Atwood Bee, 9 Feb 1894, p. 8

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» a ie ae 5 ae" a - use such-- coercive and ostracising| Atwood Mechanics' Institute. -- . . - ee methods as the P. P. A. friends seek to oe : S09 4 > ) oD : jenforce. THe BEE is no friend to the _MEETING of the Directors of ' le ---- Roman Catholic religion, but is a warm the Mechauics' Institate was : +' nt : , 2 friend to every Cuthojic citizen of . held at the residence of R. 5. . / Pike vy es Fe! ( s; Canada, long 88 he is loyal law | Pelton last Friduy evening. Members j 5 gt 9 ; + abiding, honest and industriogs; a8 men present, President Rev. A. Henderson, |" ' . and citizens they areour brothers and | Secretary R..S8. Pelton, and Directors , J are entitled 'to all the privileges of | Dr. Cowan, J. W. McBain, Dr. Rice, G. . m 24 Canadian citizenship and of the com-;F, Thompson, Robt. Forrest and James} « ' _¢ mon brotherhood mankind, Tie REE| Hammond. : é ; _ . . |heartily approves of the P. P. A.| 'TH@ minutes of tlie previous meeting} -- * POCKET. DIARIES, eben antic OO Oe eniy WI eae , : - ae WRITING TABLETS, re in thiscouintry, ths teat ores foe books was Mia acct Mre t ¥ My STATEMENT PADS.| ; pgisiature and Dominion Parliament ren Ea ee ake toe aa r <e f respectively are being circulated fur ' : olive ie : ; ; - A, DAY BOOKS, ; signatures amoug the members of the hee ed moi sh were ek . . JOURNALS, order: + struc mport remainder of books.| * | ° LEDGERS. | Addressed*to the Lieutenant-Gov- Ge the JW. Hotiate, secotiied 27 ; : = . . CASH BOOKS, ernor of Ontario; ' G. F. Thompson, that thé Entertain- We wish alla happy new year and would remind the * LETTER BOOKS "J. That your petitioners believe that ment comuittee, Messrs. Knox, Rice] ry.) 4; d i : aT . LETT: -| the welfare of a nation is best promot. | and Pelton, be authorized to take what | public that a good . ay = begin 1894 willbe tolay in a ed by the union and homogeneity of | ever action they may see fit in regard! good supply of goods for future use while our great ---- LS its people, and that such harmony to having'an entertainmentin the near g d S pp & \. N - ee hf f Li 5 al y HYMNALS, . should be brought about as far' as| future in aid of the Institute. Carried. bale. is still going\on.. Never In the history of Listowel - en ap oe possible by euch laveful meitis as the| | Moved by J. W. McBain, seconded by has there been a oreater Sale; but thereis a large stock : A85, | Le ure P » ; . hereafter all books . "TD: . ° r r ai "3 'That your petitioners also believe | be paid for by an order trom the Presi- here Jy et. It has got to go! Right away quick! We _ ae i drape np peer as SO Ce Se et eas te continue to unload the stock for cash and produce only- of ' and harmony if the you arried. er accounts wi rs : . . 1 , - J A HACKING were brought up and educated together, | disposed of in the usual way--by the Will you share in the benefits whether you wish to adie . ? eat hengetn inet = Se meen keine of the Board of Directors in ses-|spend one dollar or many it will certainly be of interest n this pro , , , . 7 _£ . xz ' WMcket. Agent, spects like the public schools; and! yoved by Dr. Cowan, seconded by to you to see how little we can ask for good merehan- = sntomwelieeit. | Specially in reauiring oie their) James Hammond, that the President, dise. 'This month will be devoted to clearing all stock a . * e 1 * ? " . > ' -_ r a ; * a training, pas the same. examinations the Secreta aad nt the booke of the {Preparatory to stock taking... The greatest bargains of Teaver Maeriage Licenses: - sa pga Argpern aie pang od qualt | library are properly located. Carried. this great sale yet to'come. These values give an idea of ---- on 4 *Scneo | Moved by Dr, Cowan, seconded . by | y ay sx : ---- } y Dr. , SPCO y| what you may sxpest: . eT anes be under the same public Robt. Forrest, that the TreaSurer be es u J P The P, p. A. il , Atwood. nag oe ne anita books authorized to, collect membership sub- n D.': I 7 . - * charts and course of instruction, the oonpeous when they become due. Car- 3 i oo ae read now $ 6 " . --o=---- same regulation and program of sub- . ; 2 ¢ adies Fur sets 7 50 | ; ; . jects, and the same hours of study. The meeting then adjourned. 10 50 re ub " u" 6 90 Some of the Aims and Objects | should be followed, ordered and used U " , "a "a Os of the Association. respectively for both public aud separ- tw T een: 12 25 7 90 ate Schools. >. ry Tne BEE for 1894. $1, in ad- fs 7 Ye rere b . " : -- "4. .That the rig 7 eo vance, maxes you a subscriber. e = Men s O1 ercoats w : iS * AEE OREST trustees for separate schools. shon ve . . . 9; AN UNSUCCESSFUL alas 70 GET Aliuid atthe same time as that of the ee have been conduet- 8 00 bb bb be 4 15 FOOTHOLD IN ATWOOD--THE OATH | public schools, and that all the votes | ed at the Vhittield church forthe past ; " : de F THE OFFICERS. "5. That all the ratepayers should, te bc bs or i prima facie, be declared to be public Donegal: 7 OO ; - 3 50 --t school supporters, unless they notify] 4 meeting was held in the school 5 00 Boys Qvercoats 3 (KX) - | the clerk in writing fto the contrary) pouse on Monday, Feb. 5th, by Messrs 3°75 ac ub bb 3 O() ; ee area ry oe [every year. Ne ad in| Shaefer & Weir, of Milverton im the 10 00 Y Men' h * 7 5() Protestant Protective Assoc- | every year. , - Peale ate sg oung ens ado U5 ' jation helda meeting 'in the} "6. Your petitione therefore conga = lee eee * ad 300 M ~ ub ' * Feresters' Hall, Atwood, last respectfully request that such legis- were in savor of fcrwina & cout i As 3 ( iN en 5 pants ws 2 00 Saturday evening. The at-}latfon may be enacted as will secure likely their efforts will rovd a0 : 1 50 . Gg tendance was fair, and the speaker was; the above objects, and insure the due} ¢,. P SUCCESF 10 00 a Suits aa 2 & . 7 Fry, given a good bearing. [le poinged out carrying out ofthe same." " ; J ib ons i im , i om - the chief sims and objects.of the. P. P.| - Addressed to the Dominion House ot The annual meeting of the patrons of 6 5bO ' . 4 60 A. movement and circulated literature | Commons : , the Donegal cheese factory was held in | setting forte the evils of Romanism,| "That, your. petitjoners, from the|the factory on Feb. 3rd. The Secre- 'OW os _ a4 > ; etc, etc, Here isan extract frum one] testimeny given those who have price achat =o in All our Ladies' and girls' Mantles to be sold without : £ ABep cae . ; F ¢ and < received at the fi nring ra ant . an Ae of the ee ice mae their eM tint "it would. be | the season was 1,301,715, manutaetured | CVD a.thought of a profit among them some, mice goods oe. eee ow in the pres: | Detter for all parties interested, if all into 132.0123, Ibs. cheese, thus taking | yet. Flannelettes--The greatest snap yet in these goods; i ; ,now in the pres: | convents, nunneries, monasteries, 10.54 Ibs. milk to mike one lb. of cheese, hi k of ¢ ting ; h on eyo} and be " if ] ' +L ¥ ingin Moxy, i re rg ten the | denomination; and all asylums, board: was $13.370.28, and the average. price flannelette, nearly a yard wide, worth 15c., now only Archangel, the blessed St. eobn tie ling schools and other places where received: per Ib. 10,120¢e. The following Qe. Millinery, ever 'thine in this department at just . liaptist, the oly Aposles st. Peter and persons reside in religions or other officers were elected for 1894:--Sales-| YC. 4 1 inery, eve rything in this ¢ epal tment at jus ONC mt rig ee the rene ee associations, or for the purposes of | M2), Samuel Me.\llister; Treasurer, half price. Don't forget the dress goods, bargaims they agg et . tron ane gf ie! Y auoat education, should be placed under wm. Hemphill; Secretary, lr. G. Rat- are un aralleled i _ lo. "i me nile my '"" ' l = Dominion, provincial and municipal cliffe; Auditors, W m. ¢rilmer and James | ¢ pare . . me uta reserva ion ha he pore _iS| control for all purposes of examination, Biydon; Committee, Robt. Ford, John tt - . - Tet cad of the ty hiversal pe sd inspection and regulation, when, and Irvine and Chas, Mason. r the ie a tis "aart' Sra kas: Gy as often as it may, by any of the _ C ' wivtue ai ibe Lows of binding and Red authorities aforesaid, be deemed "News of the Day. 5 winner 84 init cuee by Jeane | BeCPssary. a : ae The Golde istow el. ton one he oe me "Your petitioners therefore -pray| The Bank of England has reduced a OR, SRS ' ieretical Kings Mines. ata tes 'cont. 'that such a law may be enacted as_ will | its rate of discount from 3 per cent. Ww) == , = 5 TT : gs, Ss, Slates, 2 eo anak +1 . , mou-weallhs aud = governments, al Pte pelea nite y chet ba out of the |2 1-2 per cent. ; wSsilless @avlds. RSG As. being illegal without his sacred conti I it is stated that ae order desires ip There are now 67,280 persons ont of | 0 nid | enteral exon ae Fae they aes ocd al a futnre to be Known as the Canadian di Ba atid usually | =~ eat a "af DARLING & BLEWETT, destoyed. Therefore, to he Wiest ol, Protective Association, The' delivery ' pre) eielinia f Mme 7 | ac S ocsiiide ds -. my power, 1 willdefend this doctrine | o¢ anti vada . seve hl ; a ae = : _ nee __»| Barristers, " Solicitors, Notaries, &c. wud Ilia (ial <4 riglits i, eustans of anti-Romanist lectures ostensibly South Essex Liberals Tuesday | -------- - | Wwaltane strect. Listowel. Nolicitors £ r aed fe Loubee Bee customs | under its auspices is to be disconnt-! unanimously re-nominated W. D, T. DOUGLAS, M. D., Vallace street, Listowet.® Solicitors for uaiust all usurpers of the Protestant or , : | Bank of Hamilton and Seott's: Bank autt rity i atsuever es ecially enanced, and it is said that President | Balfour, M. P. P., as their'candidate for CoM. Fc'. M. C. "Medallist of Trin- i TLouse Otlice over Scott's Ri k ve _ saietia ; ' sue te 'ded ath an MeCounel purposely mislaid the notes | the Legislature. ilee v peter te * Onice--Monkton On. | . scott's Bank. ; a cn ch Eee pind . ar sien of the lecture he was to have delivered} pron. Edward Blake addressed 3,000! ref RAVEIEES 25 -03-tf < tite in regare at Gey. be omurpel ee ence pd lg Meet oat in ved seupte Ak Boston 'Vedueslay picket of | --es ee : | MORPHY & CARTHEW. ti ing: sacred | ~. : : ' ecelv ' reek. his jee ery - awiwaw aikwtrbes © : ; : aud eretieal opposing the Sacred fram the association Foca cg lente ae S COWAN, M.D orto} Fiabe, Conveyaneatss Came : teen one ee 'The complete list of officers for 1894 Geetran a ner Mit . . > os arris succes o| ublic, Conveyancers, Com- : i os eee aud gs ms reat | is as follows:--Grand President, "Rev, raising of over 50,000. Ba grt dae Seigler ceo | missioners, &c., Listowel, Ont.' k soi ee a a es aaa | J. C, Madill, Belwood; Grand Vice-| At the Central Farmers' Institute) ilton's old stand on Main street. Resi-| Money toloan, (flice over John Riggs" KIN vr thei tate an chico, 4 i? | President, Joseph Kinersley, 'Toronto; Wednesday the trade question receiv- | gence in Dr. H's late residence on Queen store. II. B. Morvny. J.M, Canturw: Fusthe foci ee - tri ere f the | Grand secretary, Jackson Litt!e, Tor- |} ed much attention, and a resolution | street Atwood "Willbe found at eith- 4 che *" rE land. of he Calyit oe onto; Grand Treasurer, E, J, Roberts,| was passed in favor of a tariff for | ey otticeor residence atall hours when!" = acount mie oe tlle Se ot, Loosen, Grand Chaplain, Rev. F. R.| revenue purposes only, not necessarily absent. 25-92-tf | NEG ECTED { be damnable and those to be damued Scone. vans Fe Harper, Hamilton. Admiral da Gama has fired - on en -- | i (i i" who will not forsake the same. -- Grand Guards, R, Noxon, Brandon German launch in Rio harbor, and the L. E. RICE, M. D., C. M. Cold & ; ; Lh gear tae Beige that I age ir Man.: J. Grabam, Havelock, and W. captain er eae ee ee eI Trinity University, Toronto ; Fellow NS -- aoe sec a ey aree a, | Smith, Basrie. Agree heey eepans teil alle by examination of.Trinity Medical Col- pp > el a Holivess' agents, in any place wherevet 'The report of Grand Secretary Little such a thing occurs agin. i 3 T " nto: member of the College of le) eae © -- ro Poy ar do tae oe a shows that the organization hasincreas- | ~~ --_ --______---- Physickatis and Surgeons, Ontario;mem Eou he ' ' . ca aenixcy ail thert nunerended. ower ed from 95 councils in' April, 1893, to7 . ber of the College of Physicians and = legal or otherwise. I do further pro --? preeen>. and _ membership B E A AN Surgeons, Michigan; special attention SAFELWAND SURELY CURED GY eo and deciare that ewithstandine has increased during the same period given to the Diseases of Women and 7 ot VC _ sah nee cf cmon sani ing from L000 to 0,000, The grand a met 1 atidren Otlice and residence next Allen's "3 --_ oe iromectey c By aay ' treasuret's report shows a balance of | Ii woes - Laocoon 'in dour rv Currie's shop, Atwdod. ' Office , f r to assuine® aay hereueai re igion (rot i several thoasand dolars on hand to be }-3 L. 8 OLE oe . sgl i tt 3-30 oni vstant denominations) for the propaga | used for election expenses. Wears es the coils of | hours: 10 to . oo 0 2:00 p.m., an ; Lung Balsam; . tion of the Motuer church's. interest, 7 a ae ™ the fatal sere | CVery evening 0 8:30. e : ivcane clatais ax hey antrast. ite, Perth County Notes, Laser pents was not} .___--.,,. {---- je : and net to divulge them directly of erie Soave Dipani ie xt se § more helpless | DENT AG. STAR LIVERY. indirectly, by word, writing or cireum- Padraig »is at home in St. a Mmtoan is the,;~ ~ ---- ven --_ ---- ° stances Whatever, but to execute all {eo ", ; . . : J. J. FOSTER, DENTIST. , , Which shall be proposed, given in A movement is on foot looking to .* man who pines . ; ---- large or discovered uuty me by you, the ereclion of a hoyse of refuge by the ' under the ef- Any anesthetic known to the pro- ' ' , iny must Reverend Lord and Bishop. | |"! of Stratford independent of the BS focts of dis-| fession used for the painless extraction] The Star Livery is equipped with "All ef which! J, <-------~<, .do | CoMPY- Proposals have several times Y ease, excesses, | Of teeth,- satisfaction guaranteed. | first-class rigs, fast and gentle drivers, swearpsy the vlessed Trinity and blessed bten made to the County Council to boy atwe k. Otfice--Over Fleming's clotlring. store, | and in every way adapted to meet the Sacrament which I am about to receive, 2°!" with the city in the building of i TE> | Main street, Listowel. « brequirements of the travelling publie. to perform ow my part to keep inviol such a house and each: proposition has | Worry, efc' Rouse yourself. i.) hh See ae | Terms reasonable. Stables . opposite able, and«io éall on all the Heavenly peen aie A ee pe heart of hope again and BEA MAN!! W. yf, BRUCE,L.DS., DENTIST. | Toerger's hotel, Atwood. e Uar+w . sea erge - Loven ae y ' { " r -- ; 7 .M. ; . dey 5 Fags? ations sauealgous to Eep the purpose of building a house of We 'kare cared thousands, who Gas, electricity, or. local anesthetics) 41-92-tf WM. HAWKSHAW, =v calh. ' : P| refuge and an effort will be made to. allow us to referto them. WE CAN |administered for painless extraction. | Z »4 Ja testimony whereof, 1 take this Se br ea. the erection methods ¢ oy une our ee uae at ee = be of ad most holy and blessed Sacrament of |°°! ay See nee methods and appliances. imple, | best material and of first-class Work: | _ the Eucharist. and witness the same F nn ima eras unfailing teoat nent at heme vn manship. (fice over Thompson 15TOS. | " further with my consecrated hand, in' Huron County Notes. Lost or Failing Manhood, General or store, Alain ares rig oe tice 4 : ty Bishop f -- . 7 : . 7 t visit Atwood unt 1 otice. the Priests who SE ae mt ordinn. Thomas (Coventry, a " well-known Nervous Debility, Weaknesses ot _ --= __ -- ie. tion to the priesthood." resident of Seaforth, committed suicide Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or UWOoTIONEERS. At the clase of his address he held 'Tuesday Morning by shouting himself | Excesses in Oldor-Y oung. Robust, ra eee , an organization meeting, but only tive; The amount of money expended by | Noble Manuoop fully Restored ne -BIELD . or six remained, and of course it was|the West Huron Temperance otgani pimprorement seen the first day. C.H. MERRYFIELD,' . - impessible to organizesan association zation,in furthering the interests of ~ . A ; : ' Neste < here whe iso little intérest was thus the plebiscite prior to the vote being | LOW to enlargo and strengthen, Licensed acti Gn ot eo edente: neaiifested., The PLP. Av-sentiment is | taken was $125 75, and of thi8 amount | Weak, UNDEVELOPED ORGANS AND not strong in this locglity, we are pleas | only-S02.18 was expenddd, the sum ot | Parts or Bopy. Men testify from | For particulars apply at this office. foal and scientific books sent edtostate. Lkere Is no-earthly use, Ss6.10 going te puy the, expenses of 150. States 'qnd Foreign 'Countries. -- i Patents taken through Munn receive pag eee oh ge ee out cost the inventor. This Sledital peipees {| - an wa ALEX. MORRISON, for such a despotic, tyrannical move: | lectures, and the bakiwece being for) Wyj » os : paper, . ment in this free and. entightened | incidentals, 'This was. pest: a | W '. them. Book, explanation . . ------ Apacer baer imac by farthe - country. [f,.eor Rentan Catholic | moderate outlay. « The amouht exPend 'and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Lirensed Auctioneer for Perth County |~ world. $3 a year. Sem these frients wre Pe Tingetoo Agressive as ed for Bast Lluren was even --less yéddress . « & | Allsales attendéd to promptly and at; .} -- conta wontbiy. 30 a Single exhibited in the fact of the Premier of, befng semewhere about 29), but the ERIE MEDICAL CO } moderate rates. Information with re-| tifal plates, in colors, and of pew «anada and the leader of the Liberal] Exeentive there has a deticit inst¢ a | *? | gard to dates may be had by applying 4t | jgtose eaizne oaes on pot ents : la, - BUFFALO, N.Y, | this offices party being Catholics, itis not wise to] of a sutplus. MUNN & CO, New Foun: 361 Bnoabway.

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