Atwood Bee, 26 Jan 1894, p. 6

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*, ¢ + SO * J. il - He may become Ozar of should it i i i 4 : F il ¥ i neither the Remansf bape bat, instead, revembles his Danish mother. uel ce the in tr Ba face ERD OF THR CLAROVITL Harpe Prine lnsioaly Ami ing the Cast of Fate, Russia at any or nihilists i! g Ld aut Eurspe a weakling. SEE _ Frequently there are remers that the Czar bas determined to use his autocratic pywers and mame his robust sscend son as his su0- The Grand Dake has latterly been kep sven more in seclusion than be was formerly. wife is The Pitt li il j i Czar | Bb ] wurdereus 'when be war on & superstitious, and © attack i if E : 3 3 f ¥ E i LFF FPITP OE ithe s F f i Uy F £ i ft i } f f a } 5 g F | ithe | E H. the kind to it E E rit T> The heir of his father, Czar time te time have re amiahility is "EE fh FEES iy F ; rey Ti any peepie. Grand Dake Nicholas weuld be abis ideas inte ferca sheuld be ehews in public is net as- Ri SOT PARTIAL TO WAR. g FS | usemircked George; the turn his ef f ™maD, 't f a Crzaz might be expected frem a miki-man- the Czarewitz is nod of thejreslly dressed ep. ck FF i} i j ; E 8 w t my 828 i ! Lobel RECEMBLES THE DUKE OF YORE. ; Of osorve, these letter things con enly be The Casr is not- an eld than ordinarily vig- anarchists Tae young Rcssian bears a" re- markahle rese:biahse te the Dake ef York, the secacd. sen ef the Prince of Wales Indeed, they are as like in the face as two peas. . WELL DEESSED FOR FIVE MINUTES. Working Girl the Bay Ib wee o queer y shep girle sre talkirg of in Brooklyn sh«ppirg svorer. She was but net richly dressed, and she came with twe or threes otner young women. B8hbe locked over the most elegant dreescs that wero on esle, and ins'eted upon seeing "* the most ive evening dress" of the lot. She particularly wanted it ont as low in the bodice as any that are wern The. only garment ef the kind.that was in shook wes a gorgesvs ght purple » ox- quisitely trimmed with velvet ribber. it was eames hat too large, and the salez- women insisted that it wes no use te try it y-fon; but the yenrg gir) wee equally de. termined te ses hew it leeked on her. Ab liest abe wee teken te what is called the evening rocm, with its dozens ef electric lights und ite walls of plate mirror glace, and tbere the put on the eplendid $200 rebe apd called in the saksvomen acé ths women whe bad ceme with her. Tho drev was too l- oze and too ieng, bet the girl had @ pretty neck and shapely srms, and evi- dentiy admired them es much ag she did the gown, wile shs turned around and arocrd apd scrutinized her sppoar ance inthe mirrera. Finally she regretted thet the @ress ocu'd go> be altered within afow heurs, thengh she bad been so in- formed befcre she put-it em, and sald she . | was sorry, but ehe would have te losk elze- where. As she waz leaving the etere one of the saleswomes beard her say : " There, now. I am eatiafied te be married to merrew and bury myself in the. country. It was my ims: chance in this life te be New I am eatisfied, thergh I should have iitked te wears few diamends."--Neor York Sun. SHOKELESS POWDER. Beme 500 Great Guns Euimed by Its Use. The adoption of smokeless powder in 'the _ "Ital'an army is likely to cost Iraty dear. Acosrdizg io the France Milstaire, the sumber cf ¢725 pow duced such an «fect upon the beres ef the guns that eome 500 heve,alresdy been cor- hsve been issucd to considerably reduce the amouct ef gun prac- tice. Enormsus expense wi!l, in oconre- qrence, be necassary t# restore the Italien neld artillery te its fermer atate «f + fi-ienoy, ne lees a cum than £8,000.000 bsing mentiened at the ameant required. If the -repert ae to ths guna being rendered prac- thoslly useless throngh emekeless powder being used bs cerrect, tt will probsbly have ap imper:ant effect on the these powders, which have recetved such a stimuins of laic years Econom iral Food. In the Forum Pref. W. O. Atwater claims the best fond in tho cerse of that which is soldat the highest price ts rarely the mest ecsnemics! for people in health. The feed that ts bes' fitvet te the raal wants of the user may bs the vege kind which aupplice the mest tn'rim i iygt the lowert cost. Round steak at ffiéen cents s pocnd cen tains as much protien and energy, iz just os djgestibie and ie fully as cutriiive, as tenderlein xt fif-y. Mackerel haz ss high nutritive vaine as ealmen and corte frem an eighth te hslf se mu-h. Oysters are s del- cacy. Ifonecsn afford them there is no reaven fer no: havirg them, but "6 oenta 'n- vosted in s pint wecl4 bring on'y 29 grams, about as ounc:, cf protein apd 260 caleries efenerzy. The same 25 cents spent fer flour st $6 a barrel. or three cents a pretsin and it dees his empleyer "who buys it in flour at $6 a barrel. ' * t of get emeng hsifjinfe before. Ore big nesed MMANDS 1S IN TROUBLE. | Be Des Wot Like the Way of the 'Wenham, * and slesp there, han's daughter gave m6 shtrict erders net te ceme up s'airs withent apa seer an' to always leave the house the basement door, sn' not te dare speak or even netice her on the street, until I beceme vil mint Bridget, an' beth are awfnlly stack up, an' shtrat areund like - : © Mre. Menahsn used te have a bregue as Irisn as the pigs of Drogheda, an' new, faith, half the tire you think she was: i, i | F F i : } : E E i it fi i H i Hi ; oa He fi: He i & La) Es 5 » HL z eB Ee LF E i | E enus. Well, " had day while the husband we at werk 5 aleng and teld the wife rich breke whin ferever. . Anyhow, the rich rascal got tired.of her an' she became breker.-hear'ed, an' ehe lost her beauty an' was left to die alene, with she had ceurage encuzh te , &p' he was such a. the same. But what d'ye think? Oce ef the wimin in the reom was cryin' all the time Perkins was talkin', an' may the old boy elope wid me if Tem Menahan didn't tell me that she. was the divorced wife of three min, an' that 'the feurth hustand bsd a cass now ag'inst ber, and Perkirs used te be ali the talkin' te Tom Monahan sbeut hew shpatkin' threugh a hero, an' if she was tell- in' ys a shtery ye'd imagine ene minute ye were in a pig pin in Kerey, an' the next minute ye'd be te 's »? * drat ae , EDUCATING JEERY. Yee, faith, Menahen waa royin' that his sen Jerry engh> tetesint te Germany te be educated, for be expected him te bea greater man then his usole Mike, the Avecr:blyran, ax' I hinted that if they sint bim acress the water it wouldn't be a bad idea te let him stay fers term-at the Kil- larney fairs, whore his uvcle, Mr. Fiansgap, iin'. erry had a case.te plead the other ran in and take the money. Weil, we'll fix yeu ap all right," says Jerry. He thin atked the lad if he hada motiver alive an' the lad told him she was ead yoara, an' msy two eyes dead twinty 3 fa!l ent and fight like twe dogett and get an eld women, sn' ake wint ge before vhe Jadge au' began te cry, an' Monahan to!4 the magishtrate she was the' ind's «mother, an' that they were both shtarvin' an' that was why the lad chvele the ham, but the court oouldn't ge this pork abtery, au"be sald ho had bad little sym-' pathy fer a man that was hungry and ahtele a bam, se he gave bim six mouths I suppose the Judge was sorry the jad didn't shtesl four or five pige, se as he couid extind bis sympathy an' give the peor divil about ten yeara. TOM IS A SPORT. . Well, Morahan's e«th-r con, Tem, ise shpert an' docs nethin' else enly have fan. Dom fe all the sire talkin' about piles ef money an' how be used to ** biow ™ whin he was ont, an' faith I usd to think 'be carried a -beliows wid him, fer half the time be'd be taikin' about ** blewin'" there wadn't bo enongh breeze for te paff outa cacdie. : S01 bave just found ont that "* biewin' " means shptndit'. Ob, but I'm learnin' quick. Tom dees be tellin' me absat horses an' " good things " sn' prize fighters, an' the divil knows wnat. 4 Sez he te 'ms the other day, "' I'm r ever to Jersey bo-mcrrew, an' if it'se renin' I goza' geod thing ;'" an" ecz I, "* What is tt, an umbrelia 2" 'er I theught he couldn' bave a better thing on a wet day, au' scz he, ** New, I mean « good bores te plsy.. Ye seo I'm goin' te play Catgat, 'cause he lets himeslf out 'n wet weather." Oh, bat I jest céme to think ef it, the other evenin Gin«vieve had company in the heuss, an'th-y were' pisyin' che plane an' basement frinde came to see him sabeuts« prize fight were atra: gn'. * So," ex Tom to me, " ye'd better go ap state. I want to there min en p7i< ave busicess." Well, foxxin' wad pisiss me better than te liswn tes geed song, bu: I knew J wasn't wanted op S.sira, 50 l1old Tem to bring me imt> tbe back parler. Tom did se, ax' Mrs Monabac came ever te me an' teld me pot te dare shpake ene mate up me mind te keep quiet an' Well, be the hety 8: Jaoxstens euch a crowd ef frauds - tt Hit Murphy was talkin' sbect the an' was sayin' tew the rich the time epprrssin' the peer it was a shame, an' the same E: r ii ES ¥ 3 A E 1 in » my Weil, said be didn't care how ' I got mad, an', sex I, " he didn't want te take the Tiss me goed wid bim | he didn't ; goed a wrastier was, an' that he jconld take a fall ew ef any man-in 'his club, ap' Tom said that Perkins mar- --tted_one of the beet is that ever n' that be treated her like a dog a be-~fiz parate from him, between Per- sthery} #0 then ene of tha wouldn't I sing a song. WILLIXG TO PIGHT. I exid I cenldn't slog, but jest to be able 1'd wrastle Perkins coliar'n elbow, out ef three, and thin some ef the cro langhed, while Mr. Perkins lov ked mad an ancther gaid I ehattered his nerver. " Ne," said I, "bat if I ged » chance I'll shatter ere ef his lege," an'I teck off we cost think- fo' Iycould ceax a fs!l entof him, fer to tell ize the 'truth, I didn't like him, an' Mra i onahan and Ginevieve cams toward me, 'ap' they were regin' with anger. Me ealled me a law, ignorant h | Mrs. | thing, { monkey, i te . 'as much like a babecn's a8 8 mere's reeem- (bles & heree's, sn' yu," ez I> turning te ; Mre. Menahar, " talkin' abiut igncramoe, 'why, you couldn't t-ll sn _Interregation 'mark frem s piz's crobsen, an"-- }. Wid that 1 was grabbed from behind an' 'gheved ont ef the recm an' fired braclong ' down sta'ra inte the ka:ement. There was 'pooce down there, os Tom had gone cat iwid his friind:, ss I p'cked meetlf op, feelin'? mere desd than alive, an' wint te bed- for the night. - 'The Measurement of Criminals. The great utility ef the sysxe-0 of m+asur- suspected crimiuzls by the Anthre- Department of the Paris Dasteo- "tive Bervice has orce more deen amply demonatrated. Afew days ego sn indi- vidual whe cescrited bimeelf as a Sj aniard mamed Perez entered a money changer's shep onthe Piacs du Havre and eficred 'gems bonds for sala, representing a veins 'of 40,0008 He was imm-diately arrested, 'ge the scrip was recegaiz~t by the chauger ies the result of a rec robbery. On bsing examined by a mezistra's the Be- calied-Perez persiste? that he bad cnly jast arrived in Paris aud weequ'te innoorat. A visit to the measuring. reem, bowever, ~ erecegpitien ef the man BS sf Bor"esaur, who has already served three terms 'n jail for theft. \ rhe "ain Thing. Little Henry's father and meth-r wish him te be a French scholar, and knowing that a fercign lacgu ge is most readily acquired in childbeod, they bave tiven him a French governess, with woom he fe ex- pected to talk Fresch. Henry gets alorg pretty wel, bat be ts net yet te be mistaken fora native Parision. The eiber day he ai:c-vered that the barm wason fre, Hs ran inte the house quite eut of breath. : "OQ mademoissiic," he exclaimed, rushisg into the ssbosl reer, "I dan'. knew. whether it's Ia fea er le fen, but sny hew there's » big bisze in the barn '" * a Good Furniture Poitsh. goed furniture polish may be made by ef epirita ci wine, s le and - @intment for Red Hands. After the hends bave ben therorghly washed with sn casy lathering so+p and dried , the cintment sheuid be well rubbed in. is made up ef twe ps:ta of Lanatia and. firs porte of liquid paraflin, te . : ik le, i 7 FL | ef vanillin end one drep ef ,

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