Atwood Bee, 26 Jan 1894, p. 8

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mn * WRITING TABLETS, profession. _ the Conservative nominee, would get a : Sree pans} Teyaategot".X tt gt JBh| fan, oe, Suey Ha " . -f,R support." . As a member of the o i- .. DAY BOOKS, She was well advanced in years. Her cahion of Patrons of Industry .we think x School | POCKET DIARIES, Grey. j Pa Mrs. James. Mitchell's health is not wmproving as her many old friends would desire. . Mise Tena M.. Wright was away at Eskdal Grove attending her aunt, who was, yu, -- James Wright is home from Chicago on a visit to his parents. He looks as if the city agrees with him. = - Miss Jennie Mitchell iS attending the Collegiate Insttute at London with the view of entering the teaching home was near Thornbury, Ont ? Suabseribée for Tue BEE, Rev. E. Fear, of Holmesviile, a form- et minister in the Methodist church, occupied his old pulpit Sunday morn- ing, Mr. Fear while here wou the esteem of those'he ministered unto. ® : In the perusal of your last week's -ed- itonal remarks we notice that you "sup- Mr, Weiderhoidt wotild. get the fi veral- Patron 'support in case a Liber-| -- " "The Season's Greetings. - -akPatron" (which ws very improbable) "was the nominee of the Liberal party; and you also think "Mr. Magwood, as Garson & McKee JOURN Ass, : ' weare Voicing the sentyments of our : . ZEDGERS. Itis said that the fortune coming to! brethren when we say that Mr. Mag: : ' ; CASH BOOKS, Jas, Smart from the estate of s0me| wood or any othier Conservative oF Ine We wish alle happy new year and would remind the " __ | yaalthy deceased relative. will arrive) eral nominee should not expect, and! 1). ; foal ud begin 1804 A the i . : LETTER BOOKS. | shortly. We hope this goods news will) certainly shall not receive, the support public that a good way to begin 180% wi ay ina é BIBLES Meet cesmaal wedingin'S. 8. Ne 8 See teicein the eclt,: tn vegeta eee supply of goods 'for future - use _while our great _- HYMNALS, Hugh Lamont was elected trastee, suc- | to the terms "Conservative: Patrop" and} Sale is still going.on.- Never in the history of Listow el i PRAYER BOOKS. . | ceeding Alex. Stewart, wiSmith, ee rae saa at to has there been a greater Sale, but there is a large steck PSALTERS, | pived the wood or, iting only othe elfucing inagination here yet. It has got to 'go! Right 'away quick! e . a eee eerie transpartation tae of ale ioe alent hee Ee att continue to unload the stock for cash and produce only. J. A. HACKING, ives ees cotanemced 'pl lntcesooh Carat era | Send ue dollar of many i will certainly Feet interest ® of North Perth? This being true, he is} | < - will be pushed ahead ata lively rate. This week W. Reid and family, of Mornington; - have moved to lot 9, 'con. 5, recentiy purchased by him. This is the Wm. MeCntcheon farm. We wel- come Mr. Reid and family to this <= | . Country Talk. | locality and wish them prosperity. _ E. J. Me Arthtr, 5th line, has brought a Conservative-Patron. . No "alluring imagination" about this, eh? We grant you It is inconsist _with the const: tution of youretder for Mr. Magwood dise. preparatory to stock taking. to belong te beth, but the facts remain this creat sale yet to come. These nevertheless, and facts are stabbern | . . . things, arent they? And until you | What you may sxpect: . bounce Mr Magwood and a number of} . to youto see how little we can This month will be devoted to clearing ask fer good' merchan- all stock he greatest bargains of values give an idea of home the thoro'bred young Durham) other double-barreled politicians from | -m«! -" ' - pa | Bull ---- pn ceel ae a your order you cannot qoeent the terms | ce Ded iors Caps now 3 6 a . os | James Broadfoot, Tuckersmith town: | we made use of in an editerial last week 2 adies Fur sets i Newry. | ship. ihe a apt An -- other than real and significant and iu 10 50 A re re 'a Pet 6 oO The annnal meeting of the patrons of | PS NN Seg rfection" owned | keeping with facts developed.--EpiTor. a= ' ' ' -- ¢ the Newry cheese factory was_ held in | OY Lead maint age nm taste week - 12 25 . . " . io) \vyun's Hall, on Wednesday, 17th inst] | At the Township Coane! nn nas, a 95 '= Overcoats = - ,~8' which was largely attended by those in- } Alex. Stewart and J. Livingston were} Business Cards. 1s Lv Men NS Ov are oats. - ? on terested, The report of the year's pro- appointed auditors, Mr. Stewart has | 12 GO . o 20 ceedings showed 138.517 Ibs. of cheese | filled this position for 28 years, This) =-- soo ui te 4 having been. manufactured, realizing |S & Very unusual recerd., A Raymann MEDICA. eee - os 7 ie Sik07448 averaging 10tSe. as whole Peet pent -- aon ans i DO 4 60 sale price; quantity of milk received 1,- | of Health consists of the heeve, r "¢: : 7007 rey ne a er 438.459 ibe averhge Ibs. of milk to Ib of and J. Armstrong, | P. Sinclair and P. T. DOUGLAS, N. ie 4 ( . " ° ou cheese 1052: average cost of mahufact | McKay, with Dr. Ferguson as Health} ©.M,F.T.M.C. Medallist of Trin- 5-00 Boys Overcoats 3 00 uring 133, witnout hauling milk; aver} Officer. ©. ity University. Otfice--NMonkton, Un 3°75 a /*e si 39%) age percent. of butter fat for season tariv, 29: 9S-tf : - . " aan 35. .The + report was 'unanimously Brussels. . _ : | 10 00 y oung Men s do i ov adopted. The system of paying fer! A. Bruce, of Bluevale, was in town hentia a ae [ : wn'e nants " 2 OO - milk according to the' per centage of} Monday. © * ¥ S. COWAN, M. D., 3 i Men > pants - ~- sel butter fat was again adopted, no oppos-| WLH Kerr was at: Goderich this (Formerly of Harriston,) successor to} ] A ; ae ee = aren rguie ----. Mean. Lag gg 'week attending County. Council. ' Dr. J. Ro Haaulten. Qidice in Dr. ed ; JO OO " Suits eee ' 4 of) in. Hair and Wm. Sweeton Were 2p ' : < ~erti ._'ilton's old stand on Main street. Resi- | a ai ui _° we ; pointed a Managing Committee: 5 Mrs. Roberts, of Sonth Carlina, 1s) dence in Dr, H's laie residence on Queed | 6 30 " Bennett, Salesman; © James . Duncan. | 'Treasurer, and J. Morrison, jr. Secre- | tary. By a proper selection of cows,; with good feeding visiting her brother, John Wynn. J. F. McCrae, of Toronto, spefit Sun- day with his father, Squire McCrae. , t ; t street, Atwood, Will be found at eith- eraottice ut residence at all hours when[ | . ioe --_-- =, uot necessarily absent. 25-2-t All our Ladies and girls Mantles to be sold without and management, G. Helpenny, of Listowel, was visit-| St to, the | ing his sister, Mrs. G. Moore this week. | care of milk, dairying can be made one |; The next monthly Horse Fair will be! L. E. RICE, M. DC. M. : ° of the most profitable industries of the | peg j useuis ae 5 2armers in Ontario. a in fpcn Thureday, February Trinity University, Torunte 'even a thought of a profit among them sonie, nice goods jyet. Flannelettes-- The greatest snap yet in these coos; . - reltow |think ofgetting a heavy weight and beautiful. pattern i 'flannelette, nearly a yard wide, worth Ioe.. now only accompanied by Strict attention by examination of -Lrinity Medical Col- _ with mch-looking sik tapestr¥ adorns Elma. Miss Maggie Thompson, con. 6, is visiting frends in Mitchell J. W. Boyd kindly entertained the | Methodist choir at his home, on Friday evening of last week. . ' James Fenton has moved on to his! farm again after living three years in) town, [éseems to enjey get'img back. James Gray, George Grierson . and | others are making preparations to build. additiuus to their barns bext summer, There has been a great mortality | mong the horses in this nerghborhoed, | many dying frum colic, indigestion and luflammation. Mr. Lawrence's sale was well attend | ed. Cows sold from 83) te S37 per) head. Herses and implements being hard to dispese of. John Gray, con. 10, Elma, purposes | disposing ot his stock, impleménts and | particulars will be issued shortly. ' for Miss K. Menzies and Miss M. Ste. 'wart, were visiting, in Wroxeter all) this week. The Emma Wells Comedy Co. will fli a week's engagemenPin Brussels, in February. " A business partnership is being enter- | 'edinte by W. Roddick and Wake as painters, &c. Lod lime light views of the World's. Fairin the Town Hall, Brussels, the) Ist week In Feb, ' J. E. Hrydges. of Neustadt, has pur-, ---- chased H. Williams & Sen's carmage, shop, Brussels, and will tirst of March. Rev. John Ross, B. A. was chesen) Chairman of Brussels School Board > i8ot. The other members are) A. Hanter;, Dr. McKelvey, Dr. Graham, | A. Reid and-J. N. Kendall. A curiomty was brought to town on Tuesday by Mr. Forbes, of MeKiltlop, tn | the shape of a pig with three tans. The | twoaextracandal appendages were at- tached to the left side of the animal. 3 . iber of the College of Yhysicians and i Chiidren. be here the lege, ss ot the College et | Qe, *hysicians Sunreons,Untarie; mem |, ; a bed of the Callege half price. 'Don't forget the surgeons, Michigan, special attenliot | are qi nnaralleled. given to the Diseases of Women and), ee Utice and residence, DeXxt) door to Currie's shap, Atwood, Othce; hours: Iv to 12am; Ito 2:30)p.m., and | every evening te SBv. ' i Myllinery, everything inthis department The Gclae=: at just one they dress gouds, bargains GARSON & WicKEE, - --_-- son, Listowel. Jo J. FOSTER, DENTIST. : Any anwsthetic known to the pros! fession used for the painless extraction | of teeth, satisfaction guaranteed. | . Otfice--Uver Fleming's. clothing store, : Main street, Listowel. | a H 5 = f W. M. BRUCE, L. DS, DENTIST. | Gas, electricity, or local ansesthetics, | administered for pstiniess extraction.) Artiticial teeth guaranteed to be of the | * ATWOOD & | household faniture by auction, OD) a. annual meeting of the East best a of ane pail Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 12, neon. Large! anuwe pian East: manship. Uttice over Thompson btus- . : " ane nal 7 le Tee Huron Liberal Association (Provincial; store, Manin street, Listowel. [a Will! - ta ms: and small posjers containing _ full! Huron Literal Assiciition in thela 'Is. Giving You Goods at These Quotatio Andrew Sweeton has been apointed | Sec.-Treas. of S. S. No. 5, in place of John Gray resigned. Mr. Gray has' been a first-class Sec-Treas. always interested in the welfare of the section | but since he contemplates removing | soon to Stratford he couki .no longer be | retained iu that pesition. Mr. Sweeton being the warming of their new two) _Story britk cottage. About 100 guesis | guests and dancing, music, vocal and} Instrumental, and amusemeuts for all pwere heartily participated tn. all pres- | ent geing in fora time'and every: | ' Town Hadl, Brussels, on Tuesday, 30th | inst. commencing at 1. p.m. Election | of otticers. presentation of repdrts, &e., | will constitute the business. ' Bishop Baldwin consecrated St.} John's church last' Friday evehing, afterwards preached an excellent) sermon from the Inst 3 verses found in| Ed. Henry. of the boundary west, lost one' of his' valuabie imported brood mares Sunday. Inilammation was the cause' of its death. ' Money to loan, not visit Atwood until further potice. ' : LESAS | -* . acs R | Men's fine all wool Shirts and : drawers fic. each, reguiar far, a ARLING & BLEWETT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Ke_ | Wallace street, Listowel. Soliciters fo Men's fine all wool Shirts and Oaice over John Riggs'; _ A few pair'of our all woot worsted - Pants left al S22) were G2 sa ' SL40, reguiar D223. . "go -- C.H. MERRY FLAS, Fine Enztish Oxford Shirt ting for 10c_ Licefsed auctioneer for the County of reguiar bo<. wers regular. $1.20 @ suit, our price . * 2 inch fast°eolored Print at S"2c., regular 122.c. and Lic. goods. » See our line of Corsets at 25e. A few half chests of tea at 17% a ee ht the @Sth chap. of att. ~ Mr.| Bank vt diamilton and Scott's Bankin I ¢ , we think isalsoa good wan for the Woods, of avingham and a4 Me, House. Uilice over Scott's Bank. -- | people tell us as god as 'they bay fur ao position. , ; Woodal and Rev. G. W. Rielly assisted / = -- -- see our Tweed Caps for Ste. tae ; - 7 One of the pleasant events wifich , in the services, The Bishop also con-| MORPHY & CARTHEW., , ~ | Fast colored Flannelette at Se a rojoices the young folks' and old, too, dueted confirmation services in the! cqelncavan tha Sinitial a 'e all «6 ae fk : nelet! occurred on Friday evening tast at the 'same chureh last Sabbath morning, | ARRISTERS. Solicitors, | PP i eee Hose reguiar 2c. for : : house of Areh. Simpsov, the occasion | when between 30 or 40 united with. Public, Cooreysace™ } = ae s Latte a € the church. missioners, Ke, Listowel, Ont. Fast colored Flannelette at 3e_regaular ite. > were assembled and royaly was the/|" Monkton. ° wee. H. Bh. Monpas. J. 5. VAeenee: ®- wards of best eatin Flanneiette "warming" performed. The hostess' Miss Lizzie Haggtus is visiting fe cicmeemaaonnannataaatiata * cor ikea . a nace ites Oeil " threw open tbe entire house to her: ancie, Mayor Featherstone, of Listowel. AUCTIONS EES. Look at out vy tweed Pants at for Siis\ regular lee. a yard goods. 'Ready Made Clothing. body seemed er fond themselves great: | iss Carri | Perth, Monkton, Ong. Rates moderate. | . S120 overcoat for = 88.49 iy.' The crowd dispersed Mrs. Harris (nee Miss Carrie Inglis, |. ee hgh", doer wa . atte - i Roping t hag lpm g serene bests who has been sojourning under parent: | For particulars apply at this ottice. . -- fuld table Linen Aor 19% ye. The " * =t be spared to give many such enjoyable al roof for some time, has gone to Bran-)| --------~ al per yard. : . . x evenings. The house, which is a very ra a where Mr. Harris has) ALEX. MOREISON, \ few pair of onr celebrated Lace ean 373 commodions one, iS replete with, ail CbtAined employ BOL ' Licensed Auctioneer for Perth County ; Curtains eft at Goc. per pair. 730 " - 473 rnoderate conveniences amd is what it in the basement. In furnishing it Mr. Grippe has made its appearance in| most severe. suffefers al presept. ' All sales attended to promptly and at this office. _ 3 spoals of cotton for iv. WO vds. on ? '4s destined tobe a comfortable and our midst, and Dr. Dougias ts kept - ats oh. a -- ieee _ elegant residence. The entire building hustling. Thos. Dobbs and family and: ey Oa Ne had by aa nb orl Reguiar 2ve. Cottonade now 2". Tieavy 3 ply Springreve B. Grain .¥ 45 heated by means of a hot air furnace | Henry Sherwin family are the SAC toes ; ¥ appyng e* | ' Bag tor $2.39 doz, regular $230. and Mrs. Simpson spared no expense = The cireni@y tea-meeting in the; -- -- -- each spool ' sae und have displayed excellent taste and) Methodist ¢charck Monday evening! -. 4 papers pins for Se. Butter and Eg gs Taken judgment in procuring the furniture and furnishings which being expensire ire elegant in design and farsh as weil 43, suitable and comfortable. In the dancing roowris a leather upholstered | site, table and si , all of oak, richly carved and unigue in stvle; anda | _ beautiful suite of okt oak upholstered fie parlor; the carpets and rest of the; Turnishings ind with those! mentioned, a pew Morris piano being one of the items in the list..@Ve know of ne other farm house more rchiy,! proved a success, and upon its promoters. The tea, which | was served in the hall opposite the! church, was such as to satisfy the} appetite of the most fastidious epicur- | ean. while the addresses by Revs. Fear.' Irwin and McCulloch, and. Messrs | Hort avd Smith, could not have an/ reflected credit | ' otherwise but beneficial -bearing opon | the audience. Tne music which was) furnished by the Bethesda and Monk-/| ton choirs, (each choir singing altet-' aaa) wee order and gave evidence of tnusical talent well de } Fast cotered print oc. regular Se. Don't : ag aes te PAIN-KILLER in Exchange. GREAT DRY GOODS JOBBER. suitably, -- aa seunnenes, andied. Mr. McLagan, bs Logan, ¥. : > x = _ tedeed we thih willcowpare faYor- | cecupi chair. Proceeds amount: ri Et Ere, enager. ; . =bly with the best houses in town. | ed $57.50 i may need it to-night | ola ELS a _D, W. DULMAGE, » LIMITED,

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