Atwood Bee, 9 Feb 1894, p. 2

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7 . . " -- ' wis . on : * * , 4 . bE 7 . ¥.. ' ; eeu mu. =. ISSUE NO 6 1894. ) ma Ser Rind, , _ A SURGEON'S KEIFE = Gcheped t Ravel The Yersing' fe Ment Seung Me This | ------ : Trier hived. "Who, boea take : ay diocans Soreaerty Se ! Moat-] ' Ina land of fruit, te be denied 1 tn th | ments ---- , ag "ks use in many trem Birmingham to thas think «9. What is there, pray, garded as incurable without cutting. An erearuien merning, te be tefermed ripe | -- : : = vhis looks that mace you say ; the ether day. ---- ad thad will gtve * Fd admire him? Goodness me! The Trismpa ef Geaservative Surgery 'gh the eked effice in the | eranges eaica icdtnhamemnien | ".-- a fines. etaan oe a oe a Oo adi And goggle eyes. "i think he's horrid. RUPTURE Stuy cured without the ee cane be alta eas mash!) An old priest bere told | - Give the ; ied on that Mr. Knox knifeand without pain. oo his in }me the other mys T. R. Gaerneey, ought to be fat. I've seen rece ope can be thrown away! They opened oyee frem the of Maxtoa, that der hance. Give Er ahan bcc hen laeeaes never Cure a inte: excareien ticket pre ns tng litle Sty peace ef active service bhe| Thin Babies a ;, mustadmthe basanair Fibroid (Uterine) aw te him, even with eaten fraid ab neon and late at night, em | aoa Sim fs coy mee aoe f TURORS Sg Gs pelle of cur Scat ated rector: [and kis clear ey Lephne out bie svend | . aa . 9 ; Ww the man ' remored wit Ps bredder ; * Gris rade manners Wh t : Pil E TuMO _--™ wan? ter take ds e dewn to ed rn . . f PILE TUMORS, Fistuia "ata and let tke athe! gs So living in warm countries goj EN aged ae gabe gone other diseases of the lower bowel. aro spayed rn) Mipnl gg hoary te is a mystery. My a \ And w eh" Oe till four, i red without pain will be heap cheaper meat, tak- Why, Chariey Kuox! We stayed the knif A saan Santee" he | friend the priest ratty cats ony wand, e | 'To go wits him pext lume. Now, Belle, verizad, washed out and perfectly re- enterprise oa ths | cto .olate, sali p renad sf ley peey Me bbe ng moved without cutting. : = were probably: a|/ceifee daily, and yes keeps =p = a : * Happenca! A sicelp a wink SE cteaee tl an paatiey. The corpscjof the perple whe can afford mest eat : and Until ve tobt iy dearest friend rm send N cents im stampa) to Sor quamabin setee tol they sox tay. wa tankerssi0pe. snd; 'ith hypophosphites, ey eee an Og t Wortt's Dispensary Me ee beard while { dinner at rom, and anether a3 10 p.m, an atch them grow Fat, Chub- -- Sant tee eka Cae cane- tho. oS Man Sk, Duttale, 3 it Aim 'ivedy to bed. They wil tell re) W : = dont know wieiber to gubserved the endajg> <ir litte meat, pou will dis, Healthy, Bright. Physi: yelp Pg : ot os dear. ene tha", # you cat litte ive a big beck- by, »- ef Gid Engiand. MISNIGRT MASS EY PARIS. of the family at the snime tims --Bir- betdwe d come itch enudaiand wathes cians, the world over, endorse = The Rese , account ef the Cartst-| mirgham Herald. « ef the dhe ef your 10 etlosk sepper| 5. The Irish may boast of the shamrock so greea. a. s wericam Eady's ' "* vecy endidenly." ' ae ae ehawin os pewully tes aaies Nes ata eg gn "'Dewa in the bot country betel-keopers| oats bo deceived by Substitutes! Scoschmen g proadly the adore, Nee Paria tt i: a time- isa} Dewn : : The ; r wa nalire Oa Cirivtmsa Eve in ss = a checelate ewestie that will feed on beef and lamb en3 ? Sexet & Beene, BeSercie. AD Drapgisca Sk 2gn ~ Saccem wo ibem both | Leavy Chess wot, benored ces:om te rm, bigh mass at © benben and a en <n stake nnd chars apd teasta, f 302 = t or may ns cnt? tre large roms girl they | As there blooms a fair Hower i any Own native =e oS ar uanchectealy Gas a | very dear te a oe cf Sema well bere da Tego : FOR SA : -- :. Sx Salpios, ». Fadge" partion thera ie a dark predict your Se a enetied sett aes -- LE--- Tha; 1s sweeter and dearter_to ma, Madeleine, St. Bemnobe, Ga * D krown tuatitation, and sdother werld" Lhavé 2 Cathedral ef N«tre Dume, [kros eel a "treahie™ | them I fala weald have CHORUS benny red facge weiter' da-the Detreia ros Pross meen dnsktin, ich up hope ts Waal sstn ik deh caneur Gah tr tewpee S oe , Hay A Rane Ok OE EG, OO | _-P'Tee ideal of béantifal music, tegether with Se van wan cal Pelee te _precere high that I have pitied the degs in 7 © ®& $3000 Bag blooms that fairercam be; - fan impress're service, in & great, inuls for an imprompéa "fodes ate uhe L os "= $4000 = , qa teen eve the snamrock and thistle whe Nghted cathe?ral at " on bina idered. Checolate and sugar, Ke Cabs they sre quite as carnicversas, -- --_ a choose, an : : , hour, fea mest remunvie ems, inge:dienta, can' te end costemptacurly cencminate tveir deu- Aho at pot The rose of oid Eegiand for met Yar- f.e-ination for the feretga reei-jthe twe bat and better, i » feed. t Cratham, : . f : er wik excall froite ae "'bird's Trenton. t Althc ugh to uproot it, the bravest havetried, Sonne a? coemepel tam Paria St "= 2 ge le alae neitel, tse perbablel "apie i the trogies,- whe do met take widuein wetaren wane dae The Sraner 1h gree Se Ae eae ens has the Gnesi orga2 im the cltr, and is and bave te be provided ca reise, will belt dow. quantities of Per perticviar app:y we A thousand odd years it has w ed the jargeat ef the churabes -a ag eae hae Bate Vesmr freebman knows ------ arecad bal. as'eep sli day. sons Nees. = its freshr ess to-day. S:ian. B centrally bate . even if she bis mot been at ° their strength, they ninates ts reopexten la evecy ha Lode saute te tagely sivatel ania ting ly acd if ake ts enidenly "Yee tears the akalde sfter his -- honored EM eVEry sea 5 ever it grows-- allan eve by Am:ricaa stacenta. Al Benes ee after expper with pasgs | ""=- gs ferst. He is beck tn the " Serene ef eke Regina fer met ecluck there war med = sgt ta bes wart fot banewr ef course she mus} g> down i; aiciza' palace, uiited fo a chair, med- we ni pag.§ iO tpmstowsaganenstere, [oat tol g.lpise ean Imecass often, [the ebeary and beter w mitigate |S sed retinas es Siogwstiec'esmee. | 19 000 Acres Michigan Farm Lands , And may it sill foaritras S proked. S. Salp'ce ivan im and a piece of bread butter to Yeu wate bim-up ard bs resem ~~ Simei Untarmisied, and scver dechae, "2 te {62 feet in I-mg bh, 183 feet im width, aad And equally, ef course, the bis siesta. He te " bis | a: wery low rri-e. Now is the thuc to get ee iia ee i * i bas twe rqzare towers, | her distress. head F fink teens wis -- pa rexcarks, asd you even find home of yout owe. .* There S oot.a ap {os whe Ea of tae ene at elther end agg agro is i=- ST een Ua radeat et anberal « Cqweeh that his Mar will. met unetianain" ay ig ag tg Fy 'Lande te But a trace of the owes soa be where I} thees cf Netre Dame. The hens (*} girls are al: that itp m Then he tale yeu thst ree szd Oremae Ccu tie and oon Amd whilst bfe resmins'let me re, met ealy becexee of ite size, Set for} Twe or poe smd if the} = PB mosh in a berry, that fam o* any Ste at very low prices amd ogee agp telirar tone rangement sad - ara neo Sat = | ; ecly milk ard bad at ech tant wetnaaaead eal, weraveces: nhie * Fare 1aid ope way om ---- te ec ante 'biaiee ser ienen aig Ae whr ead acter wl you de not fed ™ ade 'perchase o! $) st -as Wie ati nce te ene plight cold te th? great organ, while at the -- ny tales, und "fedges" are toe g te Bat "L bave had man whese irete wore ewellen. ie == Wieck. Beatie bie ar wesc. Peete sk txtaak tin wel gin tighity Digna abe. snd _pimply roach rerceos te me oa ibs | Went Bay Cty. t ge Det edge "| . Prompily at I2s . aeeiaen . aoe ae ee an I cesbe foxth im a iremendoss bers? of Elash. . ~ gil vired by theclimata Duc- . 10,0600 It Was neé against pasied Tae 4m Eiecctric allege, Was reg ¥ as fresied amd tafned to} melcds, in imiatioa of a eae could ) ing Records r Brockville, Oat) tars prescribe meas dien "Tp te tm tbe air, FOR ACRES His ---- -- . marshes! effect was ew af ito = . gi bot yeu cant nip ft in the en in tes $3 --S-§ oF LAND ut mada downwind Est, ; realy imagize the : eine? t= Mr. Bec}. : « hgely Cc P. prs Bayle 7 wy . , The Beis of And ber ups grew-moist whh the dew of img sf balts and «he aes ian An] citizen and a valsable empleyee of the - p of the ¢q2sterial regisee live nin hype ae : Wore. ; 2 ticed am? kissed. reeeg Hien ef ge birt of a By., stares that be wae cured ef severe farther so1t& yen ¢:3 tre wider the pearn- We can sell yor improved or czimgreved As they Keeed ans Sheed ly too the besatifel velcpiary exteoded frem ths hip te the j ™ fare. Perbapa, at the : % portion of ths " tast, eniy seca, Toen f aclaticn, which Pls. ing fer caraiverses Inads im the mot profmctive Per But why did the gici It Bim kiss Rer so P Sted away ta Ee saecen fem the} knes, by De. Howard's ~-- and | Rect pote cme will eceventer vegetarians Gusted States on reasemabie tare: by WastRioarieat masmh ; ree a mi,hiy chorus -- gy rece Ooctiy, Miznessm. You can blame. gta Pago dining aaa canal ctor. scempiakd b; the smaller added te his endierings, wee cared Why Limp Absat ; Brown's Valiss, Tra ° She was <cue4 om bis moustache. i cmacd s fell ecct-e'm, teciundirg harp at the came ties. Mr. -- Pain "eos wm Fant Me Cootd Not Ba and belle. Taare wes come mj Sek Femnte wud will be acoepred withec? qoes-[ With painfe! corsa? Pa 'palnionly ALENTINES FREE, «v= ick ap na singing, with barp and Ga:e ac -mpariment ? ali whe knew hist He f& kad iz age gr elk ay aepty Ape oar pred "| ae tS cme aac, ' Re eee eae in cinseie Greek. Then seis wigety - ergaa ypowed tm theftica by ef the Electric Pilly, acd says/ ie aifen &sye Use the mis, sare - ae Well weed & § deers Coon or Caped Vebertteee, He coabd atso ict you Know trledbsts die, and ike abormy masic rever- os pong the best he ever sow. Im large}ions cocn curs--Peteam's Poimicas STAR CARD WORKS, WOCOSTOCK, ONTARIO He cound fthom sil she tricks bersted frem the vacltel stems readin s boxms, 52 canta, 6 for $250. The De] Rrerectar. At dreggtate. ~ . Of gar uoiera pubic to feast a 'Mt |Hwwerd Medicine Ca, Brvekville, Ont Executing beat 62,000 emell enfis, the | 4 PAIR of SAATES : He'd des rbe, Furr mind to feast, ther ork. . -- : , Le es by | Fa Pertqulars Sopa ye rawrs | Prebixcoric ee inal 'The crush of pecple was remarkable, che Through 2 Babelces Love sfatr. SER IeTSe Os on per nel pa if WRK S Whorsrocx ocr Pas R Nadhge adr bipmehrerabtry tes | 'Jelgering the ezief ubecherch A party « Ccart at Beriie bas 2 that the { £5,000 vame's #48 C00 5 AR CARS & . eT hoe ead at Oc amd oer, Peencimee attempted te erved the bef) area astien of Pek Max of Saxeny im seremirg with a carrying expact'y ¢ £8, oon ? = a a RE Fe ag lad wry fry ceeing eg eed og A re Coulis': earn toshat thedopet- 2 re'ty tbe leader sacce ban fage, wae dictated by a hepsiess , --_ etc. ~--handes FU-B2s. toy car thrsagh she staedisg crewd, the Prowetant Prixew Federe ef Spavins, Ringbones, bis Elo fers bai even s harder time. At with Heistein, the youngest sister of Dick's Blister. i r2 SE5W B3GAPs. rere deturminma:i .o and brute ferce, | Sebleewtiig- wiow Daze Cured by i th canal -- pre dby all tat ace A whice j the Expres stip beeen te the Italisaa Decx & CoP. fea $8 Mocoma A Case Where the Expressicm " Santehed etied, Larcctend ob gations wes warty erage hs ESTOS TOOT tig HOUSE SERVANTS WANTED Fr-m the Grave™ Hay bo Appropriately crushed by thelr «fucw, being teased abeat é SQSTHING 2 No oxt-denr werk. Roruns Vaed. a seis pShew. Erencualiy, however, Yee High Tcstimeny $ MRS. WINSLOW S _ RuUP g Ron heconine. fetta Wares ped cermticn tith Mr. J.0 M3 vardeed spirit was sromed, and be §- FOR CHILDREN TEETHING <) | scam aque: bean. Tesiidne oe-eeste ie csavecmiicn sith evan bis handreds of droggiste sfirda cenvizcizg| ¢ 23 Centen bettia 2 | mem bls. feet' t + enter lene 'hs Pecevan,vlesene Herald, weleauy rece d to = Sees te = f of the great merit of Nervilime im ali] § Fersete ty all Progghm - geod wages wilt be paad "ce Sourr. r 3 Fete ar, " i ' > eee i i i lial Dl _ ni : ~ nae eae ee paricalan «f a case eit con tious the shuse, ary = aC hneenen peut a@eortene. F. R. Molvilie, drageix, a S = a ee ee a eee on and Fevtch san the a a en ae T THIS OUT the remarks>t+ :e220~s:iom t> health ~f tre bieck na aleft ta a lndi- | have used Nervilime speak higtly ef CU 3 CIRCULARS ii MeLwa's dacyoier Sgoe-, 13 years ef 220) ow? and wig beg his fortuza%e | am gatieSed f will take -- Flace in Dg ay aon $i vemen oP whe bad been so i+= inet ier recovery. was eruua marecr, sigealix pan ker? Thin axpremes universal : 7 = largest aancrumens ef Geomed aime: 'spossicha Mise McLean's itieede = Fusaly, phere pre fara oink, sll yn are vadierieg from any | ne WP Fite at tem of sag anditien was <b»: oi very many other gitle}.. on. aid of tte " gainia! ction, teteres] ae external give bowe im C-mads, amd oo terms i my Sheenghen? wee land. Her bleed had be- aasiztimg hm ta b's wo dd ths cureanting ch te the Satie est ook enetiens relief will . casmet bi beaten WM BEEoGS, . ie " i a = ° ehiaen. Torests. : * ceme imporermhed, ging rie te pr a -biee.- 'The French pec pie are | be aa certain a8 the sum tative ef the hour, Gd rrimess, eevere " Lee Mumr. bier. : . net! ie a rtally penetreatieg pais verxdy . ; gabe, extremely pais som p\-xine ond general | acrtainly ---- -- Seld by dealers everywhere. SY Sabet te Midi ned bar comfteien be. ee ges ney ait te tinh phen ---- COUGH : EA - peatcing rape pee" Dy comzeiled Cossiia the saint ef manic, 4 Regal Bares gr 5 yy -car gra ene elie' 'a, eae Ge twieckhe. The idea There woe yeaterday exhibited Br Taxrces " te take te her be'. As er Mis Wah red t 1847 og Baren Tayler, Cauatie Hill at Windsor " the Rryai Breet Malem Dees ere did maa Lopee > ee bat whe Senedial Ue cxnecisties ol masher sae sf Beef © fer the Queen's Caristmes : ee al suhaen sng beter hain, Gee tak be cisas, the proc-eie of the mas being weed oarty. I) wae adecued with belly Yes cough ony sehen ace coat winkeat any vr ie : 5 of members of ute mstistes. I: wae cnt trem s prime come se week that hve tatnur bed me Ropes cocishp.. Ties neh sageenl oan of Ba, Ontslin [nnn 22 San uh ome Etat Wat Pieraz sAE GF Fr. lage ge bog" with when | wer tad ec Nee "lad, ISSG, with mmi2}Cooserts Farm, acd weighed sbect a. J. Sows, Poe Hie, aes Mey a ee the usa effne sare aa Gouned ead Sa Seema, | pcemde Today ii iz te te rensted Breast Balcum bent § - 7 ; Mise Mcie ig waa resiiling trged eum the each my "Us cheras 420) Piluce kitchen fire, aad when cebd, wedScme he bas ewer Pumens of (Sunt SE Ragen' coal te ented [MERON UTS yA aers | tee ban im sa whe okt, aS . he ce of Puck Puts was oul Swann the plak of tab gread egem, making bere, where, ad te akebiee coicemae Sr ceeeer nae wre - . combined meledy ef veise amd teatre-{.. and in'tinle each day new aiding te te ---- ten Rakelahess Spot oe ee ae : eae Sena See ee atrenmg th, wall Ge ly chs. an testare' te cceentnhy he old werhd. While America | Cone satan © Sik eqcther wah Uy ag ah agg rah gy pe pe feet benith, and be gene Me ef ney ta leve ef thete wtiisler hihz the Chriztmaa feectvitics. 2p high. ve _-- fentil eke mcw weighs 140 poamda fe mot lacking hes mes She maniee Hiogmrr. Macager Pore Lean says Be is coavime! thet Dr. Wis} scctstie pregeear, Poorest Duke Living. : Uinmes' Pink Pils esved bis danghter's life, | -sthediale, mm , and dec no? healts*¢ te > elf similar cases. I'¢-e are theasands ¢ Young girls whee pale or weary compierio2 Getekens carly ¢::line, snd ta ae Chee neta tg bine?" being "beak the] De kide dat yell de leadest daq'h sllere Riser of heals So the shack, oud Selly res, cell de mes papers. nen dor ---- tene Renth ond cireogth, Sell by et) wineia analy aye ES danlere ot ceatem re eipt of Sd eente ator aeighhers is im trez>in i for 3250, addremicy tas dea dime nave _s better _ Digg apa se ag Breckvile, | De fellers daz read De. . Wiliams suay dey are on' met gt tr ' Ont, or Schenectady, MN. Y. west. De grimifes ewapaperr, fs emsin" es 7) > ; Russian Coal Predaction. bea dey _ this rgth century " The protection of contin Renal nat yune De man das - ye. in ; 6.913 351 tema. s ahead shat can be bead fix he mamey. That is why ) Everybody Wears wien coal Den't stake ne claim em a corner where , , and ligeen The Deset: basin figured iz dare in a fallew scliing papers dat verigpind. ERS - SS ae GRAN RS. When o feller makes 2 cents and gives ---- " biied Jehamy coe be takes away ! cont's = -- = ee a =. ' Ja 8 titehs, Win, yon Rath beck once gE eh af manny andl puts on Sena? wants © Sl AK : ef 'Fear son's wild ways." ' = [| of geod feeliz's si = = * os ' eo. eagite= e Se ee KE -4 a 3 7 ---- Sane' Freak wrecks aad de mc: Jere may be. _ 3 E = Ss re) Pp ae - _ F peegia, ba: dey ROD the exams bhe ¥ re = eee aS = = , _ =: es. 9 s ~ Que of the violin and "celle makers | cakes for de aawahey. are =~ i -- : oo & af; De cditer i: ust the enly ' ky Besitiabers', Vi, who han bese i | de poper soil." We bife ber ant ear band VIDMOARTO Brastlebere', aon half a rag xp veo, -- Fastangam _ --s SST eee ae - Dd

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