swt + See ne en » Trowbridge. 3 citizen, Hen aes Thee Tho. Thon son avd pe ng m th are es : x er ranks of : matrimony, which isa ate - bucett direction iker, Rev. Mr, Bristol took Mr. Thom posers work at Moukton. Monkton. Pe oe and Mrs, L. Schade Sundayed in a Leader has recoyered from her recent illness, Miss Magele Stewart is confined to bed with 'pleurisy. Charles Henry,we xe sorry to report, is under the doctor's Mr. MeKenzie, of Wingham, is visit- ing his son, Dr. A. F. McKenzie. Miss Bessie Pearson, of Brantford, will spend Thanksgiving at the 'manse. Miss Tena Battery, of Grey, visited -- in Monkton a few days last wee The young ladies of Knox church held a social at the manse Thursday |, git e sudden death of 'Louis Gortner, oth Mitchell, elicited much sympathy in the village for the widow The boundary road, two and a half miles east of Monkton, is in a yery dangerous and impassable condition. Chas. Broughton, of Orangeville, is | #5 visiting his uncles, Charles and Edward Broughton, con. 16, Elma, for a few 8. Miss Lillie Luice. of Wellburn, Mid- dilesex Co., is a guest of Miss Lottle F. Thompsuvn, at the parsonage, for a few weeks. Harry Head is at present busy get- ting material on the ground for a new house on his farm, about a mile east of the yillage, Wm. Hearl, of Beamsville, organizer for the Independent Order of Foresters, Spent id nad here, the guest of C. iM an oH. Merryfield furnished the gas piping forthe new manse, as a dona- tion. We would like to have a few more like C. H. in Monkton. Mrs. F. McEwen and grandson, Mas- ter Tommie Scott, left on Saturday to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs..J. McPherson, of Bluevale. Mr. Miller and daughter, of Wallace, visited Mr. and Mrs, John Berlet, on Monday. Miss Miller will remain with lier sister, Mrs. Berlet, for a short time, Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Lottie F., daughter of Rev. G. H. and Mrs. Thompson, of Monkton, to A. Eli Haley, at the par- sonage, on the 25th iust., at 6 p.m Will 'Thompson and sister Bella, ac- companied by their cousins, Mr. and Miss Thompson, of Logan, passed through here Wednesday ev route to visit relutives on the 6th con. Elma, Geo. Golightly, Jr. had a smasbing ; reday afternoon on gate his horse started to run away, did not get far. The harness got con- siderably broken and the shafts were broken. Miss Jessie Moffatt, trained nurse, from the Stratford Hospital, arrived in Monkton Saturday evening to attend Henry Neur, 17th con. Elma, who is iil of typhoid fever. She has been em- loyed by the I. O. F., of which order he is a member. On Thursday evening a stranger who was hunting for lost cattle in the big swamp east of Monkton came into the village very much excited. He had en- countered a big black bear. Having nothing but a jack-kuife, he retraced |), hi 8 steps in double quick time. Several loads of the fair youth and beauty from the 12th and 14th cons. of Logan, spent a evening at the home of Mr. a Grubber, 8th con. The semitae "one pleasantly cane tripping the light fantastic, m cies with music and various games. RsURY CasE.--Monday last Flet- cone. Partridge, of Logan, laid a com- laint of perjury ugainst Alexander Martin, of the same township, before c. H. Me field, vo, on the strength o said complaint, "issued a warrant for the arrest of Mr. Martin, _~ charge is in connection with the ing of Mr. Partride's daughter, who r, Partridge claims, is under age, and that the said Martin perjured him- self in swearing falsely to her age. Chief C. A. Broughton was called into service, and, armed with the necessary -|ing a comfortable home for themselves hada hand in Bate, of the necessar documents in reference to tying the. knot, which made the pair ha: Py. :om all on hand at the Seveinted © tim the plaintiffs heart softe had the case settled iinet yo A ng ee any evidence, all costs being pai which amounted to $13.10 in all. Elma. _ Henry has sold his farm to Jas. Buchanan, and hag purchased William Morrison's farm on the 12th con. op Bishop Baldwin, of London, will = evening, Oct, 24th, confirm at at Trinity cburch, itm at 7.20 ro aciass of four} t at Milverton, on peighete own aoe rmation ilibank on reguiar in the Y | Nelson, Cure Sick Headache, Bil- iousness, Sour Stomac and Constipation. Sol everywhere, 25c. per box. Prepared by C.L Hood & Co.,Lowell, Mass, Jas. Danbrook, 8th con., is putting up a new driving shed. Inspector Irwin visited the Daneel school Wednesday. Albert Petrie has purchased William N wld farm on the 12th con., for the sum 0 Wm. Sree sank an artesian well on the farm of Jas. Barr to a depth of 70 feet securing a good oe which soon filled the well to the to MI8sING BEEs. i ahaa sip Bev- eral copiesef THE BEet are missing from our fyles, and in order to recover them we will give 25 cents for each and every missing copy furnished us, or six months subscription to the paper, free. Doubtless they could be foundif onr readers one and all would make a vig orous search among their old papers forthem. Makean effort, please, to assist usin recovering the lost Pees we are particularly desirous of keep- ing our fyles intact. Here are the dates of the missing Bees wanted: Jan. 21, Feb. 25, 1898: April 15, 1898; March 81, 1899, "and May 4, 1899. A TURKEY FAMINE.--The fixing of Thanksgiving & month earlier than signal, seems likely to deprive thet day of one 'of its greatest deligtits for many people forthe iudications are that there will one- euough turkeys to go around, nouncement has found the farmers wholly unprepared, for they had not begun to feed the birds. While the run the fields at their free will they will not fatten, and the time 1s too short tor bringing them into condition. 'The local trade anxiously discuss the situa tion and promise all who hurry up their turkeys for Oct.19a8 gilt-edged price which will, put turkeys beyond the reach of many who might otherwise purchase, THE LATE SAMuEL HILEs.--The grim reapet Death has ie visited this community, and claimed Samuel & fer of fot 21, con. 14, Elma, on Deceased * had reday afternoon, sons Os or about two years, and was ag' years;8 months and 12 days. The teteioeal took. lace on Saturday, 14th inst., from his late residence to the Elma Centre a Dece' was born in the tdwnship of Barton, Went- worth'Co, Ont.!'ahd settled in Elma iv 1875, residing first-at Monkton for three Ae and then moved onto lot 21, con. where he 'has lived ~ since, In isi Mr. Hiles-'married Miss Euster, of Hamilton. 'Yen children were born to them, nine: of whom survive, viz: George, of con, 14, Elma; Samuel, ou the homestead; M. M., 'merchant, of Atwood; Mrs. Geo. Fisher, of Elma; Mrs. Jas. Horn, of Elma; Misses. Clara aud Jane, at home, and James and Charlie, of Brandon, Man. In politics deceased was a staunch Conservative. and in religion, a member of the church of England. For the past two or more years he had been afflicted with spins! disease, which, together with his = - -- age, carried him off. He w mb:red among Elma's most h' ghly eeneuted citizens, etijeying the love of his family und the estéem of a large circle of friends. Of his sterling a te aud good example, may he judged the worthy and respected family he as reared, the majority of whom re- side in Elma: The funeral was largely attended, testifying in a marked de- gree the 'community's ratefulness to the memory of a life well lived. OBITUARY.--An old resident of Elma passed away on Monday of this week 4 the person of Mrs, Thos, Kitchen, of he 12th con. of Elma. She had been aitiog for some time with cancer on the liver, and from the first no hope was Her Fanny "Lusby, daughter of Wm. and Margaret Luaby, and was born at Hemswell, Lincoin shire, Engiand, and was aged 75 years, 4 menths and days. In 1850 she came to Canada, during which year she was united in marriage to Thos. Kitch- en, Who survives her. They first took up their residence in Markham, where they resided ashort time, when they moved up into Eima in 1855, settling on lot 10,in the 12th con. Here like many of the other early settlers they made the best of their primitive sur- roundings,;and by dent of courage and persistent toil they succeeded in mak- and little ones with ering Providence had blessed them. f the ten children born to them, only five survive, viz.: of Portage la enn 'Man.: rs, Wm. Han Elma; Mrs IH. Smith, of Elm Valley, Man.; n. 17, Elma, and Wn. a. H. living on the bormate . those ose aimable qualities whioh belong tothe Christian charac- ter, and was a faithful member of _ Jubilee Methodist church. She kiud and generous hearted and ioved by all who came within the circle of, her influence. As might be inferred = nature of the disease which , She suffered much, but are up with trae Christian fortitude. &) The funeral on Wednesday afternoon was one of the witnessed in the oe oe interment wus made in the Her aged | s:/A Solid -- Sore. When i it comes to healing up ef eg winding tars rong soe ton sand ere Bitters. Bathe the sore with the B.B.B.-- the ti Miss D. Melissa Burke, Grind- stone, Magdalen Islands, P.Q., says: 'It is with pleasure I in favor of B.B.B. which cured me of a ig sore on my leg. I salve t put on on they gave me salve to on, no ee inal ay became a solid sore. ia fact for nearly a month I Teould oe put my et to the floor. tine 3 B.B.B. and did 80. "Thee bottles "heal ui y leg en- trly so that T have never been troubled with it urs -- poorly ventilated work- ms is hard on the system, gives the idnays more work than they can properly do, throws poison into the system that should be carried off red these delicate filters. Then the back gets bad-- Not much use applying liniments plasters. You must reach, the Kidne cure the back. DOAN'S Kidney ils cure all kinds 'ot Bad Backs by restoring the Kidneys to healthy action. Mr. Walter Buchanan, who has con- ducted a bakery in Sarnia, Ont., forthe past 15 years, says: . For number of \ Mantles i|Every Lady recognizes this who visits Our Store =< a Dress Goods Se a te ae a J. M. Schinbein. D2 Woops NORWAY PINE SYRUP. CURES COUGHS AND COLDS. Mrs. Alonzo H. Thurher, Freeport -- 8 had ® severe clack ot of arin cough, with great difficul After taking two bottles, of 'a Norway Pine Syrup I was com- pletely o LAXA- LIVER 'PILLS: Work while you sleep without a grip or Brpe, curing Sick Headache, epsia and Constipation, gh make you feel better in the morning. A PROMINENT VANCODVERITE., Permanently Cured of Asthma, Clarke's Kola Compound Cures. Mr. F. J. Painton, the well-known pro- Pr etor of Painton's Music Store, Vancouver, B. C., writes: "I bave been a great suf- ferer from asthma in Its worst form for over four years, very often having had to sit up nearly all night: I had consulted physicians both In England and Canada without obtaining any permanent relief and tried many remedies with the came result. A friend who had been = cured are s om Com it. three me. ant is no years since my recovery ane aetiane has te: eee me nee ee owt a whe ay hotties have been taken a, it tas Menited to cure. See that Big Free sample bottle sent o's Men tion phe Aang' ines The, Gritiths & Mac. ac gs Mar Toron Gepseaves c., Sis 'Canadian ae WOMEN "DOUBT SHOULD TAKE Business Directory. | 'LEGAL. MorPHY & CARTHEW, Listowel, Ont., Barristers, Sulicitors Conveyancers, Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Money to Loan, Offices above Carson & McKee's store, Main street, H. B. Morprry. J. M, CARTHEW J. CECIL HAMILTON, -B. A., BARRISTER, CONVEYANOCER. Dfoney to ican at 4k per cent. ee Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, Denti BRANCH Stearn Scleak. Atwood, next to Berlet's shve store. 'Will yisit Atwood every Wednesday. BAIEIING. , J, W. Scott, Banker, Established 1872. GES a general Banking business. Drafts bought and sold Pominios, Us United Sta rent rate of interest tieeek. Cheque Bank Issued, payable in = parte af the wo without notice or charge. lex amount of Private Funds to lend on Hii. ve per cent.. ually. received and cur good farm securi! with privilege c of rephrinn a7 ann Issuer of Marriage Licenses. MEDICAL. s *~ DR. A. S. LANGRILL. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- y- Licentiate eee of Physicians and Surgeons of Epon attention Nose and Throat. for such work. Office and * _uelliaeas haa next Mre. Roger's sto: ; jn Ont. D. A. KIDD, M D., Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur, Graduate of Trinity University, Tor- bee to Eye, Ear venings preferred PENNYROYAL WAFERS | onto, i8ss. snd weakness, the ort bealty eundlion The Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Licentiate of ed of Physicians and a potgecoes, O ceils "Graduate School d Manhattan Eye, Ear, hroat Infirmary, New DENTAL. W. M. BRUCK L. D. &, DENTIST, Painless extraction. Artificial teeth of the best quality. Crowns and bridges at the lowest rates, Gold and porcelain fillings a speciality. All work warrant- to give satisfaction. Office over Thompson Bros. store, Main street, Listowel. Pianos, Organs AND MACHINES. If you have never seen a Morris Piano do so before you buy, I have the-Bell + tS ageney for 40 square miles, and Stand Sew a wing -| Machine agency for this. district. ir! you want a rea i Sewing Machine get the Standard Rotary and Shuttle ee Silent, _---- and moat dur- ab Par above at close prices and terms to sult. J. A. Gardner, Residence, No. 1, Mitchell Road. P,Q, Box 109, LISTOWEL. Telephone Me, 90. TRY IT! The Bog ahaa