A $250,000 fire at Amesbury," Mass. The steamer Gaspesia is" still © ice The" Belleville swine sickness gras not Pe re . #' ghting on the part of Cretan Mus- sulmans reported. The Plains <4 Ateabem have been surveyed into building lots. Gen. Sherman was at'jast accoutits in a-very critical camféition.+ Heavy snowfall in Lon top, Png, and: 20 @ grees of frost in I rshire... it 1s learned on gocd authority that Li Hog Chang is fgein upon the point of eras to powe: J. Deme Liberal, {3 to thé Cemmons by acclim: ' 1e Guiy. 1 %u chini the mu derer o the Fm press of Austifa. . has broken down esree the surain of soitury imprison- - *e - a, was elects tion sex plosions Ovcurret yesterday | at he. trench rT ammunl- eR factories, at res and Mar- The Queen-Reg = of Spain lias,dis- Sold the Cortes pas ordered asnew election and will 1 the peace "treaty to-dny. ~ + Gustin's fish pith. repe aling tae clos- ed season law f d two years ago, went thedugh « j Mlehienn, - House yestérday. ' Win@sor Connelf vente to dismiss its oe ee Health Officer, @idja' motion Figen Board of" ae re- aiod nine John tele years, died VY parently the moment. of h . Wisinipeg, dana "100 nesday. He was ina iip- or health np to the h. Jaa. yy ley, son of the contractor, who shot bilineets San 8 lvador, will be burted in San Francisco. Rev. Alexa r Connell, of London England, hag been ed to fill the pulpit, madd vacant-4 ye death of } sea Dr. John Hall, = . it has been d make a gen- eral advance on. aripe insurance rates on the St. Lawrence as soonas the season of navigation opens. Robert gh peor of Forest, a bache- lor, aged 45 years, went to bedat the Hotel ivtington. in Sarnia, blew nt the gas and was suffocated. "The cigar manufacturers of the United Kingdom have just combined under the title of the United Kingdom Cigar Manufacturers' Federation, Mr. W. B. Ferguson, of Toronto, has been appointed « ity#Engineer of Vic- torta out of a list of twenty-five appli- cants from ~~ Ngee of the Dominiog. Mr. P. W. . George, Soe Stress, or of lence" has resigned quenre of too much ieieriorcecal by akermen in the work of lis Jepart- ment. ee in Berlin alone this mon were over 200 deaths from,' . The schogjs have been close hon Prussia this week owing to oy Pprena, of the d'sease. Agoncillo, the agent of Agutttearn, and the members of the former, Atal! of the Filipinos at Waslington, lrayve gone to Paris in order to confer yith the Filipino Junta there The Great Northern "Railway has made anothér tut in transcontinental rates, but neither the Canadian [Pa- cific nor the Grand Trink .have an- nouneed their programme. . Ovef 2,000 nme of pless pow- expi upon New: Xo " The Fer anid of none a Tangh tn Ss comp iny's Stecl Mils, Pittsburg, Pa. lave been not- fied that their wages would be ad- vamced 10 per cent., April _ 4 Reports receilyed at the U. Departeaent Irom ficers ser witl Phil ppines, alege that Aguinalde;s ammy is using brass tipped bullegs.. Hon. Cilfford Sifton has received a cable from the m say ing La at the be) Gana they The Central Vermont ned sold ander foreclosure atl the entire property wane bn purchased .by Ezra H. B ker, of Figg amg of, the Pondho.ders' Commi. tee, for $7,- 000,000. An otaenratery has been erected in the French Maritime Alps, on Mont Moanier, 2,816 metres high, north of Nice. It is connected by telephone with the village Beruil, and Is to be used chiefly for meteorological purposes. A chifd of Mr. John Drew, Toronto iwas d year old, mext door, con The action of Ponton aguinst the Do- min has been ype at. wi gl yooh pols, ' ¢€ Growits motion ES a + change the crimin be heard Webesne The Wentininster' \ Gazette has is- sued an appeal to Great Britain and America .for further funds for , fief of the Armenians, whose po tion this Mae . describe pitiable. About eighty sind ns sdéns are said to te ensirel yh dependent upon charity. fin answer to a query in the British Commons to-day, tte on. Wm. St. John Broderick for a ing@us vivendi in 4 rag Alaskan bound- tter had been decide to emigratt, _ts T ee | AVE DEAD, 0 ONE FATALLY HURT There ity to-niglt, as the result of a street fens at 5.30 o'clock this afternoon. mon-combatant, a poor beer ped W.tl guou intentions but* little fone' sight, also «vas killed. He tried to stop .the battle. The killed are: Thomas @oler, Chief of Police _J. &£.- Hart, ony detective. ' Thomas F, Goslee, police sergeant. Bria Williams, gon of Sheriff Wil- Springs, Ark are four. ies sottcinte or the arf. * tenis Hinkley, driver of a brewery wagon Wound@ed-- Ed. Spears, Shot in neck and may die A split in the Democratic party over the nomination for the mayoraity led up to. the-trouble. Sheriff Williams is }- a staunch supporter of the regular Democratic. nominee. Chief Toler, Sergt. Go des and Detective Hart were equally licarty,adm-rersrof the oppo- sition Caudilates None of the persons enti oned were particularly reticent about his ryspective: choice, and 'bad feeling resulted. Sheriff Wiliams and his sou. John, yolvers, but. their Ih three vtame-out" of the conflict with- out a scratch... Bat the tio sides came to) the conclusian that it was --2Xbout' time toe have the thing out. The next time they appeared on the street. they * had relnforoemeite. his chief nnd, De Detentive feys slides began at! they didn't tet) "began Brewery, ran eo to the Somir tars in am endeavor to stop propeiings Ap hands were soon envelopett and other places neat-b: see what damage had wane ce Hart, Goslee re stret lied out on the walk, vote Jolin Wiliams wis mortally ee Be died one hour later. ars "gl ae a bel. 3 "ee ** ttair spread about the city quickly. Toler hadn't been dead very long when the mayor appointed his successor in the per- 6o0n of Judge L. D. Belding. The new Chief of Police immediately swore in deputies and ordered all saloons clesee at once. " Sheriff Williams and his son Gof- eyo were arrested and ---- was m broughfs out of. e - ee ne pa ics fre. is said the deep tional "feeli ne exhibited by the sh the i b GPSS torn - Alexa is ties eagond wane rince of and yas of #3 ary PRINCESS VICTORIA OF Het According "to a Vienna cable de- spdtch, there Is a repor ay Bere that the Prince of Wales ehttr will marry Prince George of Greece, . Jily 6th, i868. rumored that the Princess probably becom | engared Baring, Baron Revelstoke. Prince Geo Greec e second sdén peeres F Last, year it yas] wow, Join to was appo General of the 'Enaian powers in Crete. He' is a sailor by training, anc made, as commander of the Greek fleet, a special Nae of the 0 lar in G Czar of enertht cat meas sons; wig gna Cok. ; ars. . th ' \)\ (y } / & tire : is 5 Meds te Here" He is Risen. Oh, - the? Yarkness of the valley# Where no Easter lilies grow ! - Oh, the shadows on the hillsides That no'angel voices know hy the mists, upon the rivers, "eo ' Ws d to theisea; +: ret. ign .or token... "phe earthh jereat " 7 Oh, the Fears still Rolling ot s\Vith their ney . roe With 'ft+henzieah Beez uthlene in the No trhumphané,: HH is fr Ringing ont in glad reftaiet ra On. the souls; uptemrore, » a ae be ' te | Oh: Esighing of thé Fo he rest they may no Oh, the frnits that are vot gt tiered ! Oh, the gpeds that are not sown ! Oh, the sheaves that might have "clus: tered ' Wherethe tares Alone have yrow n! Oh, the ations thut. were | i r Heard this story ee a >been ringing, de : fukemen ; wiost and Bro His rs ather's house again. she M: ister = what answer Him dea? | ve 'usury 72 "risen," s 8 no. plea ; ~ Eacter ties a the BER: . Hie = Sent ¥ ca? . d their fia On tlre bie Tf to us the' | a sweet eo like the' vmald 'Master's feet rd is risen, Se sweeter be precious lilies To His gardén o'er the sea ? '-@&irs. S. B. Herrick in ' Onward." EASTER 1} DAY. 'Christ is Risen!" The Songof The Children of Hope. Day of Resu tion! The day of victory ! ! Christ risen, and by His tresurrection, He gives us an ussur- i also. as we g@tood around the cross gazing upon our wounded, bleeding" Saviour, and re- membered lat our sins had nailed Him there, we thourht we coul ve no greater proof of Hills love for™us, no greater reason for loving Him: but to-day, behoiding Him with the eye of faith as the Conqueror' over Sg as the Son neianil of man from dige of ein, our hearts should be "filled with still pele thankful- ness, still greater love, because there 3 communicated Y and a higher life than would have been within our reach except as 3 the result of tTe- suTrec "Because | live, ye shall live also." Now, there are two thought® con- nected with «Easter, on ly dwell; lp us all, is risen ; "As Christ oF the or mth ie -Man's resurrection the pledge @nd assurance of our own. But there is another resurrection. for the Christian, fn prepnration for the final is a ris- wan- | them, tn@aett: 'ute ee -- Eo. A poet 'sighed for a new theme On which to write a lay The poet's wife for a now hat To wear on Easter The poet swore and tore sal belrs-- No theme came to his m And the poet's gic with se year's hat ae TFeigned to be © Hpsigned. _ & | to remain where we ~ but we must to draw near { idly rin oye ts, affex ge otto, ae above, not a of. the' eart rivthaat, life ie a risen life. sift, for us, and ® of His resarfection we ein, and walk with ot life, and, being ris- t us "now die no more OFFERING. vs bédAting e pretty wWish or verse Suttable "for the season. The list of silverware which may be used for this pifrpose is almost lnexhaustibie. - Button 400ks, g ove : fasteners, slloe horns, et brushes ; --in fact, any sniall ce of silver _ either toilet table: or desk may used, "One of the que for the filigree .silver from inches' im length to hold, one or ticles in sil- tollet tableésis a box of three to four and large enough two bundles~ef hair- newest | Cut-gl ass Spuff boxes, with 'the new cut, which runs diagonally instead of horizontally as- heretofore, are | quite a charming a xg oh this sea- son. ; Small chariots of b | hold a bunch of vi | #t,0r other sh } "tee among the no 8. 0 ases of Dresden" china, 'ay¥toothbrush [Pig s-ugly, well as orna,.cntal, less find their, Way to many so our vases and flowet bows while jardinier@. for are beautifultiy'd differ-* w are usé and will aoe the toilet tables of | debutantes " Roo are attractive, the Easter lly corated and of sliape totally ent from those of last year. White Jeather memorandum books, daintily bound and edged with sil- ver, are exesedingly attractive. Jap- anese gongs are quite new and very quaint. Fall vases of opalescent glass are most appropriate far the long- stemmed, graceful Easter lily, while there can be no gift quite so appro- priate or so highiy appreciated . by every one as the royal Fastey: lily itself EASTHR IN H UNGARY. Easter Monday a Fortynate Day for Marriages. Some of the most curious a observances prevail in Hungary, homerof dance and song. Miss J Frankel, a singer whe was heaf™h in opera last winter in PhiladeWfhia and other cities, gives an interest- ing account o& the strange customs her native lang. - @& whole, is n of Passion week, epost no sotiat --_ Its prom.- inggt ature is the pilgrimage to one "ome. the sacred shrines. Devout and and to the pil- poss bread and water sufficie serve from tibsolute exhaustion be- ing indulged dn. On Friday a life size im of the 'Chet is _sterien to the prin- a precession of Tere remains until by soldiers, who ee. the count eve the proces-- rong is 'giabtad: with tokems of ladness, somewhat similar te our. istmas, all the' windows having . wreaths Ofe flowers or lea ves, Une of hy dear drenched 'the vyietims are the they are pleased, as it brings luck, In t the cities the custom ha "gradually refined so that eentiendn b arm : themselves "avith bottles of colegne. This "'watering" Tite is sald to be known 'in no other country, and its _ \gtttution is ascribed to one of apostles. the rite' of ba Young ation Rtatints on Tues@ay, and the laughing swains often find themselves unexpeetedly drenched as they pass a house or d@rinking font. Easter Monday *s the Hungarians' favorite wedding day, as it is sw posed that 'it-is especially "Yfortunate for marring's, and the priests are usually kept busy that day. The. rest of the week Is filled with social gay- eties, and the quiet.of the. rigvrously observed Lent is fu'ly-atened for. Good Friday. The seaag Lge nly le scattered, Along the dusty street, And shrin : with {imi d os gl Trod down by careless fee My, % So late they waved in Benok Before him in the way, Now cast aside forgotten They wither .where they may. Hushed are the children's votees, In frightened groups they walt' mong the people crow * Ou the city's gate "Whale: "neath the cross-beam heavy wasted form bent low "The = of Sorrows" cometh, With weary steps and siow. Ah, weight of woe transcendiag--- I] human strength to Oh, heart-ache in whose eading, No earthly balm can 8 ion For thee the shroud of dart aoa Thy Father's hidden face, For us the glory shining Through all abounding grace. At that humiliation, So bitter in its p. "Behold earth's hea By anguish reut i Oh, a, of ow sin Laid on the sinless One, Golgotha's pn echoes, Tell how the deed tras done. Cold {s the' tomb's embracing, The mic 4s grim, he Hoy leth Within Pee 'att ows din.' The shrieking crovid is silent, Their blind rage satisfied, Since on this first Good Friday, Our Lord is eracified. - bosom. twain. \ Easter - Oddities China eggs adorned with Dewey' e yg thea Prett -- Amvatine a shield. Huge glass CEES containing tpinia- ture war shi made miniatures of U. roosters fastened to d entirely of céroalar S. naval and mal with little gilt chickens to Chatelaines arith, peacock feathers ornamentin White silk wa Lo made up to represent swans Aluminium-cov ered engage books with a rural scene om _ agement each en egg shells joined together "aa itt ribbon, each shell repre- senting a month of the year, the dates being printed with red ink. The Thorn and the Robin. The Saviour, bowed beneath the Cass, Tolled up the weary hill, While from his agonizing brow Ran many a crimson rill. . The wny Roman thrust him en W % unrelentin g hand, "Rill, Stageering slowly 'mid the crowd, 'We sank upon the sand. A little songubird hovering near, That immemorial! day, ttered 'hround and strove to wrench e Single thorn away. '" cruel spi ike impaled ge breast, Ls thus, 'tis sweetly The robin has his silver pi Incarnadined with red! Ah, Jesu! Jesu! Prince of Peace, My. .dolour and my s Reveal the lesson taught ty this Winged Ishmael of the skies, Bo in the 'palace of ee § y caverns. of despa Have -- no at from Thy @ear But Seated thgusands there! Newly vordined Paris. "It p Fouanred 6 German army "of, ap- ximately, 500, 000 A to -* Paris from Se ber 19th, 2 cr oun, 1870) Onl mainte ining force and properly haa: ae pee ita which few amount timated at from $: 10,000,000, to $59,- 000,000, and hence - afford to sell the land some rag the now obsolete Tortitioctdons of Haxvestion, "of wheat is in -progress -- in the upper and central provinees of : $,*and extending 1 it is is eerily a perversion of 7"