Atwood Bee, 19 Jan 1894, p. 4

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§ My shoal is much too large for this season of. the year, so I have decided to reduce "it by selling at a Big Reduction till Feb. 17, 1894. Remember, this is no bankrupt stock, but bought within this Iast year. In our Merchant Tailoring department we will give you all wool Suits as follows:-- | All Wool Suits, regular price 310; sale price $8. see our stock and get an idea what we can do for you. All Wool Suits, regular price 33 * Gents' Furnishings-- value, starting them at 25c. for Drawers or Shirts, or 50c. per Suit. , Merchant ~ Tailoring, Cents To be Sold in the Next 30 Days for Cash, nishings and Boots & Shoes! = - y 2 sale price FG +s See Our All Wool Pants for $1.65 We have smote' in this line that will astonish you. "have only 3 dozen of these left; have a look at them before they all go. Our Neckwear, Collars, C ufs, &e. would surprise you. In Hats & Caps we have the latest styes and best quality for Men and Boys. SEE ouR BOOTS & SHOES! We have the largest and best stock in this part of the country. "See our Women's Fine Sunday Shoes for $1, regular price $1.25. I cannot say too much-about these goods as regards quality and cheapness. but I will quote just a few prices to show you that we do exactly as we advertise. Men's Sunday shoes, laced or gaiters, Boots & Shoes, Overshoes and Rubbers must all go as: I must:have the money. All we ask is for you to Call i in-and examine these oods. It will pay you to buy your Spring Gocds when you can save 20 per cent. A. Call-Solicitea. Farm Proauce Takenas Cash. =~ All accounts, and past due notes. for 1893,-not settled by Feb. 17, 1894, will be put in for collection. $1.25. Ls Tt wilf pay you to Top Shirts §835e.- 3 shirts for $1. We In Underclothing we have extra good See our Men's > = 4 + -- | starting at $1. I have' the largest R. M. 'T havea line of Women's Men's Overshoes for $1.15. Remember, ddeis no bankrupt stock, but all nice, -fresh 'goods. stock In town. Space will not allow me to quote prices, Sunday shoes for $1, regular price s Long Boots $1.40. Men's: Felt. Boots Men: $1.@). BALLA TYNE. - GOLDSMITH'S | On Saturdity, December 3), at § a.m. We commence our stock taking sale, ; which will only Iast fur three, weeks | - and in order to reduee oat s splendid zud | handseme stock so as to make a good | showing of business fer 1893 have, decided to sell my entire stock at 10 per | cent.above wholesale cost." This is no) advertising dedze, but a pute and. Siniple business transacuon which will be carried out to the letter, "So I say to any intending purchasers to make it | & point tocome and see me. [ mean, just what! say. Come 2fong. delays . are dangerous, My .aiarm ciocks are the vers best. My work gives entire. satisfaction. Wishing you the compil- ments of the season, | remaip, yours, by not nominating a man so promin- 'ently and conspicavuusly identified with .the Conservative party as is the | present member for North Perth in Local Legisiature. The Peisomasation precludes the probability of old party predjudica and antagonism div¥id .ing their tanks ana thus thwaruung i the much desired aims and objects of the mevement. For the principies of the order, however noble and righteous , they may be, are not as Felt So WurTren 'and biended into the warp and fibre of | its membership as to entrely obliterate fall traces of former political differences ; of Opiniou and sectional animosity. It! 'takes lunger than one, two or three years to completely change the current } of political thought which has dictated the course of goveruments for geuer- ations past. We say the Patrons show- 'to take of the situation. Patrous taken up Magwood, the Con- servatives would quite likely have: made him their candidate, too,' which would have made his election an easy ride-over. Thisis whatis galling the; there will! Previncial | -Herakd. However it goes, be lots of fum at the next election in Nvurth . Perta, judg ging by present indications.' ' Monkton. 'hts ald acquaintance, David Harvey, | (of the 14 con. Logan. Mr¢ Nien, of Listowel, is sojourning ; fora short time at Samuel Siewart'ssof ! the lth eon. of Elma, Jas. Colhoun and family. of the Royal Hotel, Mitchell, spent Sanday 'with Mr.and Mrs. Huggins. G. EL Potter, representative of the iwh hardware store of J. Fen- Had the! | Teporied im Chicago, ; the Seuthern States to Atrica Is Mr. Whitmore, of Toronto, is visiting | . } Stratford, Was tWidiy injured olesale ed their wisdom and forethought in! peits Berlin, was in the village Wedues- debate, "Resolved, that a merhanic! has a more pleasant and profitable lite | than a farmer," on Friday evening, | 2th inst. The old warriurs, J. Db. } Merrytieig and. Robt. Smith, will agaio | Captain the respective sides. * ----~ em +H Hardware ! Bee = ROBT: MOORE, Another tig exodus of negroes from | in: from | -- DEALER IN---- Shelf and Heavy , Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Table. and Pocket Cutlery, Silverware, | Rresress. Pie Arkansas. - Near Drambo last Friday a Grand | Trunk engineer named West. living 1 | by Une! mhajorsty are breaking of a driving shaft. A dfty - year-old Prescott woman ; Married an 18 year old youth the other day. 'At the same time the bride's sun married the grvom's sister. i The movement in Scetiand to obtain | the removal of the embareco on Cana- dian cattle has been quickiv noted br the Seoteh farmers and breeders, whose | organs in the press urge the neal of a respectfully, | passing by Mr. Mazwood for the reasons | day in the interests of his firm. aro . oo J. H. GUNTHER, wehavestated. Weare not acquaiat-| Rev. Mr. Barwash, of Staffa, took penetintity cortaie thee -- " ate LISTOWEL.» ed with Mr. Weiderholdt bat we under | pre afd ee tae ae on 1 farming and breeding interest will P. S--J]. H. Ganther has a. good 'stand that he isa well-to-do farmer of | Set -- © A.B. Be: | join with Enghsh breeders in appeal | Lamps, Cross-Cut Saws, Axes, Calloch, who was at staffa conduc « Pony for sale cheap. tn good condition HME ing to the Board of Agniculture to cun- and nice dmver. A bargain for -some- body. He will certainly sell it cheap. The Atwood Bee, R. PUBLI SHER. _PEL re. ¥. FhIDAY JA: AN. 19. ison. CHtic 160 ast Ge an awfal bal cisae. Fifty-tw prisoners are now in the Ps Coanty giel, Chicag> charged | "with marter, Fire. he animd other ~ prisoners are in the ruxi awaiting trai. In manv cases three or four men are, eruwded Imto one evil. Sax. Hrenss, VM P. was fined §15. at Lindsay last Alrday for avxaniting Reve Kylie, An his peper. the Lind _ say Warder. Sam stirs. "We hei] oar - mittsin ooe hand and Sappei him, with 'the other" Im this instance, Sam, the eititerial "we" mean more than oue. missin' a 'Tre Stratford Heraid w worrving itself sick over the fart thar Tinos. Mag- wood, MP. P_ was mei the nemine of | the Atwood conrentioa of North Perth! Patroms of Imdustry. ts a Patron, Mr. Magweed hasas moet chum to the | Neth Easthope, a self-made man, an! 'te annual missiowary services. &c., 'tinue the exciusiog. No derision its 'intelligent fellow, amd sound on tem-/ 4 Chalmers, oar competent cheese probable for seme weeks 2s Mr. Gand- perance and other meral questions: i maker. has gone to the Dairy School, Pt is no in the south of France owing MAIN ST. 'LISTOWEL. He was, amil uniting with the Patrons, ---- _ to stndy the butter making to illness. a Liberal We suppose be couldnt be' anything else and live in. North East | hope. Weil what are his chances of election, you mmy esk > We answer, returned to Duluth on Wednesda | it al aepends upon the numerical afer sojouming under the parental j Streagth and pledged support of tbe Patrocs ef North Perth It is safe to as, ; preclict thal the eity, town and village 'electorate of the nding will vote dead ' against Mr. Weiderhoudt or any Other Patroa, a3 their interests clash And this is 2 very comsiderable namber of the whole cleetoraic im this. mding, as 'the town popalatiea is lange. Sippos | ing tas Gr tts and Tortes put up candi- | dates, toa, 'what woukl be tite resait ? Well we bteievre that Mr. Magevod would beaf the othert@u, shoald he te the. Comservatire nomince. You See he bs th 2 gved bevel beaded farmer amd a member of the Patrons of Indastrr. As sack he possesses all Use really coms- menudabice features of Mr. Weiderboldt, , at of course, pieciced-to support the Couservatire yin the. Hogs. As a camdudate he wi! cet the soljd Conser- | | Vative vote, a@§ghare of Independent Totes im the' towns and villages, and duabtiess a fraction of the Conservative Patron sappert, toc. On the other x_ keeps himself posted in ail; he nara Saeronnenente and inethods | of the Gaury basi Dess. ' Arehie Scott, of the boundary, east, roof for about-a moath Archie has/| he returns to that state. A erreuit tea meeting will be held -in the Methodist charch of this village on | Monday evening. January Bnd: The Rev. Messrs Fia- and Irein and others will give short addresses. The musi will be furnished by the three ehars of the several appointments. Admission fee, for adgiis 3 cents: ehikiren 15 cents --.. There wil! be no service in Knox ehu¢ch mext Sabbath om arccednt af the observance of the Lord's supper -in Atwood Commdinwn servicers will, held im this church Sanday, 2th of January, commencing af I} a m e " Preparatory 'service will be conducted , be Rey. Mr. Mormson, of Listowel, on the preceding Friday, at 230 p.m. FP Angin og Patrons -of Industry, ¢ this village, is rapidjy increasing ts membership We understand that it has now the largesé Teting memUership of any kexige in the North Riding. The meetings are being attended more rezui- | ariy by the kast Friday evening, "Resolved. 'that than af any other | time since it inanguration. ° The debate | hand, sapposia ag the Liberals pat ap & a man will learn move:by travel than be = SLAME BACK=35 axD wany EDuATIGa CURED EVERY TIME "THE. D.aL-M MENTHOL PLASTER wit usep. The mot one ee hoe enidaanlt So duation of _Al on ake Latest ac-§ a." ts & Lis he Fale tint thet allies ewe oe ~% Sy t '7 to 2 is towed se. BO xiemsivedy ad. erianext, that is warranted neminstion 23-3fr. Wendecihorit, bat in | ext ef the fact that he . Macwood} is; if wurted Sqn 2 . ppalendnet standart-tearee of the |sapport, foc Rime Pekan that : Mir. Heery Sear ca the 38 oe = +) SS eee sie ale. oe Conservative party of North P&rth and | Weiderholit ts a LibecsiPatrpa andi by J. R Hammoad wand Jax. Adair,| [ip vale br reer mee hee eae ete ae Gee re "the natural prejedicial feeling Reform | pisdiged t> support the Patroas. which ' "2s interesting and instrorctire TF aa Patrons wouk! entertain towards him) | shouhl Secure every Liberal Patroa im > srssoneglne wee a con, were j ; aarrmie eae Be ' we think the conrventien _ wisely | the orgauizaiom, Thas it will be .4 in ¢ "of the ceqiresy 2 mae es -- Toronto . ot, i steering clear of bl parry racks|men, thai (bis is not 28 eablkely view | ity tem points, There eS te al CLO hk. : » Car aah : mor be Hkely beeek the Liberal P. ne - { O- FREE FAKE" OR CATOH-PENNY SOHKMH,

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