* a, ib « Ooate, supsrposed, tho fired to o>taln adher- - Hill that locks lecgtrgly ad Mr. ae acd ta divide ib ave unifermly as pos- Golden Medical | Discovery, albleg Upen tie frame there is an Y extern envelepe of piates of aluminum, fasten«d in such & way aa to ge de tonne "perione of the s the side of the vessel. In the mali ef the Vendenesse there empleyed abou" 1,100 kilegrama of alum!- nam, and 1,700 ef steel, which brings the weignt of the hull te 2,800 kile- grams, with a displicement of 15 tens. This is remarcadiy amall, when fact that this bull bas te suppert 10 tems of lead ballast an4 a cossiderable sail area. The bali of dae yachd realizes in lightness a gain of more than 40 per cent. over a almti.r hull made ef wood ; and the still greater ever a hull made of steel, fer whatever may be the resistarce of @ motal ft is impossible te diminish beyend measare the' thiokr es of a plate. It waa feund necessary to the alam'nan from ties 'ntact with salt water; beceuze this metal, uacshangeable fa fraeh water and in the oe: air, is censiderably correded, alth: uza leas than ireo, under the inflzence ef sils ta phe water of the sra. M. Gailleux, aidel in hia re:earckes by i cheniists of tre heute ef Letfran, disceveret: a t and a mode of apecial obiptiqation which seems te anite the deale i conditions fer the preser- vatien of the aluuinum. The ex'terler painting fs campored cf three different ence te the metal, the second te assure iis impermeabil:t-, 'and ths third te hinder marines vegs'aweat ani incrastatiens from formlog oa ths totonm. By e curious co- incidence, which shewa that the ratienal atady ef a 4 :ee'i-n always leads te 'analo- retuls-, M Gaioax has reéently raed that the patot en the hull ef the Vendeneses ia msie on the same principle as that which a few yeare age waa adoped by the J.psnece Goverament. (Whe fistlsye of the Venderesse are, ex- tremely iighs, their set.! welght belng abdcut 350 Eilegrams, Th+y are made of yellew pine, and are composed ef separate pleces fasteied by eorews, This arrargsment, which ia rathsr o:tly, permite the almoay instanbanceus taxing apart ef a!l the fural- ture of the beat without} damage, and renders powible an icepectien of the ball- and repairs in case ef need withent great expense. Tha in'erlor arrangements of the Vendenewe contributs,ina certa'n mearure, te increased rigidity af the bull) A'l the principal p!s.sa ace connected by fastenlags fa atumioaum, and ia this way serve te streng ber the bast. The deck of the V endenaane is fermed ef aluminum plates warse mililmetres in thickness, aud is covered by on> single plece ef lineleum, The frames are fermed of stes!, and a-e s renger than those efm- eyed ordinarily in raclog yaohta of. tei , on accourt ef the onasu al weighs ef lead on the keel. Ta tost the strength ef the vassal sh> was thrown apen her beam eods by a ocb'e fastensd te har mista and werked oa aherey She was Isft in that conditien for twa hours, and 1; was ascertained that her righting pover was very mach greater than that ef aay other vessel ef the sams aize. It was alsa feurd after a thoroagh fnspection that the strain Jdid net cause the a@ligaceaa) dsmile so the hall Gradual Development. Mr. Wuaitalaw Roid's appearance as a Pateiarc' is jasp'y regarded as the calmina- tien ef a soolal oareer whish may be oem- mended te every sap/ran® for svolal distino- gion, If there issny poor bey an Onerry Raid's #oc!a! saccess, bub derpairs @! ever eqaalliag dt, I bid him chter up and push ferward. It may be fifs.en years ago, and it may be a@ little less or mere, thas this tee brief record of an inclient, still embalmed ameng the memories of Printiog Houses Sy are, es ia a morning paper: ~" Whitelaw 'Reid blew nose with his fingers in frent ef the Franklin statue yesterdsy § afternven. Where are the polloe 7' Bat Mer. {Reid was nob die- cepraged. He looked enward and upward. He bought half dezen handkeroaleis. He *"fearned, improved himself, accepted every helpfal hint, grasped firmly every hand that could lift him up, kicked every s stene dewn when it ceased to be to him, and new look atbim! Respected by te buy, and y sccustemed to use, dandke s, what eo lessen dee: his career to mp youth! _Imitate ye ba error he made in @tatae, an error: Joag since and forgotten, and here Sore tatalled culgte patahahe to the lesson ef a successful life. -- Fove Topict. Beth Beanty aad Snewledge. He--Yeu are the mest beautiful woman-- | fs ba Saat rag thor' hme He--Bat, indeed, it is Bie_0, | kaew it a trom bab I deubted whether yeu really meant it. a Old Gaentleman--And thick yoo must have m boy! He (devetedly)--I- Ola Gen Gentiomas-- Well, * eludes a eixtocn-Sefthen give. be pend cany---Paps,_ oar must be eur cook very ere my dear? et the im my lessen last Sanday it sald shall netelive oat half thelr a sand oar ovek mays she has lived oat her life. There are 7,024 Brance. The wemen to 85 men. Amerioins living in ef aexw fs 100 | ROZZ Ik FUGATE. PIERCE =. SURE| Or MONEW RETURNED... A Tax eon Graves. The members of the Parle Mavicipa Cornei! bave little difficalty in meetlog any Celoit in their budget. (hey are threat- ened with o1e row, and consequently have reselved to. put a fresh tax en fun Strictly speaking, ef course, this will -take the ferm of en _ as there are no private undertakers the French capital, According te the tariff which has been in vogue during the present regime, the price of a freeheld grave asap equare yards ins se, is £14, bub there isa progze.aive scale, so that a th'rd yard costs £4) extra, and a fearth the same amount agafn. 'while a fifth and a elxth jare charged £60 each, and every vard abeve aa'xth costs no Jess than £30. The mdal- cipality prepovea te iccrease tke price ef the firat two yards to £20, and te rewedel the ef charges in obher ways, ro that it {gs estimated there. will be an increared reverve ef £21,620 per annum:--London nal, Tit-Bits. Au Electric Fiash. Mr. W. G. Griffith, with the firm ef. FB. Lez'er & Oa, Broektyo] N.-¥., whe hav been sfliloted wish brain xbaustien and neuralgis ef the eptic nerves, has en- tirely cored by Dr. Howard's Electric P.ls, Mr. Griffith woe treawd by the most em!- nent 'apeotaliste in B-eokiyn, and paseed a contiderable time ia hesp'tals, but ft remained fer ths Eisotrlo Pills to effect a cure. In large bores, 50 o«nts, 6 fer $2.50 The Dz. Heward Medicine Ce., Breckville, Oat. F . fr A Bint fer Chlidren. An caay way to beceme acquainted with the great railr-ad syutemsef ear country is te cus ont leog strips of paper representing these systems. These can be placed upen a table, wrich oan represent the surface of the United States. Tay houses er bexes can be placed at points representing the largest raliroad centres. If yea are nod teo old fer tey cars, these wou'd add te the] cerns interest of the play. Some railreade, where colera yen know, could be represented by the'r preper ce'ors, McCollem's Raeamatioc ~ Repellant--anis internal remedy fer the cure ef rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, etc.--has been theroughly. tested in miost exireme ces-s durivg the past 18° years, aod prevod in. thousands of tancés in Cinada and the Uaited States the me; reliable remedy known to} effectually cure this clasa of disease. Whast it Means. Littie Johnny--Daga don't need to tall, pause any ene can understand thelr bark. Visitor--Can you? L'ttle Johnny--Easy asanythicg! When my dog is at the deer and barks, that means he wantate get in; if he's in-ids the dvor and barks, that mans he wants ta get out Vielter--Humph! Suppose te is half inside avd half ontalde and barks; wast do-s that mean? Little Johuny--Toat means that there's a bigger dog than him {a eur yard. "Daft Jamie." Ta a rural detricd of Scotland, ena winter sfterneon, twe yeung ladies were hesitating at youturing «na frezen perd. A simple- ten, hnewn +s ** Daft Jamie," heppened P " Here's & penny fer ye," saya one was bearin'." 'I dirne ken," says Jamie, ** but we can try," was Jamie's obliging re- ply. As they appreashed the ice tre lassies tried te put their cavalier in frent. 'Na! pa!" ssys Jamie, "ladies firet---I may be, dafo, but I'm no' ill-bepd.® a @ne for the Minister. The newly-placed minister ef -R---- was} at dinner wita one ef his parizhiomers last month. The pariehioner fe a substeatisl farmer, whe bas neoe of the polish ef society abent him, and speaks his mind ---- The minister be yeh frem tne city, and was te ae aaron | wien he ebeeteeds * Bat if I were te te Fou seme ef my mest able adventures} I'm afraid you would deat my ** Nao fear o' ~_ alr," replied the farmer, heartily, " ken ye. weel encuch fer that sak ' te, ad least 4.800 being re- qatred to make ene inch in thickness. ¥ Lady--Onh ! oh! oh! 'wank onal climb inte that berth. Pertery Jest imagine it's a tall he ma'am, ; '* we were wenderin' i! the los}. I never in} hd ny A gc ariggtan in the spring and "4 We let eur lands grew up in. weeds and buy eur breema. « We waste the wax eut ef eur pine and gum trees and bay chewlsg gum fer eur children. 'We baild echeol-housse and Lire teachersand send ur children off te bo educated. '* We land s five-cent fish with a feur- dellar "* We send a fifteen cent bey ext with a twenty-dellar gan and a four-dellar dog to hanced fees to be paid by the | kill birds. ** We raize dogs and hay 'And abent the enly in this ceuntry that there is ever pronation ¥ =n dog-tica."--Americus (Ga. ) The Lightning's Touch ' Is scarcely more rapid than the lightoing: | like actien ef Nerviline in all kinds of pain. | t relief is certain a oe hea trial Druggle denkete everyahets sell th, and it coste only 25 cents a bottis. Are Gxen Deaf? a eften in fermer days, whes cxen ased en the farm, heard my fsther bellowing at the oxen before the staneken if they were stene dsaf. I used to remonstrate with him, net so much en the oxen's ec- count as on that ef my family's comfart, and by dint ef expestulatien he fically lowered his veise te ite normal state, and the exen did as much werk and he lew by the change. It reminded me ef a geed lady who, en visiting France witheat any _ pee gl of the language, thought she csuld make the natives unders what she sald by " pe them.--Our Dumb Ani- mae Ne Disappointment , Oan arise frem the use of the great eure-pop cern cure--Putnam's Painless Overs Extracter. Putmam's extractor removes y ina few days. Take no substitute. At draggists, @ucer Stery ef Teeth Extracties. fe lacy is Hable te.be began at P. A. Viles, father ef Ratta a il eld, 9 the Elestrio Cempany. Abeut feur weeks age the girl, in running, struck her cheek agains: « guy wire of one ef the peles aleng which the slectric lighting wires are strurg. Tae girl's atterney says the guy wire bai beceme charged by induction, and that the shook pulled three of her teeth, two melars ani a biouspid. Her face was sere for several days, bat haa new recevered. except that the skin is semewhatsesre3. There was ne psia atthe time the teeth ware palled.-- Milwaukee Journal. wines Cures Consumptinn, Dolche, crens Sore Throat. Sold all on a Guarantee. Fora Lame Side, erc Shilch's iat taster will give = satisfaction,--@5 C=O wag ty Ayn -- arg coe ga Sc. E T. Hazeltine, W a. Pa. Ke H j te 4 '4 +1 f Sis Sees * - | cael ly anabed a f ferges ve ask him his name," ** end + 1 drew that." Fiyat knew his man. M aserly--I passed by a candy ators yoru «. w., oad didn's gee Yeung Cutter --Wety, cow wae that? Ididn's sappess yeu ever could pasa a candy atere witheut geing in. Miss PinKer!y--Dan't yeu remem- bert You were with me ! _ For Horses and Cattle Use Dick's Blood Purifier cx & Co., of Visiting C \JALENTINES FREE, = neces We'll send a } dozen Comic or Cupid Valentines. STAR CARD WORKS, WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO With every , > a 4 « oo ee eeereainnion - = . ee ----9 . ; p ' FARMER GN MARD TIMES. SRAM MAXUNS YeUEm, , , '= AN <ALUMINUM YACAT, r WOMAN'S BURDENS us =" " -- ISSUE NO 5 1894, . are lightened when she tures to the: cight pera oo epee in Bis Beyheod the Inventor Gave Fremise The Tem Bard. fess. Of 8 Brainy Fatere. ~ i Gis ners The Value of This Metal For Shipbuild- | derangements, and paintal opr. Pierce's | 'Chere te so much said in the coun |'. When Hiram Maxim, the faiseas Tnven- | ments plones mesucion this paper. oA Baing Tested Favorite Preasri iption. In -down | try.abeat. hard times and the scarcity ter, lived.in Sangerville, anxisur 2a . sensations, periodical pains, ulcera in- | money, as hasa cause and naed te warn their hepefuls net te: or ween af rei ras ur, Se a eae re |e EL Oouchir a tive te iw er . SE a Vist Bae Ne acs ten we yin, (Eee SE es] ing ¥ 'We more we launched at St. "Deal Franoe. i Lares eRe Sel TERR, "There is tee,much fisur and bacon | fer the ef enceursging s2y} Jeads to Consumption. Stop as the Veadsncsse, and was bulls by. Count -- Please accept my fanhl here every year. The things we | other Ma incorrigibles whe are de Coabennes L Length on the shanks for the good your | eugut te make at/heme we are buying., in the 'debts 'ef their misdeeds. Jf] the Cough, heal the Lungs atte ae, ts SOLS el =" over medicitruly believe the |.' We let eur timber rot asd bay our / Hiram had been a perfectly goed live} and strengthen the System 7 40 rot a e 2.85 " Favorit ~ I bleugh atecks, singletrees, axe handles, hie | toy, and had deveted his time te studying metres; draught, 2.55 | oe- saved my life; itis @ sure | handies and fencing. mich ne ll ommploed by we had that flying ; mah, 15 toon 5 aes of "belles? sh coe pn 1 We tarew away our ashes and bay | mech ne all mated by i 9 Tne hailis made of steel and slumiaum. ae my houeworks we We give away our besf hides and buy th Abbot) aod'wen bhed oy DD. Fiat cot f 4 seagit ae aesit at uae pacer it FP; _brery {avalleass indy x ay § ovatrings. . rs He wa; an artist with the brash. One day ae ballss Miss FUGATE. Favorite Prescriptionnd Fre eee Gar came ani ny guano. oe Fiynt while yatagered : was Emulsion ARE CS the Cream of Cod-liver Oil | and hypophosphites, *It is palatable and easy on the stomach. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Soatt & Bowne, Bellerilie, All Draggists, Sic. $1. Farms. Farms. _---- want t buy.a nice Truck Farm, Stock Grain Farm, Dairy Farm, or Oy.ter Coves vith 19 saree aitacned, call on or ad dreas fer cu ie he ee & ee * Na 1°6 oe ' erfo k, Va. MAIL Ae ead aa eens apd sec lehor you Witlget" ary bey. wean r, t c light. Wag on hiy. ¢ egu'a rhours, 20 efficient servants sued =aue will be paid. Address (with refer- ence: } cc. G. SOuTT, cer Fark, Torcnta, ' RARS. WINSLOW' s sean ( , 4 d $ - OR CHILDREN TEETHING «+ 3 ) For sale by all 25 Cents a bettic. i i ee ee ee ee ee ee OUT THIS, OUT, _ Sige your mame and send tt with ene dellar te Dr, Samuel Gianer, Treas, .af the 4dnti Prohi bition 4 ssociation af Ontarte. Incorporated 408 Maneing Avenue, Terente, Ont. sore" Green's Tansy : hs 4 oRenabie. REFUSE 'aU TES. From all or madied, free irom sa nacsion af FR. Sentest nadacniomtes wamans . LANE MEDICINE CO, Mowruma:, Cam § the Penrese--I \ Orlefis. . a American Minister--Deaar m whe is that besatifal decelistsa gewn ? that mast he cae ef the oeee ward:, ge becti --FOR SALE--- 26 Farms tor $1000 each. a * $2000 " 7 " © $3000 * ,« a ty $4000 " Also well ees in ns WwW and Trento . etami 'Te SUIT PERCMASERS Fer particelars apply Jen! & MeOel, BMamiliva, Cut. 12,000 Acres Michigan Fara Lands At very low rrise. Now is the time to geta home of your own. 2 i. i. ef Wes? Bay Ci*r, --, celébrated Kye Lands im ar aaa Ocemaw Cou ties o-B = hota ti m of ary size at very. low prices and ery reasvo: able terms Fare :aid one way Gm ° purthess of #0 acres. Ww: vite av ones to R. M. PIRECE, " West Bay.City, Mich. CHEAP UNIMPROVED LANDS And a, Rests Bemee a St oe -- Peach Beit, . Peaches a agen iy = Send for illustrated list. H, J. EDGELL, Real Estate 5 ee Ae tg ogee po US FOR CIRC ULARS Sy yt sm bock , fon emery We he large a:sortment cn books, Bibles ent Album: of any a CA and our tera and en. WM. BRIaGS, [, 000. 00 AORES OF LAND Pep ree peieii pat. Seen atte 25 Lota RarLReoap ComraxT in Minnesota. Slit tac Magu ands Cheam lars. They will be sent to you FE "FR Es. Adiress HOPEWELL CLARKE, Land Commissioner, St. Pan), Mine, ZEIFOR SALE, 33% in the famous Hard- Wheat Belt of Minneseta DMP Sk The celebrated Lansdowne Farm Herd of Hol- -stein Fresian Cattle, ° owned | THE WONDER OF THE ACE . ' {7 ACTS URE A CHAR, 1 4