feet S inches. Late Gossip --of the-- poem World. The following description of _a sui- cide was recently printed in an 'adver- thejeent in ia a reward for the recovery bouy_; - Age, about-40---Hei Speaks the dialect of of the | ight, 3 | Gelderland," | (Methodist) indig- | nantly denies a receut report oe he was once enzagei to tile lute Miss Frances E. Willard. Bishon Fowler | The Hindoos were the playing carcs, though tl in China as early as 11 The umber of 'distill tion in je she United St was 292 of grain and m Spirits ani »%, spirits daily A member of the Hou having written to tb acquaintance te inqui heaith, received the f liar unswer . "An: a kind letter to hand -@ have to inform you of news that our dear br sed from earth to hea Yerhaps the greatest man life ever recorded the cutting of a 'canal work was begun in 15 ties canal was <5 I wie and 12 feet dee througl forests and m finished in six weeks _! ning. No fewer than worse] at it day and bn died of fatigue. The Americau Missic tions use forty-six lan; work. Dr: Francis E- is uo empty boast to missionaries are the i Chinese, Tanii and' Mz Syriac and many + Twenty languuges lay to wriling by those w in spreading the gospe An official catimate tion of the Australian end of 1897 places i When the Céiisas of 1 the numver was givel thus the in ed tw i375 per cent. largest portion of thi in Western Australia. The Berlin Zoo is to a remarkable elephant which is eighty years played the part of ex eastern country where hot be put to death by) Hence, an elephant is r the victim's head. Grandsire Noal: up-& man, who thinks that be another flood, is b But he says he won't! in it unless the owner for the accommoda The historic bugle u der Baudot, of the Fir walides, Parts. side of the sword usec in directing the att Russian fort. An observant thoagi grammaticai writer f Here. my good citizer and fet us stop it. Ho Williams? A bili now pending ish 'Legislature provick tion of a bridge to e land of Funen with part of Denmark It the structure hall be and that the syjams Le' grou columns rising ~ a cage we ; trade, i which | which iuteh paper offering ; week- ; j oulk trimmed 120 feet above the high-water level, 1,u00 feet apart. The cost is esti- mated at $5,250,000. The manufacture of wooden cases for lead pencils nunually consumes the cedar timber from 2,200 acres of land, of which 4,00U acres are in. Florida. Nuremberg? Bavaria, the great Eu- ropean centre oO the lead pencil has twenty-three factories, empioy 9,000 workers and produce 4,::00,0C0 pencils every t=sSend postal for large list 0: ~¥ | of cheap and fertile farms for saie in Sunny Delaware, Quick. DK Reeder, Doren, Del. ; saat A. New Cravats. Cravats made of rose pink giace across the ends with three rows of narrow gathered vio- let ribbon. with a two-inch space be- ----=---- A LAGHUTE LADY Gives Her Experience With Paine's Celery Compound, She is Reseued From a Terrible Condition of Suffering That . "ASTHMA'S PROG RESS: From Cold to ( to Cure. No roljel in other remedies. be | of zsthma, £ ago. I canght a bed cold asthma so severe that f was completely Rr TCHELL, Greez si "Some time since I had a severe attack =| Dr. j-C_Arer's Cherry Pectoral is known ¢ ) the world orerps ene of the most efiective m= 5 A disease and prom | who is sick isi toviect to was Leading to Death. - | Brown-- What's he been doing now? Jones--At the prayer meeting last evening Elder Goode asked him to = in prayer. and before he knew tas evidept that his mind was stil! on the littl game he had the night ore. : She Isn't. the Only One.: "She has a wonderfully forgiving nature." s2id one wo offended her. ~~ ealateets . pa when I spoke to ber about it she said -- was perfectly willing to overlook " yas replied Miss Cayenne. "That is a speciaity of hers "What?" 7 on the past. She says that is only 28 yea years of age. Itching. Burning Skin Saemapine Cured for Thirty-five Cents. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves in one day_anud-cures Tetter, Salt Seald Head, Barber's Itch, Ulcers, all eru 5 WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? A Sensible View. "Bven if it be Some- what Less Than Orthodox. Christ did not come to cramp aus- one's manhood. He came to broaden it. He did not come to destroy our manhood. He came to fulfil it. A thorough-going. Christian is a man witi: a stronger reason, kinder heart, ria Ol il, and richer imagination than Ris feliows--one who uas attain- er to nis height in Christ. A bigot or a prig or a weakling is a half- developed Clyristian, one sie yet ar- rived at full age. What ought a Christian to read* Every book which feeds the inteliect. Where ougnt he to go? kyvery place where the moral atmospiiere is pure and bracing. What ought he to do?' Everything that will make .charac- ter Kelhgion is not negative, a giving up tis or that, but positive, 2 & f - cant: but after her ble collection of pictures was <discov- ered sands of notes were found sewed up in her mattress. The Quickcure Co,...Limited, nounce "a reduction" ~ Quickcure™ and " Cuickheal." Quickcure 25e botte,. Quickcure, 5 Quickcure J Quickheal for horss 30c tin, now 25c. } an 50c. cattle and Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. A Napanee cattle bujer named Bick- nell, who was at the Lans- jowne wreck on the G. T. R, was awarded $5,000 dannwges.- tre. Wnsiow's "oothiegSrrap = pever sees tc: erigeetis one's ned ---- nit gp | ves tone and im thestemach and wind Philippe, has recently died In Paris at the age of 87. For many years she i lived in bject wre-chedness in a / arret, and passed <c{f as a 'mendi- jeath a valua-- in the garret, ind some thou- | pounds in bonds and bank ' ~ the prices of | We strive toward oerfection; but, {ter all, it is hunan weaknesses which make life interesting. ISSUE NO. 18. 1898. "SUSE as Good ~ as Scott's and we sell it much cheaper," is a-statement sometimes made by the druggist when Scott's Emulsion is called for. This shows that the druggists themselves regard Scoit's Emuision er os with Hypuphos- Lime and Soda as the knows it has been of efit, should not for one ik of taking the risk of ting some untried prepa- tion. The substitution ' something said to be ust as good" for a stand- 'd preparation twenty- ve years on the market, iould not be permitted by w intelligent purchaser. get SCUTT'S Emulsion. See and fish are on the wrapper. md €:.co, all emer OWNE Toronto [PLOYED, fete WILLARD, ICES E. ordon. who was for 2i years her ry. The only -- ee at Lady Henry Some qaary to sell ibis, "book LIKE Ladle ssand gentlemen WRITE it on yA ~~ on first or- NIC HOLS wt Bic A 'a ne Toronto. 'HE BEAUTIFUL LIFE OF Villar. . by Miss Anna A. Gordon 3 private secretary ree outfits armid & Logan, London. 'OU TRIED THE NEW 4% - deaic: shold have it. cny o3f.co. LIMITED, cere Toranta.. resident. MANENTLY CURED BY Dr e's Grea . rch «treet, Phi WF treatise and free $2 tri A. Harte 1780 N Dame Pe > Your Dealer for ECKH ES AND BROOMS. le by all Leading Houses, SEH & SONS, Manufacturers TORUNTO ONT. 3 Ue perfect. Oo Mich Com tral, & Mucinac and Loos Lake at pre Ask for Eddy's when 'you order matches. Then you will be sure of having the best. : : 4 OSes iH i. est eeeugg--eF