Atwood Bee, 26 Jan 1894, p. 2

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Ye _v ' . fe nf <r ae --= _ ------ ESE Gs . . i i e The Religious : CENSUS @F WAR SHIPS. -- ' gee ror "ALIVE CLIFP-DWEIARE." , She never cut up capers, hover read the Sun-logmiparison ef the Naval Powers of the ee Put of | chet is What s Party of World's Fate Visl- She was fonder far of praying canal mules}, remy s rebeien cotelne' ee ok Msiical Dimon sey. -} "Mest of the women whe come te the Fair Cag? raying, 'ai tothefold. [ary paper, says Zaginceriag, we honest den "| de pretty we peated on Amarioan BiSoey : r ~~ eal Ae 4s : % acnasl warships belonging to the tive naval powers | a ashe heathen 7 bub pot ohh ot beeen are acquainted with be On Siinday she was riding on the "L" road, | meationed, in commission, in résarve, and: As gecert 'and || disceveries «f the historia races ef Toward ter ehureh, tp hear the Rey'rend Pbulldlog in the yéar 1893, are in numbers, esentt mound ballders and clit-avellr ollera on the ; ' % f every disease ° a Who,while' aa oe - prancing, would} Greap Britain.--Has in comeenen : ain 2 an oliff-dwellers' eebihit, het, tired and dusty ate, battieships, 4 coast defence abips, armered; liver or bad blood, | and fall-ef wrath. Ps a all othec ieee Vigorieonli ssvell, 63 oruisers, simared "Kad unarmered, and : as " by, ivan regulas fraud |" exclaimed "ghe yea doop in meditation, when, to her con-}7§ ethene Si -_ eres -- Ps re- very. word -- ene ; * idea of psying 25 cents just te sternation, : : serve: attiles conat defence It's the only medicine guaranteed bene | see a few old relics." . , i man whosat right next to cn cal ships, armored ; 49 cruiserg, fit or cure, or the money is refunded. "« Why, had expsoted to see seme live With the-greatest ease and. lcisure, and {ap-}unarmoreds and 50 ether ships, nob terpede Glen Brook, WV. C. peepee ir another, "and they've parently with pleasure, He to beate. Ballding and opmpleting fer sea: v. = Str -- Twelve |e? nething but dead ones to shew.". =~" Her bete noir, a' Sunday paper, Vile VO Sef 9 battleships, 19 oruixerz, armored and une othe ngs Iwas hardly able to work at all "* Why, of courze," assented a third ; "I While shé, horrified, sat gazing, her whole face | «»mored, and 23. ether ships, nob torpedo; surered from nervousness and w wanted to see how they lived and. werked. with anger blazing, ~ boatz. , --- a bad cough. I can work = the time now and | al the rest of the villages shew! the people ag figy nitention was attracted by on Sthe way-| Feancé.--Haa in commlaien : 19 battle-} Dorn GOOG BP Petite * Golden Medical Dis- | themrclves, and they ought te bave had below cost pricing ships, 5 ocash defence ships, armered ; 23} oo * and feel that it's all due to the | some live oliff-dw here. It isn't a goed. stock of '"Piddle, Parks &Joruisers, armered and unarmored, and 50) "G. show at all.' / Of the dry goods Pad." © She could scarcely wait tHl Sunday had re- Wht wc ARNT ese with pocketbook well And La all day in getting half a yard of aud in Gaying it came very near being kil'ed. Tre Two Mysteries, We know not what it is, dear, thigslecp so deep and still; The folded hands, the awful calm, the check so nle and shill, « The ds that will not lift again, though we inay calland call, The strange white solitude of peace that ecttles ' overall. We know not what it means, dear, this dcso- late hoart pain, The dread to take our daily way, and walk in tagain, We know notto what ephere the loved. who jeave us go, Nor why we're loft do not know. to wanéer atill, nor why we But this we ki ow : our'loved and lost, if they thould- come this da Should come and ask us, of us could sa Life is a mystery 0 2 . Yet oh, how sweet it is to us, this life we live . nnd sce ! * What is life? not onc y: . as deep as death oan cver Then might they s2y, those vanished ones, and blessed is the thought, So death is swect te-urheloved, though we may tell you npauskt. . We may not tell it to the quick, this mystery of death: ' Yo may not tellit.if yew ould, the mystery of breath. % The hildethat enters life comesnot with know- edge or intent So those Who enter death must go as little chil- -- . ren sent. . Nothing is known, but believe that, God is overhoad ; ; . And as life is to the living, so death is to the dead. ° 4 Rab; i 00d. Heigh-ho ! Babyhood! Tell me where you Lets toddle bome xgaiv, for we have gone tray 3 Take thi. eager hand of mine and lead me by Lhe fluge Back t Turn back the leaves of life; don't read the uger o the lots land of the far away. glory --- Let's find the pictures and fancy all the ree ! + oe Wecan fill the unwritten pages with abriguter story . Than old Time, the story-teller, at his best. Turn to the brook, where the honcy-suc&le tip pink 7 O'er its vase of perfume spills it on the breeze, . And the bee and humming-bird in ecglacy are sipping . From the fairy flagons of the bicominglocust Tees, Turn to the lanc where we used to " teeter-tot- le footpais in the yellow, mould ; Print? inting litt = , e wading in the Laughing at the lezy cattl wea ter, Where the riples dipple round the butter- cups of gold, Where the dusky turtlo lies basking in the gravel Of the sunny sandbar in the middle tide, And the gho-tly dragon-fiy pauses ino histravel, To rest like a blossom where the water-liiy died. Heigh-ho! Babyhood ! Tell mc where you linger, Let's toddie home again, for we have -gone astray ; Take this cager hand of mine and lead me by the fingyr . Back to the lotus land of thefaraway. --James Whitcomb Riley, ONE CONSOLATION. 'whe Woman Checred Up the Travelicr by Pictaring the Kead, O:e evening jurt ebout derk I rods tp to s va'ia in the T+enrersee morntape ani: a ked to etey all nigh>, save & writer ia the Dera > Free Press. . -' J' cerry, mister," sald a woman wke bed reepondkd te my "'balle," 'bay yer oxa'! stay bere." "Why ner?" Taeked. 'I'll pay for bb." *Tain'b the pay I'm afraid uv, mister," she esit, "but there ain') ne monfolks in the heues and we can't keep yu." '¢ What am I te dot" I asked, helplegaly. 'Go on te the next place, I reckon." "* How far is it?" «Two miles, or sitoch a matter." '* Bac ft da dark," 1 urged. "I was never here bi fere,and I'M be enre to lose the road." 'J recken there's a chance uv tha:," she saij, and then more enoceuragiagly, '* bat hic's tlich a tarnel bad read, mister, that you'll be glad you Icst hit afore you've gone » » mile," and I dida't say another word. Heal ving Vegetables. Jp hae been /sald: that ocarrets premote digestion, end that the tomato, se long ub- appreciated, is an excellent aid te the liver, and isinvaluable in the werk of ying ths bloed. Nor are these the enly green _tainzs that improve the general health, {he onion is a great stimulant to the circu- Jatory syatem, and the sea kale and water- - press correct sorefulens tendency, while the turnip is nearly as nutritious as oernmeal. Lsttace and celery supply a craving ef the » merves, and early spinach. reuses the inert kidney. Every ene whe can should have a garden, no matter how small, for really freth vegetables will help te save many a doocter's bill. Curiosities of the Brithkh Census. "here are ope or twe curiosities in the latese volume ef the British ':Oensus Re- ' }Cure all Weakness of. Brain, Body, ether ships, rot terpede beats. In reserve: 5 battleships, 3 coast defenos ehips, armer- ed ; 20 crutce,s, armored and unarmeredy and 62 other snp', nob .terpedo boats. Bal'ding and compiotiag for sea: 8 babtle- ships, 2 c2a9i Aeleuoe ehips, armered ; 19 cruise:s, armered anc coamored, and 5 other abipa, nei terpsde boats. Ra:eia.--Hat in commission: 5 batilo- ships, 9crulsers, acmered and_aparmered ; 34 other sulys, aot torprde boatz, In re- eervo: 2 batiiesh!pa, 9 ocasd defence ship», 6 cruisers, avmored and unarmored ; 37 o'her ehips, not torpedo bests. ~Bullding snd completing for sca: 8 batilesahipa, 4 ovact defence sbips, 2 croisers, ara ored and uacrmered ; 4 other chips, nob torpedo beats. Germsny.--Has in commiceion : 11 bat- tleships, l4sc:ulsere, armared and un- ~rmores ; 19 ether ships, net terpede boats, In scacrve: 3 bettleehips, 6 coast dsfence ship», armered ; 17 cra'siry, armored and unurmored ; 5 ocher ships, med terpsde 'pata. and ovmple'ing, fer sea: 7 tattleenips, 3 crolsere, armered and un- armered, avd 1 hip, no; a torpede boat italy.--EEas in ceommissisa: 4 battle- shics, 8 ceuie rr, armored and cnarmered ; 16 ouner snips, not terpsdo boate. In re- garve : 9 b-ttieships, 5 coset defence ahips, armero'; 5 crolre-s,."ermored. ard un- smeared ; 26 ether ships, net torpedo boats. But ding and completing fer som: 4 batule- ships, 13 crufe+ra, armored and anarmored ; 3 other ships, nob torpedo bsats. } . The Battle of the Pot. Tho following. !xdicrous clrcumatance teok place eeme yearg age ina coal district a icw mileato the wess of Edinburgh: Ib ts he icudable custom ef that pard of the ciuntry to bsve a somewhad better dinner o Sunteys than en the other days ef the fwess ns Dominican letter on the present ocestizn, iu a cartaln cottage, Indicated aneap's best sod a haggis, twoisher, each of which may b» esid to stacd high in the .ff.cttena ef Scottish pescant, but which, agether, are fiu to make him aa happy as a king. Th» head was that ef o steut, fali yrewa tuy, and, ag the old sang says, ib was put-- i' the pat, Horns and a' thegither;" ---the sume pot, bo ly femarked, with the hag- gis. Tie telictoua mezs was left to the ch .tge of a litt'o boy, the een of the henest slier, and the reot of §hefamily ali trudged fitocurch, Durlzg sermen, te the gread mortification eo? tho xa.ther, the javenile of tho kyil podemtered the place 1 werrbip during sermen, end began, from a stscion «little within the dear, to make so >0 In Nereus, but evidently very earoest ud soxtous, egos to ner, by way of indao- op ber to jJeave her teat and fellow nim git cf dora She kepb winking and gleoming, te make him ge away ; iho wee pot to be carried from his sarposa by sny such asignale. It wns ev-dently a ceso of great aud impertant diz- res At length, vie bay's anxiety getting qa te the tetvter of hiv prudence, be fairly cumteab wita--'t'Doed, mother, ye may wniky-waoky se you like; bud it's true ez:enc:;1 tel, ye, ths sbesp'e head has » iste» the baggis!" This eppeal was heard by the wacle _* and mevei the very eliers, a even the iniat-ter bimselt, to lsagbtir, while the old tady, hebbliny out of her seat, lent the un- fartanate ecallien such a lounder en the che-k as made him' epin before ber ont of cnarch. This exclamaticn is to this day p.overbia! In the place. A Jolly Kenderveug. Tre bacillus ad the micrebe met in an aliwsutary cacal. '*T guers," remarked the former, " that thie party is pretty near dead." * Yue," rejainad the latter, "and by the way, | suppo-s we'll atterd the funeral ina body. as usual " ** Ob, certatrly." Whereat they laughed gleefully. That Dear Child Again, Visttor--Waat made you look atme so hard at supper, Tommy? I believe you were counting the bisoults I are. : Teammy--No, I wasn't ceucting 'em. Paps sald yeu couldn't oeunt 'em, yeu ate sO many. ~ All dewn threugh the ages past what un- told agony baz been endured frem rheuma- tism and no ralinble cure fer it appears te have bean known until the discovery of McOoliom' Rhisurmstio a age about 20 yeare age. Thousands testify te therough relief that ceuld not be otherwise obtained. Seld by druggists generally. "A Crilitng Receptien. ** What did you de on earth?" asked St. Peter to the latest arrival : : ** ] owned several flat heuser, and lived off tea inoems of them." «: * | '© Them I'mafr#id you weuldg't be happy in hsaver. Ygu aso, we take children here. Pleare stop in eclevater. Itis aboat to ge down." o D DR. HOWARD'S HER ELECTRIC , eS FI LISS. Ths latest and groat- alseorery invenvor of this: class medicines, ° repeedil BAasr's THROBBING MEAD. This Doctor, to His Credit, Bid Net Laugh at the Mether's Fears. Chere was a commotion in a hoasebold on Fourth. avehue the other day. 'The brand-new baby, the only infantile speol- mon in the Nuwed heme, was in the arms of its deting mother, wko was' Icoking for seme new portion of its pink anatony to kies and a Suddenly there was a scream, follewed by a bysterioal half hour while the servants were sent in search for the family dostor. When the grave old phyelolan entered the rcom the ;oor woman was walkicg to and fro like on» distracted, paneing row end then to grasp her crowing child to: her, then replacing it in ite oradle to resume her nettous tread, weeplog and wringing her hands. "Qh dooior! My po baby! Save him if you oan! Bub I knew yeu can't. O, my poor child !" For five minutes or rore this continued in spite.of the physician's efferts to learn what was the matber. : % He examined the child, saw nothing that apparently ailed it, and at ast, with {patience almont gene, inalated on an explan- atien, Oempesing herself a little, the frightened mobtber -- aid: . '*Losk eat ite peor little bead, decter. Vbere, right on top. See thad eoft spet, how ivis beating? It haw't stepped fer more than an hour. I know something dreadful ts the matter, but you musta' keep it from me. Tell me"the worsd at onoe, To the undying honer ef that doctor, he did not langh. All he sald was: "'M dear little woman, pray that that beating will continue. Snenid it ever eton your baby will be dead."--Louisville Courier- Journal, Think of it. Nover befers in the history of the werld was there a remedy for corns as sale, pain- loss and certain as Patnam's Painless Oern Extractor. Jt makes ne sore spots and acts Try *Patnam's Corn Extraoter. y: Ab drugylate'. The Caliph in = Fix. The Osliph of Kharteom is tn a bad way. Ha owns 700 watcher, and not ene ef them goes, In 1885, when the Mahdiats invaded the tewn, all the Ecropean watchmakers left the place, and nens ef the natives an- deratood: watoh-making. Te have 700 tickera and net knew the time--awkward, very. The Caliph has sent a special mea- cenger te Sankin te engsge a watobmaker, but he has bern received very ceelly. The ruler of Kharteom ts sald to be rather quick tempered and capable of cutting eff your head if all his watches don't keep time to the ceoond,-- Petit Journal, Get Rid of Neuralgia. There {s no use in feeling with neuralgia. Ib ie o disease that gives way only to the moat powerful remedies. Ne remedy yet discovered has given the grand results that invariably attend the empleyment of Polson's Nerviline. \Nerviline is a pes{iive pscific fer all nerve and eught te be whore, 25 cents a bettle. He Fellews the Scasens. Paraen Tenthly--Sey, I hepe yeu don'd go fishing on Sunday. 7 Bsy--Not new ne mere, Pareen Tenthly--Ab,I am glad to hear What de new, go te church ? ting. th at. Boy-- Naw, Il ge aka Cures Consumptien, C Croup, Sore Sold <_< Dro a Guarantes, Fora Lame Side, Back or Ched; eh's Poreus P. > and Cure *Price Sicta. Thie Injector tte successful -_ free. HBemem Siiich's Remedies are sold On a guarantee. ig will give great satisfaction, --a5 Cents, ee laster <. ve _- Peopl that can be had for the money. | Everybod pains, kept on hand in every family. Sold every- will LOH'S /"QACATARRA yREMEDY.. any ? This Bemnedy will retiove ber, a ISSUE NO 4 1894. Sers ments please mention this here wad no} one' around te inform the Amrr'ca, end if one ceuld-be found suld bs the greatesd curiosity ab the World's Fale. Ch cago Record, Inh+rited, Wil» there fe really ne exoute far hazing ab colisge, the beys plead in mitigation ef senterca that they were enly rehearaicg the -- they bad frequently heard vbelr athers boas) of havirg performed in the good old times. The quickest way ef smoothing rough characters ls te from them. * pec ie ES RES LESS Dick's Condition Powders attens Horses. and Cattle Dick & Co., P.O. Box 482, Montreal. gramblera thata live cliff-d bad net bsen-. seen alnce _Co'umbue discovered is Disease Germs. living fz the Blood and feeding upon its. Life. : Overcome these germs with - Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, and make your blood healthy, skim pure and system strong. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be decelved by Substitutes! leott. & Bowne, Belicville. All Druggists. 50c. &$L 100 ACRES, EAST FARM 22x A-1 clay loam, brick cottage, frame barn, epring water, orchard; Parkbill milee distant. Price only $1,100; $1,000: as i at 54 per cent A yxreat bargain, rite . onos, A. A. CAMPB Land Qiics, London, FOR SALE. be STHMA CURED! M Schiffmann's Asthma Cure never fails to give instant relief in the worst cases; insures e dleep; effecte cured where others fail. 4 convinces the most Price 56 cts, and $1.00, of Draggists or by mail. Se ee Dr. K. S0UlPs- MARN, 8t. Paul, Minn, ; ' --. -- AGENTS Sealoduhs sot Foto Keives, Ourver, cod Kutle und Besser aise Po" MnEAM 00 Unt few Bee ores Ow --FOR SALE--- 26 Farms ior S$iQU0 each. is ' "$2000 * 7 « $3000 " 14 ae ; o Also woil gltuavd propertias in Cbatham, Walscoburg and Trevtou Teds Pu SULT PURCMABERS Bor parcutculars apply te JOR Moowk, leh, Oxk. "7 a al OFF of SPORE vithabed rj Sete COR wre cady i ; RS. WiESLOW'S ®eSuur° FOR CHILGREN TERYMING be all Draggs. BE titi .tory yarn. The most practical familly knitter on the arket 2 ehfld ean Dnrable,. Simple, Rapid. ' guarantee every machine te éo work. Beware of tmitations ta wanted. 'Write fos par iealare. F Oundss Knitting MaeWine Ca, Denéas, Ontarie WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY OF 1° With pleasure I give miy testimony and re commend 'Eiby's Hioowrio Balve to all snftere=: from Eczema or Fait Rheum. My hands "wer very bad lesy year. Your % called 2 ta box of the salve, and after bathing i: 9d Syater as Hod as count be borne, used ft sné found insiasd relief, Afber two or three appl cations my hande ectt. 3 ey have experisnus/ reeulte, Southampten, Ont. MRS. H. JACKSON. Thio ta to cocktly tat a coupis of boxes of BEby's Hlectrio Salve com pictelr & ve with which I had beac bied for about two years, ; M t Hope, Ont. WM. BWINBU EM, Iba Balvs tee "Qcecn Hil. Ont "DONALD LAMOKT, A Ae ote bp «' = TTT : Ba dic t ies, x Mother Green's Tansy . Podoaons " Used by ds. Safe, Sure and Always Reliable. REFUSE SUBSTITU- » Es. ists or mailed, & free from observation. on receipt of $1.00. ' Sealed particulars, § cents, . ™ LANE MEDICINE CO., . epenc'edeceeted bets im "= 2 otek "9 Meaty eae |CUT THIS OUT. Sign your mame and scad it with ene dellar te Dr. Samuel Ginner, Treas, Of the Antt Proki bition Association af Ontario, Incorporated' 408 Manning Avenue, Torente, Ont. Drag Str,--I°herewith enclose one dollar and desire name be 'enrolled a member of the Anti-Prohibl Association of Ontario, Kindly acknowledge receipt by return of maw, 'Ad very low ;ri-es. Now is the time to gota home cf yuur own. R. M. PIERCE, cf Wes: Bay Ci-y, Mich, is 'nt fo: ibe Celebrated K-yrtona Lard: tn Tienes sna Ozemaw Cou Ges avd oxn sell yuu a farm of any size at_very tow pric:s and very re-8u able tus -Fare .aid one way on purchas off wc. . We Re aoence to EB. M. PIERCE, West Bay City, Mich. CHEAP 'UNIMPROVED LANDS es still for sale in Belt, Peaches oo Acres Michigan Farm Lands And pleasant, healthy hom the tamous Michigan Deac sure crop as corn in Illinois" Souda for illustrated list H. J. EDGELI, Real Estate Agent, South Haven,+Mich GENTS--WRITE US FOR CIRCULARS noc terms. four bork, fro: $lrevalwas wand. We carry the large. a-s rument-ol s bac' iption books, Bib.cs en' Album oO! any bouse in C nada, nnd on- terws and prices cannot b. beaten, WM. BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto, 10,000 ACRES - J OF LAND We can sell you improved or unimprered lands in the most productive portion of the United States on reasorable tennst_ For par tt culata write to BECK EX & CHADBOURNE Brown's Valley, 'Traverse County, Minnesota, in the famous Hard Wheat Belt of Minnesota and the Dako'as ' The celebrated . Lansdowne Farm Herd o stein Fresian Cattle, _ owned by ol- wil] be sold by auction and t reserve af Brown Bros.' Sale Stal cor. King and George streets, Toronto, on FEBRUARY 8TH, 1894 The herd's merits alone secured their selec tative Herd for Kecoud Herd Prize si Chicage, 1883. First Herd Prite at Torente. Diplomas and Medal at Montreal and ten prizes at Ottawa « ronto and London, 1891. of each and very anima. terme of obec. write tod C. McNiven & Bon, Winona, Ont ; yi ; GEO. 8, That is why y Wears sia, A : Karly Decay, Female Irregularity noes, barge bores, 800.) six for Hows mace Oo,, Bre ekyille GRANBY _ RUBBERS. e inthis roth century are bound to have the best Name * Auctioneer, ey ddfess, it a a UR. * 14 KARAT GOLD PLATE. N,.R. Printed matter aa on application . Not bla one daye or time wanted. m2 mean brsi- we will the sam to your 203 office 'replying té any of these sfivertiew . papar. CODES © balance. . J. C. McNiven\& Son, Winona, Ont, 4 F SPERSION SULB

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