Atwood Bee, 6 May 1898, p. 6

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as 'Wall Paper:--Ii you @ai] and see our a aeee stock, and a the very lowest prices, 'are requiring Wall Paper ef the very ranging from 4¢. a roil up. Our Field ahd Garden Seeds are all fresh and re- Mable. In Mangolds we have the Mammoth Long Red wr Saw Log, Yellow Leviath Th Turnips we have the Mammoth Swede, Purple Top, Hall's Westbary and Greystone. different kinds of Garden Seeds Golden Tankard. Bahgholm All the anth and G »nuch cheaper than by the package. Tn Bic x Bells, Toe Clips, Trouser gu umps, etc. Also a full line of repairs. cle Supplies. we tarry a full line, including ards, Cyclometers, samps, Second- hand Wheels taken as part payment on new ones. Eggs taken as Cash. _ Medical Hall, Atwood: Sgt matt. Mie. Ye you are not feeling well, why don't aoe tdke Hood's Sarsaparilla ? it will Fify arid enrich your 'blood and do von 'wortderfal good. WE regret to Teport the illness of M Mi. Hiles:merchant. who was confined to with a severe attack of. scarlet ever. His many friends 'hope for his eerony recovery. » 'Crean vr.--The Board of Heéalth thas issiiéd a' proclamation calling upon 'citizens of the town to place' their yremises in a sanifkry condition on oT efore the 15th of May. fter that date "he sanitary irspectots wiil make their annual yisits of inspection. This re- 'quirement of the Boatd 'of Health 'should be 'pretty getierally complied 'with, so that the inspector will find but 'ery few cases of which to "complain. -AnBor Day.--To-day, May 6th, will Se observed as Arbor dav in the rural 'xchoois. Wherever practicable: if-is-ex= mected that shade and ornamenta} trees 'wili'be planted about the grounds. In 'some sections the School grounds are 'quite bate 'of trees and shrubbery of any kind, and it is the intention of the <Sovernment that advantage should "be- *aken of Arbor day to orndment stich} roun THRE BEE is pleaség)to recéfve a letter "rom 'our former t6wnsman, J. A. 'Slump,jr.. who has 'since secured a aplendid: sitdation with _Charrest & Bartram, butchers,- "of Win- 'uipeg, who do 4 very large 'pitsiness in the'cola@ storage'end retail meet trade sJake has'2 good 'Sitnation, and is wise *enough to hang 'to it. He says pag are going throtigh Winnipeg by thousands en route to the Rioudike soa British Columbia. Jake encloses a 'doltar'for "the dear old ATWoop Brrr," 'which he says he cannot get along Without. Ww, Spence, Clerk of Grey. was in 'toWn Monday, on businéss connected with the Elma Council re Government Revision will be held on the 14th inst. to hear appeals. Thedrain in its pres- 'ent extérided plan will cost nearly $20,- JOO, or about more than the orig- <wal drain'was to baye cost, But it will now come up to the boundary of Elma, thus satisfying the 'Elma "patties agsessed. The work of constriction will be pushed ahead shortly, 28 soon as the two Councils arrange the tegal »reliminaries satisfactorily. Report for April of the Junior Ge- partment of the Atwood Public school, names in order of merit: Gunior 3rd class--Artie Blair, Milton Struthers,) Lily tteibein, Hobbie Forrest, Eliza Henty. Senior 2nd class--Elma Mit- 'chell, Olive Ballantyne, Roy Hanna, Florence Campbell, Mary Coulter 'and "eorge Curtis equal, Ivy Hastings, "Cameron Struthers ané Jimmy Cuthb- hertson equal, Fred Gray Sidney Zie- suann. Junior Ind class--Mary KYump, 'Everett Coghlin, Willie Simpson, Lotie Beriet, Mary Wilson, Mary Chapman. "TA class--Eem Pelton, John Porter- 'ield. Lollie Corrie, Laura Klump. Sen- ior Part Il class--Willie Montgomery, Melvyn Forrest, Mand Montgomery, Viola Ferguson, Bertie Blair, Reaben Tiemann, eggie ngs; Willie Chapman, Donaid Gordon, Alice Curry. Virst "class--Robert Nichol, Frances Nichol, Alice Gray, Alma Cameron, ue Darkness into-Light,"--by--B: "Rauteuberg, a converted Jew, "strictest orthodoxy, relates in this 'lec- ture the story of his advesturous 'life and *onderful reset to Christian- "tty in Fredericto . Bs in one of 'Crossley and Hester's revival services. A silver collection will be taken at the 'close of the Morday evening, 9th inst. at 8 o'cl Mister May flowers. SELL your wheat Now. Mr. 41ND Mrs D.G. ANDERSON 'en- téertained the pupils of the senior class es of Public school Wednesday evetting. The youngsters had aspleridid time. 'Grandma used to spin, bit now Grandtaa doesn't care 'to; Fact is wheels have altered so Greodma doesn't dare to. ANNUAL MEETING.«--The annual meeting of the members of the Atwood Public Library was held in the school house, on Monday evenin Mry 2nd, 1895, at 7.80 o'clock, the President, Kev. J. Ballin the chair. The miriutes of the last annnal_and-reguiar meetings were read and con'irmed:--The 'Secre- tary presented his anntal report for the yearending May | Ist, 1898, whith is very encouraging. The report. showed that the past year had been one of steady, substantial progress as the fin ancial statement clearly démonstrates. The cash value of the books in the 'Lib- Tary have increased lh at 73 daring the year,--incinding- S20-29 expend for fiction. The recet pts and expenditure for the year were as follows: RECEIPTS. ; Cash on hand, May 1, 1897 $184 Mentbership_ suibacriptions cr i BS Proceeds of Débate ...2-.....-- 6 90 -ra¢eeds of V hace coricert.. 6 10 Elona Council grant.....--....- 10 06 Govértiment grant .......5..... 95 8) Total. +22... $146 89 ° *=XPENPITURE, terarian'e salary for year end- g Oct. 15, 1897........... 20 00 7 8. Pelton, printing catalogues 8 . cord bods for Lapras dy books. . 40 53 Libratians salary th May 1, 1898 10 00 Excess of liabilities: over assets $3.40. Against this deficit of "$8.40 there is due the Library $7.50 from the mer- "tchants for advertising in catalogues, which, when celiected, will giye a bal- ance on the right side of S410. agtets at date, $388.37: The member- shin is 92 singie ticket and 7 family ticket members, or a total of about 120, allowing a'teasonable average for ee seven families. This is the large membership in the History of the rary. In 'this connection the Seeretiiny recommended that the Librarian's sal- ary be increased in -proportion to the increased volume of business he was calied upon todo as 'a result of 'the services. On the following |: ter ernie Rautenberg "will give a Methodist | p crowing library and™membefship. An- other metter of interest freferretl to wes the proposed -Reading Room. Ata previous meeting the Directors aésed a motion to establish a Reading toom ; it~was for this meeting to 'de- cide what farther action should be taken. After considerable. discussion it was decided to leave the 'matter with the new Board. Un motion, the Lib- rarian's salaty was raised to $25 per an- bum. The following = Were elected fur the ensuing yea Presi- dent, D. G. Anderson ; Mice- Presi@ent, W. F, Forrest = Secretary, R.S. Pelton ; Treasurer and 'Librarian, 2. A. Mitchell: Directors, W. F.. Forrest, B. W. Zie- mann, Kev. P. A. McLeod, M.A., B.-D., Dr. Langrill, Rk. B. Hamitton, Robert ¥ orrest, son and John lkoger. n and W. } { Fo tlemen will also corstitate an Enter- ist} tainment committee. HKobert Forrest, B. W. Ziemars, J..A. Mitchell and the Secretary were appointed a committee | te aolicdl parasite the Library from the Perth County 'Council and the Elma Manicipel ComnciL @n behalf of the Library, Mes#rs. Anderson and a counsel proyed a stimulus to rectorate, especiaily ap- reciate bis efforts to the Library hon a sound basis. Mr. acknowledg- éd the expressed in latest designs' itiot you wil! wadt to Rivals. It 'will he tothe interest of the Farm- ert of Elma and surrounding district to exhkmine tite Cyclone Woven Wire Féice before buying elsewhere. The Cyclone stands alone as being the only ferice in 'which large cross wires'are put close together. Your hogs cannot fush the Oyclone together from the bottom and slide un can be done where small 'cross wires are used. The Cytlone tock is the 'most perfect connection ever in 'use to unite criss stays with lateral wires in & fence. 'Fhe action of 'Teversing the twist in the cadle throws the strands into the crimps of the »pickets one 'above the other, making-® locked joim that can- nol possibly be slipped in 'any dirtc- tion. John Roger, Assent, Atwood. F, A. KRAUSE, AGENT, LISTOWEL. DE -- : DON'T CHIDE, "THe CHILORER. Don't scold | 'the little ones if the bed is wet A in the morning. y It isn't the child's fault. Weak y j kidneys need strengthening-- f 'that's all, Yéu can't afford te , 'tisk delay. Negiect may 'ental yy yx lifetime of suffering. k ¥ Doan's KipNeEY PILLS : 'Strengthen the Kidneys and 'Bladder, theb all trouble ceases. ry?yrry,. Ts me Carsén, employed at radt ~ ribs 's store, Ham- been as eros with | his ears of ore J] an not hold his iy a SL) nd e 3 = "li completely cured bisa Teachers, Barristers, * Physicians and oth- Wanted: Pres snot ing for high ¢lass soliciting. Will pay forty dollars weekly on "demonstration of srecessary' ability. , BRADLEY GARRETSON CO.,-L'¥. 'Toronte, Ont, A mar. who desires to Read This Wante min a tends, pay ages | If you are at present em corel that uted not prevent you from } senditg us a postal cafd to learn 'hat we can do for you. Webave the larg- -| est, most complete and thoronghly up- to-date nurséries nthe Domimion-}+-------- +Theréts a largely increasing demand -| for Home Gréwnu Nurs¢ty Stock. ANl Supp#es Sent Free ; The 'Trial Costs You Nothing. You}: "Get Yout Pay Every Saturéay. Ipyon cannot give full time to ourein- térests we Can arrance liberal terms the eo fo: part time: We grow a full line of Fraft trees, Berry Rushes, Fiow- efing Sbhrabs, "Oroamental Trees, Hedg- ing, Bulbs, and 70) Ail oar stock warrant- e&i'to live. Write and Tell us'you ere" for an offer and we Will col aia you a prepos-| to accept. vin ire Fence Superior to Ali kept in bulk, coming. : | LANTYNE in charge. YON Free Ticket tothe , o==-SEEDS AND-----= . q(4v ( it Toronto Exhibition ! BICYCLESUPPHES eg EEA Free Ticket to the Toronto Exhibition aud retarn. ____ A Ghance-of-a Lifetime, -- War News' sie esas Attvood should 'make a point of looxing through our well select: ed stock ; an interesting place at all "times and peyer more So than now Letest and mast igen pr Ladies' Windsor Ttes from 25¢. up. sorted colors, fc. t6 24c. per vy Avfotfhier shipment of DRESS 'GOODS Yeceived, making ont dress depart- ment very ¢ ormplete, oS different patterus tu choose from FRoys' Tzitor Mede Suits from 3150 up. Young men's tafior made Suits $2.50 and £2.95 'ap. ' Spring Koiter Blinds from 2. xp. Bfooms from tc. up. * Children's Shows 35c, up. Misees' shoes from 50c to £2 10. Women's shoes from Tdc to 32.46 Bovs' shoes frem 0c. ap. Men's shoes from $i up. si Ps atest aud most fashionabie svyles in Men's Felt Fists, raugitig frum 60. A new importatior of the latest niveau in Glasswave. Specials in Groceries, Creckery and Wai Paper. Our object is to'save You all the money we can on 'everything yon nerd. That we are doing so is best shown by the Way prices re in our 'store. The next tite you are in this téwn stop in aud 'see for yourself. Youll quickly Notice the niouey stving chances. MM. Pi. HILES, Atwood. weiss Vroduce taken as 'Cash. x 7 " s Late, as- --S == ff urniture! ~= UNDERTAKING =~ H HARM STON, of Listowel, having purchas- ed the stock of U ndertaking. the from Mr. Knechtel, of Atwood Furniture ee "he-has placed R-M- He will be pleased to execute promptly all orders left at Mr. Ballantyne's. store, At+ wood. Satisfaction guaranteed. A Full Line of Stylish Furniture, R. M. BALLANTYNE, ""ii.005, A GREAT BOOK! "War in Cuba," Being a full actount of her Struggle for Freedom. ONTAINING 'a Compléte poco s of § )ppresston Scenes of Violencs'and Blood it Uprisihgs of a Gallant - People ; the great i nenitnetion ta the Black Eagie ;" tir: Revolatious of 1868 and 1895 and 388; Daring Deeds of Cuban Heroes and Patriots; Ameri- can Aid for the cause of Cuba ; ; Secret EcseatitionsS Inside Facts of the War > Cuba, her great 'resources, Products and Stenery, SMunners, Customs, dhe orton Tyranny 'and ( The work is done in ont large volame of over 690 pages, profusely em- bellished with Phototype i¥vVings and 'the finest wood cuts tmiade b ists on the Spot, directly if ustrating 'the text. 'Ty paper atid printing extellent. Solti only by subscription. Bouné in Cloth, Ink and Gilt eile and Back cP $1.50 Bound in Fuli Morocco, $2.00 R. B. Hamilton, + Atwood femme --_DISTRICT AGENT. " -- Gittins 'Paper Ranging, &c. Ali Work Guaranteed ! Prices Lower than the Lowest A grand selection of Canadian and American Art Wall Papers to * choose from, of rich denien Ba rtists is clear and beantiful and the ° Printing a Groining! aA A Fine Hearse in Connection,

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