Atwood Bee, 6 May 1898, p. 7

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'Latest News r tre Spanish- American War. t. General Blaneo cabled Madrid 'that can defend Hlaveng without. Spain's warships. Washington. May 1=--The State De- 'partment W-day gave out 2 'ist of all 'Governments. that have declared reutrality 'viz:--Italy, Swtzerland Netherlands, Sweden and Norway, psc 'ombia, Mexico, Russia, France, Co Argentine Repablie, Portagal, Japan : 'It will be noticed that frst to ernetains i reason that no official 'given, 'Fhe board of burezt Qhiefs is now 'enzaged in preparing the advertise- nents calling for the construction of torpedo boats ané. destroyers. here ae ii! be no less than 28 vessels altogether thus placed under constraction:--Three vattieshhips, sixteen torpeds boat des- troyers, twelve torptdo boats, four 'coast defence monitors, aud one gun: buat on tht lakes. tice 'has fest Sam Fohnston has parted with one of his fine Black horses to 'of Listowel, furniture deaier, ee cheese risa dh - again ~ 'an operations u anagement OF & Newcombe. "Trak Wilson, who working in the Elma factory: 'will be shortly 'to assist. WenE a" Jock Tawson's Barrés." Though we thst up Culloden an * Flodden And the battle of this place an' that. An we cry bits o'namés to Hk ither, rea, ! Like Taffy an' Saany, an' Pat, dust like bairus that trauchie- Uteir mither. Rut onr hearts are aye warm an" hale: We're pro ae an'. the Sessenach's When the Tu Ps lasking his tail. For Table and Dairy, Purest and Best New York, April 39--The American Elbe steamer Paris arrived this morn-} n@ from Southampton, after a rough} nelater passag+ of 7 days, #7 hours eos 45 minutes, with nine saloon, 12 seco! cabin, and SO steerage passengers. Pains Were Sever night every light on board the Paris| Rhewmatism -- Se tegele Blood -- was extingetiished and dead lights' were covered. Strict watch was maintained to detect the approach of vessels. The President has replied to the note 'of Miss He'en Gotid, o ew York offering to devote to the Government $10,000. thanking 'her for her generous | | offer, aud stating thkt in the-absente of special authorization of Congress, he is unable to accept it, He suggests hew- ever, that if she should see fit to invest the money in a vessel, and be'presented 'to the uavy, no cougressiunal act in that case would be netessary. Lieut. Rowan, of the Nineteenth, who "has been sent by the President to meet 'Gen. Gureia, left in a small turtle schooner, Geering from Grand Cayman, and arrived Suuoday evening 20 miles 'east of antigo de Cuba. He put off in an epen'doeat with a guide and reached lund early Monday morning. He pro- hably reached Garcia's camp on 'svesday. The Schoorer will retern with full particulars atid despatches. Row- 'an will arrange matters with Garéia, return and guide the Americars when aa Se Doubtless Spanish agetts here"knew of his probable destination. if trot its details. There was great ____slackness-reparding-seereey: London, April 29.--A prominent Eng- Yishnvao who believes'in ths justice of Anierica's cause, and who is also of the opinion that the United States will cer- : jainly Jaye a walk over, is.Lord-Wotre- . ey, the commander-in-chiief of the Bititish forces. During a'dinner a ty "conversation, Lord Woo drew a arallel between Cuba ana Crete, a ng: --"While ¥ngland irterfered -in 'rete on Morel gronnds the United States has both moral ana material; justification for intervention in © uba_ |} {believe the qhality of the American, | Hood's Pills army and nayy isso mach superior to Spain's that the Americans will have no difficulty in defeating Spain's ships and land forces, winch are their equals 'on paper only." The Rome correspondent of the Daily 'Chtonicle says:--"Archbishop Marti- nelli, Papal delegate to the Roman *satholic Church in the Usited States, las cabled the Vatican to abstain from ail demonstrations of sympathy with Spain, which could excite Protestant "sentiment of the United 'States -again$: the Roman Catholics." St. Vincent, Cape Verde islands, April 29.--T he Spauish squadron sailed "in a southerly direction at 8.30 o'clock this moérning. Destifation tiiknown. "Orders to be given at sea. New York, April 26.--An Ol@ Point 'Comfort despatch to the Telegram says 'Commander Schley, of the fly ing squad. ron, has received orders to sail to-day, It is understood he goes With the fleet "to meet the Spanish-fieet, now on its way over here from Cape Verde. 'Londén, April $0.--The. Standard's 'correspondent says 'Russia has received a severe blow in the suspected friendly agreement'between the United States and England, charging América with 'ingratitude. A special Gespatch from Madrid re- ceiyed here this evening. says the Span- ish Government is upon the point of expqgr all citizens of the United State%vom Spaiti. Prince Bismarck, according to a"des- patch from Berlin-says Germany ought inot to bind her bands by a nevtrality :detlaration. - Kingstor, Jamai April a 'vices from Santigo de'Cubs suba are that o "Saturday last (April 23} Pembo, Com mandante- @eneral of that divisoin, pro- "claimed. 7 _tean-between-15 and++ 50 must volunteer in Spahish service, under penalty of arrest, trial and death. A reign of terror extsts' in thecity, and thousands leave nightly. A'-New York World Ba cag oe from Loudon says: as beén sur- 'prised by Commodore * wheiming victory. 'Phe s -manstip ané valor of Lom eee, in forcing an 'entrance to ten la harbor excites intense admiration. Lord Charles Beresford said to-night: ""It was u splendid stréke. Everythitg, as I said'to you before, cope upon _ the man in medetn naval warfare." . Sir Chartes Dilke said; "fhe U.S. pos- - No Appetite -A Perfect Cure Accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilia 'whole Family Made Wel by This Creat Medicine. : "J am 44 years old aud am a lnmberman, 'engaged in driving kegs on the river. I have been exposed toall kindsof weather, and I watseized with rheumatim. I tried 'diferent liniments, but they failed to cureme. Pains moved througb-ry limbs and a sbéirt.time since 'Settied in My Back. I thought I would work it off, but It grew worse; and I was obtiged to shut down | my sawrtill and stop work. My blood 'was poor end I dic not have any apfetite, TI could net sleep nights on account of the severe paths. I decided fo take Heod's Sarsaparilis and Hood's Pils. In ten days time I felt relief, and now,a few months having elapsed, [tm myself again an¢éam _A Perfectly WellMan. Tem-attending te my busintss daily,and all due to the benedt derived from Hood's Sarseperilia. My wife and other members of my family were taken with the grip and elso sufferee at times With sick head- j-aches: They resorted to Heod's Sarsaps- rilla and Hood's Pills and they ate now all in good healtb'" G. R. Rarus, South Waterville, Nova Scotia. Hood's Sarsaparifta Is the best--in fact the One Tree Blood Purffer. All drugrists. $i;@ix for §5. Get only Htod's. act east!y, promptly and effectively. 25 cents. PAIN IN THE HEART. negiect. -A Guelph harness-maker ¢ells 'how he was cured. Mr. Wm. 'Dyson, the well known 'saddler and harness maker of Guelph, Ont., makes 'the following statement: "'I heartily re- oontiend Milbutn's Bearbs ond) Rae Pits | to anyone suffering from heart trouble. They me -- medicine for such a Poe lang = at time Iwas affiiéted wi pain im my heart, which severe at night,'often aeoktoving hese pills curéd me and vying yf m systern which is now strong They testored restful sleep besides | the heart pains which | anxiety: 'nervous healthy. removi wpe _ so much_ saad. distressing pore, gave oO 7 ilburn's Heaft'and Nerve Pills 50 cts. Mr. Hermiston Listowel - Too serious 'a condition to y tS * "Best" flours parilla that makes Remember it's Tsay: --Ayer's "In our 'esti is an easy boast. 'expect something extra of best; something extra , cures from best medicines. arsapari is the Ayer's the best. sav Se " if asks The Best Preparai for the Bleod *Tf you will Berl my opinion, nse Ayer's Sarsnparilia; Iwill gudr- antee that yor will receive more benefit by using_one_or two_beties-ef ---- 'than Vou would by using half a dezen bottles wf some other kind? When they take it, I never hear any complaint." Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures all <liseases that have their origia diced: sores, ulcers, boils, cruptions, pimples, eczema, teticr, It cures cheaply, it cures quickly,. But there's no best without a test. and it cures to stay. illa BEST SARSAPARILLA. You something extra in. bread from. best in wear from best cloth; something extra in it's that something extra in Ayer's Sarsa- That something extra is quality. quality that.cures, not quantity. People's Drag Store, Seymour, Conn., for twenty-five years and when a customer 2 Geo. Smith ef the have sold yeur goods in me for * in impure scrofula, ete. That's why it's best. " After twenty years' experi#nce as a druggist, I consider Ayer's Sarsaparilla superior to any similat preparation'on the'market, and I give it the preference over al! others." A.C. WOGDWARKD, Worcester, Mass. ila, Ayer's | is the standard. We have nevor as regards Sarsapari -heard it oo of in other than the very --. terms." WW. EL" harmacists,-9 State Street, Montpelier, Vt TERRILL & CO, GRISE &°CO, COLLINS, JAMES DOANE, Dispensing C "I coasider-Ayer's Sarsaparilla the best ss ---- on the market." WwW est Gardner, Mass.+ " During fifteen years of experience "wit h_Ayer's Sarsaparilla, T have yet-to learn of 2 Single case Wherein it failed to cure if used aiconting to directions." FE. Druggist, Paris, No. ""T believe "Ayer's Sarsaparilla contains 'more medicinal value than any'other similar compound," hemis:, ville, Ont. LEGAL. MORPHY & CARTHEW, Listowel, Ont., Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, Ke. Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton, Money to Loan. Otiices aboveCarson-& MeRee's store, Main street, E.B. Morpry. J. M. CerTnew. SBAWEIWo. J. W. Scott, Banker. ret Eistablishea 1872. pes a goneral Pork busitiess. Dr D couch and sold, payabie in i Ui parts of the Dominion, United States and ( Britai Nowe. Dis red t rate of :nterest allowed. Cheque Bank Chequts Samant, weenie ian parts of the World, without hb er charge. A lente amount of Private Funds to lend*on farm security at Five per cent., With privilege of répaying alinually. Issuer of Martiage Bicenses. BUSINESS DIREC TORY. BEXTAL. W. & BRUCE, & D. & DENTIST. Pairfess extraction. Artificial teeth : of the best quality. Crowns and bridges lo "Gold and on 'erous*important delicate points féz the 'consideration of the towers. & *should sot be if Ripe pe U. So seetired uable gootl "of Japan b oa aera discs te Peilip- Thompson Bros. -stere, Tine to thet." & All work warrant- MEDIcaL. DR. A. S. LANGRILL K.rwoon, Ont. Fiami aul | attentionsgiven ta Eye, Ear, joan. resifes at "Mrs. ¥7. D. a "shop, The -street,| whee ruime, es formrétiy ocetpied by Dri: D. A. KIDD, M D., C. M.: F. T. a N.C. Yee Physician, Sa Acconrcheur. Fellow ef Trivit ve Siedical College. Doctor 'vf Medicine aud Master of urgery. : Licentiate of College of Physicians add Su ms. Special attention given to Eye, =, Nose, Throat, Chest, and Diseases Women and Children. Associate Goroner 6f Perth County. ATWOOD,'ORT, £ PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCHETR, Brussels, Oxmteric. (Successor to Dr. W. Graham) £27 Special attention paid to diseases of Eye. Ear, Nose and ae treat bed Diss eee Wien: 47 Consultation In English aad German. s@Caterrh treated successfully in al ite ET. c. K. CRANSTON, |::; Veterinary Sanrecn, the 'Ontario 'Veterinary College, Toronto. Treats 'Animals on the most Mmodern and scientific principles. 'Day and Nigtit ealis promptly answered. west of the Ontario deor LEleuse, MOxicres, ONT DR. F.H. KALBFLEISGH Honorary "Graduate of| all diseases of Domestic | A FORTUNE. of the teed by pele win sone Gorernanent. = PraWinG, JUNE DR. 188. bag ipa to partic spake Pa the the grand ¢@ 'et prizes ws the Sate of asberc. in which surely have to be om. Io these advan us dra n according to othe prospec: roi only 118.080 Ferris the following prizes will be forthcear i viz: will be 500,000 marks. marks. = event -- a stroke | The parneent Ng bath In $l prizes 58.180 Serties which must be lan on in seven drawings within the space of a few mwwenths. The highest prize of Ist drawing amoun: 50.000 eye smephoed im 2nd vars te "5.008 pence -- mee rT ee ---- b sco n Sth 70, oarke mn 7th Ee) ranks. and t er with the P Prestinm of Ko-* 3, ip most fortunate case to SOLD The 'official cont for participationin the fies' ewo drawings amounts to $1.50 for a fill ticket, 22.55 for balf a $1.13 for one quarter of a ticket. "The payment and forwarding of the won to these concerned will have my and pacanpe oft ete Send in) Prospectus, which Z

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