« eut "ef the Breek- - gress. . they atir.bute tothe hard tines. x-Tressurer of the plied warmly yextr- ' Jehn Weed, tie <« Basrd of Trustees, re Gay to the assertion tnat $140 030 had been . i said, "simply crazy." Whea lets were purchased in Cimbten avenue' the pre-en: church net"inere Lipere : 4 F g : 4 tee fires Mee was filed against the that bad gems te pay the in- The cite wes sslected; be said, by abeclstely mothrg In aéci'o2r wm tre é teustess a diz-m peceena gave abont $6,000. Zhe rest cf the scbecript'ocs were email There wes $= (0.0 subscribed on the day 'ef the deticatue acd em'y half ef {> was paid ia =y Uma "I react ene day tht James W. Birkett, the rr: t teesearer<f ibe B-ard of T: u:+- Leotsrd Mesdy veld me y.s'erdsy thst the triste: wea d me-t seme eve.ipg nex! week te consider the matter +f reietmg ibe $200,000 ube: ts me.ded .o pay off the ded: 'ef tbe Taverracio , *< Wite wh-1 I have got and the money that bas bees promis d >v " anid Mr Mooiy, "i bave $40 (0 -f the amennt weeded. Batt: is ali premised cerdiifens! wpe the withérmwsi of Dr. Talzaces Pesigeation We osuid tot collest fort; oe thon aot con's of the wonry if the dec or sheaid go awsy. I osmco> see bow th: ceonn be held teg-tmer unless tbe Preent Gebt:s paid. Toe sonmal;e «ren> tmg will tate piece early mx: month, and pader pre sot corcems»ic-s we cannet 6x pact te de wery wel = The pew rentals now amrennt te abet $12,000 8 year, Toe ix- come frem thet eworse ehoult be $25 000 s yeu. Mr. Ptileds, ene o! the trustees, Bestestin bie reeigostion, but 11 bss ae: tess received, s2d he will stay in the Board as long os any ef wie rest ef oa" THE WORK OF MiécuzayTs. Mr. Meety ald the s atement that bed been cireriate? that $140 000 bad been nn- accu ted feris csenerder wi h the erec- then of the Tavermecle and the pxrchase of ~ the land tberefer was net tros, se far 22 he » Ex Uainéd States Distrbt ; Asi these sstements test hare beer meade ageiret Wodawcr pote, The ameriion ~ thes $140,060 bnd tem unicovented fer iz -8 Merames al lic " bell, oc. A man vth mo heir te wipe pen co: wil res: seb wo wg gt i& ie alleg- tha> I theught ft beet te ocontinus. taking Mr. Creamer, 137 Tecnmecth them b the winter, Sind I used them street, acawered the onrd im pereea fcr the} With the result that I have been totally purpese sf securing a picture his wife|Omzei. ~I have not oace simre had the had e:dered He was met at the | #evere beadsctes which formerly made my floor by a who has ten known by}! i+ mieerstie and my cough has entirely the same, neid-r, and, ic is--said, a'sa I strengly recemmend Pink that of eaid that the phetes} Pills to anyones 'whe suffers fron dizzinem, were e/United States, but thas Aff- indigestion, ete., aod I believe Mr. Creamer objeqied to psying apy} 52%". Ass blood builder and nerve restorer enly the pisture the com waste', but alee about 2 Oi) ctherr, which be 'ook peserssion of. Affbeci'er stated jthatall be wanted was: abeut 25 or 50 cente fer each, and he weuld be peri-ctly astisfied. It aise seems that Cerzens was one of the agents who areund erderr, aad Affocider cluims to have benght sil the photegr>phe irom hin fer $20, suli owicg the first, fa is sit; fer ton Crate ee all signed When Detective Duncan went te the house be wa: met by the R: yaclds girl who asd she was enly a towder in the houss, bat be fere the «ficcr te ,o ep sisire she demanded te see the search war- rapt. Sne esld she wis not Affosider's wife, but said tbat she was bis "* intended." Aff- | bolder ra'd that he wenld nst.charze avy- teleg forthe return of the photo te these eee ee order fer an a Tae wre wen wil! appear fh Turonte Palice Coart te-day. fe WEALTH OF THE WOELD. The {ctual Crowth of Eiches ts [lmesst Tee Emormenus te Compute. Few pewp'e, even ameng prt sed poil- 'tielams, bave moch ileavef the wealth of the world «r of msnner in which tba "enith is grewing. Sulll fewer have netien ef tle povntictity of wealih to !n- eresea, MM Janse: qictes une ela berate ca'- en ation sf en irgevicus suther te shew Ubet 100 france, a-caselating at 5 por ont cempencd totrrast for several c-nturies, would be scfiireni.te bay ihe whole surise- of tre gleb-. <th innd en water, at ope rate of 1 000) 000 frasce (£49,000) thé - bec- tere The sciuel grow bh of rich-s bes nit Rutherte assume? .ush incenventest pro; er- views, says the Edinbargh Review. M. Jemmet cites vorious tuch)rities te 'show that the wealth ef the Usited Kirg- dem exceeds £10103,000000: that ol Frap ¢, £8,600 6.0 000 ; that of all Ea:ope, £49 000 000 G0); umet of the Uit-d Sta es, £140 00.0,000 If we vlao- the weailt?. o «bad arrive at an agge, ate o £600 6 G00, 003. We should havr, we may add, to aatiply this vert som 30009 ties before toges.ions az bority, 100 francs scsmmulating at 5 pr on. compeund interest fer 700 years weuld grow. ec Sere we have given ore fo vest % very resder. It may srrivt the app-e- béraice tf it be added that Framre. o2 the Sir W Petty «= entire senith of England at ently £250) (0) 0.0. Tea om tnoressed i Lh- r.0t ef tae world a: £25 000 000 000, «<e74. reached the total te whirh, aoverding te} we FM Jenmei's thy cesvey ne appreciable ides te the the | the bot-s'lr Piast ne other remedy hss met wi:h snch briiliand P. > by mail em rcrigzt ef 50 bex-s for $2.50, by addrersirg the Dr. W: Hams' Medicine Ca, Brockville, Ont, or Sabensctady, .N. Y. PLATOSIC Love. > is'sa Very Nice Thisg But Net Alwnys Safe te Menkry With. Leve betwaen women and msn was invented for the entertainment ef philos>- end her pis'onic admirers mie rable, or ehe makes ber friends happy and ber husband ie, or she wakes, hein all m'serable. If by any chance or mix of taleat she seems to make them al} bsppr, she makes seciety miser«ble, because i; cacnst ese how ste dees it. And whea society is miserable it telke ; em'il Gimally it breats up the ar- '2 gemert. Eh; te bound to fall, and the reasen decs aByY j act lie in acy d- fect in her, bat in the fact that ber purpese is centrary to the econsmy of Nature, which bas barely men eoenogh te go areand, acd dees net permit a wemat -- bes a min o! ber own to men- epol'ze ether men with imparity. E ma7 isgeable men ben'des ber Seciens that acy weman abeerbs the waste ef <ime sther woman's ties, and Nature abbers waste with a proverbial as- topahe.-- From "* Powt of View," in the February ELEECTER CAERIACE. Et Will .Jravel 44 Miles With a Single Chargizg. Anew e'ectrios!l 2.ent is sbont ene and ene-third chs rge ef the accumulaters is sufficient for & journey of 44 mnlies at «2 rpecd of ten miles . Zhe Title of Ferte. The "* Porte ' is derived frem a by the "exalted." or "lofty gate" This ptreer, in ihe Literal transle- tens ef the -- were 'Exteratiiins tz Palestine goto show that eredited as the toventien ef N in 1828, was umd 1,400 yess BC / The And wiat shall I de to have my fri o speak well of me? Ad least tt * : years The g: ank is nota bird of flight, ite wings being used os oira Id wat D ; and dive-, to that thens ' than tven lenger migra many of ite relatives woich were endowed with the power ef flight. So swift wsz iv movement thst it was often known totmcape from s six-oared beat pulled by vigeroas sailors, Its range ia Amerion exo'ed frem Greenland to Virgicia ; tc Eo ops tp was found frem Iceland iste ire Bay cf Biscay. Its tresdirg places, however, were jew, fer, like tle fur-seal, i: seers to have had » F- A PASSIONATE INSTINCT | 'bsceme of Madsgeecir. {> exisced in great nomere. Trough ite fiesh was teugh rnd even mpauseot s to the taste, {p was 5s) rechieely pursued and kilixd fer freeh foed that within a century i> craved tebe. Mescums p-+y falmoest fabulous prices for a ekeleven, out very few have been f Some pataral iets, infesd, beve ventured ta deubt whether this menstrecs pigeen ever did exist. THEIR PLUMES ARE OOVETED. The besutifel siog egret, er white ber-n, knows also euncs was its dave slaughtercd them at nestling time, and have thus prevented'their increase. " When homsn sppetite bas been more mero:fal in its assauit> on, bird life, fashion kas taken @p the purenit The Sandwich have exterminated the mamp, two thst war ge¢ling 2> be made for the chiefs. The seve reigns | Tne example ef those barbarous fs'andere bas been imtiate' in mre civiliz-d r sgionr. One*American dealer net lerg eine sold 2,000 00) bird ekins in & year. The tiem of & single auction sa'e in Londen in 1887 imsinded 6,000 birde of psradise, 5.000 Imp y+p pb-asunte, 3° 000 aseer'ed sxins from Iecis, and 400 000 bumming birde ! Toere figures ,ive some noii.n of the mendous inflsence ef asilly {sphien in pre- cutirg the destraciies «f animal life. A DISAPPEARING FISH SUPPLY. We obtain even clesrer noticns of tre wasteful indifference ef man te anim-] bfe, when we study familicr examples in the or- nized efferte te acply the feod markets Fats is peonliarty te case" withy the fieber- ~|iee Tho preiific ood wae so cempleiel ; Masesch J et part: of the C-mm'esicn bad sown the waters with 130 - inden :ifivat'o2. Many of toe rives kave been re-stecked with shad and mJmoen, but the igrerant nct fish rmen fer a.lemg time strenuemly re- tisted gach fairways up -- as would allew pss te rpawoing} greunds. It sien Whar dane ef the bind mae g: oping fecbly for the bird in the bind, and greeling at the friend who weuld brieg him a balf-corwm ost of the bush as a free gift | It is esid that the oyster greun's cf the greatest - ms i Hall, cS We fied mew that even the beundiecs: Fisheries Scclety in New York, the facts were stated by Mr. Livinjetem Stems ip "The helple:s salmon's Hie ta gripzei between tbess twe fercee: the murdercus i dustries beseme the} ef eggs and smostisd ~": ~J letver, and the bird «as { isc"d on ber . " Py : +4 a * ; Tih Ta A STRANGE EXPERIENCE. Pee EXTERMINATRI emaller conser, which, first inking the TALMAGE'S. MANY WOES. | .CAPTUERD 2,000 PROTOS. a BENG TED, |trseme seco ind' me:s uninhabitable fer ; 1 , fer Ywe Years With #1-k Headache, - , . the salmen, Gnally ex'ermizated them alte- --_---- --_-- : and Dyspepein--Bow Relief . ee sien ee' 'Whe ae . " te , ; : i Was Puené . . . en e? y 2 Mis Church Deeply in Debt and Pres-| Two Toronte Men With De- Mra. 8. W. A says the Brantford | Feathered and - Other Wild Animals | crease of the suster of: salmon there in , : - Expositor, lives en Raita about ' recent years has b. eo r-markadly large. So sw ean A mi fear 'maites out of the city of 4 . 'fe oan be sen that the fri-vds of the ealmen ..* peels 'Net Bright franding the Public SE pe Disappearing. have mers te font ihm ov rfsking, and a on ; : that re" aad be'ls the owner of ¢ imational park for the salxen is repeamary Smomminanin " # ' roe a farses Having 'beard that = lie Neh ape Loe eg VERY BITTER WORDS USED.| 4 CTURE. | | poesia sod indigestion By the ues cf De NEVERCEASING SLAUGHTER eee sty yom teow W i A indigestion by the use of De. About fify pare aco A: drew Wilses, 7 ace BIG PICT SCHEME. Wilkes' Piak Fis, « reserter asked if she Seals A theratorsiut, ewcntaies then putaber- of a wie e , fa F was willing te mks facts con- eos fly pg ever s persenally- to Mielp Them The Methods ef a Phete Ealarring House | corning the cure gy Be was per- Mow the Creat Ank was Wiped -@at--tThe) erred pee iss Hond pao af tbe resting sekves Mt They Can whak the ¢x-Freme-| Civrn--a: fysiem About Which There | ecu willing to give herexpe-tence. "For| Starch for Birds'of Bright Piumage--| reason ut 1,115 136 00. Dr. S-¢nilasb, @ mrer 2ays--Cost, G315,0005 Mortener.| a, neem Many Complaints--wits | 2° P&>.g7e years," she said, "I bad been}, isappcarance of Other Animals. Germen wateuraiist, «+ & word, cine" --_-- 3: , | Appear im the Felice Court Te-day one aeeea ek headache, dist} O20 ofthe mosh interesting of the birda| lg, t= which «.+ry ~a.i and enpiing aup- , fT t¢ said De: Tal- ; ' ; nes, and a cengh, which | believe were the wits have "thes xterminated by man is ported from fifv eu Oo t= euty neste, and the adheres te his; FO: Some time abeut a year ago many | *7=@pyms of dyspeosia and indigestion, and. the rs ge ' tires known as: the} 7°O%G were sh-ken "oem into wx deverminatien te| %z00s were convened by agents taking |] con'd find 10-bicg torelieve me al mip, and ainé as the gare 'owl, sass G,[ Ret and cari: No . ix cbsusands. of "sip down ard orders it cala-ging paotegrsp.s which the I different medicines. I ox | eevin in "Oar Animal lem das" The} Diaces where, estos ase, thes co2ntiess once intercep'e) the ecaight, the pigern ts arka+we Io te s ovflous "a-t, to, 'cat tre pinnated grous, vulgarly koo«= -* 'ne " prairie rehicten," which w.ii , ts lp socom caase be exist exs> of th- M «i+ 'poi river, was afore tims cammen + i>: lan'ic sta oos-:t, where it was koe 3 " heath- sn." Te Zee rnstion £ stim.) Life within orzin Umits is, of ccour-e, cesential te the comfert of me>, fi n-t to the prerervaiion of bhaumar cris cmoe. Bat against, the iofi-crininst: s'aughter ich -has rarei eo ) +9, asd which been mere mroie -!y acd more destructively prastiord b- ibs oivilized man than by the a vege, tie beter 'e Hog of the werld, backei by the <1ec> warnings of anc the pre ec of science, is toning to bs rocsed. "Nos onions new tv :o curd againsS the cempleve extincticn of -pecirs, and itis te the interest of men fini! ww Pmethods ef cosservati:n se effective as these me hods ef ¢estras'o- by waich be has bi:herte msde times! ta- mst terrible ef all destroyers ef ante! if'. CEMENTS FOE CUNAMESTS. Mow You May Save Wour Sroken Brice " Brac fromih~A-b trap. The sticky jalce of the msrah aallew reod mix: d with the ficer: csain forms cement fer onyx, greund gi-se «r psvlery. D-rbyshire er N «sora toar is mended with evves paris of wh + rain and ens ef wax, 'melted with » «"' i+ powdered epar. Obipped'plices ofn be diled with @ pate ef thie bid evi stivethed be a level ~ Ca'pprd pote in pui..n mw-y be filled with a plaster ef peris:Jos. end oyster lime ef the finest co- , m « J w.to the white 'he bewl ef a Dark red or black E:-u-ccu wares good a little vermilien and 'u-s* sienna. ia the cements erdicarily u-..: 'to jrevémt un- si, htly white stresis o: joo: . 8 Me"achite, sga'e « »zarine, when broker, may be cem nei wits salpbur, melted atlew hest e ~ «+. to change ite osler, in which o:fi- +i pix ments are stirred ve give it prop-r «+ "Re theetanes, Common alom m- I+: iren speon over bot ooa!s ferms 4 + rs t'rong cement fer joining g'ssaand mri: toye hor. It is the teat thing fo: heii n. ges lamps te their stands or fer eteppisg cacks abent manufacture of a clock «o npl-t:d fer Kame- the!r brres, as keresare 8s - ot pe etrate hamebs L had been cantinucusly éarred onjit Housekerpsre cuy' : p 'his io re- threugh the reigns ef eigat preceding membrence, i r sad ct coap be pre- ven'e4 by ite uxe.-- Chica o Kerord. Recipe fer Orarxce Anlad, A writer inan Esgi-. . records with seme enthu fjeeman-« > ;inkl- jast fram. Paris," and than prace-- 6 i | cemmen American d:e-° erange joy served ic «> Eagttshwoman muy be fu iter advised that 2 tre- | coovanu' grated ever che polly sfoer id bss sligat y hardeved ip i's <ery suitable copa' A ev Sisk, ; isa BZ Varlatien 4 to% After, howeve-, tec» +h'. ring the lates Parisian effect with i+ | omely American erigin, we musi pay '¢ wiiter the oem- pliment to cepy » recy of the orange selsd, whish the ent arsee as delicious : "SiHoe mp ae muny erences os you think yeu will rqu're, pée! arc al', snd lay the alices ina gisea dich Si't over some srgar, a | destreyed _ aeette [and them add several s:0sn/uls sf bra oosst that, afer the Uasited Btaves Fish in -- oranges eh«uld be cu: up in the glass te preserve the juice, which mixes with brandy and- fees 3 syrnon 6 Pat plenty ef sugar to the f-n", and ' baste ' it, so 2," A Wicked Parva : A certain -man ewoxd a petro', which, Uke ali parrots in psrret sto-iva, was given te swearing. A frleod ie\4 the owner that if the next tims ip ewere hb would teks: the parret, souse ip in a iu> ef wares, and, afser tsk'ng it out, whul.it «-rord bis head severcl times, {t would u-+ the bird of his ted bir. Thenex: iim: Psiy swere, her master followed the 1 ::s -rfytiom be the perch. After sbakir g bereelf avd straightening her | feathers, tic ci:d cocke? ner head on. ome side, lookeé dewn te ber mactcr, who was qsietly reading, aod sa' : "' Where ix wears you when the struck . ~% Eveiution As Understeed By s Child. 'Ab the breakfast tebic in a 8, residence vhs ether merning preay | Hilti 5-year-cl4 daughter ef the bouse was a-ked if she wenld bave :ose co:n bread aad syrup. Turing up ber noe in Ciegast she : " Ne; is bartes tes much itke old carpe." "How d+ you know what old carpets