be ts . Ve ~, '; SSR EE: - rehant Tailoring, Gents' Furnishings and Boots & Shoes! 4 * Gents' Furmishings--;,.%e only 3 dozen of these left; have value, starting them at 25c. for Drawer have the. latest styles and best quality for SEE OUR BOOTS & SHOES! We have the largest and best stock in this part of the country. say too much about these goods as regards quality and cheapness. but I will quote just a few prices to show $1.25. Men's Sunday shoes,.laced or gaiters, sta ting at $1. Boots & Shoes, Overshoes and Rubbers must all ob All we ask i§ for you to'Call A. Call Solicited. Farm Proauce Take (azz All accounts, and past due My stock is much too larg it by selling ata Big Reduction. till Fe see our stock and get an idea what we can do for you. All Wool Suits, regular p 53,000 'Udlortine _ To be Sold in the Next 30 Days for Cash. % rice $ 9; sale price $ 7.50. ms 12> " e 10.00. See Our All Wool Pants for $1.65. b. 17, 1894. Remember, this is no bankrupt stock, In our Merchant Tailoring department we will give-you all wool Suits as follows:-- We have something in this line that will astonish you. Men and Boys. s or Shirts, or 50c. per Suit. a look at them before they all go. Our Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs ke. would surprise you. In Hats & Caps we Ne e for this season of the year, sol hive decided to reduce but bought within this last year. It will pay you to All Wool Suits, regular price ae: sale price A See our Men's Top Shirts at 35c.; 3 shirts for $1. We [n Underelothing we have extra good you that we do as I must have the money. I have the largest exactly as we advertise. See our Women's Fine Sunday Shoes for $1, regular price $1.29. | Men's Overshoes for $1.15. Remember, this is no bankrupt stock, but all niee, fresh goons. }ooceartioe . sie 3 ; : stoek in town. Space will not allow me to quete pris, I have a line of Women's Sunday shoes for $1, reguiat price Men's Long Boots $1.40. Men's Felt Boots 31.00. 'nand examine these goods. It will pay you to buy your Spring Goods when you can save 20 per cent. nae sania. R. M. BALL notes for 1893, not settled by Feb. 17, 1894, will be put in for collection. | oodemiand en GOLDSMITH'S --et>r HALL !~<te-- -------- t © On Saturday, December 30, at 8 a. m.,- we commence our stock taking sale, which will ouly last fpr. three weeks, The united Methodist churches of Mitchell have extended an invitation to the Rev, Dr. Pascoe, of St. Thomas, to be come the pastor of the united churches. John Whyte, sta took a round among the merchants last week "trying to induce them to withdraw tir advertising fygm the papers,-- Mitchell Recorder. peo- ple of Mitchell shomld present Mr. Whyte with a leather medal as the und in order to reduce our splendid and | meanest man in town. handsome stock so as to make a good -showing of business for 1893, have decided to sell my entire stock atd0 per cent.aboye Wholesale cost, 'Phis 18 no advertising dodge, byt a pure and simple business transa tion which will be carried out to the letter. So I say to any intending purchasers to a point to come and see me. just what I say. Come wong, delays are dangerous, My alarm clocks are the very best. My work gives entire gatisfaction. Wishing you the conrpli- ments of the season, I remain, yours respectfuily, J.H. GUNTHER, LISTOW SL. _S--J. H. Gunther has a good Pony for sale cheap, in good coudition and nice driver. A bargain for some- body. He will certainly sell it cheap. | Tew Advertisements This Week. Local--R. M. Ballantyne. Evening games--D. Campbell. Monkton cheese factory--A. Ers- kine, Secretary. . R. 8S. PELTON,: - PUBLISHER. FREDAY, FEB,2, 1864. te Perth County Notes. Mitchell is to have another photo- graph gallery, ; The official returns of the prohibition vlebiseite in the county of Perth shows thata majority: for prohibition was cast of 1,304, about two-thirds of those qualified voting. The. Barron planing mill, Mitehetl, was sold by anction last week. and J. W. Cull, of .Mitchell, purchased it for $1.255. It is said that Mr. Call will start the mill again shortly with Geo, W oods iff charge. * The-report of the Wallace" Cheese dnd Butter Mfg. Co. for 1893 gives these facts: Milk recerved 2.141.208 Ibs; cheese mannfactured, 195.618 Ibs; amount received'for cheese, $19,604.65; | 'Fhe young Chinaman who accom- | ptuied Rev. Dr. MeKay to Mitchell I stood upon the ice for the first time in 'his life in Miteheil Rev. Mr. Tully 'zot him down upon the pond to try | his feet at skating. The young fellow ke i | was greatly amused and made vo 'little rs e it) amusement for all the other skaters, Meal! pe kept his feet wel: and became high- ' ly delighted with the sport. The annual meeting of the Perth; County Association Patrons of Indus- try is called to be heid in the hall over MePherson & Mc Whinney's shoe store. Stratford, on Feb, 6. The election of uflicers, appointment of committees and 'other business will be transacted. It is possible the convention will last twe days. The question of at once pomin ating a candidate to contest the north riding for the Dominion Parliament | will be considered. 'The meeting,at St. Marys recently 'of. 'the South Perth farmers' institute was 'the best ever held in the riding. Every session during the two days was crowd ed and a very keen interest was maui- fested in the subjects discussed. At the election of officers on the morning vf the second day, James Henderson, of Nissouri, was elected- president and W. Johnston, of Blanshard, vice-presi- dent. P.S. Armstrong was re elected secretary-treasurer, and W. White, of Hibbert, and N. Monteith, of Downie, were elected to the central institute at Toronto, February 5th. A very hearty vote of thanks was tendered the retir- ing president, T. H. Race. Meetings of the institute were afranged to be held duriug the month of February at Woodham, Dubliu, Bornholm aud Sebringytlle. . John A. Hacking, Reeve of Listowel and Wardenf the County of Perth, was born in York County in the year 1849 and is therefore 45 years of age. He has been a resident of this county for over thirty-eight years, When a youth he entered a'pharmacy and for twenty-sevem years=- has /suaccessfu-ly followed this occupationgbesides being for som rs past the town ticket agent of the G@. T. R. in Listowel. In county municipal matters he isan "old timer," he braving, though stilla young man, been active in manicipal work for over twenty years. As the result lof his integrity and industry he has had a most creditable career, having filled the offices of councillor, deputy reevye, reeve and mayor; of. Listowel. His élevation to the.wardenship by an almost unanimous vote is. therefore a fittmmg tribute to his ability and faith- average Ibe. of milk per pound cheese, fulness in the smaller spliere, 10.91: «verage price per Ipecheese, 10.02.| Hacking has a most genial disposition The followiug directors were electedjand being a fair-minded tian there is 1894: George Windenhamer, A. Z. Gordon, Jas. Lockhart, Samuel Ellison and Join Stewart. -Teason. to expect that his ficiency. by courtesy and ¢ and traders in town, every occupancy of the chair will be marked. ! Additional Local ltems. | > WANTED.--A good, smart boy to 'fearn the tailoring trade at it. M. Bal- | lantyne's, | | | World's air at the Town Hall next Tuesday night, GUh inst. Many~ of thre 'yiews areeylured and all ure true tw | lite. . ' | HARRY Harrison, of Kincardine. ishovk hauds with old friends in town }Jast Saturday. He is getting on splen- 'didly at harness makiug in Kincardine, 'and judging by appearances his fake- side girl is goud tu him. A Waryinc To Parents.---Wm. | Dunbar, of Stratford, was fined 310 and 'vosts by Police Magistrate O'Loaue last | Saturduy for neglecting to send his son | Fred., aged thirteen years, to school. | Complaint was made by Truant Officer Durst and should serve as 4 warning to parents every where, M. WILDFANG, of M. Wildfang & Co., Listowel, wasin town Wednesday taking stock in their taloring establish- ment here, He appears well satistied with the business dove vy their mana- zer here, F. W.. Kopas. A' big stock of spring geods ison the way. Watch for advt. vext week. ° , Tie Brussels Herald says: Tne BEE has entered on volume five and is keep- ing up its reputation as a beat, bewsy paper. It still holds to its political independence--a hard road to trayel, we imagine, in North Perth, where there are so many political parties all ready for any other. Our best wishes for con tinued success, Bro, Pelton, - A. Goop 'Scueme--The German Union Cheese Factory, of New Ham- burg, issending out circulars to the presidents and directors of other cheese | tactories, asking their co-operation in ;a scheme to send an accredited repre jseutative tothe British markets next spring to look after the interests of Canadian cheese mem there. The German Union: Co. g%eves that the interests of cheese men as producers and -mauufactures demand cluser attention in order to obtain ihe highest prices for dairy produets, and is of opin- | jun that this can best bedone by keep- ing constantly aud rehably advised of the probabilities, prospects and actual value of goods, when ready fur export, and taking the advantage of shipping soon as ready for market, and Mearly as possible reach direct consumers. This it is believed can best be done by hav ing a reliable. representatiye on the ground, andif sufficient factories noite this can bedone at smalicost. A Mee' - ing will be beldin New ilamburg short- ly to discuss the question. ' - 7 'Married Life. - -- a a, A truty mated pair are not apt to -wearywt euch other's society, but they ure unwise if they -attémpt -to live alone for each other. (One likes, some- M@ | times to read other poets.than Shake- speare, though ope would prefer him: ny of his lesser brethren, as the mpanion of years of activity. It 13} better and bealthier thing for two é We advise our readers to visit the to pounce ob it if it says a good word). and most beloved, to live to some degree among other people--to interest themselves in other lives, and thus bring some Variety into their wown. A widowed mother said tome the other day, in speaking of a grown up un- warried daughter, frofa Whom she had scarcely beeu separated in a dozen vears. "We hre so silent together that { half think we should lose the power uf speech, We are in perfeet sympatby, vut our life has ne new events, 4nd we have talked the oid'ones over so many .imes. We kKpow each other's efaih, hopes, experiénces, as we Know our own, SO What is there to talk about?" [ can conceive that this same state of things might come to passin a happy and united marriage, if the married pair lived chiefly in selitude; and it would consequently be a healthier life 'to be more assuciated with their tel- lows. To be tov isolated 'is apt to induce that too easy familiarity which breeds, if not contempt, disenchant- ment. And yet there isanother danger not to be ignored is too -intimate assoc- iation with others. Jealousy which somebody has called "the fond injustice of an unsatisfied heart," is-a very real thing; and scarcely any gain could be a sufficient rewargtor making acquaint- ance with its tortures. ve ought to be exulted above these pains--yes just asthe human constitution ought Lo be strong enough to secure it from a sudden cold, or chance indigestion.' ROBT. MOOR#, ; , ------DEALER IN---- Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Silverware, Lamps, Cross-Cut Saws, Axes, &c., * MAIN ST, - LISTOWEL. Latest ac- eon Watches I} day to wind u but a han. Stem- * movemerit, contsinin, a ts. Solid Silverine case of the bes! quality, unex- -urate r * Wonde d are not tounde y as foe either Ulery cs Gaatiouns éte., and . You may have the came oom i AR SES UE BACK MUST :HEUMATISM. WEURALCIA MUSCULAR (C0) human creatures, even the most loving | ue' D.&L. MENTHOL PLASTER usta. a. Ww NO ** FREE FARE" OR CATCH-PENNY SOHEME. * * vee.