Christmas...... TT HIS week we are busy unpacking and, opening out oods for the Christmas trade. large Ene of Fancy and New Ideas which are sure to/|be Something new in catch the popular taste, e will have a Toys & Presents for Children If you can spare the time we will be glad to have you visit us. that suits you. ways pleased to see you. Look around, buy if you see something If not, well, no harm done. .We are al- T.A. MITCHELL, MEDICAL HALL, ATWOOD, ONT Gown Talk. Reap Schinbein's change of adver- tisement. REMEMBER the school concert in town on the 11th inst. You and yours are invited. Mrs. Ropert Witson, of London, _ epent afew daysin town this week, visiting friends. Miss EUPHEMIA ' HAMILTON left Wednesday merning for Durham where she will spend the winter with in her sister, Mrs. T. Holt. . "Hg laughs best who laughs last." If you take Hood's Sarsapariila yon may laugh first, last and all the time, for it will make you weil, Doc Lost.--Biack' and tan hound, bitch, lost. Any information leading to her recovery will be suitably reward- ed, Address, J. A. Roz, V.S., Atwood. Tar Library Book Committee have completed the classification of the books, and the Library is again open to the members 25c. gives you the priv: ilege of reading 1,000 volumes of choice literature. CANADIANS ARE Provup oF IT.--All Canadians point with pride to the Family Hearld and Week'y Star, of Montreal, When the Family Herald makes a promise tu its readers, they have the fullest confidence that that promise will be carried out. Their promise made some months age, that subscribers would long remember the closing yest of this Century by the beautiful pictures secured for them has been more than rulfilled. The pictures "Alma" and "Pussy Willows," are the talk of the whole country; wherever one goes he hears of these beautiful ictures. A dollar invested for the amily Herald and Weekly Star with these two pictures pays better interest than asbare ina binder twine com- pany. A Girt To Give.--lIt is often difficult to decide what to give your friends for boliday gifts. Here is a suggestion: "Good morning, Jennie, [have brought you a nice present." said Gertrude, as she handed her friend a neatly wrapp- ed package. The pale, weary looking girl, who was slowly recoyering from severe illness, opened the bundle and held upa large bottle of clear, rich medicine. "Hood's Sarsaparilla !" she exclaimed. "I have been reading about it. today aud wished [ had a bottle." On New Year's Day Jennie was able to be outon the street, and to her friends who remarked how well she wag_jook- ing she simply said, "Hood's Sarsapar- fla." andevery oneofthem knew it was this great medicine that had given back her health. Dirty PotLrry. -- Considerable complaint has been heard among At wood householders, and particularly this present season, over the dirty con- dition of poultry brought into the market here torsale. The trouble is that the fowl brought here are not abaya picked, not sufficient time be ng taken to do the work completely, and in consequence when fowl appears on the table, the average man or woman who sees them on the market does not feel inelined to eat with the relish that otherwise ought to be the case. And further, the skin of a turkey, chicken, duck, or goose, which is considered by a great many a par- ticular delicacy, is wholly unfit to eat. @ur merchants should simply refuse poultry not properly and cleanly pluck- ed. The fear of loosing custom should not deter them from doing their duty. The reason of the dirty condition of the fowls, as stated before, is that the dealers do not take sufficieht time to pluck them. Instead of plucking them dry as they should, they stick the fowl into boilfpg water. This allows feathers to come offeasily, buat it also wakes the skin very tender and patches ef it are torn off with the feathers in faces. Then we have the chicken or whatever it may be, on our market in & par-boiled condition. with quills and bits of feathers sticking all ever it, which leaves it unsightly and in a con- dition not conducive to an appetite. .bv its blotcbed up appearance. e do nos advocate drawing the fowls before bringing them: onto the market. Thi would not bes benefit, but rather detriment, sree el drawn beep. nearly. as long as one ver, A fowl will andrawp. wee, fens . : Tue Provincial Fat Stock and Dairy Show will be held on the Western Fair grounds, London, from Dec. 12th to 15th, 1899. Concert --The Pupils of 8. 8. No. 5, Elma, pacpete holding a concert in the school house on Thursday, 2ist inst. Full particulars next week. A SURPRISE party of abont forty young - invaded the home of Mr. .W.J, Marshall Tuesday eve and had a very pleasaut time. The annual meeting of the Elma Conservative Association will be held Brandenberger's Hall, Atwood, at 130 p.m.,on Tuesday, Dec. 19th, 1899. for the election of officers and other business. A. F. MacLaren, M. P., has been invited and is expected to be present and address the meeting. See advertisement. At the meeting of the Board of Trade Friday night, R. 8S. Pelton, of THE Bee. was appointed the Atw delegate to the conference in Guelph, on Thursday of this week, to discuss the projected C. P. R. extension from Guelph to Goderich via one or the other of three propused routes, Delegates from all along the line will be present. Full report next week. Tre remarkable mild weather ex/ perienced so far this fall, bas been a great blessing to the poor man. With a season like last and coal $6754 ton, and wood #4 acord, serious conse- quences must have ensued. he de- mand for fuel was never so light as it et been this fall, and never has such mild weather been experienced at this time of the year since 1879, sothe "old- ést resident" states. : TRE Windsor Hotel, Stratford, has gived a shipment of the Ellice peat, which is being used in the kitchen ranges andinthe open grates. Mr. Hodgins says the peatis giving great satisfaction for cooking purposes, it af- fording an inteuse heat without any offensive order. He sags that 100 Ibs. of it gues as far as 200 Ibs. of the best coal for this purpose. The peat sells at $3 50 per ton jn car lots. THE Mitchell papers have long been notorions for their "whacks" at each other, but surely the utterauce of the past two weeks have gone beyond the bonds of decency, and must be huinili- ating tothe citizens amongst whom they are published. Mitchell deserves something better from its local press that journalistic billingsgate.-- Deacon. We quite agree with the Beacon, the vile abuse hurled at each other is simp- ly disgusting and childish, A Goop JoxE----The Hespeler cor- respondent of the Gait Reporter says: "Tne presence of Mr. Ranton in town brings back to recollection a good joke which occurred while he was last con- ducting special services in the village during the Rey. Mr. Harvey's pastorate. Mr, Harvey, who is a fast speaker, got up at the close of the meeting to an- nounce the subject for the next night, as was the custom. He said: 'The sub- jeet for tomorrow - night is fools, I'm glad to see so many here; come again tomorrow night.' Those who caught on smiled loudly." Rey. Mr. Harvey is ason of the Treasurer of Elma town- ship. CHRISTMAS PRESENTATION BooKs.-- Nothing could be nicer tor a Christmas present that a good book, and we know of no other firm of publishers issuing a larger or bandsomer line of presenta. tion books than J, L..Nichols & Co., of 83 Richmond st., W., Toronto, whose adyertisement ap They make a specialty of sumptuous, profusely illustrated and handsomely bourfd subscription or presentation books, Family and Teachers' Bibles, Bible helps, photo albums, ete., in all styles of binding, and the prices are yery reasonable. We would also draw special attention to a great work they bandle, entitled "The British Empire in the Nineteenth titury," in six yolumes, by Edgar Sanderson, M: A. This is an exhaustive work on the pro- gress and expansion at home and abroad, comprising a description and history of the British colonies and de- dencies, with numerous very fine Hustrations and maps. Also their map of the world on the other. | Aflments. '| heart of hopo again and BE A MAN! lives, Bangle--T : patent medicine setts uioatn j Tue Independent Foresters have changed the date of their annual sa rto Thursday evening. Dec. 14th, in the Town Hall. is conclus- fon was reached at a subsequent meet- ing of the committee of management. The Halil will be made as warm and comfortable as possible for the occas jon, and a time generally may expected. Only Independent Fores- ters wih wives and sweethearts are invited. --. AT a meeting of the C. 0. C F.; held Monday eve, Dec, 4th, in the Foresters' Hall, the following officers. were elect- ed; Past Chief Councillor, J. A. Mit- chell; Chief Councillor, Mrs. J.G. Heyd; Vice Chief Councillor, Miss © Elsie Klump; Reeorder, Mrs. Dr. Kidd; Treasurer, Dr. D Kidd ; -Prelate, Mrs. H. Campbell ; Marshal, J. J. Johnson; Warden, Mrs. J.J Johnson; Guard, Mrs. J. Kiump; Sentry, W. Thompson. ALT AE. SmITH--SwiTrzer.--In Elma, on the 6th inst., at the home of the bride's ee by the Rev. E. A. Fear, iss Lizzie M., eldest daughter of Mr. and Mra. Fred. Switzer, to Iyy D. Smith, of Eima. $1, six. $5. One will ets free to any address. Company, Windsor, Ont m2 Woed Wood's Phoephodine suid in At- wood by J. A. Mitchell, Drugygist. Women's Feelings and W 4 Spells from which they suffer are due to wrong action of the kidneys. The poisons that = ought to be carried off are sent into the blood, taking with them a mul- titude of pains and aches. DOAR'S Kidney Pills drive away pains and aches, make women aealthy and happy--eble to enjoy life, Mrs. C. H. Gillespie, 204 Britain Street, Bt. John, N.B., says: ** Some time ago I had a violent attack of La Grippe. From this, severe kidne trouble arose, for which I doctored with a number of the best physicians in §t. John, but received little relief. Hearin Doan's Kidney Pills highly spoken of, began their use and in a short time found them to be a perfect cure. Before takin chese pills I suffered such torture that rould not turn over in bed without assist- ince. Doan's Kidney Pills have rescued ne from this terrible condition, and have 'emoved every pain and ache. you sleep without & pipe or pain, curing Dyspepsia, Sick Headache and Constipation and make you feel better tn the morning, Price 25c. BE A MIAN t ' ry AS cy Loe pents was not more helpless than is 'the @ man whopines under the ef- We have cured thousands, who allow us to refertothem. WErcalw CURE You by use of our exclusive methods and appliances. Simple, anfailing treatmert at heme for Lost or or Manhood, General or Nervous Deb uy, Weaknesses of Body and Mind. Effects or Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Nob!s Mawnoop fully Restored. improvement seen the first day. How to enlarge and strengthen, Wax, UNvrevELoPen ORGANS ANB Paxts or Bopy. Men testify from tion e, Book, mailed (sealed) please, rogue 65c. yd., now 40c. ne pi 5% States and Foreign Countries.| 5nd) Jrite them. s and proofs Oh, Britons, our Soldiers are Fightin; and Must be Fed ! é . ebb bebeb bbb bbb The War in the Transvaal has In- creased the Price of Canadian Products ! ANTED at Once, all the Dried Apples we cam procure for which I will pay the Highest mar- ket price, Cash or Trade. , We also want all the nice, dry plucked Poultry we can procure, Butter, Eggs, &c. _. And don't forget that we are headquarters for Lad- ies' Fur Coats, Capes, Caperines, Mantles, &e. Men's, Boys' and Youths' Fur Coats, Frieze Coats, and Ready- made Clothing in abundance in all sizes and styles. Prices right. Great Bargains in Dress Goods. Wishing to make room for new goods black figured Serge 35c, now 250. dark red figured 'I'weed 50c, 310. black figured Lustre 50c,now 99c. , How 25c. One piece black figured Cashmere, te . 0 piece gray 'Tweed dress goods, regular 25c, now 1 ne piece ditto, regular 25c, now 15c. One piece ditto, reguiar 15c, now.lic. Do navy blue figured 75c, now 38c. Do dark purple figured 50c, now 3ic. Po dark brown figured 75c, now 45c Do black street Tweed 25c, now 19c. d 3 R Plaid, ail wool,silk stripe Sic, 36c. Aes do- 5Uc, 300. a ress goods 80c, now Lic, Do Plaid dress goods 17c, now 13c. FS9SEss Bargains in Velveteens and Plushes. Do seal brown Velveteen 652. now 40c, |e dark green plush 85c. now 29e, Do dark green Velveteen 50c, now 85c.| Do navy blue plush 35c, how 20c, Do dark red Velveteen 50c, now 35c. Do durk brown plush 35c, now 20c, You are no doubt aware of the great advance in Staple goods ? We have them at the old prices. In a word, we keep everything usually kept in a gener- al store, What we haye not in stock you need vot look fer elsewhere, C. H. Holmes, Atwood. One Man! One Business ' Jp) Furniture | ike Se : "T Bought my Furniture from Ballantyne." OD Te ae, os Furniture ! "T didn't, but I wiah I had." _ I am devoting all my time and attention to the Fur- niture business, and study to please our patrons. _ If you wish to make your Friend an Xmasor Wedding Preseut call and see what we have. Undertaking a Specialty. , We e do our dwn work at this Branch. 2 or I shall offer 18 pieces of Dress: sz|Goods at a Sacrifice, as follows: