masters, For that ailing Horse, Cow, Pig, for Sheep and Poultry that are out of condition there is nothing for a Tonic and Blood Purifier equal to Mitchell's Condition Powder This preparation for stock is used by-a | of this distriet, all of whom recommend. it hi ge number of the leading farmers bly. Ask your neighbor about it. 25c, a Paekage, or 5 Packages for $1.00. T. A. MITCHELL, MEDICAL HALL, ATWOOD, ONT. Gown Talk. THE roads are fast breaking up. Rev. Mk Farris spending Thanks- giving with Durham relatives. Mrs, Jas. SrHUTHERS is visiting re Jatives at Anderson, near St. Marys. Epwarkp Hance has moved into the house recently vacated by L. Longe- way. Rev. GRAwAM, of Carlingford, ex- changed pulpits with Rev. Mr. Me- Leod Sunday. Rrv. J. H. MoBatn, B. A., of Ridge- way, was'in town this week, the guest of his parents. Mrs. W.D. MITCHELL, Miss Belle and Marion ape the past week with Wm. Mitchell, in McKillop township, Miss JENNIE MURRAY has returned home after spending a few weeks with her uncle, James Dickson, of Donegal. "Ros Peter to pay Paul." That is what they do whe take stimulants for weak nerves. Hood's Sarsaparilla gives true nerve strength. May Lose unis Sicnt.--While Jas, Ferguson was engaged shoemaking on Monday last, a steel tack he was driv- ing flew into his right eye, penetrating: the sight. He has net been able to see out of it since and the Dr. fears the sight may never return. It is a serious -agnitient indeed, oi Mien Berpyoo at the sympathy of higsfriends in his mig- fortune. ; Two HANDSOME GIFTs.-- Without doubt the publishers of the Famil Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, have this year excelled themselves. The two pictures, "Battle of Alma," colours, and "Pussy. Willows," are now being distributed to subscribers, and we must say they are mort attractive. The publishers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star know no limit in Im proving that great paper to please its readers. That wouderfal paper, in- eluding both the pictures for ove dollar a year is certainly a record breaker, and eyery home in Canada should take ad- vantage of it. Be Reapy.--Physic should be thrown to the dogs, but there are cer. tain "househoid remedies" and "first aids to the injured" that should al ways be re for use. Marion Har- land explains just what they are in the ofthe four yolumes "Health Topics" presented to each subscriber who takes advantage of the clubbing offer for 1900 ot The Weekly Globe, which bas been for 5d years, and is now, Canada's leading family news- paper, from now to January 1, 1901, for one dollar, and Marion Harland's latest book "Bits of Common Sense," four volumes. Sent free; postage prepaid. Or Tue BEE and Globe, ete., from now till Jan. 1, 1901, for $2.00 in advance, A BURPRISE INDEED.--We notice in the"Kamuy Herald aud Weekly Star" this week, that the publishers of that great paper are this season giving all subscribeis, new and renewel, no less than two beautiful pictures, instead of , The pictures represent "War" and "Peace There are the famous battle picture, "Alma." in colours, and a sweetly prevty picture entitled "Pussy Willows." 'Tu think of such an offer mukes one think itcan be done. The "Family Herdid an eekly Star" contains 24 pag cofumns every issue, eqnal to a book of 884 pages each week. The great paper of Canada an two beautiful pictures all for one dollar! How is it possible. Itis the talk of the whole country. vost at MeKoy's grocery, viatts and dashboard of MELVYN GRAHAM, of Hamilton, ate his Thanksgiving turkey at home. Ir is said that partridge will be re- markably plentiful this fall, as the dry weather was favorable to the hatching and rearing of young birds. Mrs. D.G. ANDERSON and daughter Gladys, and Mrs. R. 8. Pelton and daughters Beryl and Norma are spend: ing Thanksgiying with Wingham re- latiyes, IF you intend to hold an auction sale this fall get your bills printed at this office arid advertise your sxle with us THE BEE goes te. nearly every home in the district, anda free local is giyen every time a bill is issued from our job room. The half-yearly meeting of the Bap- tist Home Mission Board was held the other day in Toronto, There are 333 churches and stations, receiving in all $6,000. The forward movement was discussed. The Baptists are raising $150,000 as a 20th Century Fund, to be deyoted, to home, foreign aud Quebec missions. -WnHiLe driving home from _Mitchell the other night, George Stockford, of LYstowel, was attacked by two men, whose purpose appeared to be robbery. By whipping up his horse he managed to get away from the supposed high waymen. The encounter took place on the#$ravel.road between Listowel and Atwood s~ THE Milverton Sun says: "Geo. Burton left on Weduésday for' Atwood, , é will ly out a 'tuiloring esta ent. r. Burton 'is a first- class tailor,-and has the repntation of doing first-class work, ahd should work upa most successful business." We understand Mr. Burton has taken a situation with Mr. Currie. Tne weather of Tuesday last was anylhiug but favorable to the Church of England gathering in town; indeed, in the ufternoon and evening, it poured rain continuously. The attendance at the :several meetings was smallto a discouraging degree. The communion service at 10a, m. was presided over by the Rev. Rural Dean Deacon, of Stratford: 'The business transacted bad reference chiefly to the proposed assessment of parishes, etc. regu- lar business meeting of the Chapter fol- lowed. At 2:30 p. m..a public meeting was held in the Town Hatt The rev. gentlemen announced in the pr m to speak were absent,and in conse- quence Rev. Mr. Moore, of Listowel, ead eron "Incarnation," Dis- cussion followed by the Rev. P. A. Me- Leod. K. D., and Rev. Mr. Farr, ' Mr. Wright next read a paper on "Con- tirmation." Discussion also followed this paper, led by the Rev. Mr. Me Millen, B. A.,of Milverton. Rev. Mr, Moore occupied the chair in the ab- sence of the Dean, who was unable to be present owing to the illness of Mrs. Deaco#, who was taken ill at Monkton en roe to Atwood. Rev. Mr. Miller was the only other minister present at the afternoon meeting. The ill effects of the weather were realized most. at the tea meeting inthe eyening. The ladies haying been at great trouble and expense in preparing a splendid supper, it was hoped thattheir efforts would have been appreciated by a full house, and that the receipts would have also nmensurate with the elaborate ions made, The weather, how- its way, andthe attendance 1. Tea was served from 6 to 8 Pp. m. in the lower part of the hail, and n quality and quantity it was qui equal to anything. given in the village, The cooking certainly reflec the highest credit upon the ladies of St. Alban's congregation, who have the art of doing eyerything for their church about right. After teaa spirited pro- ery was given inthe body of the all, the r, Rev. Mr. Farr, filling the daties of chairman acceptably. The | ing bis Tes di W. are throughout the connexion. i as IS | of Clarksburg, Perfect health is as essential for the brutes that serve ns as it is for their f selections from |' iss} How to enlarge and stren i) Waax, tiankvatoresOurcue ie ANGRILL, of Hamilton, is visit- brother, Dr. A.S. Langrill. . AND spending a few days ut her parents in town, - ' i ; THE. Methodist Century Fund so far has reached the grand total of $388,167. W. T. Hoar, of the Oran ie P and R. Morigtacot Dihaasie the Siu ing their holidays at home, ELL and little brother, are visiting their broth- er, J. A., at the drug store. A TE RAANe ee pices ia spent by the young people at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James" Hathiiond, on Thursday evening of last week. WE are in receipt of acopy of the Canadian~ Year Book for 1898, issued by the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. It is a very handy volume. Spectral. train to Wingham to-day, leaving Atwood at 10564.m. Sir Wil- frid Laurier speaks in the afternoon, Fare for round trip, 31. THE Trustee Board of .the Publie school have re-eng Nellie Mc- Farlane inthe Jun an increase of salary. good work in the school. Mrs. Warp, of Mildmay,| 9 The Great Engtish Remedy. N asnneista em oR od in ~ able medicine di corms of Sexual Weakne or excess, Mental Worry, Excessi bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed Sta wis cure, Pamphists free to any aad siz wilt cure. phiets free to any address. The Wood , Ont Company, W 8" Wood's Phosphodine sold in At woud by J. A. Mitchell, Druggist, The three great vital factors of this body of ours are the heart, the nerves and the blood. It is elements necessary m: thin, watery blood rich and red, that so many wonderful cures have been accredited to remedy. Here is the case of Mrs. R. J. ock, N.B., who says: **T. was troubled for some and general. w irritable, debilitated and sleep- less nearly all the time. taking M Nerve Pills. 8 Ci influence upon the - nerves. . Every dose seemed to help the pents was not 4 more helpless f than is the gq man whopines i under the ef- m fects of dis- wen CLEC, EXCesses, PR "i over yc > ° use yourself. Take heart of hope again aed BE A MAN} We have cured thousands, who allow us to refer to them. WEcAn CURB You by use of our exclusive methods and appliances. Simple, anfailing treatmert at heme for ! Body and Mind. excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Nob!s Maxuoop fully Restored. improvement scen the first day. Pants or Bopy. Men testify from 59 States and Forei ; gn Countries. frite them. explanst sod peels senllet dae meena e Nice Dry Dp Tons Highest Market Price Paid for Choice Stock. @h; Stock for the Fall of 1899 is complete. Don't fail to look through our new stock of Mantles! Mantles! _ It may save you money. We can please you in Price, 5 pa and Style. Call and see for yourselves and be convinced that we have in stock the most up-to-date, largest and best assorted stock of Dress Goods & Trimmings, Plain and Fancy Velvets, Braids, Silks, &c., to be found in this vicinity. We also have in stock a nice range of Mantle cloths, Eiderdowns and Astrachan cloths with Fur Trimmings to match. A full line of Staple and Men's, Boys' Fancy Dry Goods. and-Children's Readymade Clothing ! Prices right ! Don't forget that we have a com- plete stock of Long Boots & Shoes. AVE YOU looked Shrough our Glassware and _Crockery Department ? Ask to be shown those beautiful Dinner Sets. No trouble to show goods. A fresh and select stock of Groceries always on hand: "Try our new Japan Tea, 4 Ibs. for $1.00. so sample our Grand Mogul and Blue Ribbon Tea. «©. C. H. Holmes, Atwood. The Americans may - Entertain Dewey in New York But the Right Place to Buy Your Coods at Lowest Prices is at.... GEO. LOCHHEAD'S A Carload of Salt will | arrive Oct. 16th. SPECIAL PRICES. a ._Geo. Lochhead. Erskine's Old Stand. Let Us Heat Your House With one of our Heating Systems. We have the Best an Cheapest. Heating & Cook Stoves & Ranges. Hardware and Tinware of Eve Description. | ve GLASS ~--cises, , cut to . received a large stock «