-¥OL. 9. nc TWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1898. Children's Clothing, NMien's New Felt Hats, Corsets, Gloves and Hosiery Are attracting Considerable attention this week, See Them. ™ Will Out. . Can't help but come to the surface | in the form of Ulcers, Sores, Boils, | Pimples and Rashes of one kind and another. SPRING. Especially is this so in the At this time of the year the Blood needs purifyieg, the Sys- tem needs' cleansing. do it with such perfect success as Jessie Johnston Rockwood, writes : Nothing will B. Ont, ce] had boils very bad anda friend ad- vised me to try Burdock Blood Bitters, $0 E gota bottle. The effect was won- | deriul--the boils began to disappear, and before the bottle was done I was totally cured. As an effectual and rapid cure B. B. B. cannot be for Impure Blood B. equalled," * . Somethi ee ences =r: x showing the latest styles. Do you want at Oxford We have the | stock. Men's Myrtle Swe ina few days. or Regatta Shirt, We have them in sizes 144 to 168. Wo you wanta NWobry Fat? New Do yeu want something new in TIES ? We are laundried ? atest American and Edglish Hats in Boys Sweaters in white and Cardinal, 250. and 506c. aters and Stockings expected +a arrive ZIEMANN'S, The Tailor. Atuwrced Market. t £% $21 a bt) oe ee ee 3 40 A = si gaan x neem syektseeuvequesss § 00 6 Sagenes - 27 3 4 ton - Hw \2 . oo 3 Pcs, ceeasecassuanees 7 8 ¥ BB xs acne ccenqqance ve a SO. feet sone ae EeRe ees = i no es, per bag 2 r 0 x. r cwt., dressed... & 00 Butter, per pound ... 5 Eggs, per dozen : "Glimpses of the Un- A ents ® seen," a fascinating ® book. Sweeps the eu tire field of borderland subjects. Every- body orders. Marvellous illustrations. Prospectus free to canvassers, BRADLEY-GARRETSON CO., L'rp. Toronto, Out. Wanted ® er industrious _per- ® sonsof faireducation to whom $60 a mouth would be an in ducement. I couid alsa engage a few ladies at their own homes. T. H. LINSCOTT, Toronto. The Page Wire Fence Farmers' sons ar oth- aan ene eS | as RG, fT SS 5 el TS : ie A A SO De 2 AE A a « ts: 3 som: Bi mf + ms ae The Best Wire Fence in the Market. Made of Steel, Strong and Rigid, it-wil Net-Break-or} Sag. No other wire fence| Sits will compare with it. It is 2) Coanty of Perth, a ply at this ice, Cc. H. "MERRYFIELD © LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR Monk THE Ont. tes moderate. For particulars ap- ait & ts " DR, WOOD'S NORWAY PINE Sa ------~-- SYRUP Heals and Soothcs the delicate tissues of the Throat and-Lungs. «s+ CURING .. COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, HOARSENESS, SORE - THROAT, INFLUENZA, ang PAIN IN THE CHEST, my 2 EASY TOKE, FEE sor Mn EES Notice to Creditors. Notice to Creditors .f late of the Tow: ship of Elma, in} j the County deceased. of Per TOTICE is hereby ¢ Statutes in that betul?, fee ciate art ° - the said deceased, shipped complete all ready | iicSta to put on the posts. Fewer posts required for the Page Fence than with any other wire fence. For Prices, &c., APPLY TO 'John Cuthbertson, Agent, Atweed, ilar rifles and 5S small quickfiring and | substantial encouragement. Over $160 the said : ' bay ed} machine guns. Calculating on simi-! has been Subscribed, inclading $28 to distribute the ee boat Nis -- lar lines, a rough estimate would credit ranSgiyen by the Elma Counci! at its 4 "to claims of which they | the Spaniards with ability toe throw t meeting and the munifiernt gift of od that they will pot | some 39,000 or 40,000 pou of metal! $5 from Co. Councillor Merryfieid, ot Be Dahle tog the provegis the oeate 80 in five minutes. The Superterity in Gre; Monkton. Charii ji probably pot had noe mothrcat the tive of auoty diatritatee [Of the Americans is evident. Add to} have oceagion te use the sidewalk very Dated at Listowe! th) 2h day of April, a, this that the three chief vessels of the] often, but that theught never D. a. . ne Americans are ee haye mind. con it comes ---- a Al IN arched decks over vi act C_ Hh. never does thing: PHOS. FUL ARTON, ) Seecuton | SOTO oy the titie Jone de noe and his coutribation te the' At. MORPHY & CARTHIW, : Isla de | Wood walk we Theirs tiey eaia [| Were credit. Robert Young, 'A, Gen ef pursuant to the that all So.; Ment given in ordinary books of refer ;mMachine guns, Proceeding on The eight Spanish vessels of Admiral con- the |-- s-inch quicktiring guns, ; BATTLE OF MANILA, Tus Fins? Battle oF PRE SPANISH: AMERICAN Waa. Nadrid, May 2.--The following is the text of official despatch from the Gov- ernor.General of the Philippines to the Minister of War, Lient. Gen. Correa, as tu the engagement o& Manila : "Satarday night, April $0, the batter. | ies at the entrance of the port an- nonuced the arrival of the enemy's squadron, forcing a passage under the obsenrity of the night. At daybreak the enemy took up positions, opening with a strong fire against fort Cavite aad the arsenal. "Onr fleet engaged the enemy in a! | brilliant cambat, protected by the Cay-! tite and Manila forts, They obliged the | | enemy, with heavy loss, to man@uvre jrepentediy. At Go'clock the American , Squadron teok refuge behind the for eign merchant shipping, on the east side of the bay. "Our fleet considering the eaemy's superiority, naturally suffered_a severe | loss. The Maria Uhristina is ou Gre, jand anuthor ship, believed to be the Don Juan de Austria, was blown ap "There was considerable loss of life. Captain Cadarso, cemmanding -- the Maria Christina, is amoug the killed. I cannot new give further details. The spirit of the navy and volunteers is ex- cellent." Lisbon, May 2---Heliable despaighes received here state that the Spanish fleet was completely defeated off Cav- ite. << Mier > ree Fhe Reina Maria Christina and the Castilla were totally ~purned. ne vessel was purposely sunk and the rest of the deet badly damaged. The Ameri- ean fleet is beheved to be much dam- aged. The naval brreau of Manila: sends the folowing account, signed by Ad- mitsl Montijo: In the miidle of the night the American squadron forced the forts and dSefore daylight appeared | tefoy, recepUy purchased from Brazil by the Government of the United! thed LATE WAR NEWS. Lisboa, May 4.--The Span Verde ron-has-returned to" join the fleet near Cape C€adizs.. The com- bined fleet of Spain will shortly saii for American waters. ; New York, May 2--A Key West spec- ial says: Jose Y giesias, the Spanish spy who plotted to. blow up the Puritan, was condemned to death by a drumhead court Martial and shot yesterday at supset. Twelye bullets were fred into his ¥; " Buenos Ayres, Argentina, Apri) 30.-- Adyices from Rio Janeiro, Brazil, state that the United States dSattieship Oregoa bas just arrived there after an uneventful trip. The guuboat Marietta has also arrived. They wilf resume their voyage north, accompanied by ths United States dynamite cruiser Nich- States. San Francisca, Cal., May 4--Reports from Mare Island navy yard to-night from good anthority said Admiral Kirkland, commandant of the yard, re- evived to-day the cipher message from the Navy Department saying that cable from Hong Kong, giving the loss- es ip the Manila ight at 50 killed and 100 wounded. The report also says the Concord and Petrel were badly damaged, especialiy in the upper works. Com. modore Dewey asked for a nospital ship and foy a force of 2000 men with Supplies for three months. NEWS OF 'THE WEEK. T gation, Seeding--is-- practically finished "in Manitoba. presented to Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The yote on the question of prohi. bition will take place in the antumn. 2 A. T. Brydges, a Hamilton Klondikee? who left a year ago, has returned poor- er by $o\ ' The retarns of wheat at Fort Wil off Cavite. The night was dark. At balf-past seven the Reina -- Maria} Christina took Gre" At 8 o'clock with! my staff Il went on board the Isla de |} Cuba. The Reina Maria Chiistina and the Castiila were then enveloped inj} flames. The other ships, having been | damaged, retired. 'Phe teases are pum. | orous-nettrbiy Capt CadaIsa, | priest, and nive other persons, New York. May 2---A Hong Kong despatch says the bombardment. of Manila has begun. The operators ip the cable statiuns haye failed ta save their lies. Madrid, May 2--The organ of the Spanish premier admits the compicte defeat of the Spaniar The superiority of Commodoye Deway's force is dpf{parent from a com. parison of the deseriptions. All of his yeasels are of steel while some of the Spanish boats are of wood. In size, Speed, protection ang armament all the United States vessels are superior to those of Spain though fewer in number, Spain en vessels, Commodore Dewey only-& New York, May 83--TFhe Commercial e Company yesterday afternoon out the following natice: "We are advised that there is no communica. tion with Manila. London, May &--The Eritish Gov- ernor of the Straits Settlements cabled yesterday as follows: The Americans annihilated the Spanish fleet in a two heurs' engagement. The bombard ment of Mauila is supposed ta be now ing. < re Tests from Hong Kong show the cable has been cut fifty miles from Manila. Two weeks may elapse before it is repaired. The telegraph company announces if is impossible for any word to haye come from Manila since 10 am. Monday, London time, A comparison of the two fleets which fought at Manilla on Sunday shows! i that the three big vessels and three | lighter ones which few the Stars and! Stripes carried six eight-inch breech-! loading guns, seventeen six-inch breeci+ | loading guns and twenty fiye-inch | quickiring guns, or in all 45 heavy guns, | with about 70 small quicktring and! the | ght-inch ; guns could fire four rounds in fire rough assumption that the ei tleman, | minutes, tee six-inch guns one round a, AS better than thatiu the east. This | Minute and the five-ineh quickfrers six | | rounds a minute, the weight of metal | discharged by ninates-wonid the squadron ia five be 36,500 GF 57,000 { Montejo's squadron which were of suf- ficient importance to have their arma- ence mounted twelve 62-inch guns, t Six.jnch guns, four 5.%ineh guns, ten sim. ~}tasome otherstore. You can't sell of the sidewalk from T. G. Ballantyne's to D. Murray's shop are meeting with liam are as follows; Receipts-209,000; shipments, 254 0u0; in store, $50.00 The entire town of Nethport, British Columbta, was wiped out by fire, but the Le Roi smelter was uninjured. Mrs, Huginas Dunn, Sarnis. whose husband, a. G.TR...-ceenduets Was smothered jn the tunnei, has s& 'red a consent verdict for S2.a2, TOWN TALK. SELL your wheat now. Erya Court of Revision will bs held in the Town Hali on the 26th inst, at 10 am. THE gost of the contest in North Perth to both the candidates has been ascertained aid the details published. Mr. Brown, M. P. P., expended while the costs to Mr. Magwood, the de. feated candidate, was $141.91. CHEESE Fair.--The annual meeting fee! of the first cheese'fair of the Listowel Dairymen's bward of Trade will be held in the Listowel town-hall on-Thuraday afternoon, May 12th, at 3 o'clock. The offerings will be hgkt, although a few of the factories in the district are al- ready making cheese and most of them will start within the next week or so. THERE is anew song going the rounds of the papers and it runneth in this wise; "We don't want to buy at your place, we won't trade there any more; you'll be sorry when you see us going us your store, "cause you do not advertise.* Lewis Bottoys, P. L.S, left on Mon- day morning via Chicago for Lake Ben- nett, in which neighborhood he wll be engaged this summer in surveying, mostly in town sites. He jsin the em- ploy of the British Columbia govern- ment who are laying outa number ef town plots on the shores of Lake Ben- nett and the adjoining rivers. He was accompanied by John Wilson, of. At- w whois weil acquainted with Lake ish Cape) Commodore Dewey had sent a bnef |X he Stikine River is open for navi- : on. The polyglot temperance petition was Cranb Barton 46 Barton wide Pokauea' 387, Norma Ha Fatrs is a woinan's belief that thera, Will be peaches to. put 'up what happens, Mz. anp Mrs, C. H. MERRYEIEED, oF Monkton, were guests of Mr. and Mra, &. A. Kiamp.oa Sunday. We are pleas ed te learn that Mrs. Merrytfield's health, is considerably improved. . JOHN CyuTRBERPsON is push the: sale of the famous Page face, ek ig, meeting with much encouragement The fact that many of the eading- railways have adopted it is proof con clusive that it is a good, strong, reli able fence. You shouid see it. P : TRE Scatcity of yonng men in At- Wood has often been remarked by visitors, and we look aponevery re- moval as & loss not easily replaced. This, Week the village loses another eligible. and highly respected young man in W. Melutosb, late with 1 A. Mitchell, of rug Store. Mr. Molntosh left for- hus home at Meaford Wednesday, where. he will remain for a time prior to. set tling down at some business of his choosing, while the drag business in who. by his genia; mage many warm, wishing him the meris. and obliging ways friends who join in Success his abilities Health is Better, Roe 3 Hoop's Pitts are the only pilla ta take with Hood's Sargaparilla Eaay and yet efficient. Donegal, The masons have finished t : work of Jas. Ti a i be stone ckson's new residence - when completed Mr. Dickson will be the possessor of a handsome and cen: venient house. Mrs. W. A. Calbick, of New Weat Tainster, B.C. is spending a summer Visit_with her. + Mrs" Ratcitfe sr. and other friends and relatives in Qa?! She is accompanied? by her gtwsidenr Arthur Rosers of the same place. Alex. McKenzie, proprieter of tha tory, has had the buildings completely overhauled, new ceilings, partitions and' floors put in and a new windmill erected. He now > neat and couyenieat building, weil suit ed to the manufacture of a & ' article of cheese. Mr. McKenzie ceases {he manufacture of butter today. ang tamences the making of cheese on Wednesday, Sth inst. Qut of 42 iis wha wrote Perko ps Burke McLennan 447, Jobn Johnston 530, Wm. An erson 4} Stanley Buchanan 315, John Seelhoo? 346, hate Matheson 453. Agnes Dan- brook SUG, Mahe , 4 MeNichol 483, Annie Hemphill 4& Nellie Struthers 3 at a Maggie McKenzie 479. Will strather- 396 o'Senior class----Emma Me: Coart 470, Emily Scott 406, Ida Wiitsan 414. Josiah MeFariane s72, Caas. Dan. brook 398. To Junior 4th ciass--sam Emma Mary mett 49 Hannah Struthers dake Seelho Henry 310. Mary Henry 3% Ead: Knox 210, Doreas MeCourt 32 Mars Bennett and the Yukon district. Weat Crop..Looks WeEii--Fred} . Hodsop, superiutendent of Farmers' | jhstitutes, bas returned after a trip! throughout Western Ontario. He says} that the wheat west of Torunto is i is particularly true of the Thames valiey, where there is every promise af an acceptioual yield. The graas-is-aisot wet! advanced for this time of the year. The wheat crop throughout the Pro vince Mr. Hodson States is on the oh whole the most premising he has seen in some years, THRE petitioners for the continuation the brain. deep affliction. The snr. Airs: Jus MeCracker con. of Moruingtua: J . Of ket 2, con. 8, Mornington; Wiliam, Se@mnei and David, at home. was 4 . She was marrieq to her suryiving husband in S57, why with his family are much sympathize With in their sudden bereavement. She Was seized with a paralytic stroke. and and died jn a few hours, never regain a NOI, _ RO Matter * i