VOL. 10. ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, OCT. 20, 1899. NO. 40. Tbe a -- 'ast eulogized. A aap for LEY-GARRETSON CO., Bog or: a C. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of Perth, Monkton, Ont. Rates moderate, For particulars ap- ply at this office. eneey y Sheep. TRAYED on the premises of the undersigned, lot 18. con. 17, El- & ma, on or about the 16th Sept, 1899, two aie gies two 'lambs. The owner is req prove property, pay phecear, pe take t 'hen away. HENRY arte onkton P.O, Horse Clipping, J.A. Roe, V.S., and W. T. Thompson, TWOOD. bave purchased a Chi- cago Horse Clipper and are prepared to clip horses at rea- sonable prices. First-class work guar- anteed. 39 410 a ag gehtrcgea quay pos Send eo ore one eRe. d show you how BRADLEY-GARRETSON Co., Limi Bractford. Tenders fc for Drain. from Townline between Etice and Elma, thence northerly through Elma. Tenders to state price per rod orgard. Name securities. The lowest omany tender not ecessarily accepted sy ortee specifications &c., can be seen at Gct. 18th, 1899, T. FOLLARTON, Clerk, Atwood P.O. RAILWAY CRAND TRUNK 2y'stem HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS To Muskoka Lakes, Bala, Beaumaris, Foot's Bay, Hamil's Point, Blackstone, Moon Riyer Dia, Eetwcod, Port Cockburn, M burton inclusive. All points Severn to North Bay inclusive. And ou C, P. R., Havelock to Sharbot Lake Je. inclus- ve, also Kippewa and Temiskaming via North Bay, Mattawa to Nepigon aud Spanish inclusive. Return tickets at first-class Single 4 q c q J i December 18th, 1899 (or earlier eet Reis Muskoka Lakes, or Lake o if nayigatiou closes. before Dee. 13t 1620) fromm all erage 4s foliow- ing district B d West in Stop over will be allowed at all points Severn and North. an's gun and 200 pounds of Fi ort outfit' aiing free. es On Saturday, t. 28th, > opens steamer wili seaiee Be Muskoka Wharf a 7 a.m., for all poiuts on the Moskak Lakes. Stea er Parry Sou r District, after acrival of evening 'rains from the South. For fishing ages hunting Guide Books and m the District apply to Agents ofthe Grand Truk aay System . C, DICKSON, D.P.A., - TOROETO. J. G. HEYD, 3199-9 GTR, Agent; Arwoop ' genoa Sang out"Gee Crickets | Looky here ! MATILDYT'S BEAU. E oughter have expected it, she's most eighteen, yer see ; But, sakes alive | she's always seemed a baby, like, ter me ; And so, a feller after her, why, that jest did beat all | sna t' cther Sunday, bless yer soul, he come around ter call, And when I see him all dressed up as dandy as you please, But corter lookin' 's if he had the shivers in his knees, I kinder realized it then, yer might say, like a blow, Thinks I, 'No use ! I'm gittin' old ; Matildy's got a beau.' J st twenty-four short years gone by,--it don't seem five, I vow !-- I fust called on Matildy--that's Matildy's mother now ; I recollect I spent an hour a-tyin' my cravat, And I'd sentjup ter town and-bought a bang up shiny hat, And, my ! Oh, my | them new plaid pants : well, wa'nt I something grand When I came up the walk with some fresh posies in my band ? And didn't I feel like a foul wheu her young brother, Joe, Here comes Matildy's beau !" And now another feller comes up my walk, jest as gay, And here Matildy blushin' red in jest her mother's way ; And when she says she's got ter go an errand to the store, We know he's waitin' round the bend, jest as I've done afore ; Or when they're in the parlor, and 1 knock, why, bless yer heart ! I have ter smile ter hear how quick their chairs are shoved apart, They think us old folks don't catch on a single mite ; but, sho ! I reckon they forgit I was Matiidy's mother's beau, Srditorial Comment. A THOUSAND Canadian troops will be despatched to South Africa on the 81st inst., as atoken of Canada's loyalty to the Empire. What's the matter with Canada ? Canada is, all right! Shonid the fate of the Empire hang in the balance, Canada will not be found wanting. Anyway, you need never neyer fear, our Daddy Bull's the en- a. to | gineer, *,* Ir is the sacrifice the individual makes for his country that stimulates his patriotism, and what is true of the individual is true of 'colonies, The spontaneous offer of troops from all parts of the Empire affords the world an object lesson of Britain's solidarity and perfect harmony. In, the justice of ber cause and in the serenity of her power Great Britain has nothing to fear in South Africa. *,* THE total white nopulatiala» of the whole of South Africa is approximate- ly 820,000 of which 432,000 nsay be class- ed as Dutch and 388,000 as English, in sympathy, at any rate, if not by birth. The populations are distributed as fol- lows: 'Transvaal, 850,000 natives, 260,- 000 white; Cape Colony (British), 1,- 6U0,000 natives, 400,000 whites; Basuto- land, which lies on the border of the Orange Free State, there are 250,000 natives, and barely 600 whites; Rhode- sia (British), 1,000,000 natives, 6,000} Ca natives, 500 whites; Beauchanuland (British), 250,000 natives, 2,000 whites; Natal (British), 530,000 natives, 50,000 whites; Orange Free State, 200,000 natives, 80,000 whites. From these figures it will be observed that there are 6,590,000 natives against 820,000 whites, Dutch and English, in South Africa. How far will Kruger's call to arms tothe Africanders generally to drive out the Whites be responded to? How do the South African black and colored races stand in the struggle? It is undoubtedly trie that they both hate | the Duteh and fear the English. They persecution and cruelty to the black races, reducing them to acondition of semi-slayery. These subject races would long-ere this have swept away the Duteh but for the fear of the power of Great Britain. Now, then, on which _ | Side is this native black element to de clare itself; willit take part at once with Kruger or stand and wait to see iow the ball is to be set a-rolling! . If the Boers meet with reverses, it is pos- sible that the entire Black element may rise and massacre the Boers wherever they find them, a massacre to satisfy the revenge which lurks in the hearts of the black man when herecalls the ignominy he has had to endure at the hands of therelentless aid haughty Boers. Such are sofhe of the complica- tions of the situation in South Africa, Asa whole, there are four times as many blacksas whites there, but this disparity in number is entirely destroy- ed by the superior armaments and dis- cipline of the whites as soldiers. As the war proceeds, the Boers wiil dis- cover that the impending conflict will be no "Majuba Hill" scrimmage. Uiti- ed and heroic, whites; British Central Africa, 858,000) hate the Dutch Boer or accouut of his- mately, though resistance may be dogg- | ! the Boers will have to) > oo, TimoTuy EATon has offered to sub- scribe one-third of $80,000 if Trinity Methodist church, Toronto, agrees to raise that sum towards the 20th Cen- tury Fund. In addition he offers $1.000 each to the missionary and education funds.--Exchange. We suspect the good Lord would better. appreciate Timotby's philanthropic impulse were he to divide his proffered $12,000 among the poor clerks in his big sweat shop on Yonge-st.. There are too many men of Timothy Eaton's calibre in this world who give to the church occasion- ally to ease their conscience aud sqtiure themselves with public opinion. - More- oyer, itis a great advertising hit, eh, Timothy ? ** PRESIDENT KrvuGeR ina cable des- patch to the N, Y. World says : "War is certain. The republics are determined that if they must woe an to Engiand a price will be paid whic will stagyer humanity " John Bull's rejoinder is weli illus- trated by Sir John Tenniel's cartoon in this week's Punch : "As you will fight, you shall have it this time. Itis a fight to the finish." Setting the words to action, Great Britain has mobilized 85,000 troops to serve in South Africa, the largest num- ber mustered for foreign service since the battle of Waterloo, inthe history of the Empire, The Dutch must be cleaned out, from the Cape to the Zambesi River. * *,* THE Hon. A.S. Harpy, Premier of Ontario, has -retired~from office as Premier and Attorney-General and as @ member of the Legislative Assembly, and his resignation bas been accepted |; by His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor. The Hon. Geo. W. Ross has been sworn in as Premier and has assumed the dut- ies of the office. J. R. Stratton, M.P.P., will be called to the Cabinet to fill the vacancy caused by Mr, Hardy's retire- ment} The Government will be reor- ganized. "Because of ill-health," says the Globe, "the Premier has retired, and Mr. Ross has become the fifth First Minister of the Province since Confed- eration, and the fourth since the form- ation of the present Liberal Adminis- tratiou by Edward Blake in December, 1871, Mr. Hardy has been a member of the Legislature for over twenty-six years, a member of the Government for over twenty-two years, and Premier since Sir Oliver Mowat's withdrawal in July, 1896. Mr, Ross, who became Miuister of Education in November, 1883, had a distinguished Parliament- ary career at Ottuwa before entering the Provincial arena. He was first elected to the Commons in 1872, and sat there until 1883," ** Ir is not. generally known that Mr. Dooley attended the Dreyfus trial, but such is the fact. Amoug the evidence given that of General Mercier appears to have impressed him most : "It was about this time or some years later,' continues Gin-ral erceer, 'that { received iv'dince ar th' Cap's -- ANG, made it mesilf. It was ePongengy ts ten be me frin' sh Cams $3 B Gans grocer askin' f'r a pound iv sausage an' a ee Ee was HS Pea at un' sicond place ees, 225in roots aud ¥ n if not indeed | youd letther was not in his bandwritin', but in th' handwritin' iv Col Pat th' Clam Thin agin I wrote th' iotthor mesilf. Thin who cud 've written it ? It mule r' as they Abeohya Sin-ral Alger ; third, th' maurredge of Prince Lobengula ; fourth, th' scarcity iv earvant girls in th' sooburban town ; . fifth, th' iv gas." (Criesiv'A A base th' price iv gas !") '1 thank th' aujence." Grey. Mrs, 8. Crosby and son Ge have been visiting her brother, Denman, for the past two ese returned to their home in Sarnia. cae 160 acre farm of John Hill, 10th has been sold to Mr. Armstrong, of "Waw anosh, for the sum of $7,000. is a fine farm und the purchaser will n fo doubt do weil. John Stewart the well known shee Ex---Reeve Thos. Strachan, who has gone into dairying quite extensively, bus decided to cease from that line so will sell his ten milch cows, also a fiue Durham bull, at James Jacksou's auc- tion sale, 3rd con.,on Tuesday, Oct. 17th, Brussels. The apple market has gone to pieces, W. ok "ee keeps piling up the pri took 6u at Brusseis Fair, 28 at Gorrie, 27 at Blyth, and 35 at Atwood, one A. Creighton has been appoint- ed 'Tax Collector - Brussels for 1899, at a salary of $40. Fair NOores. -- a Fair this year was a record break - There /were 67 entries in light horses: 47 in 100 in tables, thoro'bred cattle Milne, and K. Corley had large exhibits. An- drew Hislop, 'I', Strachan, Oumeron Bros,' Jas. Speir ear Calder were al- 6¢ prize winuers, G. man took prizes in Jerseys. ie Sanderson, Waiter Jobuson, J.8. Cowan and Jas Snell touk the awards in te shea. For Shropshires Jno, Smith . Webber cone eyery- ane and in Oxtords J, W. Smith ar P. Reid took the tick Fe ae ets. Berkshire vies went to. J. 8. Cowan, of Elma, sud 38.3. Miller; in Yorks RB. Nichol, 8. J. Miller; Jno, Litue and J. 5S. Cowan were in it; in Chester whites W.H. H. McCutcheon, R. Nichol, A. Qak- ley aud Jas. Speir. in poultry W. Car- ter, C. Henderson & Son, J. Brethour, Walter Taylor, Gev, Irwin headed the list with a pumber of fine birds shown by others. Scott & Warwick and Ziuu were the largest exhibitors 'in light horses....The attractions "io uo heavy horses, 55 in sheep, rge Grey. prizes. There were two heats. The boy's race was-won---by~Eddie Lowry, Juo. Me- Donald, Walter Williamson and Fin. seott. Girl's-race, Aunie McUalium Mildred Scott, Kate 'Telfer and Pearl Lowry. Men's 1U0 yard race had 4 en- trieg, the winners were D, M. Scott and Joe. Hamilton who divided ist aud 2ud money, each winning a ---- Old man's race, Couucillor Geo, Jackson, W. H, McCracken, Lady hiteling up and driving, ist Miss alice Dale, Hullett; 2ud, Mis, S. Love, Morris; 8rd, Mra. A Coates; 4tb, Miss 'Sarah McCallum, Mc Killop. Mrs. Love harnessed and bitch- ed first but her equine was passed by Miss Dale on the home stretch, Speed- ing events were won as follows: Farm- ers' half mile trot, J. McMann. Jno, Currie atid J. Dennison; 3 minute race, Geo. Whitley, Jas, Anderson and Mulvey; Open race, Geo. Whitley and J. R. Stretton.... Comfort soap race was the event of the day. The enter- prising Company who manufacture this well knowo mn | Messrs, Pugsiey, Dingman & Co., uto, generously devuted 8 prizes' for: 4 ge race, the competitors to run 80 yards, picking up a bar of Comfort Soup every 10 yards) and carrying the same in aprons sup-| plied by the firm, There were ten en- tries and the prizes were awarded as follows: Gold watch, Edith Jackson, Morris; silver watch, Dora Simpson, Jamestown; clock, Kate Mullen, Grey; opera gi Mabel Watson, Suvshine; impson; eran was one of the novelties ot the Fair. [t manufactures the article direct from the mijk in less than a minute, good butter too, The machine is made in Sweden and the Canadian agent is Emanuel Qhien, of Montreal. rico gd -- a: ome: Fi wtnreseies | sicond, th' risignation iv| W PERTH COUNTY NEWS. | a Wm. Henry of the &. T. R. 7" staff, Listowel, was married Oct. 5, i Holateln, to Miss Maud Taylor, Llsto- H. T. Butler, late of Chesley, ana formerly of Stratford, has purchased the Napiuka Standard, and will ron it as a Conservative weekly. Napinka is & thriving little town in Manitoba. John Morris has made a sale of 75 acre farm just ouside of Stratford, on the St. Marys to Geo. Reaney, who lately came to Stratford to ive, ®| from Downie township. Price, $5,000. J. Barley has sold his Mitchell prop- erty to Mr. Oliver, of Staffa, for the sum of $1,400. Mr, Holland' has --_ his property in the west ward to Levy, of Hibbert, who is moving into wn. A combined churn and butter work- er has been placed tn the Stratford Fal- staff creamery, This is the first ma- chine of the kind operating in Canada, and this creamery expects to do a large trade in the butter here this winter, The machinery was placed in build- ing-by Nelson Buzzell, of Quebe Geo. Bender, of Wallace towaship, laid information against Andrew Gab- le, of Minto, for forging a note on him for $30.50, on August 12th, 1897. The case was heard before the magistrate at Palmerston some time ago, and the accused was committed for trial. The tinal trial is now in progress at Guelpb. An interesting service was conducted on Sunday, Oct, 8th, at Knox church, Listowel, being the ordination of elders. The reguiar ordination service was con- ducted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Hardie, and the foaeioe gentiemen were or- dained elders of the Presbyterian church ; Messrs. Robt, Curtis, Robert d: Gray, Andrew : hae Robt, Stod- ee and Geo, Strath During the year ending Sept. 80ti last there were 96 prisoners comm to Stratford pall, hy? being males and females. 11 men/and 4 women were of unsound ainsi. The greatest num- ber in jail at any onettime was 18 males and 8 females and theleast number was onemale The expenditure: for clothing, fuel, ete., was $660 78, offieers'" salaries $1,425, repairs $126 ; lesen a total fer the year of $2211 88 NEWS oF THE WEEK,. Prairie fires have done great dansaigie®: in Dauphin district, Manitoba. A heavy storm of snow and sieet'ten*' reported in the Northwest Territories" It is reported that the Poorman mise: near Nelson, has been sold to an Eiig-" H., | lish company for $215,000. Every unkind treatment to the cow polons the milk--even talking unkiné- to her. Middleton, the Woodstock bicamist, is acting as organist of the--Protestaat , | Chapel at the Kingston Penitentiary, After seeing the wife a New Jersey jury brought ina verdict of $25 dam- ages for thealienation of heraffections; The suit was brought for $10 a The Prince of Wales: got rid of $Y pounds of his too solid flesh.at Marien- bad this year, He weighed 287 pounds before taking the baths and 207 when he got through, Teacher Now. Willie, what did Hobson do ?" Willie--*"sSpoiled my sister's chances Of marrying Mr, Finsh. He wouldn't have nothing more to do with her after she kissed the navy guy." A new railroad is to cross the Holy Land. The put upon the market, so itis said, until the line is completed as far as Nazareth. The road willran from Hafia, a seapost town 75 miles south of Beirut, tu Da- mascus, a distance of 142 wiles, and the project includes an extension to Lag- dad and the Persian Gulf. New York, Oct. 17.--The topmast of the cup challenger Shamrock carried way 2) minutes after the big single Capkers had cr the starting line "Heday and her enormous cluv topsiil, with its 3,000 feet of canvas, came rat- tilng down on the deck, leaving her a hopeless cripple. Noamountof pluck and courage could face such a catas- trophe, and Captain Hogarth immed- iately abandoned the race, towing duck to the anchorage, when he had cleared away the wreckage. The Columui continued over the course aloue, plac- ing to her credit the second of the races for the America's Cup,, The English yacht has been allowed ohne day for re- pairs, aud the third race will, be run over the course Thursday, 19th iust. "If the Cap Fits, Wear It."" Tf you are suffering from the conse. quences of impure biood,--have boils, pimples or scrofula sores; if your food does not digest or you suffer tréin ca- tarrh or rheumatism, you are the one who should @ Hood's Sarsdparilla. what will fit your case exactly, make your purevand cure salt rheum, scrofu }| la, rheumatism, Gyspepsia, eatarrh, aud - gives you perfect health. " Hoan' Ss pills cure all liver ills. Nou- 'irritating.