Atwood Bee, 27 Oct 1899, p. 2

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---- eee ee eee The Baltimore & Ohio D Raleoaa pany has presented $50 to one of ite brakemen ht token in age as a nition of the Fe gee he 'used brains" in a recent em aki there- by averting a wreck, ' A pet monkey, , untimely deceased, had a, very forma] burial im a satin- limed white casket in Baltimore one day last week. There were six pall- bearers, a eulogistic address, four car- riages for the 'oie and several i, kyon gti luding an "empty 0 gates a ajar." Frank Winn, of . Worcester, Mass., has invented a typewriter that prints 'music, the lines of the staff notes og ade all, and makes as clear a copy a8 appearance. It has forty-four keys, 'hirty- -five for notes and nine for the Arabic numer It has been decided by the Bath cor- poration to place a tablet upon the house in St. James' square jn which Dipkens was wont to res'de on the oc- tasion of hés visits to the old city reef, ate is house that the novelist Treated vhetle Nell, the tablet is par- Gcularty appropriate. Marconi has invented an instru- ment for ascertaining a ship's po- sition in a fog when it is within range of one of his telegraph sta- tions. It consists of a _ receiver which can be revolved and which The steric is to be tried on the' channel! steamers. Diagrams prepared by an expert for one of the large life insurance com- panies to Ulustrate the comparative longevity of clergymen, farmers, teachers, lawyers and doctors show that 42 out of every 170 ministers of the gospel reach the age of 70. The farmers come next, their propor- tion for 70 years of age being 40 out of 170. Next come the teachers, with 84; the lawyers show 25; the doctors are last, with only 24 out of 170. The funds invested so far in the Paris Exposition amount to $7,600,- 000. Of this sum, $5,600,000 has * been id away during the present year. The Paris municipality has contributed $2,400,000 of the $4.- 000,000 promised by the city an 500,00 supplied by the Western, of France, railway, and oo various undertakings. The contributed $1,300,000 por has ares to pay it $1,400,000 more before the end of 1899. a The manufacture of water gas is to be discontinued in Boston within a few months aod coa] gas will be substi- tuted. There has been a steady in- crease in the city in the last six years in Mas number of deaths, accidental -Goa1, from the water gas, and it is belleved by the health authorities that for each death caused by this means there are 10 persons suffering more or less from the same gas issuing from defective Pipes and fixtures. The Boston Pilot te tells of an exhor- ter who was holding forth on the Com- mon and sovemnly presented to his hearers the alternative of 'salvation fence was a oltizen who had been Im- bibing somewhat freely. This gentie- man apparently misunders the yelled: '"' Hooray for 'the Dewey Bible!" the crowd took up the ory, and the exhorter was com- pelled to suspend further effort. (Mentz is to hnve an important cele- bration next year. It is to be the quincentenary of the birth of John Gutenburg, the inventor of printing with movable types, who was born in or near that city. The imperial! chan- cellor bas lent his name to the move- ment and it is intended that the mem- orial ceremonies shall be on a grand scale. It is a very odd fact; consid- ering the career of the man whose memory is to be celebrated, that the committee of management does not include any member of the press. Massachusetts 'has | paid out $20,000 for the sole purpose of getting rid of e@ certain of moths! 'The "gypsy" gnoth is the very destructive insect which the state board seeks to drive out. The little creatures have found neces such ea pest that it has been necessary to emp'oy bundreds en to do nothing but destroy them. tw deed, the above sum is by no means all that will be required to accomplish the gro for it is estimated that fully ten times that amount must be spent before they are finally ex- terminated. Rosa Bonheur just before her death put her foot down on a scheme of the woman agitators to make use of her fame for their own ends. The picture she sent to. this Y's salon was the first she had exhibited: « " Put up in two udhrg 5 and 10 cents. {All Oc Une. ee ee Hygienic Beauty > eoaitia: The "nutbrown ae is very pic- ue until ite Tech toca cabinet containing the sole addenda thereto. Cosmetics are Seoely ill-asteemed among the hoot complexion can be sightly unless the' blood is in good condition. Anaemic pallor or a blotched arance note & very poor circu of red meats and food 'containing iron and albumen should be partaken this at y at once, Physicians declare the daily bath is not essential to health--but it is both to beauty and daintiness, The up-to- date woman uses only the finest vege- uses, her accessories to cleanliness are lis- terine, borax, benzolp, myrrh and al- mond meal. Cc. G ay & CO --I have "great faith 7 MINARD'S LINIMENT, as last year eg a horse of Ring-bone, with {1 five It istered the horse, but inj a month there ae no ring-~-bone and no lame- ness. Daviel Murchison. four Falls, N. Th Largest Ships Afioat. The Oceanic is ert first in the list with a gross register tonnage of 17,000, and her wenrent rival is the German steamship Deutschiand, 15,500 eae followed by the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, 14,849 tons, and the Pat- rieia, 18,000 tons, all flying the Ger- man flag. Next come in the Lucania and the Campania, of 12,952 and 12,- 950 tons respectively. The Germans again come in with the Pennsylvania, 12,891 tons; the Graf Waldersee, 12,- 830 tons, and tlhe Pretoria, 12,800 tons register. The next largest boats are the Cymr'ic, 552 the Med'c, 11,850, and the Afric, 11, 816; whilst the Germans can place against them the rosser "ors 12,500 ; the Kaiser Friedrich, 12,480, and the Belgia, 11,100 tons. Under the British flag there are only nine steamers of over 10,000 tons register, against nineteen similar German steamers. The Americans own four steamers of 629 ch ; 10, 669 fend the New York, 10,674). No other nation a single ship of over 10,000 tons register. Fora Lasting Shine use ENGLISH ARMY BLACKING It is not affected by dampness and does not soil the clothing. Here's a Little Bee Story. A curious incident of the bee world, says London Tit-Bits, is reported from Hampshire. A cottager took two large bars of honey and a square section from one of his hives. This honey he put into a large pan and covered it with a cloth, placing it in an up stairs room of his cottage. During the day the bees got scent of the honey cnecuet the open window, and the whole hive entered the pe crept under the cloth cover and took away all the honey in an tneredibiy short time and stored it in their hive again. The quantity was about ten pounds weight. When children are pale, peevish, and restless at night, they require a or two of Miller's Worm Powders. For the Pope's Eye Only. The secure way of having a letter og by the Pope is to address it as follows: "To His Holiness the Pope, Prefect of the Holy Roman and Universal Inquisition," as any other than the head of the ge Pied a Ng agen a document ressed ill gbe excommunicated eepeeaine to buli promulgated by the Carafa Pope, Paul IV. Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Busiest Man. in 1 the Worid. "Lord Salisbury has styled the Bishop of London "the busiest man !n the world." The op's time !s well occupied, certainly, for he receives on an average of two thousand letters a month. His one recreation is walk- &- No Worm Medicine acts so nicely as Millers Worm sf ery no phy- sic required, jt Royalties and Trodurtives, The Queen of England has a great typewritten communica- | Catarrh Now Easily Cured Without the Use of Noxious Drugs, Washes, Ointments, &c.--Scientific ;Discov- ery Worth Investigating. Catarrh living to and Catarrhozone has estab- lished itself as am absolute cure for tarrh, ronc: x ' Grippe, etzx., dg are con- R goes go, thus reaching Se carsales, Ss ag by 8 burn u a ply Pp Catarr. fe a noOn-poisonous, powerfully oxidizing and healing agent, 'ore e mucous diseases of these passages, and at rhs same time heals up all the in- As a cure for Catarrh, jBrcmehits, Ss A pectiiiecaes ii tfit, complete, con- sisting of a beautifully polished bard rubber inhaler and sufficie: " Oc in stamps Eg tria] outfit to N. C. Polson & » Mfg. Chemists, Box 514, 'Kingston, "Ont. What Every Wife Needs. She needs 2 good temper, a cheerful disposition, and a knowiedas of how nae husband should be treated. She weeds a capability of looking on the brig bide of life, and refusing to be worrled by small things. She needs a pre grasp of such subjects as are of 'interest to men, and should not be above studying even politics in order to understand should her husband Speak of. them. She needs a sympa thetic nature, in order that, should sorrow fall upon them, she may _ be able to give comfort to her husband. She needs to understand something of sick nursing; a wife with no notion of what to do in case of illness Is but a useless thing. She needs considerable tact and patience; the one to enable her to know when to remain silent and vice versa, and the other to put a him when his temper is ruf- '""A Thing of Beauty is a Joy."' Nerviline is a joy also. No remedy in the world eauals it. Neuralgia and rheumatism are relieved almost in- stantly and minor aches and pains are cured by a . _ Sholicson: Nerviline is sure to cu The Japanese Aristocracy. The better class of Japanese do not live in the trea towns is 50 different from the real life of Japan that it is impossible to get an idea of the country from them. For a Quick Shine Use ENGLISH ARMY BLACKING One rub with a brush and you have a beautiful shine. Asparagus Seeds for Coffee. Asparagus is so plentiful on the Russian steppes that the cattle eat it like grass. are some- times dried amd used as a substitute for coffee. Minard s Liniment the Lumberman's Friend The Same Except in Name. A ranch or plantation in Peru Is a hacienda, in Venezuela it is a hatos, in the Argentine Republic an ans, in Chile a rancho, in Uruguay a finca, and the proprietors are called hacien- dados, hatoras, estanciaros, rancheros and fincaros respectivély. In there are volun: { -- all the cities similar to those to have in Canada before the il of pald rc riba and they are calied "'bombarde TO CURB A COLO IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab. lete. All d refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove'e signature ig on each bor. Mattresses Need Cleaning. When the autumn housecleaning comes around tle up-to-date ge = keeper sends her wmattresses be Cleaned as regularly as her edn If the abomination of feather beds be used, as is still the case in some be- or strong cotton to . removed fre- quently and washed New life for a quarter. Miller's Compound Iron Pilla. Book Rest for Chairs. "oe handy poy, book rest. go oe nt an by a Culeseo eaten consisting aig a bencrguane 3 t-te olin ea a rod to tur € at all ge schools there laid down soaally kept quite Lisl 'oh are } the Pall Mall Gazette. Privilesss are the term is called, or when anybody out of bounds by train or any other way, he who has been a year at the allowed-to wear a "sporting" coat and tie (that is, not the ord y blatk clothes), and he also al to carry a walking stick, ups," if he is in the Upper Fellows 1 in the sixth 'soe writes ; Charterhouse Fa, in the Captain, ma wear white ties on Sundays instead of black, and all fellows who are consid- e is promptly not = the schoo! may wear pray "cuts," those who have not been two vente in their house "bags," buck- |' wear ling below the knee. Fellows who have not a year in thelr house may not occupy a chair, and. at supper pate those pg piay for = houge may sit down in their flann There ls more Catarrb in this sec- great doctors pronounced it a local cal dlaceee and prescribed local remedies, and y constantly failing to cure with loca) Se in- curable, _Sclence has proven catarrh to be a constitations! disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. it is taken in- doseg from 10 drops to a teaspoonful, It acts directiy on the blood and mucous surfaces of the stem. They offer one hundred dol lara for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. Cheney & Co., To. oO. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. To Wasb Cotton Goods. Frencn sateens may be cleaned by putting them in a lather of luke- warm soapsuds, in which dissolve a cupful of salt. Put salt also in the rinsing water. Dip the article in thin starch and roll up in a clean sheet, and In two hours iron on the wrong 1 tablespoonful of washing aaa toa gallon of cold rinsing water; this witl bring out the colors, while of vinegar to a gallon wiil improve pink or green agers For biack or navy blue wash in water containing a cupfu! of alte orinee in very blue water and dry in the shade; then dip in very blue, thin starch, and when nearly dry iron on the wrong side with a moderately warm iron. An Up to Date Polish is TIGER STOVE PASTE It gives a stove a bright and more ane shine than others. Dug His Own Grave. After digging graves for other peo- pie in the village churchyard at Bar- well, Leicestershire, ever since 1833, J. Needham, the venerable sexton; of that place, has mace J prepared his own last resting place. The old sexton did not like the ice, "of being separ- ated even in death from the ancient God's acre with which he had been associated close upon threescore years and ten, and so he bought the free- hold of a portion of the ground yet remaining for use, and dug his own grave, his son assisting him to brick it round. Ask for Minard's and take no other 4 French Fad a The latest fad in Fra is cressed app-es. It is a revival of an old chil- dren's trick in the orchard. There are app:e growers at Montreuil, France who furnish fruit-bearing family crests. The fruit is grown in pape bags. When the apples are about as large as walnuts the bags are slipped over them in order to protect them from the sun. When they ere nearly ripe new' bags are adjusted, with the crest cut out like a stencil on one side of the bag. The sun then colors the apple, leaving a green crest on a red apple, or a red design on @ green The Popular Polish is TIGER STOVE PASTE No labor, no dust, no dirt. Always ready. for use. A Long 'Tramp. hink of the Doukhobor husband er. 'ears doo- trust in his answ For twenty-five tors have prescribed our Emulsion for paleness, w: 08; all NE, Chemists, SCOTT BON RAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TRUN Hunters' Excursions 0. be ' Maskoka Lakes, Moon eer District, Penetang, Redwood, jm a, Port Cockburn untsvilie, poche River, tans of Bays, *s Bay. Lakefield, { epecep et tems Point, Rossea mag Coboconk inclusive. Lindsay to arton insingive. All points Severn' to Jct. nels Le 'Also Kippewa and Temiskam ing via North Bay; Mattawa to 'Nepigon 'and Spanish inclusive, 1 be iss inclusive, valid for vetura Fae destination not later than December _13th, 1899, or earlier from points on ong Lakes ot Lake of Bays, if a gg pe mber 13th, 1 'Brockéilisand Westin Canada. bps mal will be allowed at all points Severn an « Sportsman's gun and 200 poundsof camping outfit carried free. On Saturday, October 28th, a special steamer will leave Muskoka wharf at7 a. S. Si foe all en Muskoka | City of Toronso" will leave Penetang and Midland on Saturday, Oct. 28th, fo: 7s a pebieg a after arrival of evening uth. For fishing eal bunting ae oe and snaps of the district apply to M.C. DI ON, District Passenger Agent. Sell" them and rotate bd Spaced Tepure Fine Rete ee? aud mac! kidney 7 diseases an if not sold Write usat once and mention this MFG. Co. 88 Ray Street, Toronto, Ont. Progressive Bakers ir BREAD as ven in Put up their it leaves the o EDDY'S ; BREAD WRAPPERS which protects it from impurities bound to -- from the frequent handijng of the naked Write for samples of wrappers and prices to THE E. B. EDDY CO. (Loarren. {80.E MANUFACTURERS, Hull, Canada.

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