Atwood Bee, 2 Feb 1894, p. 1

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' VOL. 5.-. ATWOOD. ONT. FRIDAY, FEB. 2 The People's Column, Notice. 13 HEREBY reqeest all my custom-. ersthatas | am very much tr} that date. * J. A. ROE, V. CLOVER GE GROWING. Written for Taz Bez. His was the --o of an -- IT SE MO ef Mitchell, was the | co "end 'The Californian Knocks Mit- chell Out in Nine Minutes. Gorbett i is Champion. ° mifiand wood to draw eut are very busy at it these dars, thas taking ogg cally ele =e we 2 E ; and Mitchell far a parse of 320.- | : 4 ee paced about a mile | farmer ploy from the town. A squad of militia was | | of the soil; it is folly to spend money for will Seneeay | 22 - Atwood, Ont, aftet a few weeks ay sojearn | i among ~ Kontion Cheese Factory. a ean: MEETING E iPiesent, bag the men were | and enarmed | com their intention were evidently | | de. The village of Norwich is offering « 'PLEASANT SLEIGHINS. i reward of $£30 for the detection of firebugs. I'pat my arm areand the maid . 'As o'er the snow we few: She Nusied and them she softly said: ~Please iet me drive for rou." Tur new dining room tabie, referred te two weeks ago in these columos, has |" will ee ee eee onan There are many varieties of known, but the must commoniy centre at 220 p m. Miteheil, book Sonieetioe | grown are timothy. red clover, alsike. ---- County MeCartayites association at in penitentiary, the lowest nam- Se grain is ivan ie sane poare, = es tee ee SPECIAL meeting of the | cuce been the subject of mygch com A Shartieiders and Patrons of | ment. and numbers. have dropped inte the Menkton Cheese and Bat-) Mr. Wugrante shes seer and ane ape ev Manujactumnng Ca will de beid in Ure factury en Friday, Feb. 16th, me At ne o'clock p.m_ for the purpose of | Rting the hanlimg of thé Milk and' Wher and any. other busteess that may i be brought before the meeting. . A. ERSRINE- ee 2 lin secretary. ! if) if ing use Lacerné and Orchard Grass. | » | Lacerne will not do ta a wet bottom. | night Hamilton City Council reduced [She pnaiber of Sqaat Seeeeen from % fa By a vote oftwenty to two Monday ait come comes In» For seedieg a lawn or for lawns use a | mixture of white top red top, blue grass, | }aboat five Its. of each per acre. To eure clover cat when' it is in full pidom; | rake al! next forenoon; leave a day or) | two, and tern apse down before baal + ing in. The nataral sap in clover does | three counties of Ontario collect | mot bart it bat rain anddew does. Scat- ter a httle sait over it in the mow. left. and fast "---- time was : Mitchell succeeded in landing a sail The Dritish Colambia ae has to ask the Government to increase the-poll tax on" | Chinese from 350 to 3102 Forty three Sheriffs' offices Im forty- eee ab an teomaenanprtcet ing te size and kind of timber mceated | Tue Pnonoerarn--The Laing Bres__| of Acton. zave twoof their phonograph | 'canghthim on the leamcerts in the Methodsst charch; In the second round Cerbett upper- | 'euthis man and Mitchell ithe ribs. and as bstchell expe up Jim) year- 'ty from the people in the shape of fees if | | am average of $148,389, and of this im- there are.any bees in the neighborhood | | meise sam about one-half is: the salas- 'it is profitable to grow alsike. Stagger lhim Corbett appercat Mitchell again. | | Mitchedl got in twice on UCorbett's anon \ then Corbett floored and knocked him down Clover ies of the Sheriffs. | saved Mitchell from a knock cat. third roand Mitchell ezame ap. lis good for stock, bat masty hay is not fit for anything. No matter what the! j rendered Tohro' Bred Berkshire |satisfaction. The | laughing songs Boar.' The Undersicned will keep fer! Corbett reshed at Rageend ration is composed of let clover form a) in Ontario. has 173.000 members. Lge | have 3%) candidates in the Seld for the | Ontario Leztsiatuare, and chise en 4¢ for Parlament ' Mitebell's heck and Charlie went down i _He teek the full time to mseand the i ait him hke a tiger. r | | Mitebel! clinched: Corbet? threw him tof Washington, D- * | ine and well received. The-ensextaum. - Huron County Notes. ments were woe ander the = Soath Huron Patrons ' = While a Galt widow, at the recent M. Sanders, of Stephen, Pelecsic boasting service on fof S$ con. 9 Elma, the |? Thereboed Berkshire Bear, "Ckarm- ing Lad" Pemgree---Charming Lad was | bred tw R. Delbndge. Winchelsea, Out | | eff and Goored him with a stiff facr fom | Again Mitehe:i took all te Ume io 'ane and when be advanced to the Corbett smashed him square on: Mitetel! reied 2nd fell on | nas face "ce The referee cuanted for the ne. | Vote she cast for prohibition she slipp- oe fell A covered Basket she was apset and out rolled three \botties of the best oid rye whiskey. eter goog the anion. residing ; | Western Dairymen's Associa- | river, Cli atom. was booting for €gzs in \the has loft on Monday of last eek. At the Western Dairrmen's Canren | when she feil to the floor, breaking ber. his sire Primee George (882 dam | pon in I Pretty Maid (1148). by Rovai Carfisiec ; |= tengualeeaabmemmiet emmanuel {ith imported) br Exgenta Clermont ngersali last week the follow. _8& 2 Mitebetl was The referee then dechred Corbett | Heese commissjomers recentiy | #208 4175) uy Wicemere (114) (imparted) by | =r Andrew Pattalia, Wood | J.aiy Chermort (175) (imported) br: Hirmiagham Kate, by Irish Blacksmith ; i Rathieen, by Hibernian Katherize by | Joe Hay. ' 'appointed for the county areas follows: East Huren--Thomas Gibson. George | --o. oe Muardie- Sout a teres | bi prog ot the matca éetine bis sire The attornes- general Mitehetl's face w2s covered with! replied that such an attachment i blood and he was carried ta hes corner | -- in abelpiess condition. 'the "fient was nine mingies it west Vice President, A. F. a | Windsor. . Secoad Vice-President, J. S s | James Nevens, Hagh Methearrie. : : 'ecoanty, and %G against. it .now tran- Te2xs ---One Dellarte be paid at' London. Directors--Division Ne. ail Corvest's Seht ie other evening 2 company of the: that 2 bet was made that there time of service with privileceef retarn- | Prain: Division Ne & iez if pecessary. ALEX. WILSON, Proprietor, | made a show iw the Grst imen dri mot shake | Bexrenieee of the Sekt. Tre referre the men to do sa baat : the Presoyterian | would not be a single vote for prohibvi. the Rev Mr. Maserare. rig Miigeoinang ton there. and ons wamng tn Sie bet to and presented him with an address and and | tx = his momey, voted ae prebiitinn ---- Wiihams: : - 7 ito ef Ce ; Di . Newry P.O. Divino Sa iL. Hoa. Thos. Balteatrne. | : | [Avision No. 2 Jehn teary; Division | sorse= ! , [ome ten for the emsa- | (2 parse contatzing D8). as a slight re No. Gitsen. ; : 13, Thomas Git cognition of his services in thts piace. Sateen, Jake ater and J. re tative ta Inedestrial Exbivi- weil Seca after the retarn of Corbett and eiecraph Mitébell tsoaviiie but ed iad té ® Jacksen wth We -- seat tavthe| © bans soa Gat 7 4 days ay pins ers Dancan oe ai | of Toronto, who was for ahs time am obd rest t of Seaforth. now o ietor, wre of tebell ocate. ia. British Colembta, that the firm to a peat the 0a ady oer. with "bavine oummitted teffichting by agteenient. tatives to Western Fail. ere noth taken to the court bows. the venerable fomader ef the ing seasoa frem aii the ee s epreseatanives fo W Pearce. to the Elma cheese factory which be belomrs has serured the con- > tract for the new Legistative building' "Teiczrapa, is compelled to retire owing ifer that Previnece, aspounting to a sam . e j ' resentatives to Central APMETS | anh Bonds for teir be let in the factory, ow Saturday. Feb. , Lastitate, Fonn Hoa. Theos. Uailan Wheaton. ar at 2? pm Alse tenders will be received oF the iin ae ed of ee. | of candidates for the Legisiatare are = the Ud N was the | tle of the address ddiivered bs Prof.) undersigned up Uli a : supply and deliver as required cheese | Vansi¥ke, of Genev infermatzen against the propri-tor of Chath: eben . re ad a pg gg " ine Siar tone Dae of selling "hquer F with a scakied foot, camsed by the | bottom of the tea-pot falimg oat. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Imlay are setioas- | ly ui, former with infammatioa of the lgugs and the iatter with ia grippe. Tbe sacrament of the Lerds Sapper. Was admimistered in the Presbyterian of Turoate, is visiting ges fer the ensaumg season at the Ei. | somewhat indeGnite until the food that it referred mote partic J. cia who imposed a fine of 350 and) "Stich be prefaced hos excellent address, ingham correspondence eae paper sars:--Dr. Sort. \theesand persons were of Dumm avenue, formeriv of Biyth. | awfal disaster. Ten (whe lately escaped from S300) 23-| padpeen recovered to date. bility im the Hess case istrying to get | important and heaittel aly of 22005 hus monet out of coart tr Lawyers St | ic now aaly a sceme.of death. John and Haverson. The Master-in- | and terror. & 5 : desolation Chambers was farorable te the dottor. | ae carn ak tinea tad | paying every mas the same RROOES * fer. Directors aot brand to accent am ¥y ten-' 'ahandred poands of miik was based <ier-. WM LOCHHEA D EJ Sins | bat the matter promises to be appealed | ifrom Court te Court The creditors | ' w2octte retain the mosey im Court.) achaths have Sean aeatin te to the | fail on Friday evening, Feb. th, when Nearly all the probibitien plebiscite _ an exeriient program of mete, vocal and Em strumental, dhasogaes recitatians, ; Bpoa the errd@Beous supposition that ai! woRTHE PERTH | predicg am appeal te the Sameme/ st The ofirets of the East Home| | Farmers' lustitate for the ensuing Fear | follo ws:-- President. the Legislatare. oP prohibition oy the Pre- ty orer Gi The not Inerease Im the same prepertien. ; investigations which be had taken | --wiberal Conservative' The im ~>.ssociation. in showed that both the fat and) ' | casein went right aioog hand im hand. | Where miik contained Jor 4 per cent | of fat it weaid te feend that ther was. Considerable Elma property change: hamds during the past year. W.R Hempbrey, Neery, and W attended Liberal Comservative As casemm about a pound of fat Investi- CONVENTION ef the Nerth forevery twothirds of a poand of, A Perth sociation Will ve held im Has gation had shewn that fat and caseim, Friday, February 2nd/ 1894, Be Pach A per fer the parpese Li | were present im green milks in prac- ak weed bopead & certain ratio the fat went inte the whey. sand that their was no ase of taking

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