Atwood Bee, 27 Oct 1899, p. 6

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CANADA'S FORCE WILL REMAIN INTACT. Will Go. to 'Aftica Under Its Own Officers. MacDonnell Ordered to Assist in th Names to be Announced on Th Enlistment. London cable: Her Majesty's Gov- ernment have recelved with much pleasure your telegram of the 18th October, conveying Canada's generous offer of a thousand troops, which they gratefully accept. (Signed) Chanrberlain. As w Battallion.. Lieut.-Col Otter Will Command--Ontario and Quebec to be Represented Among the Officers----Major Mesinegene Major Denison and Captain that +t. Company Ofiicers' iesday--Dotalls of Organization and iati Dragoons, will perform the duties of District Officer Commanding. Mili- tary District No. 2, Lieutenant-Col. Otter having been selected to organize the volunteer force for special ser- vice in South a Lieutenant-Coonel B. H. Vidal, D. Ottawa report: Thanks to the ef- forts of the Canad@'an Government, the War Office nas reconsidared deci- ped Officered by Canadfans, compose Canadians aud armed and uniformed | by Cana The wish of the Canad'an Govern- ment all along has been that the sons Canada who will fight gh the Em- pire's interests against the Boers of the Transvaal and Orange Free State oe be imeorporated in one body manded by Canadian off'cers, out the the definite statement of the Im- perial authorities rende it a mat- doubt iwhether the desire of the Canadian Administration would be granted. Sir' Wilfrid Laurier and his Minis- CAPT. RANDOLPH C. NESBITT, VsCc., Who commanded the armored tra:n @eralled by the Boers at Kraaipan, belongs to the Machonaland Mounted Police. He won his coveted decoration in the Matabele war, when, with thirteen men, he fought his way through the Matabeles, relieved a be- leaguered party and escorted them to Salisbury. ters were determined to lenve nothing undone that would induce the Home Government to fall in with Canada's wishes, and so yesterday evening the Premier communicated by cable with the Imperial Government asking that Canadian troops might be em- bodied in a b the Secretary of State by this afternoon, in which bs Imperial] gh Right that they would accept a Canadian battalion of infantry. SAIL OCTOBER 25TH. Lieut.-Col. Otter wili be the com- manding officer of the Canadian re- giment, which "will sail from Quebec on the 25th inst. on the Alian Liner Sardinian. de or a --a_ The Majors of the regiment will probably be ---- one from Quebec and one from Ontario. To-night the work of selecting the officers of the regiment ing on at a Militia rtment, but it is not probable sag the personnel of the oftioors will be known before Thursday. EQUIPMENT TO BE ISSUED. The Superintendent of oy Lieu- tenant Colonel Macdonald, made arrangements for terabhioe a the non- commissioned officers and men with the following equipment : Great coat, 1; helmet, white, 1; field service cap, 1; toque, 1; frock, rifle serge, unlined, 2; trousers, serge, 2; froc, kharki, 1; trousers, kharki, 1 pair ; leggings, leather, 1 pair ; boots, 2 pairs ; shirts, gray flannel, 3; shirts, under, 1; drawers, 1 pair; abdomina! ge, 1; jerseys, woollen, shoes, can 1 pair; brushes, cloth, 1; hair,1; blacking, 1; pol » 1; shaving, 1; razors, spoons, knives and ig hold- alls, housewives quarters, Ottawa, on completi duty. yg ere Vidal's Meade quarters wil t the Union Club, ' St. John R. C. R. I. OFFICERS TO GO. The officer commanding the Royal Canadian Regiment of intantey wil | place the services « Majors J. C. Mac- Dougall an S J. A. Denison and Lieutenant and Captain A. H. Mac- Donne'! at the disposal of Lieut.-Col. Otter for dufy in «ennection with the organization ofthe vo-unteer force for service in South Africa. These officers will await toy instructions. The district officer commanding mititary district No. 5, will direct Major R. L. Wadmore, 'commanding No. 3 regimenta: depot, to proceed to Quebec to take over temporarly the command of No. 5 regimental de- pot, reileving Major MacDougall. he Commandant of the Royal Mili- tary College will be good enough to order the officers of the Royal "Gene adian Regiment of Infantry who are undergoing the long courss of instruc- tion at the Royal Military College to return to their respective depots for duty. All tbate, transport and other re- quisitions, claims, accounts, etc., in connection with the vo-unteer force for special service in South Africa should be marked with the letters "S, S," in red ink in the upper left hand corner of the envelope or wrap- per containing the same. Officers and employees concerned will keep all cor- respondence so marke rate, and give it prompt attentions, ana prefer- ence over other work. METHOD OF : VOLUNTEERING. With reference to militia order No. 21, district officer commanding will make arrangements for the enrol- the men in the volunteer force as follows: The enrolment wil! be carried out by the officers commanding the com- assisted by their subalterns, These 'officers will rt themselves to the district officer commanding the military district in which the enrolment 'of their companies is tak- ing place, who will render them every assistance. Each district officer com- manding will provide the accommo- dation required for the medical ex- amination and for the necessary clerical work, either in his office or in a drill hall, or*elsewhere. He will -- procure additional assistance if , and will provide the necés- ate statione The medical inspection of the yol- unteers will be performed y he medical officers attached to ent units, or, where there aii -* a medical officer e latter case, on the termination.of the recruiting, a statement of num of men examined will be forwarded to head- ment O° remuneration. Medical ex- aminers are directed to be careful and rigi in exanination of recruite. ONLY 'HE VERY BEST WANTED. call the very best of the men who present themselves, and not necessar- Uy ae iirst-comers, will be selected. The points to be attended toin the selection are that the men should be ledge of drill and be fairly good sho The numd>r to be enrolled ie 120 nn each company, All men serving in the active militia will be enrolled as priva those serving in the per- hay force will be enrolled at their present rank. For.purposes of dis- Soline, officers commandi com- panies can make temporary Sopeins ments of N. C. officers, ing t which they re transferred from their present units, ADMINIYTRATIVE DETAILS, tk" PEE. Of, * ) yy S SY s' N \ \ ww \ \ \ tay \* nn' age - aS EERTURAVITINIPR ADR CULOL Us = 4)\ SONU AM LAVAL "LOOKS LIKE ITS GOING TO BE TOUGH CARVING." discipline, accommo- dation. ~ kets can be wn from store, and barrack furniture, fall- ing which, the men must be accommo- w purchased for the pur- pose, At other stations d'strict offi- cers commanding will act on their judgment. The men can e'ther be ac- commedated on straw !n. drill halls, or other Lulldings, and a contract en- tered into for their rations, or an al- lowance of 60u per diem. can be issued, \wiich, with their -- pay, will cover their subdstemce and lodging. CONCENTRATE AT pe dein Men eurolled w-ll be kept at the en- rolling cemtres until the company is vill be made & the chief staff oificer, and by ad offi- cer command'ng the company to the officer commanding the regiment at Toronto, when orders will ie g.ven for its concentra tion at Quebec. If no contract is entered into for rationing drug the movement the dstrict off! commanding will issue to the officer commanding the company sub- Sistence allowance from h's imprest account at the rate of 50 cents per man per meaj for the whole journey to Quebec, as well as a -- re- qui 'sition for the whole jour Dis- trict officers commanding w ill 3 oar all expenses out of the gh sent them, furnish afterwa. eceipts in dup- Uecate for all expend-ture incurred by them under these instructions. They are held Dhow eggs ~r4 for due economy being exerciaed, but are to carry out the enrolment scouifontiatton, ration- ing and despatch by rail of the com- pantes withcut incurring delay pin ing for approval of the'r anrange- rations and Bian The 'permanent corp? are el' 'erble to enlist in the regiment. CANADA LIFE'S OFFER. The Board of Boge of the Can- ada Life Assu Company held their first etc } in their Toronto mpany's policies, holdare who may enlist for service in the Transvaal war in South The resolution is as follows: Canadian Government, having décided send a t of nadians = assist the a forces in the wa now pen Africa, ait it deateetio to clearly define the Assurance Company resolved: First, that any 7 now required for mili- ae frervice be dispensed with on all policies now held by all policy- holiers of the Canada Life Assurance Com- pany, who give written notice to the company their selection for ser- vice in nsv. aal war. Second: t in the event of any such policy- full force "= effect during the term of service abroad, the unpaid prem- tum being Gokted as a loan upon the policy." ADVANCING ON DUNDEE. Enemy is Reported to Have Fifteen Thousnd Men With Guns. :: Ladysmith : Dundee is now practically empty. Special trains have brought down three thousand persons, mostly women and children, besides many on ons A. -- cars.) A military order to e was received in Dundee at 9 yoo this morning. The Dutch and native lo- cal miners have left their work in he district. All the mines ing to the are in the vicinity of Dundee. repo: took possession of the place. Private cele say that a Boer col- amn is advanc from De Jager's drift against Duetée: with about fif- teen thousand men, but thelr number is greatly exaggerated. Probably there are only about seven thousand. turning to Pundee in view of eventualities. The proclamation of martial law will have a_ beneficial effect in clearing the border of num- bers of spies and other suspected persons. Moving in Three Columns. The Feat statement _ been officially communicated to m The "colar of Natal was a from nsvaal early on the morn- ng oF "th 12th inst. advance was made by tlhe enemy in three col- umns. On the right was a mixed col- umn of ansvaalers and Free State burghers, with the Hollander Volun- teer Corps. It moved through Bothas Pass. In the centre was the main col- umn ,under Gen. Joubert's personal command, It crossed Laing's Neek, and moved forward by way of I . On the left a large commando advanced from W akkerstroom, by way of Mott's Nek and Wool's Drift. The objective point of all three columns was Newcastle, which was occupied on the night of October 14th, the central column having slept the previous night at General Colley's old camping p Yes- portion of the cemmando retired dur- ing the day on Newcastle. The Boer force, which for somedays Captured a trol of six men of the Natal police: A picket of mounted in- fantry of the Sixtieth Rifles also exchanged a few shots with the enemy. This, as yet, is the only ighting. -- A large force of Free State Boers, Drakens r . { Hoek to Collens' Pass. They have pushed patrols in a few cases down the berg, but at present the main force not debouc from the actual passes, which are being en- frenched. Our troops are in excellent spirits and fettle. The Natal volunteers, woe. are doing beeps sin work soOldierlike manner and spiri . The "iunatal officer c cout areatly appreciates their see 5 Headquarters Staff. London cable: The following offi- cers form the British uar Staff for service im _ Bonth Africa : | Comman@ygrin-coilef--<Gen. Right Hon. Str Redvers Salle, Vv, a Aildes-descamp--Major Cooper, Cap- | tains Schofield an and Sackv -- and éut. Trotten Chief of Staf!--Ma jor-Ge'» al Sir Archibald Hunter, D. & Dep Adjatant-Genoral--Col A ve ee ' By s--Col. C, H. Douglas, ee: . C., and Col. H. 8. G. Miles, M. Vu Deputy Ansoteiit Adjutant-Generals oe a'Court, Majors Kiggell, At Hs Tenet. aah ate a heustat & ra . pital Ottcer oyal Engwnee | R E rs--Ma Bethell. ae qrporoutMarshal--Major Hon. J. Hi apr ae Provost-Marshal--Ma jor G F. Elieoni, a Mn Command'ng Royal artillery-- Gencral G. x Marshall! mis "is Staff officer Royal artillery--Major ee hs Divisiona ders--Lieub t General coe Methuen. Mani erals Clery, K. Q Bs and Sir that the Bo Boers were the train, fall into their trap, but the police were ordered to retire. Then the Boers opened a heavy fire upon them, discharging about 400 a. A bul let struck the horse of Surgeon-Major Sullivan, who, with a trooper whose horse had stumbled and dismounted him, was captured ACTON HOMES OCCUPIED, Ladysmith cable: The Free State Boers, on the falling back of the Brit- ish patrols, occupied Acton Homes yes- terday. Their probable intention is to co-operate with the discontented Natal Dutch in Umyoti. Major Adye Says that not a single shell fired at the British scouts by Boer artillery exploded. This bears out the reports that the Boers' shells are defective, It is reported that Chief Dinizulu held a Zulu indaba near Isandula re- cently. His attitude is loyal. LEAVING THE TRANSVAAL. need Boers Apparently Afraid of War's Consequences. Pietermaritzburg cable: ported on trustworthy authority that che Boers in parties of twos and threes are arriving in the Umvoti from the Transvaal, and are being accommodated on various farms. Pietermaritzburg itself is crowded 4 " (f=\ Mh | Hy my ip y /} Hip, GENERAL P, A. CRONJE: General Cronje, who is {n command on the southwestern border, will be remembered as haying been in com- mand of the Boer force whch met Dr. Jameson cuts'de Krugersdorp. After General Joubert he is regarded as the best fighting man in the Transvaal service. oa fire-eating opinions and his uncomprom'sing Ange have rendered ered. then very popular |r e. Re- public, with Sitougeen +0 sheltar whom all the public buildings are being utilized. There is much distress. Seven thousand natives have entered Natal from the Transvaal within the jast week, and most of them have gone to Zululand. A RIDICULOUS THREAT. London cable: A tch from Pretoria asserts that.the Transvaat Government lias cabled to Mr. Joseph Benjamin Robinson, the milllonaire d-mine.owner, and chairman of the Robinson South African Banking Com. pany, who is now = London, to return to Johannesbur, n pain of the con- funtion of his aRaneeay, Mr. Robinson characterizes the alleged threat as ridiculous. He says he is a British subject; that the Transvaal Govern- ment has no right to demand his. re- turn, and that his property has not been cannot be confiscated. War edo Smallpox thas broken out at Cape Town among the natives rg wake Johan- nesburg. Eight cases have been dis- covered. The cavalry r nts anticipate leaving England about the 20th. The dress wi:l be a khaki jacket, ae ee cord es, colonial helm ties and 3 Pager sare The are well wu being as "Buows: m7 Lancers, 676; 13th Hussars, 697. valet a Lorraine, enlisting toe the war in South Africa German non-commissio officers whose term of service has expired. They are offering a bounty of 390 marks ( In England _oanomaee gy proceeds apace, and the mem the reserve are responding to othe roa of the Gov- ernment with alacrity. Great num- 'ves. A ma- ton, Despatches confirm the oe ceeere Se je paeinagad Newrastle and se ote mete cent

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