eae he _ - Ad OME adorned or home bare and cheerless ? It doesn't take a great deal of money. The touch 9f beauty is plainly visible Walt Lapers MEDICAL HALL, Eggs Taken as Cash. in our And if you buy will make itself felt in your home. We have on hand a full line of the best Wall Papers,Low est. Prices, _Don't-fail to see them, ATWOOD, ONT. _ Gown @alk. erates ronmiitnery: ANDREw Kuury, of Kuhryville, was im town this week. Sonoot closes Thursday of this week .for Easter vacation. JAMES STEWART is recoyering from an attack of influenza. Sam McKee and Leslie Wilson, of Molesworth, were in town Morday. Tue first Allan line steamer will Teave Montreal for Liyerpool on: Satur- any, April 29th. BD. G. aND Mrs. ANDERSON and daughter Gladys are spending their Easter vacation with Galt and Inner Wip friends. SwEETt, refreshing sleep is given by food's Sarsaparilla, which feeds the nerves, tones the stomach and cures all ayspeptic symptoms. Ep. Woops, formerly baker for BR. R. Geake, spent Sunday with his Atwood tfiends, Ed. has been with the Guy Bros," Ministre! troupe since leaving towa, Hawpry HARRISON, of Southampton, formerly of Atwood, called. on THE Bee Saturday. Heis engaged in the arness, boots and shoes and bicycle trade, carries a large stock and 1s doing well. .¥w the Ontario Legislature Friday, Hon. Mr. Dryden moved the second reading of his bill providing for the of- ficial inspection of cheese bought, sold or exchanged, and for the incorporation of cheese and butter einai MR. AND Mrs. B.S ee of THE BreE, were guests of. Mrs. C Kenzie, Monkton, Sunday. lady has been poorly of late, but is slow- ly regaining her usual health. Her many Atwood friends will be pleased to learn of her complete recovery, J. E Ziemann, of East Toronto, who - is connected with the Toronto College of Music, will sing Rodney's Resurrec- | tion morn," in the morning and Wellas' "Behold thy King" in the evening, on aster Sunday in the Presbyterian shesah He is the guest of B. W. Zie- mann, . Tn reference to the advertisement of the baby. carriage. the Brussels Post wants to know what is the matter with Tue BEE? Nothing atall, dear Kerr. We are not out of the family business, only disposing of the old carriage to buy one-of larger carrying compacity, | that's all. ' AFTER thirty years faithful and ef- ficient service, J.W.McBain has resign- ed the Superintendency of the Metho- dist Sunday school. Mr. McBain's in- different health has forced him 'to lighten his- labors; Samuel Peter has been appointed to Mr. McBuin's posi- tion, and the appointment will duubt- fess meet with general satisfaction. ANTHONY: Hope's New RomMANCE -- The Ladies' Home Journal has secured the American rightsof Anthony Hope's new romance, "The Countess Emilia," and will begin its publication in the May issue, Itis the best romaatié story that the famous: novelist has written since "The Prisoner of Zenda."' "The Countess Emilia" is not unlike-its pre decessor in style and treatment and in action. Its motive is that of the mar- riage relation. It will be illustrated by Alice Barber Stephens; and will run in the Journal throughout the summer. A SPECIAL mesting of the Ontario Farmers' Flax Manufacturing Co. will be held in the Town Hall, 'gene on Monday, April 8rd, 1899, at 2 p:m:, to censider the advisability of sowing seed as usual, renting or disposing of the mill. and the transacti6n of any other business» which may come: before: the meeting A fall attendance of share- holders is requested. We understand tuat 4 per cent, interest was'to be paid ta the shareholders whether the farmers got $10 perton for their flax or- not. Owing to the smallness of. the crop- this year and the universal depression of the market, it would be an injustice- to the few. flax. -growers -to. demand: any interest this year. We think every in- talligent shareholder will tuke this ratioual view ofthe situation. It is déubtfal if the growers will realize $2 per ton-this year, and to demand about interest: out of this pittance would produce in all probability a re- pepe aH upon the future busi- 2 Eee Wm. Locpugap, KB. A., of Guelph, was the guest of his Paine this week. MANITOBA is having an early spring, and seeding is expected to commence next wWeek.- ; A NUMBER of Atwoodites took ad- vantage, of the cheap. Easter fares to visit their distant friends, MissES MARY AND JENNIE MURRAY spent their Easter holidays with rela- .tives and friends at Drumbo; THE annual promotion examination throughont the county will be held on Thursdwy, the 30th inst. 'Peachers and pupils inthis district are exceedingly anxious to know the line of questions set this year, as it is the firsttime under the new inspector, Wm. Irwin, B. A., the examination has been held. Tue Evster railway rates are as fol- lows: Single tare, good going March 80th to April 8rd inelusive, and return- ing April4th Teachers and students are allowed a fare anda third rate, good going from Mareh 17th to April Ist, and returning not later than April 10th. No tare and a third tickets will be issued to ordinary passengers. MACHINES.--J. A. Hume's attractive announcement ap- pears in this issue; He is sole agent for the 'Deering implements for this dis- THE DEERING trict. The Deering machines are re- cognized leaders everywhere, both in their modern and labor saving im- yrovements and easy running qualities Che Ideal binder and mower as well as} miny other of their machines have bal! bearings,ete, Mr. Humeis doing an increasing business in all linesof farm implements, binder twine, plow. points, and other ¥ quisitesof the well order- edtairm, Call at his shop, Atwood, and haye the virtues of the several lines of implements explained, $115.WortH or New Booxs.--The Book Committee of the Atwood Publie Library expended' 3115 worth of new books on Wednesday evening, bonght of the well known and popular Book Supply Co., of Toronto. Over 100 new and Thter ig volumes are included in this ordeé® making in all over 1,200 volumes from which to select, and all for 25e per year. If nota member of the Library. send in your name at once to the Librarian, J. A. Mitchell; or to any of the Directors. The Columbian Buc¥elopaedia.an up to-date and stand ard work of 12 volumes; is ineluded in the above order, The Library has long om of justsncha_ reference Ww The list of new books will. be published in Tre BEE shortly. Pork Factory FoR ATWwoop --At the meeting of the Board of Trade "VonsipER the lilies." Nex? Sunday is Easter, ee price paldafor aq dry hard aad soft alters this office at ones, MR. AND rs. C. H. MERRYFIELD and danghter Nellie, of Monkton, vis. ited friends in Atwood Sunday last, R. B. HAMILTON has aecepted a situ- of at furniture and undertaking business. v. P. A. McLEop, B.D., is absent aepinting Rey. D. Drummond, of St. Thomas, in pre-communion services. REY. D. McDONALD, of Pepa ville, was the guest of Rey. Mc- Leod, K.D., on Menday and "deena last. MR. AND Mrs, .oun Roaer and _ Jennie Harvey visited Mr. and Mrs. Erskine, Monkton, last Sunday after' noon. ALL parties owing Rott, Williams, ee maker, will please settle with J..Johnson, Atwood, as the books aed now in his hands. A MEETINS for the purpose of re- organizing the Atwood football~ club for the season of 1899 will be heté on the evening on Friday, April 7th, at7 o'clock, All intereated are requested to be present, Miss JEAN CUTHBERTSON's advt. appearsin the Peopie's Column. She has opened dress and mantie making rooms in the rear of Miss Govenlock's millinery store where she will be. pleas- ed to meet her lady friends. Patty, the famous diva, tells a writer in the April Ladies' Home Journal how she keeps hercomplexien elean and fresh and avoids the wrinkles, "I get one pound of mutton--fat mutton," she says. "Jit is hard, like suet Upon a little alcohol stove in my room F fry it out. Slowly the grease simmers in my little white dish until there isa warm, swimming cupful of fat. This I run through a little hair sieve which I carry with-me. Once fried out [take the fat, which is now the purest mutton tallow, and stir 'into it as much = glycerine. as there is fat. Into this | put a few drops .of perfume. I keepstirring gently un til it begins to harden, When it is done I putit instone jars. Every night I massage with this cream. [t keepsaway wrinkles." BICYCLE COMBINE.--It is probable that a few weeks will see the consolid- ation of six of the largest Canadian manufacturers of bicycles, as arrange- ments are pow on foot to bring about their immersion into onegigantie com- pany. Itis thereby claimed and hoped that the Canadian manufacturer will be able to produce and place upon the market wheels that will not only be better and more substantial articles than those turned out by American companies at less cost, and sold at prices. below the figgres Which are now Aelre asked for whéels of ejther Canad- dan or American Workmanship: The six companies which are interested in the proposed consideration of interests ure as followsr Massey-Harris Com- pany, Toronto; Cleveland Bicycle Com- pany, Toronto: Goold Bieyele C tenn aA Brantford; Evans & Dodge, the E , Windsor: Welland Vale caecae: se Catharines; Gendron Bicycle Com pany, Toronto. aA big bicycle combine is also said to bein progress of forma- tion in' the States, whith includes ten: of the leading firms, inelnding the Pope; Gormully & Jeffery, and Spalding. No change inthe bicycle business for the year each manufacturer's product will be marketed tlirough the stores of the combine, the middlemen's profit being eliminated, All this should lead to cheaper bivycles. Purest and Rest for Table and Dairy Monday evening, it was agreed to as- certain the feeling of the farmers of this lneality. respeeting the establish mentofa pork packing factory.in At- wood, at the Flax Co, meeting Monday nex?. Onur location is particularly suit- ed ta:sueh an industry and the ery of "too many pork- packing factories" is purely imaginary aince we are onl commencing to handle this product which promises to be a very- remuner- ative one to Canadian farmers in the future The British consumercan take more bacon than Canada can grow for|s a long time to come. The English mechanic and workingman of late de- mands meatin preference to: cheese, hecanse he likes it better and can better affordit-than formerly... By-all- means let the subject be fully discussed at the fldx meeting Monday next. There is- lots of good money in pork raising for export, THIs AND THAT.--The druggists are advertising medicines just now for that tired feeling. Itis winter, everlasting winter, that gives most of us "that tir- ed feeling" just at present, Relieve us of winter and most of us will speedily recover our drooping spirits on- der why our sport teams: have chap- lains this year? is during or' after the season that their serviceswill be re- quired.--St. Marys Argus, It is: after ahard fought game of football that a chaplain is needed to prepare one or more of the players for the "life beyond this vale of tears." An undertaker would also bean indispensable adjunct of every up-to-date football team. We heard the chirp: of the robin and the "caw" of the crow this week, but winter stays right on with us indiffer- ent to any such hints-to get up and git. More snow on the ground now than at any other period of the snow seasen.. The riyalry for attention next Sunday willbe between the preacher and the new Easter bonnet, with.the odds in fauor of.tne latter. . No adulteration. Never cakes. Atwood. Marircet: Rt VERBS accesicsvccasnevenguad $ 6 $ B& Spring Wheal.................0 65 68 POLIO 050 vncudeneescsnencecteuskous 35 40 ats 2 2 . s 6 = 2 20 12 00 18 00 ' 70 150 1 20 6 00 Butter, per pound ...............5 B 16 Higirs, DEC CORBN 0500s 0s ceeccsnen 13 13 G.T.R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South, as follows : GOING 80UTH. Express 7.47 a.m. Mixed 10.25 a.m, Star Livery W.G.Leake, -- Prop:. GOING NORTH. Mixed 1.20 p.m. Express 9,50 p.m. AVING purchased the Atwood' Liyery of Jas, R. Miller, I oem to announce to the public an the commercial trade especially, that]: our facilities for serving our patrons are the best, Good rigs; fast horses, at reasonable prices, Carry-all in-connection: The Commercial trade a Specialty, :. 4 20.08tf_. ae A. MoBarn 'ts in 'Foronte this} ation in Linwood, in connection with a present year is contemplated, but next |, a New ZIEMANN =: THE TAILOR, Has the most complete stock im Atwood. My Spring Goods: And I shall be shew them. he: Nobbiest and Cheapest Suits May be seen here Some o --MY NEW-- Spring Hats! Are the Correct' Thing: for 'This' Season. All Shapes, Styles and Shades. IT have no room. here: to describe my stock of Shirts, Collars, 'Ties,Caps Sweaters,. Belts &e:. A nice line of Brownie Suits: For Children.. Call and See' Them. WiC Leak}. B. W.Zierr To the faet that yow Need Spring Suit Have all Arrived peased to K i mai & KK & K K & K 'EBe People' s Cofummn DRESSMAKING. MESS EAN CUTHBERTSON, and Mantle Maker, has opened 8 sh rear of Miss Govenlock's Millin rm ot. Inte where sh will be pl meet. ber' Gate tonne? pe patty and dew faction assured. het House and Lote for Sale. BRICK cottage. "with kitchen attached and three lots in conhection, for sale. athe' prope rty is sii uated opposite the Prouet chr twood 'Here is an opporcuntty to" lc home at a iA reg to the aacerelene A. STEVENSON, Atw Sunniiass a Ane ira prict. Apply S4in 'ood P.O.- Farin jor Sale or Rent. Eounder offers" to sell oF t Part Lot# 4 ar. Con. 12, Klima, contataias beet acres more © . Including a v 70 ac clearéd an: i ood stat cultivation and Jante tim! The farm is Situated Ii miles mm Newr te is a cOmfortablé frame house'and yo mk barn on the farm bearing o Shei and soft water r ) re i WYNN, 3-4" Pr tupriet or, v ewry~ P IS} THE PELHAM NU RSE RY &0.. TO ONTO. ONT, king a handle the We pave 0 tAL Offers to good Men to or thec oming season, ho) ASRES UNDER et a CUL- TIVATH ' urteries have just been in- spected ar wan en fre from Secale by Goreene n All stock is* fumigat "1 bof Nivaert {es to insure perfectly Pe sition w an Agency' should: write AT ON und Sane © be territory afloted: _| for the new su.-, Mr. W canamaker 5 Advice, Tomki: coud morning, Mr. Wane namaker | ve called to set if yous can give ne 4 position in your estab- lishment "su turn my hand! to al- Most Any thie? Mr. W.-- <9 we are full in every de-: partment, you are the twentieth man J haves tised to-day, Why don't you take up = ine in whieh there is less competition wd better pay ? Tomkin- "Vd only be tan thankful if yowcan ;:' me on track of suely a position " Mr. W.-- When I was twenty years' ofage. | was «4 stranger in' a strange Jand, with weinher" work nor money, when a friend of mind, a lawyer, advig_- ed me to take a hook agency saying he had edneated himself by canvassing ;) like Arawuis "men grasp at straws, I took his advice. and in five years sayed: 85,000, and with this sum started my (presentlusiness Itis just fifty years: ago to'day that Mr. Bradley, the found-- erof the present firm ot 'he: Brac' arretson Company, Lin ted) of onto, sent m»* my first book prospe CLs, and to his beautiful letters and good! advice Lowe much of my present sue- cess. #8. Youngman, if you have any- thing in you there is: jnst: as. good a chance for vou to-day with this old es- tablished House as there was for me,- Write them and see what they have to offer Tomkine--" I have ssen theadvertise- men's of this lirm, for agents, for years back, and have often thought of writ ing them, but have never done so, I will write to day ; and I am very thank- ful to you Mr W annamaker, for your good advice 9-99 20 Years In Detroit, 250, 000 Cured. 8 of young and middle-aged menare ptroubled witheet is banc! cing, organs, emissions, and all the kymptoms i HAE. Don debility--they have. STRIC- es A ntting, etretching, or tearing Laer pie vill net ire on. net will re- turn r NEW ME DT MENT" tbs the ised hanes renioves the stro ta It can never retu The ode oy ra jn Gerate Se he's bliss of manhood:re WE CURE GLEET. Thousands of young and men are hay their Foss e vase and vitali continually sapped: by 'this die- ease. They a re frequently unconscious ofthe cause of these rymp Weakness, Unnatural Disc : anhood, Nervous ory, Irritability at ae sig rathgn A Sen- ion, Sunken Eyes, with dar ome Ou had ath TREATME NT will, tively cure you. One 'thousand 'dollars fora case we accept for enn _ E If unable to call,. Antisr, "Ns for K KENNEDY. | KERGAN 7 Gor, Michigan' Ave, and Shelby St K Sul te OSG