Atwood Bee, 19 Jan 1894, p. 6

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e ° * * ~ 3 %. oe see vit = : --- ------_--_--_--_--==_= a . -- go tas Mabel, ' TOO SMALL | ALUMINUM VESSELS. A GIRUS PIRCUSRION. | ISSUE. NO 8 1894. You asked me, Miss Mabel, to write you some Sor be. Pietes's }Ehese for Cooking Are Very Nice, but Quite | Frame of Cardboard and Neatly Covered = _ : ---- Ad : . t Pellets. tut : Expensive, -- ne With Ecru of Linen. sa . - Avid nothing before such ® pleasure rd ay ee ak OF pec: .. te any of Did' one tool inwardly that the reverse is Exactly-the case wick my diffident Muse. . Fall far have I_gote as.a mortal might wander. . To Erato's Took ; The sweet Muse gdmitted your graces beyond Rs hi . ~ " "the other declared I'd be killed by the]. ~ shock, . . I thought then if Love could not give me some - Ly ' ter, perchance, Polyhymuia ht bs Hers I sought out the mount where the bi write. . " Alas!" she exclaimed, " the presumption of wortals ! . {The phrve Ihavejust quoted isstraight from e the Muse) ; And ation, as tearful I passed through her sQOrtale, : "The language-is nothing to what I might ' use." * F Yes, soon.as_ I tod her that you were the fair ne Of whom my desire would lead me to write, Sha bid me ascénd to Olympns. and there one « - Migut gather the fire such lines to indite. oe But through the wide range of her lyric dominion Bhe said language had ever been koown . , , To faintly express (I but give her pbuct Braces as tliose you may " own, ; . nion) for To Jcve then I went to present my petition" High up where the thunderings clamor the of alr, , P Believing that there some successful fruition ~ Could scarce fail to be the result of my prayer. But goon as your name I atteutpled to mention * We darkened his brow and he swore by all odds . The :thing was beyond his divine comprehen- On. He'd call into conclave the rest of the Gods, Ana"giveit thelr seriourcomdgerscon, And' give it their serious consideration ; (This sounds more like Mowat than Jove l' admit) Then s:raightway dismissed me while shook - with vibration -The Mount of Olympus as if in a fit. I've Waited, ard waited, and waited, and waited, ae ~ Believe me, Mies Mabel, I've waited an age, Still hoping the answer, though somewhat be- ted, % . 7 Woulsu reach me in time to go down on this page, . b Alas ! /heenfoundod presumption of mortals (The phra-e is my own now I by rote) No answercomes through the Olympian por- 2, . Not even a messenger boy With a note. If all of the Gods, not to mention the Muses, : Find languege 'o fail a description so-rare, You cau't blame a mortal like me who refuses Jo try what the Gods have resigned in dcopair. Sruart LIVINGSTON. Above Kubies. Shall 1 tell you a tale that was told to me W hea the roses ble'? crimson red, "7 And the «bite laden boughs of the hawthorn t 7 ree Sifted blossoms upon my head? In the dusk and the bush of the twilight gray We wandered, my lover and I, Till) we came to the tree, with its breath of wviny, And lingered its cool shade by. "Tf a love that haS lived since the yoars were rs Were fo come to you now," said he, ; "And jead you sway from your childhgod's 4ern, W ould you fear to trust it with me? For I count. sou a woman above tho-e gems Theil circle your neck with their glow; - : And because four true worth their light over- whelm-, I must ev.t be talling you 59. "When I catch a warm gleam from your soft brown eye It hold~ me more closely than they; ; For I know that your prce above them is high, As the words ef the Good Book sag. ; Then flash through the darkness ahd sunlight of life, E'en more than those jewels to me, No name is more valued than those of 'a wife, And I whispered "yes" under the tree. Some Time or Other. Some time or other we'll al] pull through-- Jordan isa hard road totravel! ° But we'll get there shouting, if our shoes will do, And grind down the trouble with the grayel Some time or ot*er-- Helping one another ; Every man's a traveller, Ard every man's a brother f Some time or other we'll all pull through-- Jordan is a hard ro ' But we'il whip up the bea th blue, Till the wheels spin-faster and faster? Some time or other-- Helping one ano ber; Every man's a traveller And every man's a brother ! Te H. BR. M. the Princess of Wales. {Duchess of Cornwallat Fredensborg.) . Beautiful Dane, with the fair sad face, 'And the calm grand eyes we 60 love to Kee ; - Princess indeed, with a queenly And 9 -weet, grave, pensive hast felt' thy first-born's death grace, nity. They say thou C 'AS mothers can oply who love like thee ; That the roses have left thy cheeks, and thou Hast pined for the fords and Norway's sea. In the wonderful-light of the storm-clad bills, Where ever lies still the virgill snow, Thou ha-t wandered with thy fair daughters twain, Seeking for peace gfid-for health I trow. We follow thy footsteps with loving ee : We sorrow with thee, be sure of this ; And ever we watch for the sun's bright rays To brighten thy path, Ah! thee we mises. In thine own home thou art now at rest With ete ee ee leave thee there; Far from the m ening cro a7 _ That thou abould'st "be free from carking w- care, P Pe : But yet remember th island home, This people that hold thee, ah! 60 dear, Andcome back soon. May the Peace of God Rest upon thee, thy life to cheer,, * Sea King's Danghter from over the sea," '2 greeting in years long past, of us Daves in our welcome to And allof us loys) while Tife shall last. Hedyen send thee ssfe to our ehores again--., We canpot spate thee for long away ; And joy come to thee, and fever palit; 'Be Lappy, sweet P. ¥ Author of " Amabel Vaughan. September, 1893. "ow ce Aberdéen, THE TRUE MAN'S LOT. wX. With temperate step. from yeas ta yeae 'To move within his little ephere, Leaving & pure name to be known or not; | 'Thisisatrue man"slot. * , Cer varses, Submiuved my prayer and gob réady toy' _| higher than the river, whloh occasions a fall rs horses when the skies -- . gorge are obliterated wa if a mirrer had sad- }matt-m fa often diffiould te cure. Keep on 'rubbing the old fashiened liniments as a | matter of respect to your grandfather's sunt. for ever end aye. | MHA HOLMES; tb the system, diet, 'or occupation. Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refun ° Dr. R. V. PIERCE: - of anumber of cases- where Dr. Medicines have cured. A/;friend of mine, Mr. Williams, was about used Up with liver troub- les; now'be says that * Pleasant Pellets" have helped him more than any or ell the medicines that he basevertaken., ~ jo OF " MUNICHTS COLOSSUS. The Great Status *' Bavaria" That Was Erected in 1850. The oolossal statue "* Bavaria," ene of the most besutifal as well az one ef the largest allegorical works ef art in Eureps, sencé of Kiogs Ludwig and Octe, th: Queen the foimer m vast multitude ef spectators, asye the 8b. 'Louis Republic. * Bavaria " wos a by Scohwanthaler, who waa sevisted jn his werk by Luzarini, both working frem suggestiens made by the Kiog. The metal (bronze) 'n the statue weighs some few hundrecs ef pounds over twenty tons, aboud five tors; 1ere than bad ever before been melted in ene furnace, As it stands to-day ea its thirty-foebt pedestal, the colessus ise titanic Bavarian meidan, fifty-fenc feed in height, with e gigantic Hon crouched by her elde, The statueand podestul combined are elghty- four feet in heigh*, and the whele being pissef upon an em'nence riiog thirty feer above the sarreanding country, puts the tep of ** Bivarls's"" head 114 feetabeve the level of the olty, which she seems te be vigllantiy watching ever. : A leng, -winding atairway leads te the hesd of tho statue, which bas seats arranged within'the'*' train cavity ' for tha 4m- medation ef weary efghtseers. Euro guide books and at least ene excellent werk en things eub*ef the erdinary, " The World of Wonders," declare that the {n- terlor of the head and of the Suet will cem- fortably hold twenty-five persons. In the central part ef the mata figure thirty five or forty perrons could dincareand a twajve-fost tabie, Tae whele is certainly theombodi- mvnt of a grand idea of matlonallty, and is a credit te the auggestions of Ktag Ludwig. Reversible Falis in New Branswick. The meat piciuresqus, as well as the most etriaing, manifesvation of the tidal ree and fall ts at the menth «f the 8». John River, at St. Jobn, N. B. Here may be witness: d on every tide s change of condi tlere as sudden sad aa cemplece asa quick caangs ef sosve in a drema.; the beauty of the landacape, enhanced by' the bandiwérk of mun, adding greatly to the impressive- ness of the phenomenen. Thie fa leoally knewn as the "' reversible fslia," althougs ** reversible rapide " weuld be .mere appro- priate. In » map of 8s John and ite euvitens, drawn fa 1784 by an offio:r ef the 8». John Loyalista, the matter is referred te in a marginal note : "Tae fails in thie river are justly ranked ameng "he curieeitices ef the world ; they are at the month of the river, about ene mile from the entrance, and are navigable fear times in twenty-feur hours, which commands great a'tention, as only a few mivu'es are required to pasa in safety. ** The tide rising from twenty te twenby- four feet, 80 high water ie eix or eight feet in the river as well as out, the whele water ofthe country having to pass between two reokesix y yards ciscsnt. The scene of these rapids is a beautiful 'gorge Ubrough whiob, in remote ages, the river appeara to have forced ite way. For twenty minutes en each ebb and fixed the river here fs ac placid as a menntain lake on a tracgoll day. Saddenly a streak of white spreads across the gorge, and in. a few misotve the calm is sacoseded by the tar m-il of rushing, whirling watera. The re- flect'ons ef the rooky shores and ef the gracefal eutlines ef the suepension and oan- tilover bridges which span ths mouth of the enly been ruthleraly shattered. Do Net Believe It. Do not believe that Nerviline will cure ueuralgia almost instantly. If ypur teeth ache console yeuree!f with the reflection that pain can't last forever. Dan'b uve i Nerviltne; it might stop the pain. Rbea- i Nerviline ts a new discovery, that in itself feught to ceniemn it. Taerefore cling te ithe old; suffer pain; aveld the use of} " Nerviline, the most peworfal, penetrating, 'and osrtain pain remedy im the werld. The Reattfied Soap Dish. . The szap Gith is not the plebelan art'cle it used vo be. Id is now quite a thing of beauty. Silver soap casss, resplendent with the ownher's monogram, are seen. Rivaling theses sre the new oases in dell- cavely-tinted celluloid. These are exoep- olatp, Dresden chilna soap qihos may be bought seperately er With one of the dainty chica tellet sets. , He whe runs in debt generally finds that the only way ont js te crawl . DR. HOWARDS ELECTRIC was unveiled on Oot. 3rd, 1850, in the pre-| tlonally pret=y in pale pink, with ao silver} 6 will prebably net be lesg befere the housekee epes. For sluminum kitchen dishts are in che same category with silk underclotbiag, very nice but very expensive. Many ourious woinen saw samples of the dishes at the __ women se the duce the dishes in the east and they are now i by people of liberal means in New (hey are.very bright, dishes, as shiny, theugh in a mere subd way, as but the mest thing la their extreme lightness. -- on taking hold ef an o spider, thinks he'ls being bandJing« papler mache model gilded over. Asa matter ef fact, the dishes are abeut one-third lighter than these ef the same bulk in fren er tin. That item at once that they wll nob get smatched and burned black or discolored by scids and fats, as vessels of other metala do. And if io does get discelered, {t oan be cleaned better and much more easily. Bat when yeu want te buy a dish you learn that an ordinary dipp»r costs 25 cente, that a wash basin cesta 60 oen!e, a 4-quart kettle $1.40, acd ovber dishes in jike propartion, averaging frem three to five times moro than fren and tin dishes. Owirg to the impreved ways of producing the mvtal in recend years ij is new much cheaper than when it firatcame to bs used, and the average woman may hopsia a short rote beable te afferd aluminum kitohen * Miledy's Boudoir Up te Date. Dainty bed-room papers are much in de- mand, and wonderfaily beautiful seme of them are. The ene fault in reoms ef say aiza is lack of charactor and a somewhat fated ensemble, bud even that-has boen ef « recent bride ef artistic trates the walls of the guest roem are papered with a design of pale pink uyen creamy white ground, and the deleot of too pate tints is. entirely over- ocmes by a bordering ef olive cartridge paper. Each of the four walls has become a panel, and the plain tint rans around ati sides, so that the sweet, tender pinks are enclosed in a frame, and the room ass whele gains the dignity that {t desires. Don't Forget That te remove corns, warta, buntens in afew days, all that is required ts to apply the eld and well-tested corm ares Py nam's Painless Corn Extractor. Sure, safe, painless, Abt dragglste. Yankee Deedic. " Yankee Daedle" was written by Dr. Richard Schuohburg (whese commissien - dates 1737) ia the French and Icdian war ef 1755, under General Jeffrey Amberst, and was intended as a " take-off" onthe " rag, tag, and bobtsil" recruits of the celonics thst o»me inte the army. It *' teok" to well, however, that the Americans bave ever adopted it, and would nod part with id for anything. The firet words, '* Father and I wend down to camp," were in the Besten Journal in 1768, and the first recerd of the tune in in Arneid's '* Twe te One," 1784 ; a0 that '* Yankee Doodle," although written bya B iti#h surgeon, fe really American. -- Boston Transcript. ' Immecse vambers of those cured of rheumatism by using McCollem's Rheuma- tio Repellant testify thas they ceuld not get permanent benefit frem any evher,. treat- ment. Ibie neatly put up in $1-00 bettles | by W. A. MoOsllom, Tileenburg, Ont, and sold by whelesale ta ef Montreal, Terente, Hamilton, Londea, Winnipeg and by retail Uruggists generally. A Remedy fer Toothache. Melt white wax er spermaceti, two partes and when melted add carbelio acid orystals, one part, and chlersl hydrate two, parts; stic weil until disssive Walle atill liqald immerse thin layers of carbelized absorbent cetten wool and. allow them te dry. When required for'usea slight pisos may bo stripped off and slightly warmed, when it oan be {nurer into the holiew testh, where it will solidify. The esei pre- duced by this aimplo method is really very ption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Threa: Sold all Druggists on a Guarantee. Fora Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Pereus Plaster will give great sztisfaction,--ag cents, CATARRA -REMEDBY. ' h?, This dy will relieve and Cure you. Prio§ Sots. Thir its successful treatm free. " ember, ILOH'S large preportion' ef be who delight in neat kitchens aed kitonen tensile be sighing and asking for aluminum cocking dishes. Im time the *' help" may come to demand them. At regent, though, th _Weman must oentent herself-with her and h linen, and after ebviated by a clever device. In the home |. "a expense, is made writes Anna T. Heme Journ." Out twe pleces ef cardboard any you may desire, cover neatly with ecru or white in 'the shape Roberta In -the " Lad fa dene sew the twe lony, {ls-ing ends, Pin-cushions made in thi- ». cna be decorated with any spring flo--.+ «6 fanoy dictates, and are exored- ingi, ,«-t.y when suspended frem a burcau or dre:sing atand, y also make Vory oc «=. ond the dishes te the heusekceper, } dainty E.ster presente. o: ..of wheee chief complaints ie that: of nec ae ettler, and om y ; Asthma Cured peroni ar ie rerre_ hos | by Schima' Anta Care, «No walg is that the aluminum kettle or spider fer results. Ite action is immediate, direct will keep its bright new or | 80d certain. Price 503 and $1, ef druggists better, so ib is said, thes ite a ot oy artical, teak S ase oy tbe iron fellew er its mary-hued tinomo en. ts , ° It fs claimed fer the alaminum keptles Schiffmann, 84. Paul, Minn. . A Knife With 1,890 Blades. The thost remarkable knife in the world in one in the ourlosity reom of the fanbery of Joreph Rrdgera & Sent, catlers, Sheffield. Ib has 1,890 blades, and ten blades are added* to svery tenth year, ee that the addition about seven years hence will 'bring the number of biades up t*1,900. Anether curlosity in their peasesston is shree pairs o! ecinsors, ali of which can be covered by ® thimble. ' '* At last I have reached the: turning- peint of my life," remarked the convict when they put him on the treadmill ~ Ls Dick's Liniment: cures All Lameness and Sprains Dick & Co., P. O. Box 452, Montreal, AGENTS WART pew; alle te every eur: Erved, Cake cod Re Carver, ant & ent heer Charpenss. Ne ulret Kasy . big peeves CLAUss sokan O0., Leuk Boa 204. Teceeta, Ons ' . Syere. HOME) LIFE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA '". Head Office, Toronto. Incorporated by Special Act of the Domir ion Parliament. Authorized Capital $100,000. Pure Life Ingnrance ab popular rates. Agents wanted. - : _ FMRS. WINSLOW'S Saemure} SE I i lar tial roe eo vp Aor ho ND SP ee SPAY Oe sh | s . a a hE adies. £4 5 i€s, Mother Green's Tansy Pills. Used by thousands Safe, dure and Alwsys yy Reliable. REFUSE SUBSTIT*- ps TH BS fe From all Drugguts of mailed, free fray o ation 'on receipt of $2 00 : Seaied particulars, 3 cents. AA LANE a Wade . MEDICINE CO., Mowrraar, Car | reses se) ==V consumption | th derful is oftentimes absolutely cured in its éarliest stages by the use of that won- Food Medicine, Scott's Emulsion} which is now in high! repute the world< over. / "CAUTION." --Bewsre of su Geuuino prepared by Soptt 4 Bowne, Belleville. Id by all iste, 66c. and $1.00. n -- FARM A-1 clay Joam, brick FOR SALE. 100 ACRES, EAST WIL. IAM8. cotta: fraine barn, Parkhill 4, nites ee water, orchard; gistant. Price only $4,100; $1,000. ash, balance at 5k per cent. A great bargain. Write ab once, , A. A. CAMPBELL, Land Oflic., London, Ont r ---FOR SALE--- 26 Farms for $1000 each. 13 ae as S$ " 7 oe. 14 Also wail situated properties in Chatham, Wallaceburg and Trenton. * oy TKEMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS For particulars apps te JUHN NcCOY, Mainiliva, Ont. a oe we Pteree.of WESTRAY CITY WICKIGHE | MICH. te agent for the coled RE INE LANDS int\emMsa FAQ = | and ALPENA COUNTIB2. OVER 190009 ACRES af the vers ARDS | vest tand in-the States on bs had # rms. , Pare one way paid op the purchase VERT of 40 acret, Now is the tims to get oe hame Leg your own, Write R. M, PRO PRICES. West Bay A . | "fiamantha at the Wortd's AGENTS Fair," by Josten' Allee' . . ! vt ox + dey Ke tart ny re | -|pran og y+ HERR - costo ~ loanvas if you want to WILLIAM BRIGGE, Tomyperance street, New Woendsrtui YOU ARE. $1 AN HOUR somnotisve. ti housewife buys ons, Ban on. Terme by" 100, be wanted. Write time vo lose, JS, Onsegrees, . no ufactering Gempany, Torente. . ACRES OF LAND for sale by the Saint Pauw & 1,000,000 wren oor (ore era ee BT Compaxsy in Minnesota, Send for Maps and Ciscoe lars. They will be sent to you, EREE:. Mr. John Hepner, Port Kigir Brush Co., see en eran Waden Galsaam is an indispensable necessity i: his household and recommepds it se a valuable remedy for and Colds, Put up im 350, and bottles, - Ask your drnggiste for it. asin | HOPEWELE CLARE. COUGH. x EASY CPERS (N \ ALR * The celebrated : tion. as Holstein -Re WORLD'S FAIR, CHICAGO. Cahada, CUT THIS OUT,|, " Sigh your mame and scad tt with ene doilar te Dr. Samuel Ginner, Treas, of the Anti Proké bition Association df Ontario, Incorporated, 408 Manning Avenue, Toreata, Ont. +s Remedies are sold on a guarantes, g | ene Lansdowne Farm Herd of :Hol- stein Eressan Cattle, ownlths J. C. McNiven & Son, Winona, Ont, will be sold by auction and without reserve at Brown Bros.' Sale Stables, cor. King | and George streets, Toronto, on ' 'FEBRUARY 8TH, 1894 The herd's. merits alone secured their selec- Herd for The best bulls in a merd Prize at Chicago, 1893. . Pirest Berd Prizoat Tereato Diplomas and aay at Mumtreal and ten prizes" at Ottawa Prizes at Toronto and London, 1891. ad eve write toJ C., McNiven & Bon, GEO, Wino o. An DREW, uctioneer, Oakville, Ont. £ 14 KARAT GOLD PLATE. by Chais Pree. You ; ¢ en town sell Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is the Best, Use, and Cheapest, : Sold by Dragrists or sent by mail, Sic. BE Pale See Pes * ei VOR ETS ~ --~--S

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