never mind, ma'am," calm yeurself. : . . " b wife renders to aktherit "Ts int" ' abarp eye on him, the skippsr them wend in at any distance, S.we :haugntin} '* Tareecheore for Admiral Jeonle !" cried | the service the y below. 3 , . pg wait until they came well within | Daltea, ay Fe rdevil, he wos pale as ---- --- neat , spen-) "Ot oni pape be reat bee with thee ' Alouif gbont 8 e'clock in the evening we. whes, at ths ekip,e:'s cemmand,|& gasst from less of gleed. "* Lead, Tor-- | S2ecemy Sok alone, wha? a change | persistence of 6 man research. Take were eff Tartia, aliue the side ot Giorat- | Jenmie fired. qaick, now! Weo-ustgve theae ficndae 2 bar. Tas tide swirlsds areund this "CRPe | Ib Was a splendid shot The fo cmeen' partiog sbet, and at the ssme tim: _ let can then be thenght bard--ne ; swisha ealeciay of: m mill-race. Saddenl pad yawed visbiy and eiippsd & heavy; the approach'ng vesecl knew our where- iy Her whe® life ts joyraly Ry Bead knows moar the brig gave # iu h and inebaatiy fell o j wave. Ooe ef dhe varem-n drepp:d bis} sbonts" , ' -- ---- = ronan npr ». | mas on' " ahoop, after killed, in calied several peiois f: m ber coures, fear as theagh the haudls «f it was a live} The words had scarcely pasced his Ups | 9° tells et eke Se eee eg =. ed Inbber, keep her , oeal. Nevertheless, they quick'y rec vered, snd came on agsia, wheteupen tre captain and I put the soaten™ wf var ws pons ad their "Master eu ugh, slr, the radder's jam- diepssai. As far a: we cou'd sce, however, med, and wen't werk. litcle damege was dene by éi-h4r of as, ye: Letemoet en the deok for the captain, ' fp sufficed to make tnem change thelr tac- and ran aft. I> xs indeedso. It eosmed, | tics. The hindmeet boast now s'arted en a as if the lower a eoapped, allowing | detour io take us on the op, esite side. the rudder past ce Awiet and oacch in the j "This wen't do, Tom," said the capfain. oeex, where 1. heid firmly. *¢ We've got po powder te waste ; wd mast The tremeadeus carrend around the cape | wait uatil they get cloeer util. Jencie, yeu now had us a> ita me cy, and we-began te had bstter ge Del-w." drift toward the ossst ot Barbary. What; Bat the lias 'bad -tasted the invorxicating with ths win' aud tide the sea was rome- gpirip of advanture, acd insisted upen re thibg i:hz»tfal, and ce make our predica-/ matning em deck, so we stewed ourselves ment worse, ~he vilaiseus-leek:ng fellews ! behind the balwarke and wait: d. forward asemed ta be hatching some devil-{ Peering throug? po hele, F watched plod er otrer under cover ef, the dark- | our ensinles. appre c a ness. " New, captaing" I'cried, and" up we * Phis ta a terrible business, Tom," aid rose and gave thei fcll volley. ' the captelin. This time the warming they received was * Ay, sir ! bad enough in spensea,where unmistakable. Two who had beea standing we could ran befure tna» wiad, bas here itis in the tows pitched head foremest over- " Jim, yoo centoand head op! I acouted - ** Oau't do it, air !" "Why, what's the matter ?" net timply valuable becan-«+he te cen-| "You're gstting right arcan@ to where venlen', bat truly beleved, acd held im all} yea earted from." honor in bis heer. - 3 "Heet" ' . Hor husband's Isve thus manifes'ed, he} '* When your matten is cocked and served will be her tewer of streag h--a streng jin eur boardieg hers: it beceres 'lamb* 'ortreee--ee to pretest and shie'd ber thas jag>in" , all iriale wi!l bave lost thelr ating. A man has ne faich ia real love whe ia tor proud te give it expresaten himeeif woman's heart lenge for w«rds a» well as acts. B_ canse im the time ef weelng she vald that ahe {s beleved must that seffice for a Kfetime ? , Love will die if it is not-fed, " ; bata, And the true heart eries for its daily bread | water, and TRUE MEANING OF MARKIACE. A home governed by euca g-nle infic- ences is, when cempared t+ a howe governed by man's authority, as different as a per- ssn is to a machine--one ia life, the other enly mechaniem. A " goveracd" wile my kavé bread jest se light anda heme jastes tidy sasene guided, no) governed. Toe wife guided by respect a d gemtlencsa 'when there wasasherp oreck as of Ofty rifles, a ecream of pain, sai the pirates' galley drifted he'plesely frum our o:, bt inte tue darkness, Our rescue was nearer thn we had suppesed. Sh» os the Alert, a B iti-h cruiser of weit pod yuce and seme half a hun'tred sharpanllt-re. She had somshew gov word of cur die- as'er, and, allowing for wiod and tide, bad come fsirly clere to us, #bea the flass of ear dist voboy showed her where we' were. Bat she wasn'd a bit tee sa0n, for even if the pirates had neb.returned te the attack with jacreased numb:ra, ecr cable was well nigh chafed throngh, and acother fiftesv minctes weuld have seen our compie.e des'ractien. The brave little weman, whove plock and presence of mi-.d had saved as, vow pat oo ber femiainity once more, and proup-ly fainted. Qu eur azrival an G-ora.-ar, whither the cruiser tow.d us sho was taken down with netveus prvatratios, en it waa net until she seb foo? on ber oative An ink thad will reeies ali chemical agents ymay be wade, says a G:rman authority, ef cdustis petaar, 10 parts, cat fine, Where. Was the Cat? A German pager says that a coek whe had barned a 5-lb. joint of veal threw the epeiied - meaiaway ard teld her mistress thai the worte th nbad. Be'ere an beur we « board, and another dropped limply inte the | store again tha» she fally recevered 're: | will fill phe heuse with orig tnese, j-y and | cay had eaten it, be onthe R:ifs, sir, just. a2 eure aa you're betrem ef the beat. the shook of her terrizls exp riecos. devetien, sack as the gev raed wile cannet " Todeed," sald the Indy, "we.wtil see bern." el + | While the eavages were picking up their} That was ib. way in whisad psssed the feven commterfelt, becsuse ber bappinese] abeat.thsat ;" and she week the oat, pas i 'sD?'m afraid so, Tom, usless wo sré Oveg: wounded, we 4 egein acd fired an-}| Now Year of 1804. "4 cbinca through every, sc) se yenvive andien the kite em scales, a2d feam! & hauled by, wou steamer, phich aig't very-ether round. 'fast preved tobe all)' eo irjepressible that {0 chnoet be micated. -| weighed preciasly Si * There, Ea likely." ft ithey coud atand, for they tarzed tal ead Gae, of a Large Cisse. . | There fe ne exaggeration tu thie state- " Sis said; "I suppese that i uke ett L shouldn't be sueprise?; ocapta'n," I rowed hastily fer tho sbére, leaving ene} * Neo," ssid "ehe yoasg maa_in reply te fment. We have reen such hemes, and | 5.ib ef meat ; bat, please, tali me where ix said, locking furward, 'to find thad these ef their companions still s:ruggling In the his ald tutor's question, '1 haven's began | know them to be gesitize. B\: in them ne] the cat." 7 ; devils by' the forecastie *' «re were in le-gne water. ~ , . my work yu, out in the fature----" | thogght of supremacy er goveraing can ever with those morjerous R fis. They sem' The cheer that fellowed the bia"s retreat? " anit | yeung man," raid his tater. ; intrude, and we werily beifeve tbat to de- Witherby--My wife keeps » acrep beak rather pieaved with our misfo:tga than suddenly out shor. .by s soream from | severeiy, "7 your exces-ive snd} ponds &pen the husband more than em the new ef all the bright things eur otterwise." os Jepnie. While' all eyes were bent in.the{jardoesa "bors tn the favure will always] wife to baild such hemes, bas there mast be fe A-theugh I had never been through the tien of the oncomere, the Portuguese ; keep fram delag anyihing in the | no daw in the foundations. Ih» marriage |low elt enough yet? y=... . strate before, I had heard many a yarn ef crept silently up belind the captain and * presen { muat be a tree union, each wutusily He repeats Teng. a