Atwood Bee, 2 Feb 1894, p. 8

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fea nge ce cage a" : if eas Sc, Bae Fas abe ees < Fourth Division Court will be held} 'Wm. Hemphill sold a fine "horse this --= i ~ in Brussels on Tuesday, Fed. 20th. tenner i da The price re ey? _ ' Ras: tae Ty ; Brosséls Salt Block has shut down | @lited was - il f . , ¥ is ma. . r : | |foratime owing to the dullness of} Louis, son of H. MeNichol, had the ms " j t ro % .~ | the' market at the present and paving a! misfortune to gash his foot badly with; © , . * $2 - | quantity of salt on hand. -._ * an axe one'day laSt week... ' : : & ; 1e¢S Councillor McCracken, of Brussels,} Over $0,000 was paid out tothe pat-| who by the way is a lover of the rons of the Donegal cheese factory iast |- _™, e pee . beautiful from a rose to a mangel Saturday by Treasurer Hemphill. * * _ r ' wortzel, has a Chinese sacred lily in| The annual fneeting of the patrons, of ' -- eae ' ; bloom at his' stores The fragrance of | the Don cheese factory will be held ' ' "sr POCKET' DIARIES, , these flowers is something. wonderful. | on Saturday, Feb. 8rd, at 1 p.m., in the: iy ; é . ' Ww " B The annual méeting of the East) factory. . " ' ~ WRITING TABLETS, j : STATEMENT PADS. Huron Reform Association was held! Mrs. M. Little has been confined to < [ in the Town Hall, Brussels, last Tues-/ the house by an attack of inflammation. DAY BOOKS. j day afternoon. President Hyslop| We are pleased ta state that she is now pie RN ALS occupied the chair, and made tl / ona fair way to recovery. ; _ - JOURNALS, appropriate opening address. After! |, Fehs cde tite teen at *P , . , a - LEDGERS. hearing \ the' Secretary-Treasurer's umor at before this issue of} *| ' ' . A CASH BOOKS, - -|Teport and'discussing it, the following| TH® Bre teaches its readers uy of| We wish alla happy new year.and would remind the Donegai's fairest daughters will hav _ LETTER BOOKS. | Office bearers were elected f0F the tked Beer om since |DUblié that a. good way to begin 1894 will be tolay in a : | eurrent year:-- President, A: Hyslop; walked the ford that leads from single ¢ d 3 g J , ay nm & BIBI.ES, | First Vice President. George Per blessedness to matrimonial happiness. gdpd supply.of goods for future use while our great ° ee son; Secon ice- Presiden os.|. The ipfant son of S. McAllister is.aty ic ctill ool y , : : HYMNALS, -- : a0; | Seta' ey Trang W. Bilacenete eaus tho cams of Dr. Expert pt Sale is still going on. Never in the history of Listowel s . PRAYER bape - Kerr; Chairmen of Municipalities Riverton the result of an attack' of| has there been a\greater Sale, but there is a large stock : ibson, Howick; W. M. in- |'pluerisy, followed by inflammativn ot ! 1 : Y a a eee a eeecter: . George Fortune aad | 'he lunes. We hope to mga gio here yet. It has got to go! Right away-quick! We: . James Elliott, 'Turnberry; & N. Duff. | speedy recovery. continue to unload the stock for cash and produce only- . : T srey; Wm, ee : : Mil wv TY : Ww I ) 2 J. A HACKIN G. MeGavin, MeKillop: Rubi Scott, Hul | Wm. Burke fell on the ice near his Will you share the benefits whether you wish .to . : yllet. NH Young, Biyth; Robt. Graham, | bome. breaking.four of his ribs on bis) spend one dollar-or~ many it will certainly be of interest ', Brussels; Jas. Cline, Wingham.' Ex- right side; one of the ribs was broken to y to's how little we ec k f d 'har TMolket Agent, cellent addresses were made by -Dr./|!0 Lwé places. He is under Dr. Rice's 0 you u¢ see iE e we can as or goo mercenani- MeDonald, MP. for East Huron; [cate and is getting along as weil as/dise, This month will be devoted to clearing all stock Listowel, Ont-| John McMillan, M. P.for South Huron; could be expected considering his renaratory to stock te Line Th test ba . F ; . Thos. Gibson, M. P. P. for this riding, advanced years.' Mr. Burke will be Pp t p ry. STOC aKING. e greates . argaims : feswer Marriage Licenses. and Vice-President Strachan, The | Confined to the house for @ long time, this great sale yet to come. - These values give an idea of ' : om hall was decorated with flags, bunting | We regret to say. what you 'm synect: banners, etc. Among the mottoes y ay sxpect: + & were: "The masses, not the classes." Elma Council Meeting. ie . - District Dews. "Ganada First," "Free Trade," 'Senate . ---- . $ 10 00 Persian Lamb Caps now $ 6 50 = Reform," "Brussels Y, M.L. A. Wel- | | HE Council-elect for the township | ~ > . . Bt Pool come our Standard-bearers," "Our of Elma for the year 184 met in 12 00 Ladies Fur sets i 50 ati "eat - B, ONC. Honored. Leaders, Laurier, Mowat, the Agricultural Hall, Atwod, 10 50 ad sed vs 6 90 Whe Misses Connell gave a party to | WeDonald and Gibson." A very largely-jon Jan, 15th.. Members, T. J. -Knox, 9 97 re "es rv " oS their numerous friends last Friday | attended public meeting was heid | Reeve; W.J. Tughen, Ist Deputy Keeve; 12 25 i 90 evening. . lin the evening, at which the above|'T. E. Hammond, 2ud Deputy Reeve, 95 \ ? : 7 + omer Miss Alice Chaliners left Tnesday for} mentioned gentlemen received anjand J. Hanna and C. H. Merryfield. 4 25 Men s Ov ercoats . . d to her home iv Detroit, after a very pleas enthusiastic welcome,. and madre/Councillors. The members having 12 00 S Lo ant visit amongst her friends. addresses well worthy of the high | subscribed their declarations of ollice 800 = * ub st 4 75 Little Rugby Farrell, while playing reputation they enjoy as debaters of | and qualification the chair was taken a & rv a" .. to near the et on Saturday last, came | public questions, The Young Meu's| by the Reeve, and the Council duly or- i dO 4 60 into coutatt with the fire aud her | Liberal Ciub sang several glees at} ganized. Minutes of last meeting read 7 OO tc o th " 3 50 ' clothes were ignited in a moment. Her appropriat+ intervals, and added to the | and signed. ba _ " « ° v parents, whe happened to be in the interest of the gathering. Moved by. Mr. Hammond. seconded} 0 00 Boys _Overcoats ub 3 OO next room wete attracted by the little - i ; by Mr. Tughen, that T. Fullarton be re- 3 7D = . 3 Of) 'one's cries 'and succeeded in smothering Elna. * appointed Clerk and M. Harvey Treas. ir 1 ' & - + the flames. Beyond a bad fright™the| iss Beatrice Haigiton is visiting | rer for the township of Eima for the 10 00 ¥ oung Men's do , é a0 . tittle girl is none the worse for-her ex- | friends in Wallace this week. ' ~ | year 1894. Carried. 3 00 Men's pants 2 00 perience. ; -| Miss Aggie Grieve has returned |, gf by Mr. Tughen, seconded by 150 " "* = 99g Mrs. John Schaefer, who had been home from Stratford, where she has Mr. Merryfield, that 1. Smith, con. 8, 10 OO i g it aL py 50) ailing for occ gn ony Sno been visiting relatives and friends. ee rs ee _ 6 50 a w be: S sae a 4 pen morning. as in her 490) Miss Hemsworth, of Wallace, ie | One oS on cee epo z = ' 5 7 and beeves re . r hs nae spending a few days with her brother, beet on we a meee a bree Sons and OUT ea ee actes | Hd. Hemsworth, teacher 8.5. No. 4. seen ee en ae All Ladies' and girl ry as was a woman of excelimide circle of | Henty Richards, con. 8, got his od A. Mt Reston. Anow er. All our Ladies' and girls' Mantles to be sold without - 7 «£ r} re o 2 -aae . "Y - . 7 - © - > » . ee ech oavtnnd their sympathy 'to| foot dangerously hurt on Wednesday se ae ceevenld tant the Engincars even a thought of a . st among them some, nice gocds the remaining family in their bereave- tums wy goiety on it.| ) iaeate for the sum of 88820 en fav. (yet. Flannelettes--The greatest snap yet in these gaods; meu . ee 5 vide or of T. Cockwell for ditebing on lots ! int 1 ry 721 ; ony . sear, Iatheven, hen. ok Werk Welland © gon, WA, he received eet tuek. Ie think of getting a heavy weight and be autiful pattern - Grey. . week by a tet eee ge 2 i Cierk notify Mr. Arnold that the said flannelette, hearly a yard wide, worth 1d5¢c., now only - Luther Ball arrived home from Tor. | top of his head. "he wound bled freely, | amount is chargeable against the said > a1]; Tv . 1 n : ee ak shec uto last week. but he is getting on first-rate. lands and that unless -paid by him it Se ' Milline ys ae ything on this depar tment at just One Donald Robertson is visiting in| Chas. MeMane, 10th con, has pur-| will be placed on Collector's roll with half-price. Dan't forget the dress goods, bargains they * Wachigan for a month. chased the 50 acre farm which Mr,/interest as provided by statute. Car-| are unparalleled: Mrs. James Foster, of Dresden, is Struthers recently sold to William as ed by Mr. H ded b : ) seiting ¢ ather's i's. M ori 9th con., paying $2,525; Moved by Mr. Hanna, secon y visiting at ber fattrer's, John Hull's. M orrison, gf 12t oP ' hat " ' , : . Miss Jane Mitchell is home from De Can of Joseph McLennan's little paid the 'sum of 'S08 30 aid 'that' the GARSON & McKEE = on acount of the ilvess of her | boye fell sine psi last week badly hurt- some bs charged against the lands in- " . -- Jahn, Carnahan who has been on | ine is art, Sh TS ee Sepboees wk ed oe ae i 1d d 7 a ae onadadeia : : ames oe "ito have beéoa broken, but upon; lov y air. Iflammond, seconded | : sick list for aes tune, is Poi d: would | examination it proved to be ae by Mr. Merrytieid, that the contract of een nenel mame ---- ar -- Se ang = fast astus' many frends wouid | severely hurt. the general printing for the township usilness @grds: DEAL. " Miss Lizzie Calder, who has - beén | Atwin child of Robt. Buchanan, ee at 865: ealage ia ae ie - 7 bliss Liste Calder, who, ag, fi of the ith com. died on NeSDeRN aged 'Caries --Thnoa DARL "GS BLEWE. " continue ber studies at Galt Collegiate) fneral took place Thursday;interment| Moved by Mr. Merryfield, seconded : Barristers, tors, taries, &c., institute. P | in the Donegal cemetery. The family : Mr. Tughen, that the Board of T. DOUGLAS, M. D., Wallace street, Wistewel. Solicitors for James Mitchell has leased his farm | have the sympathy of the community. Health for 1894 be composed of the . . . d ; Bank of Hamilton an@Scott"s Banking to Fhus. Davidson tor a term of tive | A load of voung people of the 8th Reeve and Clerk and A: Erskine, 8. S.|_ ©. M.F.T.M.C, Medallist of Trin-| House. Office over Scott's Bauk. 'ears. Mr. Mitchell retains the house |eon. attended a party at Mr. Hems- Rothwell and afta ormick. and that |1ty University. Cen ee ee and orchard and willcoutiuue to reside. | worth's, Wailace, last Friday night. Dr. Douglas be Medical Health officer | tario. ee ri . Idest "of Conrad Michel,| Ed. Hemsworth, teacher 8. No. 4, got | #t the same salary as other members of MORPHY & CARTHEW.. ' F 7. | BAG. : » -§ (2, We ow - 2 m ¢ : . > e * ne ti sige oth . wee ot aia ye ithe load up, the party being at his the Board. Carried. S. COWAN, M. D., ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Saaeains, which has settled on the | father's residence. The young folks Moved by Mr. Hammond, seconded (Formerly of Harriston,) successor to j_ Public; Corfveyancers, Com- lungs. We hope seven convalescence. Mrs. Henry Battery is laid up with la grippe. iler two granddaughters, the Misses Snider, who visited her, left for theic home near Toreuto Mon. day merning of last week. Grey Council effected a final settle meut with James Lindsay, at last Council meeting, for damages to horse by falling through 4cranbrook bridge dast summer, aud paid him $36.00. For some time we have been studying the cause of the smiling countenance of John Long, but we. have it now--twins. Mrs. Long has been visiling at her parents, in Kin- cardine, and returned Uns week with the juveniles. to report his | | enjoyed themselves splendidly. Jos. Priest hasdisposed of his farm | _to David Nichol, of Dakota, for the isum of $5,000. Mr. Nichol has since 'reuted the place to Alex. Middleton, jr, for 3300 per annum. | Possession jis given on March Ist, next. It is ex- | pected Mr. Priest will remove with his family to Manitoba, where two or 'three of the family are now residing. | We are sorry to lose Mr. Priest and his 'estimable family, as' they are good | citizens and kind neighbors. | Reportof 8. S. No. 4 for January. | Namesin order of mert:--Sen. 4th-- Ida Shannon, Etta Shannon, Harold | Peter. Jan. 4th--Jas. Gaynor, Rachel | Laidlaw, Aggie Hunter, Bella Laidlaw, | Allie Hunter, Ida. Watts, Jno. Edgar, | Lottie Adams, Jno. Gaynor. Sen. 8fd- 'Eliza Wilson, Eva Turnbull, Wallace | Clerk, Messrs. A. Erskine, S. S. Roth- "be appointed Assessor for the township by Mr. Hanna, that the Board of Health for 1894 be composed Of the Reeve and well and W. McCormick, and that Dr. Rice be appointed Medical Health offi- cer. Lost. Moved by Mr. Tughen, seconded by} Mr. Hammond, that MePherson & Dav- idson be paid $63.75 for legal advice, &e., for 1891, "92 and '93. Carried. Moved by Mr. Tughen, seconded by} Mr. Hanna, that A. Simpson be ap- | pointed Assessor for the township of | Elma for the year 1894 at a salary of 865, to cover all expenses connected with the same. Lost, Moved by Mr. Merryfield, seconded by Mr. Hammond, that J. W. Rowland of Elma for the year 1894 at a salary of $65, said sum to cover all 'expenses. Dr. J. R. Hamilton. Office in Dr. Ham- ilton's vid stand on Main street. Resi- dence in Dr. H's late residence on Queen street, Atwood. Will be found at eith- er office or residence atall hours when not nécesetrily absent. 5 'L. E. RICE; M. D., C. M. Trinity University, Toronto ; Fellow by examination of Trinity Medical Col. iege, Toronto; member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario; mem ber of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Michigan; special attention given to the Diseases of Women and Children. Offic and residence, .next door to Currie's' shop, Atwood. Office hours: 1U to 12 a.m.;1 to 2:30 p.m., and every evening to 8:30. 25-92-tf | - missioners, &c., Listowel, Ont. Money toloan, Office over John Riggs" store. H. B. Morpuy. J. M, CaRTHEW. Mrs. Castr, Jot 13, con. 13. has leased | (rowell, Janet Hamilton, Olive Hamil- Carried. * ther farm for a term of years to Fea: | cre iedniben Sh wanans FO eae. | Moved by Mr. Hammond, seconded DErTTA. ~ bd --aU i ? - Z bs ° ' a hl . &. * ba ward "Marshall, from near Beigrave.! archie Fogal, C. Bawtinhimmer. Jun. by Mr. Taghen, that by-law No. 318 as STAR. LI V ERY. She will have an auction sale of farm) grq--[Laura Nethercott, Annie Wilson, | 2°" read a third time be finally passed. J. J. FOSTER, DEN LIST. ' stock, Implements, &e., on Tuesday, | Ejlen Wilson, Annie Hamilton, Willie February 6t, F. 5. Scott, of Brussels, | Kdgar, Willie Adams, Bessie Fogal, will be the auctioneer. | Adelia Fogal, Jos. Hanna, Nesbit Carried. Moved by Mry-Tughen, seconded by Mr. Hanna, this ay, McCallum be paid Any anesthetic known to the. pro- fession used for the painless extraction The Star Livery is equipped with S4 errorin Coliector's roll, he having! of veeth, Satisfaction -guaranteed.| first-class rigs, fast and gentle drivers, Cirese Facrory- Boveut.---The {lamilton, Joan Smith, Edgar Peebles, djrey..& Morris cheese factory, which caste run for the past ten years as a joint stock company, hes been sold tw W. W. Harris, of Kothsay, and Neil S. McLauchilin, of Brussels. The pur, chasers purpose putting the factory dn first-class shape and will push the 'business for all it is worth Mr. Harris' engagements will hold him at Rothsay factory aad the business here will be managed by Mr. McLauthlin, who has given such gyvod satisfaction to the patrutis during the past year. A meeting of the patrons and those esiring to be will be held shortly, when the By laws will be read, a com- mittee appointed to look after the jutersts Of the patrons, and attending to any oller business that may pfoperly -come before the meetings The tarmers 'of this district shou!d rafiy'around the new proprietors aud from the start put and keep this-factory 1h the front rank. 'There's meney in the cheese business to evers*farmer patronizing the factory, and ag Mesers. Harris & McLaughlin are first-class metif'well posted in the -detailsof their 'work, we wish them jigra 'Jno. Jamilton, Peter Grubber. * The parents in the section would confer a! favor upon the teacher by seeing that | 'their children are sent to schoo! more | 'regularly as it isnow drawing near, promotion. | - Diep.-- David Ferguson, a prominent -and much respected resident of Welles | ey died on the 26th ult. Deceased em.- | to Caypada in 1838 from Co. | 'Cavart Ireland, settling in Cavan, Dur- | begs. Ont., whefe-he resided for five | veal and Utkence to the 5th con. of | | Wellesley, where he has lived for tHe | | past 'fifty years and until his death. He | | was twice married, his first wife being | | Elen Williamson, of Cartwright, who | 'died in 1834. Of this union were born | | four children, Mrs. Wray, of. Linwood, | 'and Sarah, David and Williamson, who | 'reside on the homestead. He married | his second. wife, Clariessa._ Jenkins, of . London, in 1844, of whom' was born ode', son, James, who is also living at home. | Deceased was a man of steplinggpright | habits, and died trusting in the atoning. erits of Christ. The late Mr. Ferge- | gon was an uncle of Wm. Ward, com. 6,/ q '\ | $6.50, cleaning award drain; W. Hoinies paid that amount too much. Carried. Moved by Mr. Hanna, seconded by Mr. Hammond, that orders be issued for payment of the following accounts. --W. Peet $6.50, gravel; W. Hewitt 310.75, gravelling T. L. E. &*W.; R. Nesbitt $450, gravel; J. Prieet #1 89, cleaning award drain con. 8; J. McNee- iands Suc. repairing culvert gravel road; J. Vallance $12 10, gravel; Hart & Rid- dell $13.53, papers and express, &c., for Piebiscite and municipal election; R. 3. Pelton $5, ballots for Plebiscite; -W. (ieen 285.50, gravel, and $1 for filling culvert con. 14; BD Edgar $1.25, repair iug bridge sideroad con..7; J. Morrison, Sec.-Treas. of Elma Agricultural' So- ciety, 22, for rent of Hall; A. Rae $13, gravel; J. Hamilton 82.60, gravel; T. J. Koox $2.50, expenses to Stratford, Part- pidge drain suit. Carried. 'Movéd by Mr.-Tughen, seconded by Mr. Hanna, that this Council do now adjourn until the 16th day of February to receive the. Auditors report, -and that the time for the Collector té return Office--Over Fleming's. clothing store, Main street, Listowel. » . . * W. M. BRUCE,L.D.S., DENTIST. Gas, electricity, or local anzesthetics, administered for- painless extraction. Artificial teeth guaranteed to be of the best material and of first-class work- manship. Onice over Thompson bros. store, Main street, Listowel. tg Will not visit \twood until further potice. AUCTZ on sp > SE ¢.H. MERRYFIELD, Licensed auctioneer for the County of Perth, Monkton, Ont. Rates moderate- For particulars apply at this office. ALEX. MORRISON, - Licensed Auctioneer for Perth County 4llsales attended to promptly and at moderate rates. Information with re- card to dates may be had by applying at his roll be extended to that date. Car ried. . FULLARTON, Clerk. this office. lIoerger's 41-92-tf and in every way adapted to meet the requirements of the travelling public. Terms reasonable. Stables o ite hotel, Atwood. anit WM. HAWKSHAW. | > EATS, CAV » MARKS COPYRIGHTS. CAN I tions formation Mince Reyer scoce ee 'tr

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