- . a - 'of = r whee wie a z cn 5 = > * € ' PoraToss, beans, and mixed pickien | , Trowbridge. | | : e for sale at Hamiiueu's grocery: -- | _N, Foster, of Leamington, isa guest | . ' - a Wayren-- Batter, eggs, wood, cedar. of Nr. Netrea. : : e r ' Se ae a een, See, Hallanr | Miss Carrie Lentz, from near Wood-| : a ie 4 : Seas he tyne's. | stock, is is spending:s short time-at her . f°29 My stock in now about. Wm. Locinean, B, A. Galt, and | parental home oe = on eke ' , ] h "his brotherJehu,cf London, were in! Qn. s evening last as. the ° none - ; cemplete with . town this week allendung the sick 'bed | people gathering for church. : (Of their mother. . iservice an alarm was given pricy ERHLAPS pever in the history of | valuable to merchants. For instance, Fresh Drugs dnd . . |. Wepxespay, February ith, is an- | Richard Sutton's house was on fire; ina) [° Stratford was there 2 better op. agent gece of bm: 'the other ey a ; i nted asathe opening day of the | shurt time crowds were there but Rot) * Patent Medicines. ° | eect Lagialazesn of Cinteate A short, | in time to extinguish the fre. As there "™PtNs prices thah just now at-the it for cash and by getting the cash far . 3 : | ware lots to hele they got patt of the ATade. Une of the chigf reasons is our goods we go ow 'diseounting 'and ae basy sessium Is ex OS eeeanocerennrnaeeE o 3 hidtdek f° oS oe ee Sek Toe are ts aeppenal tare | Awother' isthe. tage tien the ss et neared SUTRA yeas A full stock oO jex t rea "Clever Gro is sa to we ii } Sale 2h. ae i |are unayoiuanly crowded out of this e#tght from a spark from the chimney isa Reals The prices are Rapes ~d . ; | ISsswe. y will appear nex} week. : "red ink ice alongside of the regular © ° Books and ae | price. What's still bett = Tue {service in the Presbyterian' |, Atorood Bfarkket § - ' er. there is not 2 lot of goods-now for cash at gteatly Stati - je@harchs Atwood, on next Sabbatii will Fal Ww 2 S88 Gp 20 Atiiclein the store that is not re reduced prices aud keep up the eircu'a- ; ° onery 'be at 7 p m: instead of at HL ay'm. on) fe nt ee ae > ed a in . Gai Sertiche 1 te] Sas wae is just as for a store 6 -- ; : jaccount ef communion scf¥ice in ---- wees ae 3% 5 BO well redaced. Again, everybody *® goods as & body fail of bivod. * ' ¢ on-hand | Moukton at that hour. 'Oats _ Sa ----. 29 gy SPPSus well satisfied. with ghe «sub. ++. Eariy spring tonic is 38 good for _ , Qrick Worx --J. Klamp and bis! Peas 2-0 llilicvssscocs 0 gy Seaptial reductions, + eS ae Be ns eens ° | erethber Whitham Billed and dressed a: ial "3 : bleed. Mat cow this week in the remateably! pos 072777 §S én). everybody gets'a wa | Personal. attention given <ort periud of eighteen minutes, We! Pleat, per owt fio ool Opposite the to Physirian ood Family tne nn sitet BR Penefit | poe Sitios. ecipex: > Cor id a Solberg: 1 . Why, ifwe get the stnff ont even . oe Exe 'Sheepskins, each. Be gy EtRoat pros and some odd tines The Arcade. { The last few weeks, leit Wendesday! Wood 2 ft... ... Lad 1 73, COW Prodt we'll benefit ourselves, Two eitrences. cer. Exie ana ; 9. CAMPBELL. fri to visit friends in Mirat-/ Potatoes perbushel....... 30 30 Mast'of you know that moaey is very ' sts. and Markets. ante . ' ifort, Jackson, Mich, and Chicago' Rotter perIb.......~ __... 2 2) The Atwood Drag Store. 'before netumung home to Buctle, Mani meee a aa . B BI . -- Pteda , ; : -------- ---------- { a = ; : -| GRAND PHoxvoGRarn Cosceat--| ti SeEee MSL chy OE eee Wed. Ferguson, - 'The Arcade, Stratl d. + cugatged < Bros, of | : ae OF ; Be | Actun, to give two of their celebrated | SOU THERE an Sa _-- 3 Phonographic concerts in Une Method- | ---- = _ ist egureh, on Tuesday and Weduesday | aot ceethe ase Atwood Station, North | -- "lew Advertisemeats This Wet. racy nr phe Bist ot at yield nein cree. GOIXG XORTH. FOR 30 DAYS a ------ house. Admission 13c. and Ne. Coa Express 123 am_/ Mixed ..§25am_i Tie New Store De WE. Damage, | Sk tocommence at' S o'ctuck. "Don't Express 1235 p.m | Express 2343 pum. Bi J Coc © Ace Mor-- 2. i. "mace. ; : Mixed __ 9-38 ' 9- » | e Locals Mrs. Hl. Capipbed and Mist fail to attend aud thus assist a imi 1x =Spm_/ Express 9:15 pm. | < , Cause wad a Worthy organization. orTie. i = "i North -Perth Lideral Conservative: A Peomerrtox Cooventiva for the!) Assaciation North Riding of Perth wiil be beid in | STAR LIVERY 5] 1 Thon' bred Gerkshire boar for ser- the Methodist dee wk Jicmen naa | W Desant wesdar, The Sg ay of January, 18 } --* il at 2 pm. for the purpose of taking into! The Star Livery i is equipped with. = --------= | fOOWURE Uke Kecent viclonous cam -- class rigs, tuat aid gentle drivers, | ' gu, and also fer considerir a SEY SR REA SER SNe - Gow Calk.---- Le a and necessity of matches brag of the ce public. | ' = | the existing Prohibitiuworganmazioa tii Terms Teasonable. Stabies oppasite . ' Vourxe V. another gtand triumph is achieved in loerger's hotel, Atwood. , For Sale at Your Own Prices. 'the cieetion of thembers to Ube Provinc- -92-tf WM. HAWKSHAW No. 1 Japan tea at Ise. per jib. atlial and Dominren Parliaments poeddiz. | 7 ~ rs ~ --_-- : Hamu lton's groceyr. jed to support Prohibition. Let there a ; \. In addition to my own fine stock of Boots & Shoes ! have bought a large and select Stock of: Men's, Women' ; and Children's Boots & Shoes, which Team prepared t: . sellyata Big Sacrifice, as the stock must go. Felt) Boots, regular price 82.50, now selling at $1.50. Miss # PELTON. of EAaeeers. spent a peed eat raliy of all interested in Prohibi- feu. siays in town hest week 5 ' KM. BALLANTYNE pers cash for "Tae ainditors' report*of the Elma nice t ib. rol] butter and eges. Farmers' Mutual. Fire busurance (om- | Mex ApaNs ef Trowbrndge, visited pany shew the amount of pucicies af her friemi.. Mrs Giddins oa W crinesday present in fagee at the lane Ryure of j of bast week. SLENTAST. . This Cm is one of the safest Hi-sTows bread delivery wagon wilt 40d cettumly the most eqonemical Women's Dungola Buttoned Shoes, regular. Price Ss. Vist Liweud tune a week--Tudcsdars @204red Ore insurance companrs in| now selling at $l. 15. and Frid:iis. Canada. There is no other company Me De Aion .of Mitchell, and Miss dwang even . half the business wt this ~~ Staten im tier & wT coe erat sreeee canes « 'hildren™ s Shoes at '25c. up. - ' Lee wish {f Torento, spent San comer that isrun with so littie éx- ef Canghh, Brenchiia, Auione, or houin: eximian chee = , a até by SeSSNCUTS Mi: are Wery Viecee cx Large. dapewith Mes. H. ¥. Hoar. Robe, SLiase tegeibe amcant tc) THOS Men' Ss and Boys' Shoes a Specialty. Frep Korasjoarmmeyed to Fordwi quired to pay all ksses and salvries and an ef , Ou Woeaiteesaias wt lask Week. Must be eX Peaases fear tibe wear. The fosses and YOu SAVE = WHEss . ; = ¥ suibe alivaction there, eh Fred? damages ameunted to about $9aih mach cscomfert. FOR case ONLY . We tecret to --, that Mr. Cath: * berten. Lae fireman in Cufrie's mill. cute grade cf Leith the Edinbars| ao% ------ TAS. V- FERGUSON. r= lS -- . or ~ = Ps h ~-- + . ---- = -- * Baws ince te ceeteizteeed Toe Gin f Se Fert - i ee ee avegd im WN ORT ------ a ow ok oe \sas sAL> > -- Serta tite, OwIiRg to Bites lie rv coh . ee eee oe ? -- - ~ ------_------ is ' i , Mat Wlif, a TetTvY iuchti Siete Gl «ual a deserves ibe stumpathy ef ali the com-j C2 of every descripuom, anda Tuiberal Conservative : " Mw Ree. - : we \ " eat 75> f se fer : - NERV MASONS Geta Sel tm fag As Ss Dems AND MANTLE MaRESS--Mrs. pew, The make af bomen ie Coed sociation. Harsy Campteli amd Miss Magee Cer gars was lirge. bul quality -neraiil rte Wik Open eul adress ami manik was wniv tain isk compei..nom Sef CuN "ENT TIN of the Noarth MIaRws eestee~s tm the Shap Mecemtiy * pote bigh prees were pur fer really Perth Literal Conmservalite As Bargains! eccperd by Miss Vallanes Toes Will ciedeest quaaty, The make ef Dun Soctation ail Ge ireki on Has tee Teuaky Go Teweiwe acdess om and after! woos was lancet thag esual and Prices enpliug s Li all Miarem ist, INA Perms reasemaie, py qomsequemes, aepreseed. Early in Nilisfactien guanantecd. the Seuss TPIS of creught and MTELV ESE ON e * ~beers." sard a lady teaeher. sean amv Sort make Shem sent prices im the . " ent Tend giote a verse of MTP lure Tt aies tee Weoanad tine reach of LEAT TELS Friday, February aad. 1894, i ' ¢ prove thal itis wreag for a man te h-re ami ap enprewesdeuied oecurrence j , hate (we wives?" bie pret used = and Tusk poe some fbhanmdmds of bares. At 3 oeciows PM. fer the pura at ji FOR 30 DAYS ONLY after a moment a bright bey raised his of Wircomsin cimere.teng resold m nominating acandsdate for toe repre | e hand. Weil Thema" sad theteaciter Guasgew and transiipped to Utacara sentation of the Nerth Rediag of Merih encoaragingiy. Themassteed aodsaki At the present time poees im New' in the Outano Legisiatur, a sdlemauly: "No man can serve tuo York ate higter than bere The eatire Meetings for ie parpese of appoint- masters" The yuestmenioz ended sMewk there ati be requind for home ingtaa delegates ftom each Pouimeg knee Ooms pes \ dee Coumaedicams quality sabelivisier: qekeept Milverian, which . , J ~ Hrstrex, se bug and faroraNy bas Qeee very foe, Ballaatvmrs's bamd (os entiiked te five dedegates) will be bedd Krom Jan. 2? 1894 agi kne@wea in qeumectien with the Confed- seme "Biackereeks" Oring a:most equal on Wevdorsday, January Sia. at 73) p 3 ; eratok: Late ims: a amce Cw hes retired Ge feeSt Souter: cheddar paeey eXpart m_ Oy the Nemter Cunsrrtatitve Associa ° trem tie rexel and has opepeda bakery [roms Neate is the lamest oa nev a ties «kD Waller, [Last awed SEDs. ~ tu tie town of Lisweael winere he Keeps Teaching Paes boxes the total Merminetem, Ellice Nertln . Nasthw ve , wr btmd: the best of fresS aimi aiedie~ RecT™ ase orer East Seasom begng 3 P Nrationd anal iia ai the usual wil sume tinea cakes Goscarts amd confer etes Necks beth in Canasta and im plats of meetix " Risttety Lie res wee oWeR hie SerTiees Of * Uiies Coetmiry are Yer¥ Boal amd extreme Eact reovgniond Junnoar Canserrcatire aa first cass Tesreenice taker ame i eters Pits are ikedy Go baw pan efor We Assecaatuan am the redi ee is ones red ia , em ™ a thimz will be pai ap it Line DAGeS. Sivliek ei mew gress cles tm Juce Mii semd Eve dciew Fates. Joe the Canrention, Wedding cakes a spectalty. in Batch cheese, (ides and Prertmwes to he appointed On tie same daie Ist _ . Peeet Davis' Pain Kilier taken ave raed moderate ig price, and had ist.) es All 31 Patent Medicines fer SSe. \ internally, it Meiveves instantly the most 4 Meady- sae dunng lhe strcan. A B.D CAMPBELL 3D 3 \ \ acabe pain, Used externaliv. it. is Ube etiet which bes past amived from A. s7.G. HA WKIN~. President. ior. for 6oc. . sbest lintmment inth= work Lis effeca Momtreal states: One of ont speech Secretary. Whe. = late for 4 iS gimest "insiantaiewss affordimg UF Cperaters Bas tabem ail Wis atten : a a= rey " ' "f Me. Feiner frxm the me intense parm oy SG MN Summer and fail P actsinpinig oo. : or 2%. SHOR Le te { secthumeed - port, in doh vos cast ai hme = . eee ATWOOD BAKERY 4 ten cent cakes Teilet Seap for ze. , wmal STV SE ta Glue Beret ' . st. where A fra Werks -~ pa . )- it is cenianules TB peewee Ss trtes Ani 22OO Some Hho) ae _ nfariwrrs a hive cent. cakes Toilet Soap for 2a - L hy =e ry 1 ere co i. <>gqp SOI ar. akeewe me T I OMIT 7 } - se wes Chex cas eat chet ib the = "2 INSU te, Waa remmed urised so AND GROCERY Pure white Castile Soap, We. per ib. rm the CAR af weed te Pat upin danse 'oat the fortign trade oans the Cheese . Cuticura So ap, Be. . aioe neve am Canada which, sf toad @2li met - -- benttles hassle fern Tagen at Baby's Own Soap, 12¢. . Tae Warpexsr?r.----The new -- U pon entering my fourths: lose. Hair Oil, 10e . Coanty Ceectieets Guet at Ube ewirt beacwes _ : ae f . . _-- " we . = pr a cr "4 *Saratfurd «at Fopesctaw clest " Au -ige Ethel. Fezur oo busine ss om yOU! 1Ue, Castor Oil, uc. ~ earmatees wre presept. The arst | The new sam mull will be ramming Mm. Th eS ] de ee to take chic" he. Turpeé ntine. Te. Iasimess Takem ep was the election of a few dares a aanin J. A. MackingYeere of - po. vine is attending County eppertunity of thanking my Remainder of Wall Paper at-H alf Price. Liew. woes - i < gr vesing Conuesl thik week. --- numer ous Customers for , EE watccd we Core : a . = Ben Was mooted OF , Sketimg om the mes seems to de he their continued and hearty ° -_ Tie Brsgetete Senate pastime with the roang peo Purr Maze MN the past. My * Mer. Hiacking Oy jast new. j .- has is ~ * a biajenty wal fen Fihe Tete Was «ss * : ; CUSINEess BAS nC reased im a . tollows: For Macking --Yoasie, Schae | Toe qeurteriy meeting of the Meth- | very atisfacts ry manner: , ee ter Fak. Har. Cotmwer, Anmstrg, SOS Charen will be bekd bere om me ay wii "i '4 . st. Joi' Gguctair. Kemp Jackson 3581 SabSath in February. ¥ ~ a nd can now be 'considered A Fall Stock of Fresh _--=« --_ : Leverage. Larmgz fered, Jack. "Turk +. James NeRKelver, mreey 'a bad as weil established. | hare ' Lammead Era Rran, Camptei. broixe on the lee a few . ff age br Grosckh For a ecards Poo beim Strack with a sieerh tone. lic brought 1 it To this state, by a Dent. Kitz Goetz, Keanedy. Poole. ts improving slowly. strict attention to business. '- ; . Hacking. Arex, Nocteth Warden : _ we et 4a i ; Hacking, om taker the Warden's chair, Mx EC ober rs stali in very peor by upright de; thins and by | 7s P . » 4 ; y tire Enel -- ° henit® amd mat Rhely te reooter. Ler - at thanthed tes fellow omembers flor the = ® Ly h: undiling only the be sft lines § > ~ ee seat & "Th er & z ~ > ' hener cwafemed oa him -He did por @Der. Mrs Chittick who came to is ; ' F : take the TOle 2s & petsercant meat ter. wan om ber, tsaiso very ul of goods" af ng t prices. " : . ae se be bat sees, bathe wandenghip. The teachers in oar schoo! are busily Trusting that by strict at-. _- . : x. and fe ook The Vole aS a ree EERO? Oth In ri am - Teettt ; , of Listowets rights raiher than a3 a'prentam of duke, reateime tention to businéss | may: > , ann belli . personal matter. Tne BEE congyain- instrumental and vecal selectioas etc. /merit an li reasing patron- ; © @.. - istes Mr. Hacking en bis appeintment.. to be presented to the patiic on Friday, hi Y } , ane we are sare be will G0 Posilier | ereninge Fei. Sth in, the aresing bal malt | al this year. eurs truly, i why an . , >» * - 'Tie proceeds to ° ith credit te himself and ta the toon, eae Silas i , : oT Nuit qunussty. . - we | parposes 4 " &. 8, HAMILTON... -- Atx7T ood, Cort... a , | : ' & \ ae