Atwood Bee, 19 Jan 1894, p. 8

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" _ fa -Btheal Supplies POCKET. DIARIES, WRITING TABLETS, STATEMENT PADS. DAY BOOKS. . j JOURNALS, LEDGERS. CASH BOOKS, "LETTER BOOKS. BIBLES, HYMNALTS, ' PRAYER BOOKS, . PSALTERS, J. A. HACKING, Ticket? Agent, ) aaistowel, Oxnt. desuer Marriage Licenses. Now Advertisements This Week. Local--R. B. Hamilton, Bargains--D, Campveil. Notice--Win. Lochhead. The Arcade--W. J, Ferguson. Perth County Council meeting. $3,000 worth--R. M_ Ballantyne. 'The new'store--D. W. Dulmage. For 30 days only--Jas. W. Ferguson. Gountry « alk. ' Elma. Mrs. R. Parkers confined to her 'bed With la grippe, we regret Lo report. 'David Hume left for Ottawa, on Friday, to atténd the Normal school. The new Elma Council-elect . met Monday in the Town Hall for' general business, « We are sorry te hear that W. A. sjoyd, of West Stiperior, Wis., is lying illin the hospital of that city with typhoid fever. We hope for his speedy recovers. . We-are sorry to learn that Miss Eva Baker is confined to her bed this week with a slight attack of intlamimatiou of the bowels. We wish her a speedy recovery. . The Cranbrook correspondent to the Brussels Post say3 of a former Newry boy:--Our new teacher, Mr. Wyon, '+ Tully installed. We wish him success im his work, , On Wednesday of last. week, quite 'a large number of young peuple assem- bled at the residence, of Wm. Jolly_and spent the evening im daucing, games and other amusements. We are glad to hear of the success of a former young Elmaite, D. Horm, of Napinka, Man, He has lately pur chased the half interest of his partner in their tailoring and gents' farnishing establishment in that place, which Is conclusive evidence that Dan is climbing the ladder of success Tapidly,, as he has been in the West but a short time, W. W. Harris, of Rothsay, formerly of Elma, is negotiating fur the pur- chase of the cheese factory north of Brussels. We hope he will be success yul, as Willis a tirst-class cheesemaker, and would no doubt, run it stronger than it has been run in the past. A well managed factory is the best pay- ing institution that farmers can engage iu today, in sections where they are properly estabiixhed their patrons . could not be induced to quit them for any consideration. P The annual meeting of the Elma Cheese & Butter Manufacturing Com- pany was held inthe factory on Fri- day, the 12th inst.. On motion made and carried J. W. McBain was called to the chair. The motion 6f the last wuunual meeting having been read and also the auditors' report it Was meved 2nd unauimously agreed that they be approved and adopted. The nomina- tron of Directors for the ensuing year Was then procesced with. The foliow- ing hamed persons being nommated:-- Wm. Dickson, R. d. Parker, Jas. Donaldson, jr., George itume, John A. Turnbull and Andrew J 'eevles; several others were nominated tut withdrew. On ballot the following: were el] d: Jno. A., Turnbull, Wn. Wicksos,, Jas. Donaldson, R. S. Ballan- tyne aud George Hume. On motion inade and carried the whey was Jeft to the disposed of Ey the Directors. Jne. A. Turnbull addressed the meet- ing in reference to the manufacture of butter, but ne action was taken and the meeting adjourned. After the annual mecting the Directors elect met and organized by appomting George liinme, President; Jno. A. 'Kurnbull, Vece-President. And = on motion made ky Wm. Dickson second- ed by Jas. Donaldson, Wm. Lochhead Was re appuimted Secretary-Treasurer. "The Seciciary was instructed to adver- tise in Wik ATwoeop Bre for tenders furthe wiey of the eusulug season, also, for clievse box d to advertise *that th: arawuily-ot k to the fac- tory tory on Saturdas, the 3rd day of F Z 'atten ociock p.m. It was agreed Uiat the Directors meet in the factory on the same day al one pitiock to open tenders -and W 'trausactyany other ughness. jet. in ' Ballantyne, R.} = : * 3 = : -_------- . Porvole. : There are 1,539,107 basheis of wheat Miss Ligzie Shearer, of Elma, is a/in store at Fort' William and Port a Ss ' guest of Miss Maggie Shearer. . Arthur. == --=-- . Miss Kate' McCoag, of Wiarton, is | visiting friends in this locality. John RsStruthers, leaves today for Charievois, Mich.,; to visit friends An entertainment will bé given' next month by the Good Templars of this place. Particulars will be given later, Miss Janet-Chalmers, and Mrs. J. B. Chalmers, rettirned from Fergus last Friday accompanied by Mrs. Chalmer's brother Mr. Reden.. ° ; Miss Maggie McCoag, who was to have gone to Bright last "Wednesday, was prevented by illness, she having succnmbed to an attack of la grippe. . "Brussels. On Miss Bertha McCullough is home from London. se" Miss Hattie Rogers returned home from London last Saturday. WillahdLincoin Hembly, of -Wing- ham, spent Sunday. in town. Walter Burgess was home from Mit- chell on a visit to his parents. Miss Cook, of Clinton, is visiting the Misses Annie and Bella Smith. Miss Ethel Creighton returned home from her millinery 'situation, in Co- bourg. Rey. Mr. Miller, of Knox church, preached iu the Methodist church last Sabbath evening. Rev. P. Musgrove, of McKillop, preached in Knox church last Saboath, also conducted the sacramental service. Bishiop Baldwin. of London, is ex- pected here to consecrate St. John's church next Friday evening, and the folowing ,Sabbath morning he is to conduct a confirmation service in the same place. -Keep this Friday evening, 26th inst., free for the Sons of Scotland cuncert. A grand musical and literary bill of fare will be presented. Muss Jessic Alexander, -James Fax and. the local talent will give atip-top entertainment. Grey. Miss Cook, of Ulinton, has been visit- ing friends in this townghip. , ~ Miss Eliza M. Shaw, Of. Chiselhurst, is visiting old triends on Bhe 6th con. Miss Rebecca McNair has returnd to the Seaforth'Coliegiate Institute. She was home for a week * Charles sillers has returned to Gode- rich High school. where he will take up 2nd class teacher's work. Teasdaie Whitfield yas elected trus tee inS.S. No. 8 as*successor to Jas. Cuthill whose term has expired. We are pleased to report a favorable change in the condition of Mrs. John Hill who has been so dangerously ill. W.D. Hill. of Lethbridge, N. W. 'T., left for the West last week. He was visiting under the parental roof for a few weeks. Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Hall, who have been visiting relatives and friends in ths ioealjtyZleft for their home in Michigan this Week. At the annnal school meeting held in 5.8. No. 2 Eneas Crick was elected a trustee for the current term as succes- sor to David Ferguson. ~ * John' Boyle, father of Mrs. Robert obertson, 16th con. Grey, died in "Toronto Hospital, on Dec. 31, aged 77 years, 7 months and 25 days. Thos., son of James Ferguson, a well knowi resident of Grey township, is now residing in Wyoming Territory, where he is eugaged_ in ranching. Miss Bella McDougall, who has spent the past three years at Towner, Mc- Henry Co, North Dakota,is here on a visit. This mast be a good conntry to live in, judging by the bloom of healtb on Miss McDougall's cheeks. . Jno. Crerar, 9th con., has let the con- tract for the erection of his brick resi dence. D. Lowry. of Brussels, has the stone and brick work and plastering and R. G. Wilson, of the above mention ed town... has the woodwork, roofing, painting, &c. The contract will reach about $1,500. - At the annual meeting .of the Grey+ Rranch Agricultural Society, held - in Brussels,on Thursday afternoon of last week, the annual report showed a balance on hand of $210. The follow- ing officers. were elected:--Thos. Mc Lauchlin, President; Vice-President; W. Pollard, Jno. Brown, Robt.. Grahtm, P. Robertson, 'A. Gardiner, Jas. Ferguson,. P. Scott, J.D. Warwick. V. S., and W. H. Mce- Cracken, Directors; A. Strachan and F.S. Scott, Auditors. P News of the Day. -- France will begin this year the con- struction of 32 warships of all classes. C..A.Abraham has been appointed business manager of the Woodstock Sentinel-Review. . London carried a $100,000 by-law by 1,140. This is for the G. fT. R. to build théir shops there. St Thomas gave a male majority of 42 against prohibition, but the female Majority in favor of it was 90. It has been decided to cal! the Ontario Legislatur® to meet for' despatch of aoa * aeons ' February 14. Barom Arthur Rothschild was robbed of a pocketbook containing 14,000 franc inthe railway station at Toulon the other day. In 119 cities of the United States there are 801,000 wage earners in en- ferced idleness. Dependent on "these for support are 1.956,00) persons. An awful state of affairs; yet Canada is holding hér own. - eo Canada's foreign trade for the fiscal vear 1893 is the biggest on record, beipg 247,694,000, compared with #241.4%5.- O#in 1892. The exports touched $118.- 519,000. the highest point in the history of the Dominion. é Amos Smith, | The Russian cepsus returns show oT the populatioW@in 1893 was 124,000,- The Dukevand Duchess of York have declined the invitation to, visit Australia. . A long-distance telephone is about to be put in operation between Berlin and Sto:khoim, Sweden. ; Mayor Gilroy's.annual message shows that the net funded debt of New York city is $10,762,408. y Bismarck's memuirs, 1n six yolumes, have been printed by a Stuttgart firm. They will be withheld until-after-the Prince's death. , The Russiar naval estimates for 1894 are £5,500,000 sterling, exeerding the total credits for 1892 and 1893 by more than £2,000,000. The house Of Louis Croll in East Zorra was*destroyed by fire on Friday night and his daughter Eliza, aged 22, was burned to death.. It is proposed to hold-an internation- al exhibition in St. Petersburg in 1903-- the 200th anniversary of the founding uf the Russian capital, Thé British Government has placed an order,with the 'Fhomsons, ot Glas- gow, for the construction of a cruiser to be named the Terrible. The fire at the World's Fair buildings on Mouday night of last week caused about $200,000 damage to exhibits, chiétly by fire and smoke. Louis Papineau, grandson of the great patriot, last week at Montreal formally renounced the Roman Catho lic faith, and was received into mem. bership of Lhe Presbyterian Church, \ When pensions to the war veterans have ceased to be a tax upon the nation- al revenue, the United states shall have expended more than $10,000,000,000 as the money cost of the Civil War, in addition to the sacrifice of 1,0U0U,000 productive lives. South Bend, Ind., has been selected asthe national headquarters of the Brewers' and Saloonkeepers' Mutual Aidand Benefit Association of America, anew fraternal and protective order tormed to occupy a peculiar field creat ed by the discrimination of fraternal orders against those engaged in the liquor trade. The next Wérld's Fair is to be held in Paris in 1900, in recognition of tbe opening of anewcentury: The French- wen are taking time by the forelock in already announcing such practical plaus for the Expusition as will be likely to smother the ambition of Lon don, .Berlin, Vieuna aud Venice to rival the enterprise. Business Cards. 2WLlEDICAZ. fT. DOUGLAS, M. D., C.M,F.T. M.C. Medallist ef Trin- ity University. Office--Monkton, On- tario, "+ " 25-93-tf &. COWAN, M. D., (Formerly of Harriston,) successor to Dr. J. i. Hamilton. Office in Dr. Ham- iiten's vid stand on Main street. Resi- dence in Dr. H's late residence on Queen street, Atwood. Willbe found at eith- er oflice or residence atall hours when not necessarily absent. * 25-92-tf L. E. RICE, M. D.,.C. M. Trinity Cuiversity, Toronto ; Fellow by examination ot Trinity Medical Col- iege, Toronto; member of the College of Physicians andSurgeons, Ontario; mem ber of the College of hysicians and Surgeons, Michigan; special attention given to the Diseases of Women and Children. Office and residence, next door to Currie's shop, Atwood. Office hours: 16 to 12 a.m.; 1 to 2:30 p.m., and every evening to 8:30. DEWTAL. J. J. FOSTER, DENTIST. Any anesthetic known to the pro- fession used for the painless extraction of teeth, Satisfaction guaranteed. Office--Over Fleming's clothing store, Main street; Listowel. W. M. BRUCE, L.DS., DENTIST. Gas, electricity, or local anzsthetics, administered, for painless extraction. Artilicial teeth guaranteed to be of the best material and of first-class work- manship. Office over Thompson bros. store, Main street, Listowel. [27 Will not visit Atwood until further uotice. DARLING & BLEWETT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, &c., Wallace street, Listowel. Solicitors for Bank of Hamilton and Scott's Banking House, , Uffice over Scott's Bank. MORPHY & CARTHEW. ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries B Public, Conveyancers, . Com- missioners, &c., Listowel, Ont. Money to loan,, Uilice over John Riggs' AUCTIONTSERS. | €.H. MERRYFIELD. . Licensed auctioneer for the County of Perth, Monkton, Ont. Rates moderate- For particulars apply at. this office. "ALEX. MORRISON, Licensed Auctioneer for Pertti County All sales attended to promptly and 'at store. H. B. Morrny. J. M, CARTHEW. The Season's Greetings. 2 - Garson & McKee has there been a great here yet. _ It has Fz - to go! continue to unloa dise. preparatory to stock taking. what you may sxpect: $ 10 00 'Persian Lamb Caps 12 00 Ladies Fur sets + be LT) ob ob 5 Men's Overcoats ts be \s Boys' Overcoats os be . 1 3 00 Young Men's do Men's pants ua ti a" 650 "% . : All our Ladies' and girls' Suits es are unparalleled. + We wish alla happy new year and would remind 'the public that a good way to begin 1894 willbe to lay in a ood supply of goods for future use while our great Sale is still going on. Never in the history of Listowel er Sale, but there is a large stock this great sale yet to come. These values give an idea Right away quick! We the stock for cash and produce only. Will you share in the benefits whether you wish to spend one dollar or--many it will certainly be of intérest to you to see how little we can ask for good merchan- This month will be devoted to clearing all .stock The greatest bargains : 7) 50 50 3 now: RO H205 Oo Oo te re HS HIST HIS * ab % Mantles to be sold withwnt even a thought of a profit among them: some, nice* goods yet. Flanneletts--The greatest snap yet in these goods; think of getting a heavy weight and beautiful pattern flannelette, nearly a. yard wide, worth 15c., now only 9c. Millinery, everything inthis department at just one half price. Don't forget the dress goods, bargains they" | GARSON & WicKEE, The Golden Tuion, Tustewel- Is Giving You Goods * ATMTOOD #* at 'These Quotations : a All wool Dress Serge, double width, regular 85c. goods for 25c. Regular 18c. Tweed Effects for 12¢c. Double fold Cambridge Suiting, regu- lar 25c. goods for. lic. per yard. Regular 15¢c. for 9c. Regular 17c., 9 yards for $1. Regular 10c. for 7i¢c. Regular 714c. for-de, "Oxford Shirtings, regular 15c. for 10c. -82 inch fast colored Print was 121¢c., now 833¢c, | 1 yard wide Skirting, 20c. " *1 yard wide Gingham, regular 14c. for '10¢. © 5 Spools, 200 yards each spool}, for 10c. | Corsets, regular 40c. now 25e. Regula jac. now 49¢. ' Table Oil Cloth, 35c. goods for 24c. Ladies' all. wool seamless Hose, regu- lar 40c. for 2dc. Lace Curtains for 39¢c. a pair. Fast colored Print 5c. a yard. 4 papers best Pins for 5. 50 14-chests of Uncolored Japan Tea, regular 25c, now 17 3c, + OVERCOATS. Regular $12.00 for $8.49. ' Regular $6.50 for $4.60. Regular $10 for $7.65. Fur Coat, regular $25 for $17. .« | A nice line of Tweed Pants for 81 40, were $2. UNDERCLOTHING. + All wool, were 6oc., now 49c. All wool, were 75c., now 621¢c. =» 17 yards of fast colored Gingham -for Siw. Butter'and Eggs Taken in Exchange. = F rate rates. Information with: ré- . gard to dates may bé had by applying at | e 4 this office. \* '\ D. W. DULMAGE, LIMITED, GREAT DRY GOODS JOBBER. _SrertrEm, Menager.\~

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