Atwood Bee, 20 Oct 1899, p. 2

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by ebay SE a peng by D Dotan dney Pills. Sharbot Lake, Oct. 16.--It wag with teoex the captivity of sees For years had bee: n in 'the of the line Bie apts caused by Gravel and other forms of Kid- ney Disease. sg twenty bel oven Pe' he had been garde escape no Meth left C nitilbas The prison is is psn with aren ot the ke his hands for ten pect and he cig knew. 7 The key was Dodd's Kidne Doave K Kidney Pills were given to years then uma » Heart 'der and Urinary Complaints, Woma.. Weakness and Blood Disorders. If Mr. Babeock known he might have been liberated ago. . "But better poked -- never," runs Babcock Peat. ck cag. Troe: ws esca; rom e Stitches of Toney Apcagyi rae He Says: i aha Bh ap oe fe years 'of gots, cal op Gravel and Pagcrrs' Kidney Trouble, am pleased to make -. known that John Nicholas Babcock," MORE BACHBLORS "THAN MAIDS. Unmarried Men are. More Numerous Than are Single Women. It appears that people generally are greatly mistaken in their notion that re is an enormous surplus of. un- married women in this Resim ae truth is that no such e of s sters exists: in fact, it. et anite. the sage way; the wre outnumber- the maidens. At the p t mo- = there are in the United States 2,200,000 more. unattached males than a similarly Situated, the s being 5,427,767 baclie- 4 spin mingly, is a general mi- gra 760 ot a spinsters from the north pa ten available mates for every maid. From the last remark, however, it must not be inferred that there is actually an excess of unmarried wo. men the Northern and Eastern States. Even in those parts of the country there are more padhe- lors than spinsters, 20 years old and ip nogwithetandine the theory contrary so widely accepted. No State in the Union has as many dens as bachelors--not even Mas- r spinsters, -- pe ry = by only two- f Next Ri bachelors is 2 per cent. The excess of bachelors in the District of Colum- 8 per cent., in North Carolina 9 per cent., in New Hampshire 9 per cent., in Connecticut 20 per cent. - in Maine 37 per cent., and in Vermont 64 per sig In Maryland the bache- lor surplus is 19 per cent, in ded gag it ls 22 per cent., in New t is 26-per cent., is 22 per cent. B. B. B. Bright, Black and Brilliant Shine Is what ENGLISH ARMY BLACKING will give you. Try it. Why He Stepped. " How far back on the family tree did he trace his lineage ?" "To the third limb "Why did he stop there?" " His t-gr grandfather wae C8, dangling on it. Cleveland Plain- Dealer. Miuard s Liniment the Luamberman's Friend The Longest Trolley Road. H. A. Haigh and S. S. Angus, of Detroit, Mich. have completed ar- rangements for a new tig road from Ohio, to Buffalo, N. Y., bear will be the |} road of its rom to Nor- h is already nee y Decem expected t '4 the soars jing will be in operation by the middie of June next year. If your child is pale, does Mer jaa not thrive, a dose Miller of 'a. Worm Powders occasionally will cure. The difference bere a Fgh and a is most remote an till the elghinad pie rats in sent form, teen century e ary these are imitations, generally in " eee. of the old Florentine and Ge the last century that the machin- ery make paper in long strips was invented. -Up to that time thom pied were printed on smal jeces of handmade paper On this persed: tions, such as tapestry, leather and paper cloth. A work printed in London in 1744 throws some po atl on the use of wall- papers of that time: 'The meth- od of printing wallpapers of the bet- sort probably the same now that it has ever been. Wooden blocks, with the design cut o: ee tempera taken to the right place, so that the various || colors may ' register' to- gether. In order to suit the pro- Siotions of the paper mills, these blocks are made in England twenty- and Be he ce or get wide. length of the block is limited to alin the workman can easily lift ee one hand--two feet the limit. as the beds 39 are Heoeetely Lean and in many cases hea- vier by being inkaid with copper, a ge the thin reg re if made of wood, 1d -n: 'the wear and tear of ite Quicker than the Quickest Is the way the shine comes if you use ENGLISE ARMY BLACKING No labor to produce a polish that will please you. . To Chan Straw Hats. Straw hats which have lost their rg freshness may easily be re- tored to favor at home without the neoedadey of' a trip to the bleavher. Dissolve five cents' worth of oxalic scrub briskly with an old tooth or nals brush. well with cold ater to remove every bit.of the aol, which -- otherwise eat the out in the bright bh: dry, i ronites care to still eep it in a flat condition. Ask for Minard! 8 aid take no other What a Compliment Cost La Fayette At Lamarque"s funera! in Paris the crowd took out Gen, La Fayette's horses as the famous soldier was re- turning home from the service and drew his carriage to his hotel with many evidences of enthusiastic love and admiration. The scene' was a stirring one, and a friend in referring to it some weeks afterward said: * You must have been 'very much pleased." La. Fayette looked at him for-a moment In pelts and then said with a whimsica 3 es, I was very much tet Syed much pleased, indeed. But I never saw anything more of my horses, my dear friend!" Miller's > noag 4ron Pills, only 25 cents for 50 dose Iron in Bilba. The little island of Elba, once cele- brated as the temporary ablding place of the great Napoleon, has recent} come into prominer ace in a new. way. Years ago deposits of iron we covered on tie island, but the mines ; been up the whole island is alive with hum of industry: TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. ruggists refund Ee money if it falls to cure. 25c. E. W. ature is on each box Double-Breasted Effects. One's head, where dress is concern- - Grove's cae of beauty both in shapes and gamiture of the outer gay "od for the fall and winter of " Why not use the best When just as cheap ? p ENGLISH ARMY BLACKING oo asa sthes end lasts longer than any rrhozone--ozonated: a: a guaranteed cure for Sekaseis 'h, Bron- chitis, Asthma and Hay Fever. It cures by inhalation. No danger or risk ; cures these diseases through the air you. breathe, impregnated by nature's own ant/septic. Catarrhozone at once kills the bacilli.of these dis- eases, br such relief to the suf- eh as can be obtained in no other Res the first time in the history of medicine, a remedy and treatment for the cure of these suere: * rsed by the medical profession, has been given to the abil Hundreds of patent medicines have been advertised, but nev or before has the fegitimate physi- cian 'in good standing sanctioned and recommended the use of any remedy for these d eS. Catarrhozone treatment is univers- ally acknowledged to be the only one by which the diseased parts of the head, throat and lungs can be reached, and it never fails to effect a. per- manent and lasting cure. Catarrhozone outfit consisting of a pewgercts nd oe rubber inhaler, d apted to nasal inhela- or at all druggists, or direct by mail. ore 10c. in stamps to N. C. Polson & Co., Mfg. Chemists., for sample out- fit, Box 514, Kingston, Ont. Didn't Want Book Learning. When walking in a hay field one afternoon with her husband, Lady Warwick noticed a ight boy of 10 OR "i helping = oo load the " Does our boy at- tena Maiioo! ?" was vA y Warwick's pertinent question. and, o a fe s Whine has asked Lady Warwick in concern. scornful reply,. " ohn amart lad--he'll be of some use on the farm, he: will" There is more Catarrh in this sec- tion of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few venta was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a loca] disease, rescribed local remedies, ce to be a constitutional disease,- therefore requ constitutional treatment. Hall's 7 aperth Seo manufactured by Cheney &Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the mild constitutional cure on a arket. t is | - ternally in douse from 10 dsops to ul. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one bundred dol- lars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, Cheney & Co., To- Sold by druggista, 75c. Hall's Family. Pills are the= best. Didn't Prove it. "Don't talk like a fool, Joshua," said Mrs. Harix; 'to hear. you tell it folks would be thinkin' I asked you to marry me, and goodness knows I never ran after you for a minute in my "Well, I hain't sayin' you run ar- nobow. I reckon the trap never runs after the mouse, neither, but some- how it 'peers to gather him in just the same," wil efve you. Try it. Dear Sirs,--This is to certify that I have been troubled with a lame back for ae omer I have used three bottles of your MINARD'S LINIMENT and am com- pletely cured, Tt gives me great pleasure to recom- mend it, and yon are at liberty to use this In any way Bp 2 ene ehee the use of your valuable Two Rivers. Robert Rosa Two pcre to Tell Time By. ~ Queen Victoria has two beautiful little wale. watches that are suppos- 100 years old. They. have dials, ro are about the size one by an ig about twice as dinary man's watch. girl who, when she a will thrust all of her less conspicuo do 80. This girl wil! finally yr Pile She obit. gation, but she will do so at her : ly be the gee who the ill " will guffer all sorts of little veniences be- cause of the unusual demand made upon her purse, bas pride carr ae menticaing it . she just suffers in ence. The girl even with an almost ey! itless income should be taught to know that she isone of the fortu- nate few, that perhaps her girl as- sociates must be as careful of their pennies as she is of her dollars, and that without show or any indication of patronage she should always meet and never neglect any opligation-- Chicago Chronicle. Gold Was Found In the discovery of so wonderful a remedy as Nerviline--nerve-pain cure. No remedy in the market affords such prompt relief for toothache, neural- gia and rheumatism. Its action [auipe. colic, etc., is simply marvel- jous. Lunacy in Scotland. The 4ist annual re rt of the Gen- eral Board cf Commissioners in Lun- acy for Scotland, being for the year 1898, was issued recently as a Parlia- mentary Blue Book. The number of lunatics in Scotland of which the Commissioners had oo on the 1st of January of t resent year was 15,899, of vehioh 7233 were males 'and 8,166 females. Of 'the total num- der females, Of the 2,315 private cases of lunacy, 1,086 were majes and-1,259 females. Forty-eight lunatics were maintained at the expense of the State. Ladies! Take Miller's Compound Iron Pills you would have nice, clear complexions. ager Beaded aoe The bla gatin ba aid to be the = betes ot old aay hood. According- ful chatelaine supplants bags car on the elbow. Both leave the hands free. The flat-sided shape of the chate- laine bag is covered with beads, croch- --_ or knitted strongly together: on The iettec all-black bag is far hand- fomer ana more stylish. It is mount- "ai gup- aneeet silver or imitation Stier's Grip Powders cure. The Milky Way. "The 'ither day," said the janitor philosopher, "a mon wuz told topaint thase steps erik sala Th' next day th' own an' fown' thim painted a aight blue. I don't blame th' poor painter. He hod bin to th' mi milk we git in St. Louis," ENGLISH ARMY BLACKING Contains pure Neatsfoot oil. That is the reason it keeps the leather soft and pliable. One for the Boys. If the power to aphens hard work isnot a" peers ei = the best possible sub- atitute f ea don' turn' up in bey world until somebody turns thenr A pound of pluck is worth a ton oO Iuck. Luck is an ignis fatuus.. You may follow it to ruin, but never to success.. A. feld. A dose of Miller's Worm Powders occasionally will keep the children healthy. Mexican Bees Not a a , Busy Lot. necessity pa wy for laying in a win-| ter's store of honey and the bee hi therefore, very lazy. Keep Minard's Tiniment in the House. English | Used in | in Maltese Courts, wonderfully relieved and tile itself ti hea prolonged. tare these rem Freak air, proper food aad Scoir's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with H; phosphites. Be afraid of draughts but not of fresh air. Eat nutritious food and drink plenty of milk. Do not fo that Scott's Emulsion is weak throats, weak lungs and consumption in all its stages. 3 SCOTT'S BOWNE, Chests Porente, GRAND TRUN Thanksgiving Day Oct. 19th, 1899 SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE FOR ROUND TRIP. Tickets valid wolng \ Oct. 18th and 19th. ba for return lea nation on or before 23rd. Between all stations in Canada pike and ftom Detroit and Port Huron, Fert Cov- ington to Messina Sernees inclusive, pr to statior gon Central Vermont in Vermont, up to and including Buriisgton: alxo to but not from Buffalo, Bluck Rock, Niagara Falls aud Suapension B 3ridge, N. For full sabes eee 'Time patie. eens Oar Berths, a apply t Passe ct 5 pe es Stuart sureats on, M,C. DICKSON. District Passe: nger Agent. -- RAILWAY SYSTEM th. EK. , James caer Garth vn Great rEXE Remed HIRST" '5 PAIN EX ERIINATOR. Worth its in gold, for... Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Pain 4 Limbs, Joints, Side or Back, Sprains, and bruises, weight on better for : " Se failed to re- i lieve a in in its most acute, form, during the last quarter of a century. Sold i aildealers at 25 cents a bottle, . fj The F.F, Dalley Co., Limited Hamilton, Toronto and Montreal. Jrink, ure, W ache tg eee i Aly or athe, for 25c, NORCO is equal to 40c coffee, --For Sale by all Grocers or send 10c for }-lb kage tothe ickiss M se te Queen E, to rontes Agents wanted eae rere Bakers TS coe" which protects it from impurities bound to arise from 'the frequent. handling of the naked THE E. B. EDDY CO. {Lonrep. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Hull, . | Branches and agencies in all the principa'

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