Atwood Bee, 27 Oct 1899, p. 8

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x P g teacher, as was evidenced by the success of his Entrance elass last ge mer, when the whole number, six, successful, $21 YrEars--Five men met at a threshing the other day and were de- puted to work in the straw mow whose Bishop, Win, M sand Wm. moe all enjoying a good de- agree of bodily vigor. Elma, Auction sales are booming, Elma Council meets on Noy. 2nd, at pit 30 a.m., for general business. i Mrs. James Hanna and Miss Effie Hianna visited Joseph Hanna, at the London Asylum, last week. He is im- proving nicely, we are glad to report. Thos. E. ag 4 tea to ee 'pe fol- owing stock f Vipond, Lf con., 9, on the 48k. Nov, 1899, a 1 i= mare, rising 6 years old; 18 cattle, 'ie 'ing 2 years old; 4 spring calves; 5 milch «COWS, supposed in calf toa thoro'bred ea ll; 10 cattle, rising 8 years old; 6 ewe dambs; 1 ram lamb; | thoroughbred Berkshire sow, in pig: also a number of me between 2 and 3 months old, A PROFITABLE DEaL.--The friends 200 on the deal. This ismaking money dand over tist" surely. They will likely re-invest in Manitoba land, but not at present. Jas. Keith, jr., son of Jas. Keith, of Britton, was operated on lately for in- juries received in a bicycle collision. He was riding on the road recently af- 'ter dark when he met another bicyclist, 'full speed, and was somewhat severely - dnjured, striking his frontal bone and "the bridge of hi@nose. 'The bones of dhe eye brow and nose were crushed in but furtunately no injury was done to 'the brain. 'Three doctors operated and 'chad thejyoung man under chloroform tor about five hours. Heis doing well 'Since and is making a good recovery, though he will be slightly disfigured. The wheels prere badly smashed and the other rider,a young man named Danlop, was 'also injured but not seriously, Qsit.--There appears to be an epi 'diemic of deaths among the old pioneers of Eima of late, and-with their passing away the ebain connecting the past with the present becomes broken more or less, until the time must soon come when there will be none among us to velate their personal reminiscences of | the "Queen's bush," now part of: the} prosperous township of Elma. The #ubject of this notice, William Steven- son, whose death occured on the 18th inst., at the ripe' age of 73 years and 7 months, was born in Cataine, Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1826; was married to Eliza beth Gilchrist on June 16th, , a sailed for Canada shortly after, locating in Wilmot township, in the neighbor- tug County of Waterloo. it took them nine weeks to make the voyage over in a sailing vessel, steam navigation in those days being quite a new thing and the general public thenas nuw were prone to distrust a new inyention nn- Ul its utility and safety was proven «conclusively. After ten years residence in Wilmot they moved up into Elma, then known as the "Queen's bush," in 1863, and settled on lot 6, con. 9, which has continued to be the homestead ever since and where Mr. Stevenson spent diis closing days. To refer to the pri- wations and laborious toil 'of this early period in this locality would be to recite 'the settler's story" so faithfully and forcibly put by the poet Will Carlton. Tne BEE is credited with having de- voted considerable space already to ringing to light the pioneer history of Verth county, particularly that of North Perth, and we will not enlarge here, suffice to say that Mr. Stevenson nd his faithful wife, who survives bim, bore their full share of the first settlers' struggle for a livelihood, Mrs. Steven- son has frequently walked to and from Listowel witha basket of eggs and butter on her arm to market, a distance - of tevelye miles over a very indifferent road, little better than a "blaze" road. Not even oxen or horses could navigate these roads, which could only be dis- tinguished by the niches or blazes in the trees, cut by the woodman at short jutervals apart ina straight line to keep the pedestrian from losing his way in the otherwise unbroken a For upwards of six years past Stevenson had been afflicted with heart disease, the primary cause of his death, whieh ultimately came without per- ceptible struggle or pain, Nine child- n were born tothem, six of whom survive, yiz.: Matthew, of con, 10, Elina; Andrew on the homestead; 'Wil- jJiam, of Cheyenne, Wyoming; Mrs. zie, at home, and Mrs. John Allan, of Glasgow, Scotland, In politics, 'de- «ceased was astaunch Liberal, and in religion, a worthy member ofthe At- wood Presbyterian church. Of a strong rugged constitution, be was capable 'of and did do an immense amountof hard work in his day, and was cheerfui with- al. His rugged physique covered a Kind, generous nature, and his charac- bel was above reproach. He enjoyed the m of the i biped left to bis peal the heritage of ife honest- Ay spon t, Th tt day wa ures el de vé, exem D community's estia ate of | prsomales =| Hood's Pills 25 canta, Bold by all medicine dealers, eee Pine |Syrup than let it run on to end perhapsin Bron- chitis, Pneu- monia or Con- suinption. -- It's a wonderful lung PERTH COUNTY NEWS. - John Pearson, a , pioneer of Elice and ae many years township Clerk, is The Best Family Liniment Known. Griffiths' Menthol Liniment is the great- est Pain reliever of the present day. it sooths 'the painful parts the minute t, Sintad of susiting. and inflammation. AW druggists, 25 ce: » A stock company is to be formed in St. Marys for the parpose of trying to locate a yein of natural gas, which is supposed to have a rise somewhere be- low the surface of the town. An en gineer has been engaged and drilling will commence as soon as possible, Thecompany willsell shares to the amount of $10,000. The price of oa share will be $10. This case was tried at Toronto the other day: Scott v. Town of Listo- wel--Masten, for defendants, . appealed from order of local Judge at Stratford requiring defendants to deliver par ticulars of their statement of defence in an action for pollution of a stream D.L. McCarthy of 'plaintiff tdi Appeal dismissed except, as to form o order, which is varied. Costs to lain. tiff in cause. Major General Sir William Penn Symons, who commanded the British troops in the brilliant yictory at Glen- coe against the Boers, and who is re- rted as mortally wounded, has rela- tivesin Stratford. He isa cousin cf the late John Hamilton, Collector of Customs, and hence a second cousin of Mrs. G. G. icPheresn, and P. P. Ham- iltor, of Stratford, and J. Cecil Hamil- ton, of Listowel, On Sunday morning, Oct. 15, Jas: Brisbin. sr.,died at his. residence on Penelope st., Listowel. His death was not unexpected as he had been failing cavity for the last two weeks, De- ceased was decended from sturdy New England stock, bis father having come to Canada from Vermont, and living fora numberof years pear Montreal. Mr. Brisbin was born near that city in 1814. His family consisted of six sons and two daughters all of whom are liv- ing except. otie daughter. The Nelson Brisbin, of Stratford; Wesley Brisbin, Listow el; Leonard Brisbin, Harriston; Almira (deceased), first wife of W. M. Climie, Listowel; James Bris- bin, Peterboro; Joho Brisbin. Listowel: Emma, wife of Wm. Pelton, Listowel; and Wm. J. Brisbin of Harriston. -Mr Brisbiu retired from the farm and mov. ed into Listowel about 17 years ago. His wife died exactly eight years ago, and itis acoincident that her death occurred the same month, the same day of the mouth and within the same hour as Mr. Brisbin's death on Sunday. A Fixe LEGAL Pornt.--A business man of Listowel has a rather unusual case in court at present. A man living in Galt owed him an account and he entered a suit to recover. The matter was placed in a-bailiff's hands aud the papers were served upon another man, ofthe same name, however, as the original debtor. The man whe was served, nodoubt depending upon his invocence, did netenter a defence and made no objebtion till after judgment was given and the bailiff seized , his goods in execution, The question has not been settled yet, but it seems that no matter how good adefence a man has it wil not avail him anything un- less he takes propef legal steps by dis- puting the claim. A somewhat similar case occurred in Listowel some years ago. Judgment was given against a party iu Listowel for a debt due anoth- er man by the same name. The bd served, knowing hedid not owe money, did not put in a defence Poe had to pay the debtin satisfaction of judgment. Thecase was appealed but the Judge held that ignorance of the law did not excuse and thatin the ab- sence of defence he had no power to stay execution of judgment. SHEPHERD--CARSON.--A quiet but pretty wedding took place on October 18, at noon, under gas lightat "Maple Villa," the comfortable residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Carson, of Listowei, when their daughter, Miss Olive Ger. trude Carson and Morley W, ney of Toronto, were married, The mony was performed by the Rev. 7. W. W, Shepherd, father of the bridegroom and principal of the Mount Elgin In- dustrial Institute, who also officiated at the marriage of the bride's parents. Rev. Heury Irvine, pastor of the Listo- wel Methodist church, assisted. The groom was supported by Murray Tait, of Toronto 'The bridesmaid was Miss Shepherd, sister of the groom, and was dressed iv organdie over pink, and car- ried pink roses. The bride was becom- ingly attired in a robe of cream bent silk, with ciifio. trimmings, bridal roses, and wore the tulle veiPund orange blosséms worn by her mother at her marriage. Afier the ceremony and wedding breakfust, at which only a few of the mene erelelive of the bride and groom piesent, a reception was held, light 'abeeiments being sery- ed. The grooms prisent tothe bride was ® pearl and diamond sunburst and | A to the bridesmaid a solitaire diamond}. 'The bride from b ed/}mprovement seen the first day. healing remedy ct cures the worst kinds of coughs andcolds when others fail. Price 25c. & 50c. All dealers. a Sad to see people advanced in years suffering fromBack- ache, Lame Back, Urinary Troubles and Kidney Weak- ness. A hale old age, free from pains and aches, can only beattained pees ing the kidneys rg ¢ and the blood p DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS befriend the aged by freeing them from ain and correcting all Disorders of the Kidneys = Urinary System. homas Ash, an old resident of hn Min Ont., spoke as follows: "'T am 72 years of age, and have been troubled for a number of years with pains across my back. When I would stoop over it gave agonizing pain to straighten up. I was so bad that I could,searcely walk. I have taken many kinds of medi- cines, but got nothing to help me. Being recommended to try Doan's Kidney Pills I got a box. After taking three doses I noticed a great change for the better, and I ean now get around as smart as a cricket I can split my own wood and am, in fact, just like 4 new man, " ERYSIPELAS, This dangerous Blood Disease always cured by Burdock Blood Bitters, Most people are aware how serious a disease Erysipelas is. Can't rout it out of the system with ordinary remedies. Like other dangerous blood diseases, though, B.B.B. can cure it every time. Read what Rachel Patton, Cape Chin, Bruce Co., Ont., says: '*T wish to state that I used Bur- dock Blood Bitters for Erysipelas in my face and general run down state of my health. I tried many rem- edies but all failed to cure. I then tried B.B.B. Two bottles nearly cured me and four bottles completely cured me." pents was not $4 more helpless if than is the man who pines m under the ef- im fects of dis- ease, excesses, = overwork. rry, etc. itoass yourself. Take We have cured thousands, who allow us to refer to them. WECAN SURE you by use of our exclusive methods and appliances. Simple, anfailing treatmert at heme for Lost or Failing Manhood, General or Nervous Debility, Weaknesses of ody and Mind. 'fects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Nob!s Manxoop fully Restored. How to enlarge and strengthen, EAK, UNDEVELOPED ORGANS AND Paxts or Bopy. Men testify from 5% States and Foreign Countries, Arite them. Book, explanation op pe mailed (sealed) free, Coats. coats are beauties. ies' and Gents to match any kin carry in stock. Call and See Us. You could not do anything better this season of the eT than to buy your Wife or Daughter a new Coat. e have bought another large lot of Ladies' Fur J athets Caperines, Storm Collars, Men's Fur Coats, Bear & Coat Rober. 2 only 24-inch Ladies' best quality aeytethin, 10" 30 do 15 " 36 : do $23 00 28 00 do 30 00 do from $30 to 45 00 Astrachan eaprtames with 8 tails, full shape, extra tra value for $8.50. Same, extra long, $15. Sable Ruffs, good and full, large size, $10 to $12. Baltic Seal Caperines, in all shapes, at $15. Coon Ruffs, 4 tails, at $1, $1.25 and $1.50. Gray Lamb Caperines in all Styles and Prices. Ladies' Astrachan Capes, 24, 30 and 36-inch, large, at $15, $18, $22, $30. MEN'S EE Gaes COATS. We have a large stock of all kinds of Men's Fur You should see our fur coat at $15. Our coon We can ate give, you Mitts for Lad- fur garment we J. M. Schinbein. 4 Main St., Listowel. rey Business Directory. | \ LEGAL. Conveyancers, &e. Bank of Hamilton. Offices above Carson & Mc Main street. H. B. MorpHy. Mone MORPHY & CARTHEW, Listowel, Ont., "Barristers, Solicitors Solicitors for the to Loan. ee's store, J. M. CARTHEW cent. J. CECIL HAMILTON, B. A., BARRISTER, CONVEYANOER. Money to Tucan et <\¢ per OFFICE--Main-st., Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, Dentist BRANCH Oveion--Matin-st., Atwood, next to Berlet's shoe store, Atwood every Wednesday. Will yisit BAN EIIG. Domisine United States Notes Discou farm privilege of repaying 'annually. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, tand sold, payab: bin all refs on te of the and Great Britain J, W. Scott, Banker, Hstablished 1872. eo @ general Banki nted. Deposits received and cur in comb rate of interest allowed. Cheque Bank Ch parts of the world, peanee I notice o} A large amount of Pav ate Funds to lend on security Five per cent., * MEDICAL. es Issued, payable in al r charge. with ATwoop, ONT. DR. A. S. LANGRILL. - Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- heart of hopeagain and BEAMAN!|/") it. Colle Surgeons of Onta Special attention Nose and Throat, for such work, ffice and residence--Main-st., next Mrs. Roger's store, ege of Physicians and ven to Eye, Ear venings preferred an N ERIE MEDICAL CO., robes ALO, N. D. A. KIDD, M D., Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. Graduate of Trinity University, Tor- onto, 1888. Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Licentiate of College of 'Physicians "rat Surgeons, Onta 'of the « ser "Greate Beboo pitaland Manhattan Eye, Ear po a Throat York, 1 Ar 700 'Onn, Infirmary, © Associate Coroner 'of Perth County. | New DENTAL. W. M. BRUCE, L. D. S8., DENTIST, Painless extraction. Artificial teeth of the best quality. Crowns and bridges at the lowest rates, Gold and porcelain fillings a specialty. All work warrant- edto give satisfaction. Office over Thompson Bros. store, Main street," Listowel. Pianos, Organs AND MACHINES. If you have never seen a Morris Piano do so before you buy, I have the Bell Organ agency for 40 Square miles, and Standard Sewing achine agency for this district. If you want a real by Sewing Machine get the Standar 5 machine. ble. ren above at elose prices and terms to suit. J. A. Gardner, Residence, No. 1, Mitchell Road. P.O. Box 109, LISTOWEL. Telephone No. 90. TRY IT! The Bee *crtaaa sor" Cee ea

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