Atwood Bee, 31 Mar 1899, p. 5

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* Seitizen SE Post Office § Statistics. The report of the Pc Postmaster Gerreral Mulock for the Your ot ended June 30, 1998, has just been issued. It contaius much useful information about 04 revenué, in the second the total amount of momey orders issued, and the third the total amounts paid to postmasters, tinade up of the salary, the commission paid on money order business, and commission patd on Sevings Bank busi- fess (the odd. cents being in all cases omitted); Atwood 178 $ 107°S 828 - Bornholm ...-.. 810 858 116 Srussels ......¢ s. 2,328 243812 85 Fullarion ..... 2890s 3.62 109 , Grafton ........ 677 6,059 283 Harristott ....., 8357 21.126 1,0v2 rktotso7ccc. 469 $628 166 Listowel ........ 4629 28,000 1,278 Millbank .... .. Bor . oe 163 Milverton ...2.. 1,008 898 Mitchell .... -: res. Bae shane 1,148 Palmerston .... 2,8dl 12810 8h St. Marys ....., 6.091 15.641 1,620 Seaforth ....... 4.591 14.385 1,516 Sebringyille ..., 609. 254 236 hakespeare .... 649 4379 271 Stratford........14,596 39,595 3441 Tuavistock.... . + B34 = 7.880 461 Wellestey........ 735 «69.888 342 Woodham .... .. B76 1.870 34 Woodstock ...... 16.154 41,173 3,574 NEWS. OF THE WEEK. Noman can count himseif a good it he fails to rail against the class of spring weather weare having jast now. Bob Burdette is married again, and is to be a preacher 'Fhis' probably means that his careerasa humorist is at an end. The idea is gaining ground in France that alcoho! from beet root, etc., can be tnude to compete with peizplocus for lighting purposes. The Dominion Type Fonndly, of Moutreal, has sold out to The Toronto Type Foundry Co., timited, ané the plant will be operated by the latter company in the future. The Russian famine is reported to be very serious, four large provinces east of the V: olga being fuvolved, while west of the river it extend almost to Mus- cow, The Czar is reported to have re- moved the Minister of the [Interior on acconnt of it, and to have appointed M. de Witte, Minister of Finance, to the post, The speech from the throne contain- ed no startling surprises, the most im- portant announcement therein being that a re-distribittion meusure would be a principal iter of the session's pro-, t The progressive condition of affairs in the Yukon was given a spec ial rotice, coupled with the two intima- tions that the district was paying--tts way--the receipts therefrom more than meeting the heavy expenditure--and thata Goyernment telegraph line. to Dawson City isin course of coustruc- fion. The Hague, March 27,--The Peace Conference, which will meet here May 1, will hold its sessionsin the First Legislative Chamber, M. D. Beaufort, President of the Dutch Provisional Council, will open the congress with an address of welcone to the delegates 'M. De Staal, the Russian representa- tive, will also appear atthe meeting, Many dinners and other sotial. func- tions will enliven the stay of the dele- gates at The Hague. The most beautiful handkerchief in all the European Courts belongs to Queen Margherita of Italy, and itis at the same time the must costly, being valued at $30,000: In nraking this mar- Vel three artists worked constantly for more than twenty years. It isso fine that were the eyes closed and the handkerchief passed across the hand a person of the most acute sensibffities would findit impossible to feel any- thing. 'The Queen Keeps it religiously fo.a tiny jewel case of gold. in the form and justthe size of an' ordinary bean pod Robert Holmes; editor of the Clinton New Era, and for West Huron, writes for his paper his first impressions of life atthe Capital. He says the ordinary residents of Ottawa pay little attention to parliamentary proceedings iy id unless some more than usually teresting debates may be going on. They look at the advent of Parliament largely from the social side. It is to them a great state function, and but the commencement of & season of "openings" and."receptions" on an el- a@borate scale, in which the ladies in articular make -great preparations. escribing the opening of Parliament by Lord Minto, Mr: Holmes says the Governor general' 8 pants were appar- ently white buckskin and fit almost Hkea glove. The ladies in full dress, however, impressed West Huron's new rural member more than anything else, since he takes the trouble to tell his readers just what "full dress" is. He says: It means to dress with no sleeves, often cut as low about the neck as the Wearer's modesty willallow itto go, and in many cases'the dresses revealed wnore'of their wearer's form than men: are inthe habit of seeing publicly ex- posed. Ofcourse it must not be sup- posed that this applies to'ail, for there are many who do not conform: t e low-neck costume. The dresses, one not soon forgotten. The younger Fidies wore, as part of their outfit, flow- wg Veils, surmounted by white feathers and as they all stood around the sides' of the Senate C rng it was a grand "a thing of beauty and a joy foreyer. To people who like to be in the "social! swim" the reception offered ample op- | yorbunity- for gratifying this desire,. i te around the bottle. Dreadful Suffering by a. New- ' market. Wo Thé Bones In the Nose Affected-- Face Would Swell Until Her Eyes Were Closed= How Relieved. NEWM ' ONT.--"'I have buds good opportihity ef noting the gréat tiedicinal powers 6? Hood's Sarsaparillé, My wife has' been a suffere¥ from catarrh for the past four years, and the disease had gone s0' far that the bones of the nose had become effected' and particles had' come away through an opéning in the left | side. Her eyesight was also affécted to} the extent that for nearly a year she was [| tnable to read for more than five minutes} pn. Crise atatime. She suffered Severe Pairis ff the Head | and at times was almost distracted. She Was treated by four different doctors; one of whom was a specialist, They all ssid they could not do anything for her, asthe | disease had gone' too far. Her nose would | gwell about every three days until her éyes would almost be closed. Then it would break through and the sweélling Would snbside fora day;ér two. About Christmas she commen Sarsaparilla, and since that time has steadily improved. She hi#s not been troubled with any swelling since, and the gore on the side of the nose has all heated. She is on' the road toacomplete cure. I cennot speak too highly of Hood's Sarsa- parilla, and I cheerfully recommend it to any person who is suffering with catarth." . H, Fursi N. B. If you decide te fake Hood's Sar- éaparilla, do not be induced to buy any éubstitute. Be sure to gét Hood's. ° liver {11 Sy to Hood's Pills take, dasy to oparate nnd A New Departure: Dr. Marschand, the celebrated French physi¢ian, has at last opened nifieent equipped laboratory in Wind- sor, Ont, 'There ig a large staff of chemists and physicians at his com- mand. and the men and women of Can ada may now procire the advice of this famous specialist free of charge. Dr. Marschand has a world-wide re- putation for successful treating all neryous. diseases of men and women and you have but te write the' doctor to be convinced tbat your answer when received, is from a man who is entitled to the high position he holds in the medical fraternity, Why suffer in silence when you can secure the advice of this eminent phy- sician free of charge. All correspondence is | strictly confi- dential and names are held as sacred. Answers to correspondents are meiled in plain envelopes. You are not asked! to pay any exor bitant price for medi¢ines "in fact it rarely happens that a patient has ex- pended over 50 cents to one dollar be- fore he orshe becomes a firm friend and admirer of the dottor. A speciat staff of lady physicians ax sist Dr. Marschand in Kis. treatment of female cases. Always enclose three- cent stamp when you write and address The Dr. Marschand Chemiral Co., Db- troit, Mich. U:S. A. Mention THE BKE when you write the doctor. Take B.B.B. This Spring. Very few people escape' the enervating influence of spring weather: There is a' dullness; drowsiness and inaptitude for Work on'account of the' whole system being clogged up with im- purities accumulated during the winter' thonths. The liver is sluggish}-the bowels inclin-- ed to' be constipated, the blood iimpure, and the entire organism is in need' of a' thorough cleansing. Of all '*Spring Medi¢ines,"' Burdock Blood Bitters is the best. It stimulates the sluggish liver to ac tivity, improves the appetite, acts on the bowels and kidneys, purifies and'enriches the blood, removes all poisonous prox ducts, and imparts-new life and vigor to those who are weak and debilitated, "Twill purify the system--Give you strength and energy. 7 Big. Mr, Wm: J. Hepburn' writes Boils. from Centralia, Ont.: "I can sincerely say that Burdock Blood Bitters is the best spting medicine on'the market. Last spring' my blood: got out of order, and [ had seven or eight good sized boils come out of my body, and the one ofi'my leg was much larger than'an egg. I got a bottle of Burdotk Blood Bitters, and inside of'six days, whén aie half the bottle was taken, there Wasn a boil to be seem: PF have eoaseadied B.B.B, to different people in' oar village, and ail derived benefit from it, 1 wish. B.B.B; 'every' success, as it is indeed a' great medicine for the blood." B.B.B. is-a' highly concentrated pied wae thbl]. table iw water yourself. eS VWeedashies Relieved in One Minute, Griffiths' Menthol Liniment réleves' Head- aches the minute applléd. Apply It to the forehead and temples, then inhale freely n the manner directed: on the aged No other remedy Is valuable in the Boag oes os Menthol Tinney; All-druggists, 25 cts. 23. taking Hood's' his mag |. MANI IRAKE E DANDEL if ) a cBd0.608 soLD-- Dn, Odaan is too well and favceabiy known eas anions y recommenda er Cure h recétpt book wrapped ar around evel sg ale which is worth ite weight in g DK. phi: s a tileee Cur all diseases arising f THE KIDNEYS THE KIDNEYS ver care a certain cure forall : derangements oy the ners, such as pain ip the back, ais in lo mee Doe on of the abdothen, sedate } ootind pat Dinpeasene o Bright meuts, shootin, ns in Lay aad | disease and all urin ay Grou bles, 6 Try Chase 8 Kidney-Liver Pills, fas only pill made area 'Girectly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. fie SS oents, Dr. Ona is nd core iat it 1 simply a Kiser. Tne se ulatot, Me. pikes a@nd Recei: pt Book $1. Bold yen | drug T. EDM ANSON & CO., Bole Agénts. Bradford WOMEN" DOUBT SHOULD TAKE PENN' NYROYAL WAFERS Seed ty an rakness, eotne ona n fealty condition The Wafers are "Life Savers" fo 3A THe ald graceful "devrinpment vide" tein Jess, regular periods. Ask fo: athe Drrrit brand. All druggists 'ull thers Atel per' box. No better remedy for omen known, 6E A MAN} VIGOR an¢ STRENGTH! For LOST or FAILING MANHOOR General and NERVOUS DEBILITY, eakness of BODY ANP MIND, Effects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble MAN- HOOD fully Restored. How to en- e and strengthen WEAK UN- EVELOPED ORGANS and PARTS OF BODY. Absolutely unfailing HOME TREATMENT--Benefits in a day. Men testify from fifty States and Foreign Countries. Write them: Book explanation .ud proofs mails raled) F-te. Address ... 1899 Cleveland B Bicycles.... Need no introduction, they have been for so long' universally acknowledged as Tue Worip's Greatest' Bioycte that nobody now dispntes it, arid in placing our ive line of 1899 models on the market they need no further' 4 introduction than the statement that they contain more: new and valuable improvements thaw ever before,- N ew Handle Kar mag rs New cite construction. New Expander Bol aon New Frame Head se a ew Has & Spoke construction, New Relitipue ment * uer Crank Y New Rear End Yoke " w Saddle And the new Cleveland Ball and Roller Beario cae st npention in the hie? tory of Bicycles: PRICE FRO JA. Mitchell H. A. LOZIER & Co. Torénto Junction.- Handsome Wall ners Latest 1899 American ana: Canadian Designs. bbe bebb bbb We have just received the Latest Fashiors in Wall' Papers. Beautiful Ingrained and Embossed, Byzantine, . Rocco and Oriental designs. Prices yery. low. See our Papers and you will- want ne others. House, Carriage and Sign Painting, Glazing &c.. Special attention given to"House, Church'and School! Wr J, WEARSHALL.. Fine Talon ee ee es Write for Catalogue. Sole Representative, Here : Agents Everywhere. } 4 ERic MEDIGAL'CO., BUFFALO, No¥ Perseverance in usingit will gr . un-cases of long standing, where 3 cure scevidll impossible and hile seemed hardly worth living Per Bottle,25¢,50c,0r $1.00 * SE A JAN Laocoo m™ tho co} la of tho fatal. ser- ease, excesses, overwork worry, efc. Rouse yourself. Take heart of hope again and BE &% MAN | We have cured thousands} whe aHow us to refer to them. Wrcan DURE you by use of our exclusive methods and appliances. Simple, anfailing treatment at heme for Lost or Failing Manhood, General or Nervous Deb it Weaknesses of Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or Bxcesses in Old or Young. Robust, Nob! Manxoop fully Restored Improvement seen the first day How to enlarge and strengthen, BAK, UNDEVELOPED ORGANS ANB Parts or Bopy.- Men testify from 50 States and Foreign Countries. Write them. Book, | erlankion a eo mailed. free. _ ? : Eins Just' Received and? " ened out a> New' and: y # _ selegt he of. a") "weeds; ' % Worsteds: «» Venetians, Serges gid all eet to be found; in a first*class. Tailoring establishment.. : iiiitiiiisibs de that we are prepar- , ¢ Zs ed'to do all kinds: of , Tailoring at prices and in a manner satisfactory to ev-~ ery Customer.... PEE EEEE EET EEE EE et See Our. Spring Stock., "ERIE MEDICAL CO., PP en BUFFALO, NA+ BG. Wa Wolmes.

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