Atwood Bee, 9 Feb 1894, p. 1

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I %- BR ar He leaves'a widow and four daughte ' Oar. --Janet, married to Charles-'Honey, o -- : } : Logan; Maggie, Charlotte and Georg- . The Uudersigned -- wil keep for iua--tvo mourn his demise. service on lot 8, con. 9, Elma, the . s VOL: 3. ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, FEB. 9, 1894. - NOB. 4 District Mews, Kthel. ." The regular Quarterly. service was held in the' Methodist church last Sabbath morning. " 'Don't forgét the school entertain ment in the Township Hall, on Friday veveuing of this week, Mr. Honsberger took possession of the Simpsou stock of dry goods and groceries on Monday of this week, The annual meeting of the Bible Society was held in the Methodist jcharch, on. Tuesday evening of this Vveek. ae , The' People's Column. > Notice. HEREBY request all my*custom- ers thatus |] wea very much in veed of money to settle the wnonnts due by them te me on or be- fore the ist day @f Janmary, 1894. My scconnteare-in the hands of T. Fullar ton for colection and must be paid by. that, dare J. A. ROE. V:S,, 42-sir Atwood, Ont Monkton Cheese Factory: A wild cat was seen about two miles i : from this-village on Saturday last. On a : Monday two of our sports undertook _--_ to hunt the cat, but aftera search for several hours and losing 'their dinuer into the bargain they returned without their game. SPECIAL MEETING! SPECIAL meeting of the Shareholders and Patrons of |: A the Monktor Cheese and Kut- ter Manufacturing Co. will be held iu | Lhe factory on .- a Logan, With sincere regret we record the death of George Lawson, of | the Lith con, of Logan. On Sunday after noon) just before the close of that bright day the Angel of the Covenant came to convey the spirit home, and to . | use the words of Longfellow, "Two At One o'clock p.m.. for the purpose of | angels came out where only one went letting Ure hauliug of the Milk andj/in." Mr. Lawson was a native of Whey and any obher business that may) Warwick, near Carlisle, England, and be breaglt before the meeting. ' | wmmlgrated to Canada in 1834, settling ; \. ERSKINE near Hamilton. 'Pwo years 'afterwards -------- we he came further west and settled Friday, Feb. 16th, 1894, Bin SeeretAty.| on the farm from which his spirit passed away. He had -- ailing for ) : some time, being troubled with plehr Tohro' Bred Berkshire isv, which 'eventually--proved fatal. pct dhiadl -- ing Lad p Trowbridge. PEDIGRER----Charming, Lad owas! Bon Soctau.--The L . G. T. of this bred by RK. Delbridge, Winchels#a,Qat, | place intend having a box-social at the ius site Priuve George 4940) dam residence of J. BR. Code, on Ertday Pretty Maid (21i0) by Noyal Carlisle; evening, 9th inst, _Admission" for (luii(imperted) by Engenia Clermont} gentlemen "25e. Ladies expected to <i76) by Widemere g1h4) dimperted) by bring boxes. All are welcome; a graud Lady Clermont (175) (imported) by | me is expected, Birmingham Kate, by Trish Blacksmith) The following is a' report of the Kathleen, by Miberuian Rathernue by | pupils ef Trowbridge public school fer ~boe Tloly, | the month of January, names in order PeaMs.---One Dollar ta be paid at) of merits--3th elass--Edith Jackson, time of Service wilh privilege of returu Minnie Cosens, Jared Cosens, Edwin lug it becessary, | Helpenery, Sen. 4th class--Ella Love, ALEN. WILSON, 'Fred Stoll Chester Frier, Addie Vorter- PTuprieter, Newry BP. OL. Held, Stand Cosens, Minnie ede, Eddie! (Code, Clara Smith, Willie Helpenny, | -- | Amos Potertield, Elizabeth MeCormick, | dun, 4th class--Florence Portertield, | | Maywie Lentz, Edith Code, Minvie | Berkshire: Boar, "Charu- GOLDSMITH'S ; .? | Bertha Winter, George Robson, Ame | _--et> HALL 1 eis Oliver, Sen. dd elass--Ida "Collins, | | Teresa Jackson, John Nesbitt, Edith | ' PStoll, Willi@® Kendall Frank 'Tinning, | Emma Johnson. Jun. 3rd chass--' Mabel Wileott, Maud Johnson, Alice | Booth, Alex, Lentz, Bert Rozell, Alice | Winter, Lottie Code, Floreace Ashi. | more, Sam QOliver, Average attend. | ance for the month 49. -- <a On Saturday, December 30, at 5 a m., We commence our stack taking sile, Which will only last for three weeks, and in order te reduce one splendid and handsome stock so as to wake a good | showing of business for INQ. have. decided tu sell tuy entire slock at 10 per centabove Wholesale cost. This is ne advertising dodge, but ao pure and . Brussels, ~ - Walter Burgess was home from Mit- echeli over Sunday, was home from ' Elma. Promotion is near at hand and both the scholars and teachers are hard at work preparing for it. ? We are patiently awaifing two or three highly important events in the' hymeneai line just now. Wm. Stewart and sister Maggie, of Carlingford, were cont at J. H. Thompson's, con. 6, week. Edwafd Fisher and sister Mary were in Erin last week attending the 'wed- ding of a cousin, Miss J. Matthews. Wm. Morrison is just now phe ba --_ man on.the 10th con. His wife us presented him with his first and only baby boy. , tiis many Elma friends will be pleas- ed tu learn that Wm. of «West Superior, Wis., who has been ill in the hospital for some time, has recove and is plying his trade again. Geo. Ellacott is getting material on the ground for a new brick house, which he will have erected next sum- mer. It will be a two story cottage, and in every respect a credit to Mr. Ellacott and thé nship, . Ahren Jones met with a serious acci- dent Friday. While splitting wood the axe glanced and entered the small of his left foot, making an ugiv gash. The Dr. dressed the wound nod t is now do- ing well. He will be laid off for some time. ,.Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Keith entertained a number of their friends from the Sth con, of Elma, Atwood agd Gotham, on Friday evening, The4ests enjoyed themselves playing games. of various kinds until supper, after which a good program of Speeches, sougs and recita- tions was given. Tie friends separated atbabout, 1 a.m., thoroughly satisfied with the evetiing's enjoyment and.wish- ing Mr. and Mrs. Keith may be. long spared to entertain their frieuds at many Similar gatherings. The Direetors of the Eima Cheese & Butter Manufacturing Co. met in their fuctory; on the 3rd inst., forthe purpuse of letting the milk drawing and other business for the ensuing season. 'There Was a good attendance and the bidding was spirited. The whey was sold to Gomer Green for three years at 34 per ton of cheese. The supplying of cheese boxes was let to Mr. Buushaw, of Mil- verton, at Scents per box. The office of salesman was given to RK. Ss. Ballan tyne at about S11 less salary than was paid last season, Scoot Report.-- Following is the report of SS, No.2 for the menth of January, names in order of merit: --3th class--lJessie Keith, hbennie Cleland, Jolin Thompson. Senter 4th elass- Woodworth Weish, Wilie Shearer. Heath, Flossie Ohver, Lionel Tinning, |Janior 4th chiss--Mary Shearer, Ida | Forbes, Herbert: Foreman, class-- Annie Welsh, Archie Aitcheson, Edward Elamilten, Netne Burnett, Wesley Barnett. Javier 3rd class Arthur Dotiglas, Sandy Keith, lida Welsh, Wessels Stewart, Arthur Turn bull, Samuel Stewart, PosBONED BY WiusKEY.--Last Sat urday morning Robt. smith, of the 12th con, gave his five year old danghter. Senior 3ru ' Minnie, a little whiskey fora cold about | Council meetiug im Goderich. she has Tam, and left the bottle full on the window ledge. The child when left) to James Donaldson has been confined tothe house with lumbago for the last few days, We hope soon to ste him at work again. " A football match between S. 8. No. 10, Grey, and No. 7, Elma, was Pigyet at the former, school*on Jan, 27th. Notwithstanding the plucky playing of the home team result avas a score ot 2to0in favorof Elma. \ -PELTs GALORE.--The fame of Struth ers' brothers of the south Of Elma as huntets has been heard. of beyond the confines of the township. That their; skill has not been over-rated was amply demonstrated one day last week, wh 4 sleigh box full of pelts. In the lot were 10 coon skins, 13 skunk, 2 fox and 4 wild cat skius. Parties seem to be the order of the day in this vicinity. A load' cf young people from 8th con. disported 'them- selves at W..R.. Hamphfey's on Mon- day night. On Tuesday night a crowd from Listowel enjoyed themselves at tthe -residence of © Allan. McMane. Wood bees and parties' were also held at R. Ss. Qallantyne's, 8th con., and Wm. Gilmer's, Wtheon. . - THE GORDIAN Knot--The commod- ious and "comfortable residence of John Inglis, of "Meadowhead Farm," 6th con., Elma, was filled with a happy. company on Wednesday, Feb. 7th, the cause of their assembling "being the of marriage. . The fortunate and happy bridegroom was David G. Me-' Quarrie, of Sombra -- township, . Co. Lambton, who was evidently attracted from the "sunny south" by the superior loveliness of northern flowers, and succeeded in plucking and planting in his bosom ope of the fairest of.them inthe person of Mi Mary Robina, ; youngest daughter of Ipan Inglis, After; the marriage ceremony 'had been daly | conducted by the Rev. Audrew Hender- | son, M. A. of Atwood: a company of | 10) were entertained to a sumptuous | repast and spent the evening in a most} enjoyable manner, many hearty wishes | being expressed fer the bappiness and | prosperity of the young ceuple who, ial voyage. Numerofs presents of a}| lonely. as the aged father and mother | and the younger brethers will miss hér Lhe Vouug couple ail the joys of aj j Fletcher Sandeis ishome on a visit} from Londun ; A tea meeting will be held shortly at ' Bethel chureia, 161i con. { |; Dr. Cartisand W. J.» Whaley were j Visiiing at the home of James Elliott ; last Week. ' "¥he preliminary work in cennection | fwith the large ditehiug scheme un jhand is well ddvaneed. : Miss Maggie Nicholl was put on the ; list of County wards at the recent! been Lil for some time with diabetes, ; 'Tuesday moruing, of hist Week short: | | itself got the bottle and drank a large | ly after Te'clock, Emily, beloved wife 'quantity of the Lquor, and when dis fof John El, tuth con. paid Nature's they, drove into Listowel With nearly aypast few da ume honored and oft observed ceremony | had started together on the matrimon- } Monkton. Bible Sotiety coHectors tre making their annual rounds on seme of the lines. Wm. Stewart, of the boundary, west, was on Sunday guest of friends iu Ethel. Miss Pearce who is visitng her uncle Mr. Greensides, of the village, visited friends in Ethel Sunday. ~The party at Joseph Near's Thurs- day evening passed off very pleasant! and those iu attendance repurt a time. Dr. Douglas has been very iti for the due to an attack of acute onsilitis. He is recovering nicely un- der Dr, Rice's care, Robt, Leader, of Plattsville, formerly operator in the telegraph office here, was renewing old acquaintances in this community last week. Owing ta. the absence of snow the qiticers and members of the Nethodist Sunday school purpose having a taffy social On Monday evening ftustead of iving the children a sieigh drive as rst proposed. The public school board has placed in the school room sixty-five square feet of mew blackboard. Our secretary, C. Hy, Merryfield, believes in uipping the school so that both the.teacher 'and pupil many do satisfactory work. Never in the annals of the history of Logan has sickness been so preyalent. Grippe and diphtheria are the prevail ing diseases. 'wo of the schools in the township being closed. Dr. Dougias is kept very busy attesding to them. It is our painful duty this week to re- cord the death es Mrs. Daniel Machan, ot the boundary, west. Mrs. Machan, whe was a daughter of Wm. Posliff, of the 15th con., Bima, had been ailing for some Gilie and on Fri@ay last was con- ined to her bed with inflammation of the bowels and she seccum to -this fatal disease on Tuesday morning ot last week. She feaves one child---a babe six months old. Mr. Machan has the-sympathy of the conrmuuity in this his hour of sore-bereavement. . The open meeting of the Patrons of which held in useful "character were made to the! Industry ese : their esteemed bride, whe now leaves. the | lodge-reem on Tuesday evening proved old home which she adorned rather) @ great success, J.D. Merrytield filed their chair in his ever happy mrarmer. Addresses Were giverr by J. R. Ham- very much. 'Tis BEE joins in wishiug Froud aud Robt smith, ef Monkton and D. Mitchell, of Atwood The happy and prosperous wedded. life. remaining part ef the program con- ** ee sisted of selections by the chvuir, SOugs, . music, recitations and rewilng, the (arey. : purticipants "being Mrs. Smith and Misses Smith and Seott, and Messrs. Holman, Merry feld.. Murray, Strathers, Sevtt, Stewart, Prost and Dr. Douglas. 'fhe folidwing are the stamding of the Sehivr puptis of. the Monkton Public school fer January as determined by --lsabeita stewart? Sirah Thetis" Jan ior 4th ebwss--Geo. Goiightly, Thomas Kuipe, Wesley Efolinan, Fanny Seett, Nelle -MeCarthy. Senior 3rd class--- W. Bettger" Heuarvy Bettger, Ellie Golightly, Jane LTughs, Joseph Holman. Jupier 3rd class--Willie Robertseao, Fred Me: Culloch, Win. Sherwin, Edith Erskine tiregery Kuhry, Jas. Golightly; Jamés l@enry. Numberenr the fell for the month 72. Averate attecdanee fo Simple business transaction whieh will be carried out to the letter, So LT) sity To any intending purchasers to make it a point to come aud see ine, To mean just What lL say. Come along, delays ure dangereus, My alarm clocks ate ifatold Creighton Guelph on a short visit, Miss Sara Carter is Kineardtne, at her sister's. "several weddings in the near future. Brussels will turmish all the brides, Visiting in covered she was Well under its induence. | debt and passed quietiy aud peacefully The parents at once made the child | away to enjey the rest: she hud etten | vomit and thought all danger pust |speken of, Mrs. Hall was the secotid | After allowing it to sleep for some time | daughter ofthe late James Ward. a they tried to arouse the child but found | former well Known tesudent of this that impossible, and when in a shert{loeaity, who removed to Stonewall, ROBT. MOORE, the verv best, My work gives entire | satisfaction, Wishing you the compli ments of the season, I remain, yours , respectfully, J.H. GUNTHER, LISTOWEL.| PSA. HW. Ganther has -a good | last week, Fony for sale cheap. in good condition , amd uiee driver, A bargain fer some boy. He will certainiy'sell it cheap. Mrs. Stanley Andersen, of Mitcheil, is renewing old-fmendsiips in town. Mrs. (Rev) Wesley Gulput, of Bervie, | speat sunday with Mrs, J.J. Gilpin. itertuuments for the past two weeks. minith, returned home Iast 'Monday. MisS Braden, teacher of the s#cond ' ~diviston inthe Publie school ts on tt sick list, so her pupils are enjoying hel Hardware | 1daws, " ,Last Wednesday Mr. and: Mrs. James Walker celebrated the loth anniversary of their marriage by enter- {taining about flity of their trichds, Rev, Wm. Smith, of Clinton. is to oe- 'enpy the pulpit pt the Methodist.chureh ext Sunday morning, and in the even- ing he will give an address ou "Mis- slons, ----DFEALER IN---- sactamental serviees in the Methodist ichureh last Sabgath, conducted by the i paster, Over 14! took conumiunion. (Seven new members united with the Shelf and Heavy Hardware, |? Secracasny in Netvillte church. last j; Sabbath. Phe servte » Kot churth ' i was withdrawn in the @venlug, andgthe > . "y ty... . ,, Christian Endean@§gsocieties of beth | Paints, Oils, Glass, Table churehes held & aan incetine artes the and Pocket Cutlery, jenee in the Methodist ehurch 'last Silverware, , Wednesday, evening, Subject "Thumb Lam ps . Cross - ut iail sketches on Japan." _ a . e Last Sabbeth evening Rev. G. He! ; 'obbledick, M.A, B.- Do 'ted, 4! ¥ Saws, Axes, , Cobbledick, M.A D. conducted. a " .&Ce, . evening service. . | The Rev. J, Saunby, a returned missionary from:Japan, lectured to a 'Very attentive amd appreciative aud. a i memorial service for the late Mrs. Johu { Hill, taking: as the suvjeet of his re- | 'Tuarksa passage found in Rev, 2nd) j chap. and last clanse of the tith verse. | j for the oecasian.' ' feughiv alarmed and at MAIN ST, pce ae: LISTOWEL. | The pulpit and aar chairs were draped +death rate time tire breathing became almost im- perceptible the parents became Ulrer- ence started with the little one for Dr. Riee's office -| On arrivingthere the child was almost | Torento for a ume, theneat Qur town has been over run with en pulseless and in fact atone time while | lage, Aibion township, aud (on the road Mr. Smith theught#t dead. | became residents "Miss Magyie MeNaughton returned Alter four hows work the Dt. succeed: | slap, Perth County, from a Visit of Some Weeks in Mitehel] ed in restoring the heart and lungs to}age she was uuited in marriage to her their proper action. 'Phe little girl did Miss Cook, of Cliuten, who has been | bet regain couscionstress till evening, | ship beeame their home 38 years age. visiting the Misses Vnote and Bella. aad is at present suffering from an at- | By energetic effort and the practice ot . 'tack of inflammation of the lungs as a7} economy Mr. and Mrs. Hill succeeded result of the' large amount of alcohol taken lato its system. -At present writing she is progressing favorably. This should teach people to be very careful of such powerful drugs. ENTERTAINED THE LI. Adams and family entertained the members of the Atwood branchi®ag, the 10. FL one evening last wed ters hospitablg at their home, con. Ss. 'Pie brethren present speak. very highiy of the manner in whieh, they were entertained by their lodge member, The were treated to an oyster supper, got up in tine style. .The friends pres eut hope atsome future date to be again favored by such genuine hospi tality as that meted ont to them by Mr. Adaws The 1.0. F. is a prospérous organization. .The members of the whole Order is 34,000, the net increase for the year that clos- ed on the 3lst December, was 10.500, of | 'this large membership 22(@0 are in Outario, The friend' of the Order claim that it leads all other Orders in | our great Province... The number of Subordinate Courts, in Ontario, is 550, 1 of.these were instituted during the year just closed. i of.its operations it has paid to widows and orphans ang distressed brethren about two miflion' one huodped -Chons- and doulars, and las, at present, a-cash Supplusgfor the benefit of policy hoid- ers, of S58.507,59- A gain in the sur- s for o year of S278,.00G The only reached the re- \ O. F.--Geo, | Duripg the i9"years | {Manituba, about 20 yeurs agoc Slie was botn, in Enugiandi*and came tu Canada-with her parents when a few They made they bone at, poltar Wil afrerward of. Fuliaften town Whee? years of | Years old. Luow bereft partuers aud.direy Poweu- ladonrably in their new home. The ideceased was the mother of T sous. . ' (| A Ploxeer Dtes.=--Mary Heatler): the aged partner of James Oliver, bith con, Is he longer a sojourner on' earth, last Week. She Was 81 years of ag aud land for the past two vearshad been a prisoner tla, the heuse "through rheu jtnatism and = dropsy.' Mrs Uliver's , birtnplace was Roxboro'shite, Scotland, ; where she'was marrmet te Nr. Oltyer iabout GU years agu. The faulty came | to Canada ity [904 and restded for short iperiods in New York state, Matilda and Brockyille, and 27 years ago moved pinto Girey township, thei a wilderness, ' jand took up land on the Mth eon. The | , other settlers tn the focality about this /time were tlartweli Sperian, George - | Patterson, Wim. Martin aud Robertson. The deceased was a hearty, strong ;Women and did her duty as a wife, /mother aud neighbor in a thorough going maunen She was a faithful "member offthe Presbytenan chureh in ; Scotland and in this country andin bér! ; declining vears had the strong arm of the Almighty-to lean ugdu. Mr. Qliver, | Who is SO vexts of age, 'survives his 'heipmeet and enjoys cXeellent bealth. +The other members of the family are | Mes. Erskine, of Moukton, and Walter, | jthe worthy Deputy KReeve of Giev j township. -Rev. D. h MeRae, of Cran- } brook, conducted the funeral service jon Friday, at 12 o'clock. Interment at | jmaarkably fow average of 5 29 in the 100. | Cranbruck cemetery. i Ep i Wil Oe present with bis }eou Exhibition, bscenes in Egypt: Germany, his erected the Master having called her away tow | "Mildrens be better home on Wedbesday morunig of | ,or Conservtive Assocketious. ;Comservatrve Patcoi" air Che sickness In the seetion urevents a number from attending. whieh accounts | for the low average fer Juuuary,. FerkgstTers ConceRtT.--There wi! be a grand Foresters' conerrt held in the Engitsh church, Mouktea. on "Paes aay, Feb. boat 7.30 poo COC) Whale, Uigh Luspector of the High Court of Ontario, Will deliver am address on the principies of the Order. SFL Eotdts gram Setunt}- Mieowing on cunvas a large number of Worlds: Fair views, aS Weil as Views of the ilMy -land and England, Lr@ianed and Scothuied, ete, Mr. Robs everywhere by crowed There will also be present one Hise: of Canada's best Ventrilogeists wiom to pears Werth the admissivon fee. everybody for am. evebing's fun entertiiimment. Doors epen at 7 Mee simul posters, Cone amd p. mm. -Adtissien, Se. Dear Eprror,--The reproof which | vou administered to us & fortuight. age ) Was acceptably received, bat we still » taintain that we, as Patrons, are uot rSpousible far the creepiyz in of )"deuble tarreied peliticians," such as Mr. Mazwood has proved himself toa. be by matatalning at the Cuuservative convention im Milvertum that it was ,Ouly aiter the exruest solicitations ef his frends that he aliowed bis mame te be brought forward as the Puirou cand- tdate: and although we have no direct proof tothe contrary, and although we vo | Weekiy exaininattons:--Senior 4th class did not see the uegre in the hen-coep, - ; Still ow? sspicions -are aroased whet we see the feathers on his coat. Amd 'we worid advise our Patron brethrén fo™beunce" such members Who are eff)- cers or Members of either the Leform As. We have above stated we received your re- proval good naturedly. stili we feel ia duty bound to offer you wn aprlecy cur even bintiagthat vor were mt sate ientiy qualified te eein secy words as "Drberay- Patron." [to fice of the facts we hare i proven, and you have above sacdmaittet!, | these coined words of Ours are Mot it- appropriate, are they > the mether of iuvention," youd" kaouw.--- eS . / "Necessity is_--- Pa f

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