Atwood Bee, 9 Feb 1894, p. 6

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x s » 'i sf fin * see --_ , wy tiger Mitchell clinched, Corbett threw' mest of the spectaters to fellow and' under : again. Mitchell teck all Se) sins es ee et ee Sk ini : i te rise and when bé advanced te stretched out aed -- Herrible Scene at a Chirage Exece io Mitchell reeled and fell om bie Staring ab the dood they asked te have ex- "ag 4 _ - Whe Mitchell fell Corbett at ence At the ficst attempt te hang Painter at 5.57, the repe mapped in twe and the man ed te the stese flcor eight ECE PTSTerE eelite iH Hifi i f if £ ' ; * . ' | &. if fs i ! E f iy ul : riE ty silt i i : rit! i | E F it tlt He ite fi li Fe A i OE Hea ae it "I niin a He PLR ESE ly viet 4 : Ff i tt t 8 i : i : d i : I ER was a ebharp crack. The rep: szs pped im the contre, between the ir. n eye im tbe cress beam and the noose. With a i rEEpeeh eed a iid befell? rit rill tieeelt! : Ex: frarcs fer the came smecnt. E i i E preved as stumblitg block te most iex!- It te left unsolved even ip the' "iow Distiozary." To the Italisn =e " probably frean ' bruno,' brewer," ie os far as the momeosyilable bh+s gere-aliy "igh i rere Hil il - ward the fair greunds. 'Wether ----- 7} Gret ond taly time, _tfight, bat his blows f tle aggressive werk scemed to discourage | bened The Long-Bxpected Batl Was a Short (ne, the Start. iSURPRISING CROWD 'PRESENT. ; He hsd been Miflittamen Whe Were Called Out to F Vent the Fight Admitted te See it Reduced Rates. The fight ef an age is ever. This afterncon James J. Corbett, champlen j talked about, , than the Corbett- Salltivan fighs It has algo more ef an Ie was a short fight and a decisive one. Cerbett won in three reunds, and retains eae hich he has unchallenged to leng. * Mitcheli's cenfidence em the ef the ' merry a2 ak eels ees Se Hie Goes nat my EF ay _ 145--The start ef the fight will be delsyed om scosuat ef the preparations pet being perfected in time. Oaly absaut ene-half the enclesurets resfed, and unless the rain, which has been /allieg With gr-at enthusiasm. 2.10 p. m--F.Dy 2 000 peepie are presen and Mitchell bave arrived, the wild! Madden lew veice te the newspeper men. Mi-chell emfies as be enters the ring and looks curi- Mitchell's chin ; clinch; crohange bedy blewr, acd Jim reacies, Mitchell's 'eft eye vif: tke ribs ; azo - Is leeks as ff tt will be a wicked fight. Secood reund--A wild and ENDED IN "TAREE ROUNDS _ --_--_-- but neither respended. Savage Fishing Marked it fom} i eh Pleat Hin Lirek ae ui Z 3 g E i F 5 s iy et fo nus ELI far the last minute. Te the position he tock ie d the fact that the ring was rojready at fighting time and the dis- agre t of ever am hour that the enbjected. To him also the is true that the 2.500 peeple sent centrituted $60, there will be no loss. risking ovnyatet intd the rip to ge into ageinst the ecly man in the werld whe ever defeated the exca great John L. Sallivan. Bat he ie no jonger te be counted ameng the bzst bis p ople's .peckets, Baird, the roted turfman and put the whele sum ue. ociled tp coder a seft white yachting cop. Her escort wes a big men, who reemed qut'e able end willing te take care of her. panied | was goed kcoling and appeared tete only a little discencerted by the amount of atten- tien she atirscted. MORE ABOUT THE FIGHT. Corbett'seyce, while ke was in his cerper, in after the firs: rcund, were on the bell rege, and the instant he saw {t pulled be jamped op ard was the middle of the ring when the geng exus(ed. Werk was resumed by Mitcheli lamc ing with his left and catching | every pore. 'Jum egesarely em the mouth. Then, fer tlhe bim. Corbett again resumed the offensive and econ t ad Mitchell tn a cerner, w he landed his let heavily en the month. was a brisk rally, in which Mitcheil received the round bett bed worked Caarlle over te the roje', where, after a mix sp, he -- ---- left -- on Chari'e's left texp é opped him At this point bese for Relate Kaliy'e bes If it bad cot bees for Referee 'a vy restraining tané he weuld then snd there bave lost the fightenaioul. He was firentic te get at his man azé fnish bh m, actually struggling with the big referee to dash at Mitshell tvery time tie Kogtishman got upen ene ker, The gerg rounded and the end of the fight wes deinyed by tiws. : ' B fore calling time fer the third reund, The msn wes wad. The instant Corbstt lunged at hie, bell fell F at F ¢ ra E t : £ 5 i eS 5 & Bs g z i. rik te Lj ; ge ap j : i j : 5 sr3 tit i g 4 F Fy Aha lit HY] rl we fie Tae ied a 3 E : . E E : 4] tell the stery Tt" : When asked the question of fenls, Mit- chell indignantly raid that no friend of bis weuld make talk ef that kind. . called that gentleman te ascertain the fects. "He received the News entative| coerdisily, and cheerfully teld atery ef these wic hare pss-ed through experience csn tell what he suffered, The spring wes prevailed wpen to try Dr. Wil- Kam.' Pink Pile He cemmenced ** Yes 1" ; "Why de yeu wesravell?" \. "Lead I attract atten ion." \ = ant the pein sretienen te ad- mire," reptied the gallant msn ef Jaw/ ** Net when they are married I" "Bet I am not." . " Indeed !" , "On, veo! Para bacheler!" be | closing te tre satenizh<d the face of bie mother-in-law. The judge has bea raving mani r . » ' Fixtug the Elame. A Virgivian whe drank twe glasses of owhiskey, six ef beer. and seven ef eggnog died in fifterem min-tes. The cerener's jury will mes? likely lay it to the suger and egge Yeu can't tell what o man will do in a beres trade by the amcunt of neise he makes the éried cp river, when ther' came up a bard r-ia. os that | Moderate means pro > as ' ~ = (MARS MASTERY OF METALS - Copper, Silver and' Steel in the: Useful Arts, > PROGRESS IN METALLURGY, Here is a very instructive article om * Pregress ef Man and Metelse." Is is from the Journal 1 of Costimerce and Commercial séld at a pretty high price, theagh the mimes were exiremely vrefits were made by tne producers, whe to -reguave their competition. The mines were perharys a little teo rich in cepper, for the puce metal was often found io masses too jarge te handle with- eutexpersive cuttirg. At this time < opper Was no? mach ud where sxect fror, or witheut a tin costicg, casd tires, »>t earthenware or wood c.uld te uci in*ite 7 | piace. Brass bhsuze ornaments were nob oitem seen, and cepper kitchen otensils were to be feund osly tn the heuses ef the wealthy. CHEAP COPPER. Then cepper mices were cixovered in Mentara, Arizona and eiber teriitortes, the and the price of ths metal slid down the scal. hariware began te be cemmen, copper kettles bicame com- paratively cheap, ai! serts of heuze deos- rations in brass began 'io fil etore win- dews. Giese lamps gave way to brass and cepperlamp:. Iren gss fixtures pat ea bress and copper coveringr, and dece- rative art breke eut with hsaumered = goods, andamst.ure proceeded to Hil up their houses with heme-made pl: ques. By reason ef cheaper copper fira-placzs be- - came ernamental and a 'higher grace ef kitchen ware came into ase, and pe ple of vided themseives with tes kettles and ovffee pore tamt were fit te cemse to table. be censumptisn ef cepper increascd immeney, and a gread many peopié: were vsvter of than they were because they tad better thingy. The fact that tea kettles thas had cod fer & 50, imperted, were 'made {n ibis country and seld for 75 cenis meant a deal te Leuse- keepers. Tbe mises provied emp opment fer mary men at 33 we $3 50 a day, and yet } production was to che-p that the great cep- }/per corner of « few years azo was breken by 'the exile ef Meniana copper ia Leardom ata cent a pousd lees tuan Spanish cepper mized by nea «ho go; bn+-70 vent acsy. The ex:raerc dsvelopment of electrical invention wouid have a en impes- sible but ferthe:éinciien ia the costefcs pper wire. It would take iéng to feilow cus all the ramifications of the geei dene by the } reduced price ef oc pp=. SILVES IN THE ARTS. A osentary sge psater appeared en the tables of the rich. A eliver teapet or wine tenkard msde is owner conipicuena. Ferks were of steel,'aad real silver +posens were a housekcep rs tieseureszn in the* search fer 4 msthing mere durable aod more lustrous- than p-wiér, the compsatticow krown 4s tiiver came inte ue. Ts-dsy pewter hes se long been ont ef ure thst the eid par ringer acd ite: mug are ep pp-d cp by edilecters of bric a-brec, and G.rcmam silver is heavily pinted with resi eiiver. The silver-plstea ware which baniched pewter and German silver {s new yielcigg to solid allver, the canevmptivm of waich 'n the arts is growin, y orty year. 'The reduo- tien of the cca: ef piedacing ellur Cus te the employm: ni of s-e+m Grills and hoisting 2 and Coimsh. pumping exglsas, and an increase 0! invemis, Bave together. breugh? mn acd wemen and silver inio am intimate scquai: tacos cpdresmed cf whem © the Cocstiiuuen of ihe Usiied, States was fr : ; SILVEX TABLE WARE. "* Tre demand for mauuf.ciured articles ef silver increases every day,' aaid tbe rep- resentative of a firm ef sil-eremitzrs the other day. " Weare constintly learning to whavyusw and vaiuetle ure 1t mey ' e pa. He added that tre use of sel-d slivys sposns and forks is dsily be.emng mvie oc. mmen, "+ Mest ef the bridal gifts of unis sect uswa- daye are steriing, «bersat fer several yi are _| heavily. pialt.¢ goods were in demand. With ere Ube price aiweys floctes es with the market vaine of rliver." = Mach more impor ansend mere marked, ef course, was <~ esenyenirg of sieei by of. .Str Henry Bas- Prebably aic tie mannfac- turers ef crucibles euecl were warmed lest cheap siec: thouid mean -the r rein, Bat icdid net It meant teiter bridges, betver railroads, betier ebips and a yg easer, ravher than a jess, vs- of ube finer grades ef eteel Neariy c-icitest witm the estab--- were in tarm a:rmga by F 5 i E i Jabile te procure wiih the same exertien. " Uacle Josh--Wiy are these (cars dalled gtip cers? Neph«w--Beosuse every now and then the cabic breaks and ice ;«s:en- gere get the grip waiti: g fer the car te sar SP Nain

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