Atwood Bee, 26 Jan 1894, p. 4

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-- -31$3,000 Mlorthe- Merchant Tailoring, Gents' Furnishings "and Boots & Shoes! " = a c 'To be Sold in the Next 30 Days for Cash. --EEE ae -- ry 4. . \ * . a a . : , | = 'ee ' Be pe - My stock is much too large for this season of the year, so I have decided to reduce 7 | it by selling at a Big Reduction till Feb. 17, 1894. Remember, this is no bankrupt stock, but bought within this last year. It will pay you to | see our stock and get an idea what we can do for you. In our Merchant Tailoring department we will give you all wool Suits as follows:-- All Wool Suits, regular price $2: sale. price ale | All Wool Suits, regular price $10; sale price $ 8. ; sé ' ba cé ié : ' . ' ee ua . cs bi 16. , | See Our All Wool Pants for $1.65. - nia? ichi We have something in this line that will astonish you. See our Men's Top Shirts at 35-.; 3 shirts for $1. We Gents' Furnishings-- 24S shirts fo have only 3 dozen of these left; have a look at them before they aH go. In Underelothing we have extra runt value, starting them at 25c. for Drawers or Shirts, or 50e. per Suit. Our Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs &¢. would surprise you: In Hats & Caps we € 7 have the latest styles and best quality,for Men and Boys. . ~ rs & SHOES! We have the largest and best stock in this part of the country. See our Women's Fine Sunday Shoes for Si.regular price $1.25. T cannot gay too much about these goods as regards quality and cheapness. [ have the largest stock in towa. Space will not allow me to quete pitces, ' but I will quote just a few prices to show you that we do exactly as we advertise. I have a line of Women's Sunday shoes for $1. recular price $1.25. Men's Sunday shoes, laced or gaiters, sttrting at $1 Men's Overshoes for $1.15. Men's Long Boots $1.40. Meis= Felt Bours SL6D. "Boots & Shoes, Overshoes. and Rubbers must I must have the money. Remember. this is no bankrupt stock, but all ni¢e. fresh goods. * All we asks for you to Call in and examine these goods. It will pay you to buy your Spring Goeds when you can save %) per cent. . acsenaet oo. R. M. BALLANT Farm Froauce Taken as Cash. otes for 1893, not settled by Feb. 17, 1894, will be put in for collection. ~ ~2= Allaccounts, and past due bh * fs ) | . - . ; : ; , - " " : ' Pfoorer, the suspected wife poisoner. Canada captured Tf awards for their A joke was told on a Morrtisite to the = + . ---- GO LDSMI TH'S | bare en fuund not guilty. The ver t3 exhibits of butter at the recent effeet that whiie he attended chareh on e iias been fuun , h er. is er ; - rid's Fair. , a revetit sunday a bag sd ras dict 1s quite satisfactory ty mest people 7 et - : a ; : acess i ey aan a ag 2 yin ; . _--et> HALL Y ree Ltis estsmated that this case will eost North Wellington Liberals met at} wocter in the herse shed. ~ : J ! ; Arthur last Week and upanimeusly - the Government Sh, and that co omimeted James MeMuilen, SL BP, All the old munictpat oficers of it will cost the?defence half of fhat. tor fhe Commons. ' | a were er - en (entereti . a - a . ; : meeting on Morday. KR. Laing, of | . . ~ . ' a amon. 7 ue "cee ---- 'At the meee of the Pattons of Ethel was given the contract of tepstir R OBT he Rr , On Saturdty. December 3), atSa.m.. Quebec Has det ided to press ibe Eran West Mitidtese x, -- at aT t4 the tridveat Sunshine. Plats are : .* OORE, Wwe commence our stock trking safe, secund charge against Flooper. Taon psum3 Fivail, Criepeue, bASe week. | being prepared for two pew bridites ; 3 ro). Carne, of Adeiaitte, received the' on the ath line to replace the old wues. DEALEE {[X---- which will only last for three weeks. ; : wits A teace . om eet . and in order to reduce oug Splendid wud A Patron of Industey secretary ; Fak™M OTA r EST -- -Tine following . n ' i stank es) 29 ake : . nan ' . ; = Te eas : figures rebel to ren are tanete ra | By handsuime stock so as to make a goed wrote te e Sant ottictal paper of A uew weekly paper in Toronto to é e * r Sh if ove to Th n, the effi Aid ; from the Buyean of Fuahistrica report © ang mes v V showing of business for ist'. have Je = tle i¢ marnbus .. be eniledt The Advocate will be tssued | : whe Patrons: -"Is it agalust the rmes | i ore will be ethited by c p._| fer teu2, jist -issned>--No. of artes decided to sel! my entire Stock 'at 10 pet : ; > P in- . e3 hS: N =m: y ventabove Wholesale cust. This ts no and constitution of the Patrons vf tu *kKribs, and the vasiuess end will be in occupied, TUS.8S.: Ne cleared, Sb Go: . Hardware 5 : advertising dedge, but a pire and dustry for the President of a county & charge of George Darby, both of whom | AEtES Sep aree, BA, Reve: 4 , simple Lustness triansgiectien which Will sociation of the Patrons to be also the are so well and famuliariy Known to the | in fall wheat, Gt, yieyh Ldsonlh i ae tbuskeis, or 222 buasheis per acter he carried out to the letter. | Se I savy .} . ' --_ od 5 a ' " ice President of a Reform conven- | Aeerage in spring. whe: 9: wwe' ES - ' - ma ray i spitng wueat, FSi | t E arnts,. ( his, t+ lass, i able nuultiations tor the Comuots. ' . pcblic as to require bo introduction. to any intending purehasers to make it, * pias ° d - a point to come aid we me. IT menn: ten? The sun. replied:---~Most WILLs PRopatep.--Among the 233.226. or [jy busuets per acre. Acres > rat 'ust what L say. Come along. delavs/ assuredly itis. Such a man is either a wills probated tp the eourt at stratford | in barley, 17,134, yieid 257.500, busauel> and Pocket 1 ufiery, : ; " since New Year's, are theSfullowing:-- | per aere 273. (nits, BNE acres. SLY, are dangerous, My akert cloeKs are 4 > nolitietal : ; ' +t 'oe . : _-- a ; the a best, My work gives entire party portician OF ao idtot, and neither -riat of Benjamin Faulkner, of | 158 bushels. or S35 busieis per acte - : x aetisfaction, Wishing you the compli: | is eligible for membership in our order. Mornington, who left S612 uf personal! Peas, $2552 acres, OL f5%8 bushels, os Silverware ments of the season, | remain 'ours! Bounce them ail." Thos. Magwood, , property and 31.008 of real estate under; 215 pet acre. Hay and clover, Lis ihe ' 5 - ' ' e* t . . e - : " - a2 . fi: >. _ = 2 = - er 'eg oaths respectfully, M. P. P., will have to be ~bonneced," 2s the guidance of his widow, Mary Faiksjaeres, 222-609 toms, er Pde Cotes : a -- od ~ per-apd his brothers J.G.and Thomas' per acre. Putatees, 3.713 acres, 471, Lamps Croess- Cut J T R ;we fear he has not sialaainiesiaitl ail' Pulkner, of Maryborough --That of) Bw bushels, or 0) Bustmeis per acter. Ss ? ; H GI J N a EB r allegiance te the Conservative party. | Rose W. Sayers, whe left eti2 to the Mangeld wortzels, LSi8 © os. fT Dien Ww . A . *. +] 1 bs = _ 7 - ' = = ees ae = ; - = _ a | joint executership of W ne Lawrenee pels per acre. Carrets ag? wres, St a oe . XES, TLISTO WwW se. | Poole. land Chas. Mannering, beth' of Strat- ; bushels per ager Pert pS. URS deve. &c. P. S--J. HW. Gunther has a good Saas ; | ford.-- Phat of R. BR. ,Wilkinson, of | 4:3 bushels per acre Hur: = itaeh be , P --_ Sia Lain cienan iy ied coudinioo Rev Mr. Mchibbin, of Millbank, con-| Logan, who willed $1.9%3 persoual and ; 2802.5 92h acres tue rebards.raninvount a ; ony sale cheap. in ¢ (iON Gueted the usual prayer meeting at | S84. Tw realestate, with executors John! exceeded om's" by Kent, Mulsiews, MAIN ST ' LISTOWEL | i J . g ice driver. A bargain for some Se Veet " sav evenilié . = i H : en cenaisls awk it cheap Mr. Shearer's last Thursday evening. and Wm. Wilkinson and hits widow ' Lincoln and Wenis..... | y- ; aL hse oe or: Matgaret.--Solomon Lropf,of Morning: | é' Miss Nellie Chalmers and her brother Will, accompahied by Muss Kate Me 'Coag, have gone to Galt to visit friends. may , R | yorra. That of D. N. Kropf, of Morn. = The Atwood Bee, wesw swemene wees Gen Tete wees FOS A FONDERE =: . in the wowds last Friday. fell and wes sonal and' 4.5") real estate. and whose ender sa . ; bronght home ip an uneensetious state, +executors are Mongo Shultz, of North} ' ee. ' et ai ne - ° ~~ Under the care of Dr, Cattermule he is Easthope, Christian Kropf, of Seuth: : F 2 Ss, PELTON, - PUBLISHER. reeovering. . Easthope, and Magdalena Kropf, his eae ---- a a es ------_------- ---- widow, of Morningten.--J-hn Boyle, of | a ~ Nox out * FRIDAY, JAN. 25, Dt. Donegal Elma, 897). personal and TS) Best | = . or a big clock _ estate to the executorship of W. T | * §Stem-wi Fewelled movement, comwinine ail the laest ine aa aoe The special sermon on "Dancing." ~ Boyle, of Wingham --Adam Rantaiait. | ' imoproveme Silverine ease of the best quality)» x- of Wallace eft S2v0 personal and? 31.50 | 4 ; i ee, guaranteed to weer 2 Efe- real estate, his exeestors being Wm . ron € ; Wallsee. and Einzebeth "h : owe enters ts. , . _, Kaufman, ot Wallsee. at ait : This week Tne Bee ters Upon " The death of Gieorge Henry, on Fri- tredrick, df Listowel --John Beyie. fifth.year of publication, and is getting day, Jan 27th, caSt a, cloom over the of Elma, left 3162 @ggonal and S£400 : rupee i whieh was unavoidably postponed, will VOLTHE FV. )f DV ) be preached next 23), 'in the Donegal churen by the pastor, OR OATCH-PENNY BOHEME, > p to be quite a big younster. During the community. The deceased was 27 real estate, bis eXee ets being Samuel | past four years of 'iournalistie work | Fears of age and unmarried. Rev. Mg.» Boyle and Ferdinand Deenng, | ' . 4 he necvie ofthis t 'flooper. of st. Alban's) church. Elna. amon - tie people 0 iS eee ¥ i Atwood, eondneted the burial service fe _ we have had. no reason to compiain of inthe Methodist church, at Donegai. , , . | - _ the support we bave reeeived. We addressing the large number of trends Huron County Notes. i <2 le . have end-atored to do our work faith- and relatives of the young man trem - t or four wate : x : . i il d we know that c the 1 tth verse of the ito chap.., of ae | fan Eiecant S tush €: ~ ; 2 . fully abd weil, and we now 1a = Pevelations. The bereaved = family!- ._.. . --- -- "4 Pt = ~ ~ efforts have been appreciated, inas- fave the sympathy of alk in 'their William Cantelon, of Holmesville | sh itean " oe " much as we have firmly established a , afiliction. a. saa ca ara epotetil a waik' vex ma will be cheertally refuaried. In ordering = s : * . } >i Ss 5 f : Gentiexr: ¥ * ' good, prying business. We desire to' | [a an Tl im Goderten ip (ae ; j 2 we agents and others seiiirr our ~Wender™ Watch. rs at will be -- ie thank our mnamerous subseribers, adver- | News of thé Day. | John Lake, ot a 2nd line, Morris, | BB sip enormous ae ta the OG Feline Ne ae ar ender darect tae ater Bae = ° t sers, and patrors generally far their | -- . . . has purchased a farm on the 4th eun value for your mosey. You omy have the sume Watch im » fice Gold Plse*tr oc. Be ~ pied ll hy The stockholders of the Worid's Fuir of Grey from Mr.Clegg. The price war, eatra. Aijiress. Z 5 eontinued cunfidence anich generous at Chicago are likely to get about 16 $3,000. ' FLEMING. NOYaLT&. = fe pitronage. [t will be our aim during cents on fhe dollar for their investment. The annual meeting of Hnron 162 Ein PA , oS: ihe yeat fow entered upon to make! yey. T. Dewitt Talmage announced Distriet Council, -R..T. of .T,. will be) "gi Nor actonk.' - Toronto, Canada. 3 : THe Bes more readable than ever;' Sanday that this coming spring on | heid at Seaforth on Monday, Jan. 29th. . ' but te do this we sclicit items of news his twenty Sfth anniversary as -pastor} at 10 &. m. a . Nee eee ee ---------- - © . - = i +4 4 " 3 = : « + - - ~ bs . » front not only pur eficjent amdnutiring - niin resign from the Brooklyn taber- | ou -- of -- 'Biyth Standard is : eof correspoudestsy bat also from | pi 0k p Filson on : 'W.H. Irwin, and in speaking of his ILE pi - ata of erence? aeetty {roll | 'Prank |b. Filson one of the.mast pro-' e-sake,the editor of the Brussels r every revder of this parer, Drop in minent basiness men in theNorth- West Hearid, sayss--The . Brussels Herala | * when in town and tell us of the newsy) wrote a letter to bis wife, teliing her{/has made its 2 rnce, edited by sw ' events happening in your eality and | that he ~-- fo "<r bis NNO pe- | James irwin. 's - see,--Irwin.-- NEURALCIA MUSCULER STIFFRESS, Oi ia aa ~~... leanse of the financiat-depression. He' es. Irwin. Did your grand- : ° P * ¥. e | : . bs - t- ° : q you will greatly oblig®~us and add to | thecwalked into the bath-seom, Iecked/'come 'throm. Oirtand> And did hel. PAIN I SIDE & LAME BACK ; the general interest of your favorite | the door behind him. sat down on come 'throm Sligo? Perhaps . we're . ween" of' MENTHOL PLASTER <a. piper--Te bes. | bathtub and blew his braims out. ( | brothers, Jimmuis, ; - ° . ke me a . ° . e \ ed , \ : co - « ' - a "ae * 7 « "a & i = é 4 - Fi

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