Atwood Bee, 22 Sep 1899, p. 4

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im - Something New Misc. STATIONER OUR STOCK WAS NEVER SO COM- PLETE. Fine Correspondence Note Paper with Envelopes to match, 25 sheets of paper and 26 envelopes for 20c. ae assortment of PADS of best quality paper, in all sixes, from 5c. 2 , An elegant line of Stationery in Boxes--15c., 20c., 25c. & 30ce. Just what you want. Be sure and see them. PEELE EEE PEEL . y Aecounts are pow 1eady and prompt settlement is requested as I must have the mouey. MEDICAL HALL, ATWOOD, ONT. Town @alk. READ our advertising columns, Mies Epwarps, of Mitchell, Sun- dayed in town. Now isthe time to plant your fall advertisements, Wun a man discovers that he is be- ing driven to despair he sheuld get out and walk. Next Tuesday and Wernesday are Fair days. Makean effurt to show something, : "Necessity knowns no law" Itis a law of nature that the blood must be . kept pure, aud Hvod's Sarsaparilla does it For SALE --A lady's Cleveland wheel forsale, Will be. sold at a bargain, Wheel in good order, 1848 model. Ap ply at this office for further particulars BAPTIST ANNIVERSARY.--The Bap- tist anniversary will be held next Sab- bath, 24th inst. Rev. Mr. Goodspeed, of MeMaster University, will preaeh at 3p.m. andat 730p.m. On Monday eyening a platform meeting will held in the church, at which Rev Mr. Goodspeed and others will speak. Special collections will be taken at both Sunday and Monday evening meetings in behalf of the church funds, The public are heartily invited, Just So.--If you expect to, conquer in a battle of to day, you have Ao blow sonr trumpet in a firm, determined way. If you toot your whistle only, and jay aside your horn, there is not a iving soul will know that you were ayer born. The man who owns his acre is the man who plows all day, and the inan who keeps a humming is the man who is there to stay. But the man who adyertises with a sort of sudden jerk, is the man who blames the printer man becanse it doesn't work, The man who gets the business uses lots of printers' ink--not a clatter, not splatter, but an ad.that makes yeu think--and plans his advertising as he plans his store and stock, and the future of his business is solid as a rock, Anm Fracturep.--Another acci- dent of a serious nature oeeurred in town on Saturday morning. At about 3a.m. Mrs. Jonn Roger was awakened by her brother, W. Ro Erskine, who de- sired wait on Mrs. Erskine who was ill, andinthe darkness of the sur- roundings and not fally wakened, she started from the gothic window for what she supposed was her bed- room to dress herself, bot instead stepped into the open stairway, falling to the bottom violently, fracturing one of the bones in her rigit arm above the wrist and otherwise bruising ber head and body severely, Mr. Roger carried her to her room and Dr. Langrill was summoned, whoset the broken bone and dressed the wounds. She might have been killed instamly, as she fell she escaped is a marvel to her§ friends who are acquainted with the sitnation she isimproving nicely and ina few days will be arennd again doubtless. This town appears to be' suffering an epidemic of serious accidents of fate. AFTER Weary WILLIES.--All the local magistrates have reevived a cir- cular from the Attorney General's de partment outlining anew policy that it is desirable should be put into "praetice in dealing with thags and meandering Mikes who infest the railway yards of eyery city, town and village. ~ Under the new system when these weary Wil- ies are gathered in. they are made ex- amples by being packed to the Centeral prison at Toroute for terms. Tte cir. enlar is as follows: "It Las been found upon investigation that most of the burglaries and other crimes of violence cominitted recently in the various parts of the province have been the work of tramps of the class usually found work- ing along the lines .of raifway and camping in the woods and barns on the outskirts of cities, towns and villages. It is deemed necessary that these men 'should be driven out of the province as scon as, possible, and that it is thought hy the department that the best way to bring about this result is for the magis trate before whorn these tramps are brought upon charges of vagrancy to impose the full term of imprisonment in the Central prison allowed by law. The practice. of giving them the option ef a fine or so many hours to clear ont af the municipality is producing very unsatisfactory results. You are re quested therefore upon any of these men being brought before yon to see Shut the law 1s strictly yigorousl J. A. MoBatn returned home from the West Wednesday night. Furs Mape Over.--Mrs. Harry Campbell begs to inform the ladies | of Atwood and vicinity that she is pre- ured to clean and make over furs, at reasonable prices. ady Miss Lizzie GRANAM returned home last week from atwo months' pleasant visit at Calgary, Woolsley, and other towns at the foot of the Rockies. Sine was called home to attend the sick bed ot her mother, whois dangerously ill the result of alarge carbuncle on the back of her neck, which is causing her friends much anxiety as wellas het physician. Tur biggest "trnst" in this conntry is the newspaper. It trosts almost every- body, and for that reason people like it Itis the only truston earth that is worked toalimit, andthe only trust where the proprietor gets the smallest share of the dividends. 'Those who are iu this trast at the proprietor's expense sometimes it seems ferl hurt and mad if we hint even that this paper needs something vesides air to keep it: inflat- d M. Ricuarpson, formerly of Elma, now ot Big Spring Creek Ransh, NOW T, sends us the following note: "Dar Eprron;--A young man from Nova Scotia, who isona trip around the world. turned up at this ranch the othes evening during a heavy rain and thun- der storm, being thirty miles or so out of his way, and having been lost on the prarve all the afternoon [le was per- suaded te stay aday orso, which he did, spending the time shooting, fish- ing and taking pictures of the beant ful Saskatchewan Valiev. After being puton the Swift) Current trail this young fellow,--Kailm Creelman by name, started en his long journey again, ANNIVERSARY TEA.--The annivers ary serviceheid in the Presvyterian ehurch Sunday Was of special interest. the congregations both morning and evening were large. The pulpit was occupied by the Rev, D. Drummond, M. A, B.D, of Knox church, St Thomas, a specially gifted young man, whose exceilent discourses were much appreciated. Lu the morning he spoke from 2nd Cer., Srd chap, in which are fouud te words, "Ye are our epistie written in our hearts, Known and read of all men" He maintained there were not only the gospels according to Mat- thew, Mark, Luke and John, but a fifth gospel --the gospel accerding to man, io you. It was this tifth gospel that the world looked to for the exem plifica- tion of the teachings of Christ. If this fifth gospel was not observed the others would be of httle avail. In the evening he preached from the 12th chapter of Judges, part of the 6th verse: "Theo they said unto him, say pow Shibboleth: and he suid Sibboleth: for he could not frame to pronounee it mght." 'The dis- abont twenty-feet head foremost: how | COUrSe Was a splet.did effortin which he developed a tine of thought novel and entertaining as well as eminently to the point, He touk up the course of amusy- meuts which some people condemned in Christians le matntamed that amusements did net characterize the participant in them; the individual rather characterized the amusement lhe amusements were not wroug in themselyes, it was the abuse we made of them,resulting from an impure mind ard a diseased and disordered wature Thespeaker was not disposed to place limitations on amusements, be plac- ed wore dependenee upon the forming of true Christian character, of right habits of thought and of life, which would in turn regulate the actions, which are goyerned from within, not from without, 'The tea-meeling on Monday evening was not so largely at tended as in former years owing doubt- less to the inclement weather. Never- theless there were a lot presentaud a very enjoyable evening was spent, The Indies did themselves justice in the bountiful spread of good things. After tea a program of music and addresses was given, in which the following par- ticipated: Addresses by Rev. Mr. Fear and Rey, .Mr. Farr, of Atwood, and Rev. Mr."Abrey, of Monkton, and an opening address by the pastor and chairman, Rey. Mr. MeLeod. Solos by Geo, Cocks, of Owen Sound, who is spending a fewdays with Atwood friends; Mr. Large; duets by Messrs. Jwarge and Cocks, an rs. D.G, An- derson and Mr. Large; while the choir rendered a number of selections of a very acceptable. character. The total receipts, including Sanday,s.collection, netted $164.40. A children's tea was y | held on 'Tuesday eve, which will brin CrossLey and Hunter will commence revival serviees in Stratford on Oct, Sth, next. ; ATTEND the Elma Fair next Tnes day and Wednesday, Sept. 26th and 27th. Grand concert on the evening of the 27th. Rev.sL H. Farr. B. A., will. preac harvest thanksgiving sermons at Miil- bank English ehurch next Sunday 2ith, at 11 am. and at 7.30 p mn. LitTLE Mipnie Berlet entertained about thirty of her vonng friends toa birthday party Thursday after- noon. They had a big time. A. C. Crosry, District Agent of the Imperial Life Ass. Co., Stratford, was in town Tnesday. D G Anderson is the local agent of the Company. .. 2 Don'? forget to eat on A. Rerlet, thé boot and shoe man, on Fair days--next Tuesday and Wednesday--aud inspect his big stock of heavy long boots and rabbers, adv In a letter received from Rev. Mr. Balt, of Kirkton, formerly of Atwood, we are pleased to note that he is able to be around again after his recent il! ness of typhwid fever. ' Whips, Collars, Heavy Harness or anything else in the harness line Parties having accounts with us long past due will please call and settle and save expeise. adv. THe annual meeting of the Perth Teachers' Association will be held in 'he Assembly Hall of the Collegiate In- stitute, Stratford, to-day and to-morrow, Sept. 2d 28rd Follewing isthe pro- gram: Friday. 10300 m.--Reading of minates ete ; President's address ; "On the teaching of drawing." by W. HL. Fletcher. Afternoon-- Address, "Edn- eation from a Practieal Standpotnt," R- W. Dillon, M. A.; address, "Uealth hints for the school room Dr Monteith; address, "Pronuneiation," Prof. William Clark, LL.D :reeeiving report of nem- inating committee, Saturday. 9.30 4m, --Address, "Reading." Joho Drarness 1 PS. for Middlesex : address, * Agri- eniture," G. Ko Mills, BLA. ; Disenssion and adoption of reports = Afternoen-- Address. "Education." Hon A.G Sey fert, U S. Consnl ; address, "Composi- tion." John Dearness Ov Friday eve Prof. Clark will give a lecture on "Books and Reading " St. ALRAN'S THANKSGIVING --The annual harvest thanksgiving service in connection with St Alten's ehareh, Atwood, was held on Friday evening tsth inst. Rev. Mr Farthing, of New St. Pant's echareh, Woodstock, con- ducted the service, presehing an elo- quent and appropriate sermon from the words, "A sower went out to sow." ete, found in the 13th. chapter of Matthew 8rd verse. There was a large eoigrega- tion present, the sealing capacity being taxed toits utmost. The ehurch war beautifully deeorated for the oceasion with the grains, fruit and flowers of the senson: indeed the ladies of St Alban's lend in the art of chureh decoration, The pulpit and choirrailing were liter- ally banked with flowers, besides a large floral anchor. the exeeation cf which must have filled many hours of tedious werk, Rococo work in straw covered the walls at intervals, inter- spersed with fonr mottoes worked ip grain. Over the chareel were the words, "The Lord of the llarvest," with an accompanying motte on either side, "Lord of the Harvest, all is Thine," and "The rains that fall, the suns that ehine," the two latter being selections from the 49thhymn in the Chureh hymnal, <Atthe rear of the church was this motto: "Thon crownest the year with Thy goodness" Among the rey. gentlemen present at the service .- Rey. Mr. Wright. «? Millbank; Mr. Miller, of Li fo vel; Revs McLeod, of a wood, ¢ Rev. Mr MeMillan, of Milverton, chor rendered good service, The lections netted $27.40. which will be ap- plied to the building of a chureh shed A harvest home dinner will be given by the eongregation in a few weeks, we understand. CRADIUS. Pripr--In Atwood.on the 16th inst., to Mr. and Mrs John Pride, a son. Erskine.--In Atwood, on the 16th jnst., to Mr.and Mrs. W. R, Ers- kine, a son. Before. Afr. "Hood's Phosphodine, The nglish. Remedy. cs id and ended by sk f druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Siz ' 7 ges to cure all forms of Sexual. Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six.$5. One will . siz wilicure, Pamphlets free to any address. Wood Com Windsor, Ons. ay" Wood's Phospi« dine seld in At- wood by J. A. Mitchel!, Dragzist. G.T.R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South, as follows : GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. Express 7.47 a.m. | Mixed 1.20 p.m. Mixed 10.20 a.m, Express 9,50 p.m. Atwood Dfaricét.~ Sp 1 Skewes Twenty Tons [Tamted ! Poultry Highest Market Price Paid for Choice Stock. Nice Dry Plucked UR Stock for the Fall of 1899 is complete. Don't fail to look through our new stock o Mantles! Mantles! It may save you money. We cam please you in Price, Quality and Style. r ' Call and see for yourselves and be convinced tbat we have in stock the most up-to-date, largest and best assorted stock of Dress Goods & Trimmings, Plain and Fancy Velvets, Braids, Silks, &c., to be found in this victnity. We also have in stock a nice range of Mantle cloths, Eiderdowns and Astrachan cloths with Fur Trimmings to match. A full hine of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. : Men's, Boys' | Readymade Clothing ! and Children's Prices right ! Don't forget that we have a com- plete stock of Long Boots & Shoes. AVE YOU_looked thrii Takes H GREE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE CProceriess A fresh and select stock of Groceries always on hand. 'Try our new Japan Tea, 4 lbs..for $1.00. Also sample our Grand Mogul and Blue Ribbon Tea. Wyjonk:on ULLARTON & ZIEMANN'S Hardware Store, in - "Monkton is now im full running order. A full line of Hardware and Tin- ware at Lowest Prices. If you want to Shingle or Side your House with Tin or Galvanized Iron or Ready Roofing we will quote prices that will Surprise You. re Se a ae a te vetroughing a Specialty. _ See our Stoves. Give us atrial, and see, that our Prices are Right. Eggs taken in trade. Fullarton & Ziemann, - Monkton, Ont. an ....WILL BE HELD IN.... Tuesday and Wednesday, . SEPT. 26 & 27,1899. PRRsst.ssusenese ete Bss.ssseuveea

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