Atwood Bee, 9 Feb 1894, p. 5

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$ 7 ; ' " Q : Aloe Rela hal GAMES. - Foe evening amusements get the following Games ;-- Crokinole, Nations, Authors, Parcheesi, Halma; - Reversi, ' Checkers, Dominoes, '+ Smaps, Pe es, Lost Heir; &. ~- « .t¥ Don't forget that Patent Medi- @ ied been liviugin Oregon for eines, Toilet Soaps are CHEAP aL D. CAMPBELL' -- a "Town Talk. -Muss CLarna Fox, of Cranbrook, is renewing old" friendships 1 in town, Jacos Ktcmp and wife spent Sun- day with frieuds in Heidelburg, Water- loo Ca, ; Ww ANTED A smart boy to «| Legislature. Sir Oliver Mowat, spedk- WILL WHALEY, of Ethel, is in town. ADVERTISE your spring goods in THe Ber. No. 1 Japan tea at Ie. per Ib. at Hamfiton's grocery. Joun Farreti. of the Brussels Herald staff, Sundayed in town. We. understand 'that the Mission Band of the Baptist church are pre ing to. give an entertainment on 23rd. <As their. fermer efforts ec been of the best we may look for some- thing good on the 23rd. THEPprovincial prohibitionconvention comprising 1.500 delegates met Tuesday .in Toronte, The chief feature was the waiting upon the Ontario Government by a large deputation from the ¢oven- tien. which requested the Government to declare in favor of total prohibition. to the extent of the power vested in the ing for the Governmeént, replied in terms | which completely satisfied the ceputa- tion and the convention. HAVE you renewed your subscription to the Mechanies' Institute? number of subscriptions expire this month. Please renew,se that the Di- rectors may have as mach money on!- hand as is possible by the first of the- hew Institute year-- May --o an other Government grant will be due. And as the grant is dollar for dollar of | paid in by local subscribers, | the advantage of rolling up a big sub- iit has made him unpopular in his | native State. A large | | seription list for the ensuing year must | be apparent: to everyone in the com- munity, Every dollar you pay to | Treasurer Mader and every dollar re- ceived from the Government will be expended in the purchase of new books for the library. G. T.R. Acctpest.--The eneess due here Wednesday, at &15 p.m did not get | in until 1.302. m. owing to an acci- dent happening to the. engine of the Toronto train whieh connects*with the Kincardine express at Palmerston. When nearing Mouiton, near Toronto, News of the Day. About: 8,293,097 m men are available for military duty in the United Statés. H. P, Chapman, Ripley Enquirer, it reported) has fallen heir to @° snug fortune. The Lake St. Clair &- Erie Ship Canal Company was .organized at West arse Wis, on Friday. . Geo. Uhilds, the philanthropist and Stage of the Philadelphia Ledger, died at 3 o'clock Saturday morning. » The anarchists: have 150 daily and weekly pers _ promulgating . their yiews in various parts of the world. + It is said that 35,000 ple in this country. deriye. their livings | directl from the Massey Harris firm, of Tor- onto, Edward Eggleston is said to regret that he wrote the HoosierSchoolmaster. The financial troubles of Dr. Tal- mage's church are thought to be over, as $60,000 has now been raised towards paying off the debt of the church. Mollie Roath, a milliner; aged 30 years, who had an insurance of #2,000 on her life, hanged herselfin St. Louis in order to save her old nyother from starving. Alexander Smith, for the past six years a reporter upon the Mail, has been appointed organizer of the Liberal party. in 'place of W.. T. Ro Preston, j who has resigued. "Death tothe bourgeoisie; long. live | Anarchy!" -where the last words of "Vaillant, the Paris Anarchist, who was guillotined Monday morning. He died without showing any sign of fear. The total number of newspapers printed in the world is estimated at 43,000 in round numbers, distributed as follows: United Stated 17,000. Germany 5,500, Great Britain 6,000, France 4,100, Japan 1,000, Italy 1400, Austria and Hungary 1200, Asia except Japan) Imm portant: Announcements FROM THE ARCADE. We have decided to open a Millinery Department this spring. - 'That it will ve in -keeping with. the reade without saying.. To this end we have been discussing aeure tions from the foremoSt millinery artists. of Canada, and concluded a what we believe to be the most desir- able of the list and secured hér services. She has, I might say, gone thro the schoo! of practical milliners pay and her qualifications as manager of the department are enhanced, thereby. To her also, has -been entrusted the selection of her trimmers. 'The best. markets at home and abroad are open under her management will be a great acquisition to this section of_ Ontario. 2ND ANNOUNCEMENT.- Without much this opportuniny to buy goods freely at regular prices makes it possible for us to now give you the choice for a short personal interview last eyening with} to her and doubtless the department | ¥°? ado on our part the public are using | Col the great reductions we are now. offering, ¥uur liberal patronage at our -- of the entire stock at stHf reduc- ons. The Dress Goods.are cutting freely and at every counter all are «sell- ing mach mprorli ne iar prices--the sale m that encou me to give you this benefit aie is that you have all laid down you elegant --_ since we entered the Arcade, - sa bf our greatly increased The cashier fatnishes me with the figures showing that all the goods that t out of the Arcade have been paid for, ing less than oné dollara day. FUR™ ANNOUNCEMENT.--Cut right down in prices are -our Muffs, Storm lars, Taps, Gauntlets and (s For instance the following is a list of capes on hand to select from and the prices. Women's Capes, black, 23) for $21 338 for 325 $388 for 327 220 for 1S $25 for 319. Etc. ete, W. J. Ferguson, ' "The Arcade, Stratford, GOING! + GOING! Over 400 Pairs of Boots & Shoes Py red ink 'along: earn the tailoring * trade.i at KR M. Bal- i of the feur small wheels of, the | 1.000, Sp3in 850. Russia 800, Australia . dantyne's, ieee SuBscrierioxs for Perth's popular | paper, Ture Bre, continue to pour in. The Bee for a whole year - 'a big) dullat's werth. 'Tne following' were attending the Prokibition convention in Taronto this week as delegates from Atwood, Revs. Fisher and Henderson; and Messrs. and J. W. McBain, R. B. Hamilton, John Me Bair, J. Johnson and others. Tne Central Farmers' Institnte| engine few off the axle, causing the, '70, Greece 600, Switzerland 450, 'iran monster to plunge ahead in a. Holland 300, Belgium. 300, all others | tilted position, tearing up apiece of 1,000. Of these about one-half. are itrack and otherwise acting Very unruly. | printed in the English language. The One of the exhaust pipes flew up and |, whole number of copies printed. during Sold during the past Few. Weeks. a sinashed the engineer's cab somewhat | before the engine could-be broucht to) astandstil. Fortunately mo damage | was done to the dig, train dead of | human freight, as many of the | Prohibitionists. atteuding the conven | ineluding his salary of $11.00), tion iu Toronto were returning' home | by_this train. The disabled engine was | th ! year is estimated at 2.497,354,000. D& Taimage'is in. no danger of starv- 'ing, fer his earning capacity is larger} ithan that of any other American | ielergyman. At one time his income. was | 'in the neighborhood of 350,000 a year. |, | He received no salary of the Tabernacie | > Women's BUY QUICK While th BARGAIN S Last ! 1 f ; Calf Shoes selling from 650. up to $1. One began its annual meeting in Toronte | pulled to Moulton where the necessary l for two or thrte years, but his sermons, 'gentleman bought 31 Pairs of Boot & Shoes 'the other Tuesday. A resolution was adopted! tainion Goverments to grant prohibi- | | repairs were made, and then «proceeded yemtroiied by eatling upon the Provincial and Do. | to its further | escape, und | Without narrow destination Mishap. It was a tory legislation to the limit of their! au experience not soon to be forgotten | respective powers, 4)ReESS AND MANTLE MAKERS.--Mrs_| , County Patrons of Industry couvened Harry Campbell and Miss Maggie Cor rie will open out a dress and mantle | making business In the shop recently | ovctipied by Miss Vallance. "They will: be ready to receive ordets on and after' "Mareh ist, 1894. Teums reasonable. satisfaction guaranteed. Tht latest fad is a poverty soeial. Every woman must wear acalicodress, and every man his old elethes. In addition each one is fined tweuty-tive cents if he or she does not have a patéh on hiserher clothing and a prize ts giving to thy ane weamug the poorest clothing. A geod chance for vews paper inen tosbine, Ix a letter from John W, Allan, formerly of Atwood, but now of North Yanihill, Oregon, we tearn that Thos', Me Allister, a well known Elmaite, died en Jan. 25th, iSO}, after a short iliness of la grippe, aged 4!) years Deceased was well Known to many Elmnites and was much respected. He several years, Tue following are the newly elected otlicers of the I. OG. To. --Chief Tem pian, DG. Anderson; VT. Miss Agnes ilammond: Chaplain. Rev. J.s. Fisher: secy. Ed. [emsworth; -- Miss Minnie Robertson: FL 8. Alex. Camtp- belt: M. Geo. Dunn: Dep. M.. Mrs. Jie. Switzer. Ginard, Miss Ida avril; sen tinel, Tas. Newbigging: PLC. R. L, ILamiltem Turk Btyth Standard has been en larged and improved considerably of late. and the people of. Bivth shonkd, and no doubt do, feel prond of their local paper. We he e business "men of Blyth m apyreeiate Bro, * a@ » Irfvim'senterprise by patrenizing the Standard's advertisimg columus nore livebally in the future than iu the past, success, W. UH, : Covens AND CoLtps.---At this segson when coughs -are wo prevalent, an effectual semedy, ahd one easily obtain edis Perry Davis' Vegetable "Pain Killer." [tis noe new nestrum, vended by unknown agents, but bas steed the test of over fifty vears; those who. 'use the article, internaliv or externally, will 'connect with ft enfteful recoilectious uf its worthy inventor. ~~ '= Sctopticen' ENtrentéIsuent.---s. F. Robins' Sciopticon extitition Tues- day night was, entertaining enpacity, but the stuadience was small The Works Fair views were very fine,and Mr. Robins' mare them appear' the more interesting by telling of the attractive exiibits iu building! Where came from, aud. suc other information as would n: tural interest his audience. -The Fair views were mostly pf the British and Cana- dian sections. PrRe_y Pe Standard sys : RSON AL.----The "TRE Bivyth Atwoop Bre has has pressed its fourth milestone. and is not slackening in its gfowth, energy and infiueactLas the weeks slip #leng into the past. Qar best wishes, Bro Pelton, for a prosperous journalistic new year.@ The Brussels Post remarks: "THE ATWoob BEE celebrated another | birthday last week and is now, flying into its oth volume. Editor Pelton says business is gouwd. Te has furnisi- _ed a dwellieg (attached to 'the office) at it.ts stated that: before the clover considerable expeuse im the way of | . ipeus Le wifi haves quee> in tt fe hive. | Atwoud. 'thon 'tng done eisew! & stieeess as regars its, given to makers whom: vy | by thuse who were passengers, THE annual meeting of the Perth in MePhersou .& MeWhiuney's . hail, Stratford, at 10 a, m. Tuesday with | president James Mountain presiding. J.A. Dounld, the Patroo nominee for the Commons in the Sonth: Riding, Was also present as secretary of the Assochition. 34 delegates from the diffyrent subordinate asseciations of the county reported, and atso xbeut ;aS Many More members preseut from all parts of the cvnuty. The ofierrs ro She North Riding are: . President -- | Jackson, Trowbridges vice presi | nt--W illiam Cregar, Notth Easthope; se: retary -treasurerf-----Jas. Donal sot, The 'North Perth Associa- resalved that they endersed the aetion of the Atwood Convention, and that another convention Milverton on Mareh 6 for the purpose | of selecting a candidate for the Domin- | ton tlause. It was also resolved that: the next annual meeting of thesNorth Perth Asseciztion oe heid at Milverton. The following y officers Were elected for South Ridtag: President--Jos. Moun- tain; Vice presidenht--John Me Neti: see: retary treasurer--JJ A. Donald: seniin- | el --Jas. Beattie: aaditurs -Jas. Cirue and Wim. Bellamy. The next anuual meeting of the South Riding Associa- tion will be held im Mitchell It ts understood that Mr. Rebinseon's can- tidature for the local house in the south Riding is not meeting with the approval of the Patrons, and some be inge in that direction is antictpated. "IW. Robinson will represeut Perth Co. | Nesockati lon at the Grand Association to be pel in Tveronty, beginuing on Feb a: WESTERN OntTATUO DAIRYMEN.-- The mew bo: urd oof directors of the Western Outario Drarymen's "Associ tion meetin Lendon Emday. Hon. T. Ballantyne and Wim. [mekson, of At Wood, Were aineng these present The question of continuing the dury school at 'Pavisteck was considered. Since the Proviuetal Dairy School was started * at Ghaeiph, the attendance 'ef cheese makers at Tavisteek has not been seo arge,and the general expression of optnten was that the schoo! was nut so mueh needed new as Ue work Was be- here. If was Stuzsested that good work might ve done by mak iug arrangements with factores in dif- ferent lecalitics to have iustructien vet inte disti- eulties, and whe wuu! Kt visit these fae vortess A motion by ex President Jolin Geary and Wim. Dicksen that the East- eru Dairymens Association and" the Wutario Creameries eagle erp ete was also passed. It has ben felt by many preminent dairy that ove | good assuciatien In the oc une in the west is all thatis necessary. Since the making of mutter during-the winter mouths has been started in. many ehervse factories, more afttentiod bas been given to butter-making and the *ereamery business at the annual convVemtious of beth dairymen's assucia | Mons: hehiee it is deemed Untevessary | im onder te. further the present interests .|- of didirying to have three ascuciations. ; ASSOCIA: | The grant tothe Creameries tidy 'would. be divided between other two, whose inspectors and the and butter factories: and thereby save se i trave.t pg. be held ati - in | Mtructors could visit beth the cheese | --YOUSA - two syndicates, have | brought him in between S800) and ) $10,000 a vear, his editorial work from | 35.000 to 36.000, and his lectures about | (315.000. Even Beecher did not earn, as much money. as» that, altheagh | Reecher's earning capacity was never | 'steadied by regular. systematic and business like metheds such as char acterize Dr. Talmage, who would have made a business man after Russell Sage's own heart, had he chosen a mercantitle life --DPhiladelphia Press. CRADLE: TANNER --In Elma, on Feb. 3rd_at the home of her father, Jos. Priest, the. wite of James F. Tanner, of Me- Cord, Wis. uf a di: aughter. ALTAR WALKER :p--At the residence of the bride's father, on Wednesday. Jan. 3ist, sat, by the Rev. Andrew Henderson, M. A.. Robert John, son of Rdébert Walker, Howick, *to Christina, daughter of Rebt. Ford, of con. 8, Elma. MeQrarrieE---INGLis.--At the resi. ; dence of the bride's father. "Mead | owhead Farm," con. 6 Elma, on! Feb, 7th, by the Rev. A. Henderson, | M: A.W. cg G, Me@)narne, Sombra township, Co. Lambton, to: Mary tobina. youngest daughter of Jobn lnghs, Eima. q Toasts. Me Actcister.--lin North Yamhill tiregon, on the 25th uit. Thos. Me- Allister, formerly of Elma, aged tu years. Avwctien Sales. Fripay, Fes. 16.--Farm stock and implements, on lot 26, con: t1, Elma, at one p. m. -«A. Merriseu, anue- tieneer; Jas. Gray, proprietor. . Trespay, Fen. 20.--PFarm stock and implements, on lot 21, con. 10, Elma, at 12 o0'eloek, neon, Thos. FE: Lay, anetionecer, John Gray, pruprictor. ""Atweea Difarke:. Fall Wheat... 2... 2... ....-. S 5388 3% sprug Wheat ...........- a) a2. iarley ......-.---- gee at mn 30 : "CARS . 252 2 Ske Sew Kaeo ee we we 3u Sa POMS wo coe wre: wcing mwgues oe Dees wth 3) Hay ...-..-...-.--0§-/2--. FO 6 Pork... teeeeeeeees 35 6 wD Flour, per CWE. eee Ps Dim Bran. pertom .........--. B2 tw) PR Shorts, perton ........ a L000 14 ob Hides per ib... 2. ....---- Zt, 3 Sheep skins, each........-- 45 a Wood. 2 ft.2.....- weeeee BGO) TS Pot: atoes per bushel . we atene at) mY gutter perib..........-.-- »») = Bexs per doz.......... eos. 1S 1S Cniarged ena 'Youwoved. ~ F .should afiways centzuin ot iy' Free 'Press and I Fatm arn day for his family. Bargain Sale. 'lifetime passes out of your r He saved dollars by buying at. this A few days longer and the chance of - a each. Men's and Boys' Shoes a Specialty. FOR CASH ONLY. - FAS. XK: = SRGUSON- {RAND TRUNK RAIL AWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W.G. & Pr Trains leave Atwood Statiof, North | and South, as fellows : GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. Express *725a.m.!/ Mixed ..5:225 am. Express 12:35 p.m./ Express 243,p.m.! Mixed .. 958p.m.} Express 9:15 p.m.) till Sickness Comes before Buying a Bottle of PERRY DAVIS PAIN-KILLER, "You may need it to-night _ Weekly Free Press --AND-- FARM «s> HOME| | FOR 1894. . Both Papers for $1.00: | amily P aper. New Feature:--VETERINARY DEPART- | M err. Under the charge of Dr, - iH. Wuson. V. Ss. of + * CORRESPONDENTS. -- answered | free, and | writer's full | ANSWERS TO Enguines will be name and address. Eaeh number will contain: --Rev_. Dr Talmagr's sermon delivered the Sunday | prev tously. "Wakeman's W anderings" and other | Writings by the celebrated ahthar. Agricultural matter--IHustrated. |. Ladies' pace--ilustrated. A serial Tale ang, other interesting readtitig matter. * ; A weekly page of good Music. Qn -_-- ----$------------ A su BSC 2>Iss NS = 'Price tne Dott Lar a vear fer the- Week- Howre--in Pa gents wanied im every te Set ail 165 TXESES. anrepresented. @istrict Seriptions. Free Press Printing Ca., London, A hi gh- class | Scaie | | _ ; Fob. rinting Neat, | Quick, : Cheap ie BEE Prices Reasonable. SUBSCRIBE FOR erth's opular aper. Ontariq. | te" Tne Bex and Free Press for S$1.13.4

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