2 e * My stock is now about complete with , Fresh Drugs and » Patent Medicines. . Afull stock of - Books and | Stationery 4 on hand. ee Personal attention given to Physician and Family Recipes. _ Q. CAMPBELE. The Atwood Drag Store. %, ¢ -, -. gee Gown Calke- » PoTaTors. beans, and mixed pickles for sale at Hamilton's grocery. SAMUEL Watson and wife, of Burns, Was tie guest' of Dr. Roe last week. WaANTED.-- Butter, eggs. wood, Cedar posts and cedarsiakes,at R. M. Ballan tyne's. s. M. Epwanrps and wife, of Mitchell, spent Sunday with Hl. Y. Hoar and family. Mr. Edwards is oue of Mitchell's pioneer residents. | * Epru. Downtne, of the Brussels® Post: worked on THE Berea couple of days last week, during the = absence/ of W. liam Hoar, who was laid up "with la grippe. , Miss Hastines, of Buffalo, N.Y. was home for ber Xmas vacation, and returned to Buffalu again Saturday for a short time. She will return in a weck or so and spend the winteshere. DrevGa, soaps, etc., at about half their regular priees are advertised by D. Campbell this week. The big sale of goutls at your'own prices will continue for the next 30 days. Take advantage of bis advt. atid get your supplies ahead. Wile many old and" young people in the community are sufferiug with ja grippe, our veteran triend, Heury Whuson, is a8 lively as a cricket aud zs joviaiand suciable as the cundidate running fur parliamentary honors. fie cid@gentiman wifl yet live to see many otus younger fellows put unde the turf, "Frost Bites" are ugly things: a nose or earswollen 0 Uwice its usual size is . mote beautitul Chan it is comfortable. After trying many "cures" we come back and award the palin to Perry Dayis' Pain Kilier, "the old reliable," which affords relief quicker than any other thing we know of. Big bottle, popular price 25c. Mz. and Mrs. Joun ALLison, form- Meriy of Elma, who removed to Bay City, Mich. acouple Weeks ago, have |. since died. A telegram to tis effect was received by their son Alf, who lett for Michigan atouce. The immed. } for genera? business. JA ' aL: FP has secured a"case" On the *) subscriber for 1894.0 RM. BALLANTYNE nice 1 ib. roll bu iaclioaneta Joun BELL is confined to the house with the prevailing epidemic WHEN you want..a.ffiend. don't 6 a man whuee children are afraid of him. , Pertu County Council: meets. in Stratford ou the 23rd inst, at 2 p. m., pays cash for Al0 PER cent. reduction in the wages of theG. T. R. trackmen west of Toronto went into effect Monday. Tne Presbyterian church choir goes to Milyerton next Monday evening to participate at Burn's church tea meet- FARRELL, 'formerly 'of THE Brusseis Heraid, Jack isa good type slinger. ™ welcome .visitor." -$1° makes you a 'WE regret to learn that Mra. Alex. Middleton continues to be in a very critical condition, and little- hopes are eulertained for her recovery. RENEWAL subscriptions for Tue BEE for 1894 are rolling in. We are alsu remitting alarge list of subscribers for outside weeklies, clabbed with THE EK. ' "AN N.P. Eao.--H. Zieman. has a hen that laid an eggon Monday measur- ing T1gx6 inches. Theeggis a whop- pers The hen is of the Langshang breed SokE THroaT.--The best cure we know of for sore throat is a gargle of Pain Killer and water--it acts like magic. Big bottles twict the quautity in the old style. Geo. RoGers- wasin tuwn Wednes. day, pushing the interests of the Peo- ples' Life Ins. Co,. of Toronto. George isa genial fellow, and one of Brus- sels" most popular citizens. SAsu Facrory.--W. F. Forrest has got in the*new machinery for his window and sash factory. The lumber is on the ground for the new building. The factory. will be runoing at au early date. Tue Arcape.--W. J. Ferguson, the great dry goods man, of Stratford, has something interesting to say in his space On the local»page. The Arcade is the the popusardry goods resort for the county. - _-- THE present state of the roads tend to make the boot and shoe trade brisk. Jas. W. Ferguson hasa big stock of foutwear-which he 'is prepared to sell at decided Nargains, for 30 days, for cash. "Look up his advt. Harry Brown is now running: the butchering business on his own scale. iis partner, F. Hure, had experience but no money, and asit uires money to miu a outcher shop, Mr. Hure's services were no longer wanted. A BOUNCING baby-boy came to stay at Gomer Greefi's honse on Thursday night of last week. Of course his papa is tickled, and, it is probable that he wili "set up" the oysters for the boys to cummemorate the pleasing event. FRANK Curtis, who has been ?doc- toring fora long time for a sprained ankie left this week for the hospital where he hopes to get cured. He has suffered a great deal, and we hope \ Trel.0..G. T. have Secured: the -week 4 $3,000 stock of merchaut_tailor- Mixed .. 9:58p.m. that he will get speedy relief, if not a permanent cure. GETTING TO Work.--Wm. Blair; of this place, is makjng good headway with arrangemeiits Tora kiin.to burn lime in the near future. He and Mr. Carter were up north Jooking at some of the best kilns there. This will be a. new enterprise for Atwood, and should succeed. WE are in receipt of a copy of the firussels Herald, published by James Irwin, formerely of "Atwood. * The- llerald ig a newsy, neatly printed sheet and well'supported by the: local adver. tisers,and Our worst wish for Jim is that he may presper. In his salutatory the editor says the paper wiil 'be Con- servative, politically. jate cause Of Lheir death we have not learned, but they were a frail old couple and it is supposed the juurney coupled with la grippe proved two much for them. Tue following item from a Hay- ward's, Cal. paper refers to a brother of the editurot fue Bre:--"A merry gathering was held at the home of itev. Mr. Lyvuus, on last Monday even- - ijug,in henor of the departure of A. Peiton, one of 'Gray & Co.'s clerks. lie has been a faithful leader of the choir of ine Presbytemac church fu: PRONIBITIONISTS MEET.-- At a meet- ing of- the Executive of the Prohibition Committee for the township of Elma the following motion was passed:-- Moved by J. R. Code, seconded by Hugh Richmond, that. this association 3rd. at 2 p.m. es deep and 153g inches : and the quality to be thoroughly, satis- desire to put on record their apprecia- | tion of the services of all who helped to roll up such a magnificent majority in| favor of prohibition and also-to men. ! tionin particular the names of Rev. A. | Henderson, Rev. J.S. Fisher, Rev. Mr. | ligoper. and K. B. Hamilton. Carried. | S. O. S.--Following are the officers of | Camp Melrose, No. 78. for the ensuing | some 4ime past and his géneruits help will be missed. . church preseated him witha handsome | " goid pin. AH enjuyed = refreshments | and retarned bume Having delygbted: themselves' iaumeusely duriag | the pleasant evening. Formosa.--Rev. Dr. McKay, mission ary to Formosa, and his uative student, enlertained a-very large' audience in tie Presbyterian charch Wednesday | evening. By meauseofa maplof For- | mpsa and heathen ideis wigch he car- | med with him, the Dr. was enabled to | annual meeting of the Elma Agricult-| nuMeTOUS | ural Society was held in their hall, At- which | : was fairly well attended. Phe auditors' | patronage in the past. report showed a balance in hands of | hina: se hac ineroaced 3 5 icant of Sintgne ae adopting | bUSINESS has, increased in a very and can now be considered :{as well established. . rnake his address touch more interest. | ing and impressive than he could by | woere oral effurt, Truly,' Dr. MeKay | laas been Ube instrument in God's lauds of doing a miarveiious work in that heatuen isle, Ind. up to the present be has so in establishing 60 chapeis ju velhern Formosa, aud his converts to Christianity wumber 180 on the isiand. His native student sang a song commonly sung by the beathen Aber- igines of Formosa and also a verse of 'the 12ist Psalm very nicely indeed. jie.also made a speech in his native Chinese tongue, which Dr MeKay repeated in English Dr. aicKay has the sympathy Jad support of Christian Canada im the moble' work he' is accomplishing tor Christ and humanity. in far off Formosa. The choir render- ed efficient service during the evening, their selecuong being much appreciat- ed. <A liberal coiiection was taken up The ladies of the! 1 i the election of officers touk year:-- Chief, AJex, Simpson; Past Chief, | A. Cameron; Chieftamr. A. Cowan;| (haplain, Wm. %Porrison: Secretary, A. | Campbell, Fin. See, Andrew Peebies; Treas,, D. Marray; Standard Bearer... | _ Robb; Sepier Guard, Scott Peebles: Junior Gaard, Thos, Shearer; represent- | ative to Grand Camp, A. Simpson. The | camp isin good financial standing. hav- | ing $77.13 to their credit in the bank. Every son of auld Scotia, should cast in their lot with their brifher can | 4 ELMa AGRICULTURAL SOCLETY.-THE | wWood,on Thursday, lith inst. the anditors' and Secre resulted as foHows: -- Dunean; Vice-tresident, : Sec.-Treas., Jno. Morrison; Directors, J. W. McBain; F. Switzer; Jas: Dickson, jr. Robt. Ford, H. Ronnenberg, Joseph Horn, (eo. Lochhead, Thos. Dickson and 8. Peters; Auditors, Thos. Fullar- ton ang H. Richmend. A hearty vote or otherwise for the Directors to do it. of thanks was tendered J. B. Hamilton whe so faithfully and efficiently served in the capacity of President. for the pasfseyenteen years and now retires from-actiye service, leaving the Society im gopd Gnancial standing. Mr. Hamii- ton was elected Hono A discussing several other -matters : after the lecture and gives to aid Dr, Mekay in lis gussi } igbors. : of thor importance shecmeeting, Side | journed. dent. | No. ¥ Japan tea at lic. per Ib. at Hawmriton's grocery. git Lang Bros, to-give one of their superb honograph concerts on the evenings of an, 3ist and Feb. Ist. Particulars next week. 4 : gh os » JAS. KOBINSON, of Killarney, Man., is Spediug a few months with his father, Samuel Robinson. Jim has-been in the West for fiye years and likes the couutry well, RK. M. BALLANTYNE advertises this ing, gents' furnishings and bvoots. and oes, which must go in 80 days, as he needs the mouey. The advt. talks for itsetf. a EVERYONE. who. means-to be-a live. progressive dairyman should be, at the |d anuual meeting of the Western 23. 24and 25. Prof. Robertson, the Domimion Dairy Commissioner, who is well known to every dairymian in. Can- ada, will address the convention at Ingersoli on the "Winter dairy move- ment." and "Canadian dairy products at the World's Fair." R. Parker an Ww. Dicksun, of Elma, will be amon the visitors froni here. > aaa CRADLE. Hance.--In Elma, Jan. 14, the wife of Edwin Hance of a daughter. GreeN.~--In Atwood, on the 11th inst, "eeaik reconvene 2 SW, J, Ferguson, - The Arcade, Stratford. Atwreoed Dlarket. tempting Dairy- | not. well A KINGsToN subscriber' Bays THE, men's Association at Ingersoll on Jan. Bee is "au interesting paper and a! The Arcade. -- ¢ Pa Pess APS never in the history of Stratford. was there a better op- portunity to buy Dry Goods at prices than just now at the reade. OUneof the chief reasons is A the excellescé of thie stock to pick from. Another is the fact 'that the Sale isa RealSale. The below regular prices as indicated by the red ink price. 'What's still better, there. isnot. an articlein the stere,.that is not \re- prices are 'much price alongside of the' regular uced in price, nor an article' that is reduced. Again, everybody appears well satisfied with' the sub stantial reductions. * f Everybody gets a benefit. Why, if we get the stuff ont even without profit and some odd lines ' | below profit we'll benefit ourselves. - Most of you know that money is very , Opposite valuable to merchants. For instance,. I paid a little bill of Furs the other day, $902, and got %56.50 discount off it for cash and. by getting the cash for our we: go on discounting and making thany hundred dollars a year: . ~ New goods coming to hand soon will need cash to-pay for them and in order to be well in hand J-want to rysh ouz- a lot of goods now: for cash--at great} reduced prices aud keep up the direnis- tion, which is just as for a store full of goods as.a body full of blood. Early spring tonic is as good for pods, and as neeeful, as it is for- the: the Post Office. The Arcade. Two entrances, cor, Erie-and Untario- sts. dnd Market-st, Fall Wheat................ $ 588 55 Spring Wheat ............ 500s B2 Harley ......0. 0.222022 000e 35 38 jo en ee 29 30 PORE ccuk cane vnmmabeawianay SU DU ee ee € 00 6 00 oo Seer oe 6 20 6 30 Flour, per cwt,.... ........ 180 2 00 Bran, per ton. ............ 12 00 12 00 Shorts, perton ........ .. 14 00 14 00 Hides per ib. ...........2.. 2h 3 Sheep skins,each.......... 45 50 Wood 2 ft.............. -- 150 175 Potatoes per bushel ....... 50 ) Butter perlb......... pe esi 20 22 Eggs per doz............ : te G5) "re TRUNK RAILWAY. ETHERN EXTENSION W.G.& B. Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South, as follows : GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. Express 7:25a.m.| Mixed ..825am, PS Express 12:35.p.m./ Express 2:43 p.m. Express 9:15 p.m. FOR CASE ONLY TLS. A. FRG WSom: FOR'30 DAYS ONLY--a--_ Big Stock ree, For Sale at Your Own Prices.' In addition to my own fine stock of Boots & Shoes I ell at a Big Sacrifice, Women's Dungola Buttoned Shoes, régu 'now selling at $1.15. as the stock must go. Felt Boots, regular price $2.50, now oe iat a have bought a large and select Stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Boots & Shoes, which _ - am prepared to $1.50. r price $2, 7 Children's Shoes at 25c. up. © , Men's and Boys' Shoes a Specialty. . doctor' bil, YOU SAVES2sen,." WOTICE! HE drawing of milk for the ensu- ing season from all the router to the Elma cheese factory wi] be let in the factory, ou Saturday, Feb. Also tenders will be received by the undersigned up till Feb. 3rd, next, to supply aud deliver as required cheese boxes for the ensuing season at the E - tna factory; size of boxes to be 12 incl- in diameter, factory to the Directors. Directors are uot bound to accept of any tender. Also tenders will be received up till Feb. 3rd fur the Whey of the Elma cheese factory for the ensuing season. Contractors may either' tender in: eon- nection to take all résponsibility of tak- ing away the mdpure andall nuisance, Directors pot bound to accept any ten-|~ er. WM. LOCHHEAD, 52 3ins . Secretary. ATWOOD BAKERY AND GROCERY. -- 7 year of business in your" midst I desite.to- take this: opportunity of thanking.my customers for their continued and- hearty My satisfactory manner I have brought it to this state: by strict attention to business, by upright dealing and by handling only the best lines: a of. goods at right, prices.}" | Trusting that by strict: .at- tention to business I may merit an ingreasing patron- age this year. Yours truly, |. | _ R,.B./HAMILTON.). \ Bar Upon entering my fourthe% gains! FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. a From Jan. 22, 1894 wae De. 4 ten cent cakes Cuticura Soap, we * =i All $1 Patent Medicines for 85e. . for 65e. : for 20c Toilet Soap for 7 five cent. cakes Toilet Soap for 25c.. Pure white a Soap, 20c. per Ib... C. . , Baby's Own Soap, 12c. -15c¢. Hair Oil, 10¢e: 10c. Castor O11, Te. 10c. Turpentine, Remainder of Wall Paper 7 - for 40c. si 25c. (; at Half Price.. A Full Stock of Fresh - . DEUS, Bocks & Stationery... : A EutuKrocd, Ont. i: D. Campbell ~ -