Atwood Bee, 8 Dec 1899, p. 6

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Reoent Issue Of the. Star Gausss 2 Sensation Among Its Reaers. EMINENT MEN INVOLVED. Irrefiitable Mass of Evidence Gath- ered by a Canadian Concern Op- erating in the United States. [From THE Toronto Star. ] Readers of the Star were startled | last Saturday to see the names of prominent public men high. in the ser- vice of the United States printed in connection with endorsations of a Canadian patent remedy. Not only was it surprising that men of such ao dduetee would permit their names to be used, though tlis was unusual enough, and it speaks volumes for the preparation that such was the case, but that United States Senators and Congressmen, prominent professional and United States army officers should be willing to endorse a Cana- dian remedy is more surprising still. The people on the other side of the border are rather noted as _ being greater believers in the merits of their own goods than in those of other coun- tries. N Last Saturday the Star published a ful page of testimonials in favor of the Canadian preparation, Dodd's Kidney lills. Each one of these letters was signed by a public man--and an eminent public man--in the United States. Each of these letters was accompanied by a-~ portrait of writer reproduced from photography Bupplied by themselves Seldom has there been such an exhibition of gen- aun pentitnda to a medicine as that given Dodd's Kidney Pills by these gentlemen. Their names are known all through the States, two of them, at least, throughout the world. Men in the eye of the public, such as these men are, feel very strongly before they allow statements of opinions at- tached to their names to be published all over the country. They rightly feel a greater responsibility in such mat- ters than ordinary private individuals. A public man has a reputation to sus- tain, and from long experience consid- ers well before he expresses himsif for publication. There were no traces of hesitation about the letters on that United States history page in last Satur- day's Star, however. All was plain, honest and straightforward. 'The writers hed been cured of kidney dis~- eases by Dodd's Kidney Pills, and had the courage and independence to announce the fact in plain outspoken terms. They were not getting any- thing for it: some people might make slighting remarks about their names being connected with a patent medi- cine testimonial. But this did not interfere with what they esteemed to be their duty to fellow sufferers and but fair to the medicine that cured them. Careless of anything but the facts--that Dodd's Kidney Pills had cured them of kidney diseases where other medicines and treatments had failed--they gave their evidence fairly ; and honestly for the benefit of others. It takes a very unselfish man to allow hig name to be associated with a patent medicine testimonial--or a man powerlully impressed with the merits of the preparation and. un- usually grateful for the "benefits de- rived from it.. One naturally dislikes having accounts of one's physical defects published broadcast, even thongh there is.a complete cure at- tached. But there is a stage where ill-health becomes s0 pronounced that all pride, vanity, reservecall it what you like--gives way. You are sick, and you don't care who knows it. The fact can't be evaded. When a man in this condition, trying remedy after remedy in vain, at last strikes, per- haps quite unexpectedly, a medicine that cures hi he is so genuinely grateful, so filled with the joy of con- valenasicn: that he is ashamed to think of keeping the facts to himself. Such, no doubt, was the condition of mind of R. A. Wade, the great criminal lawyer of Chicago, whose testimonial appeared on the page under discussion. He was who defended en- dergast, accused of murdering Carter Harrison, Mayor of. Chica e is probably the best known man in his profession in the United States, hav- ing been retained in more sensational creel cases than ay ane law- r in America. not only eared of kidney naling but hia sight, which, owing to the attacks of that essential feature of kidney disease, uric acid, had been entirely lost, was restored by Dodd's Kidney Pills. - Captain Bogardus, champion rifle shot of the world, distinguished vet- eran of the Civil War, was cured of Bright's Disease by Dodd's Kidney Pills. When it is considered that Bright's Disease used to be incurable, the feeling that prompted Captain Bogardus to give his name and testi- monial for the benefit of others will be understood. on. Alva Merrill, of Ijinois, was cured of Rheumatism by Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, and thought enough of the medicine that cured him to recom- mend it above his own signature. "I heartily endorse Dodd's Kidney Pills,", says he, "to anyone bahay deranged kidneys or rheumatic pa Senator Busse, Tent oatative Ri- sum, Captain McComb, Roy Keator, were among those who freely testified to the merits of Dodd's Kidney Pills on the United States. History page, and their pictures appeared last. week in the Star. This page is considered the strongest mass of evidence ever printed in favor of a patent medi- cine in this country. ~ ct = ---- ---- The Home Maker. Color and quantity appear to be the watchwords in house furnishing of the Xtreme simplicity and _ re- pose are more desirable and the home maker would not only impress all with her-artistic sense, Spat she would demonstrate to her world that she was a factor in social economies, a provident woman, and one vver whom the spirit of tranquility had spread her wings. Sentiment may enter into her plans as well as warm water, soap and paint. Fragments of the past, oan _---- "or novelties of the most pepe nana disquiet- Be to she artistic nature. Gold Was Found In the discovery of so wonderful a remedy as Nerviline--nerve-pain cure. No remedy in the market affords such prompt relief for toothache, neuralgia and rheumatism. Its action in cramps, colic, ete., is simply marvellous. Joke Cost Them a Ride. A freight train pulled into a station on the Boston & Maine recently, and a ventrilequist on the platform thought he would have some sport, s0 he threw bis voice under 7 a say- ing: "Let me 6ut; let me out!" The station agent was called, and he hast- ened to unfasten the door of a car. After working for a time he got the door open and out walked four tramps, = of whom disclaimed having asked to be let out. The ventriloquist. had builded telver oben he knew, and had stepped upon e ride of the four hobos, who were "eft om lind. Miller's Genieonid: 'trae Pills, 50 doses 25 centa, Mrs. Hen pesk<What was that play igh abou r? potest go troubles of a baeev ie who had led. marr id it end happily ?" "Yes; the tae dog gets a divorce in the last ies 'Their Lordships. of the Supreme other Dalley's Family .and Liver Pills Do not pe. They are mild and natural In their action. Brought the Murderer Back. Chief Young brought Werke, the Niagara wife murderer, from the U. 8. side last night, at 10 o'clock. He made no objections to going. A man pala saw Werke commit the act is in c tody. Coroner McGeary will hold "a inquest. Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Society of Five Den'ts. Society of the Five Dont's" the title of a society recently agian «ei ed in Brooklyn by Henry N. Niles 660 Quincy street, says pot New Tock Sun, The "Five Don'ts" a First--Don't ride cy "for plea- sure i Sunday. --Don't (save in an ocean voyage) ride in a public conveyance on Sunday Third--Don't read a Sunday news- paper on Sunday. Sick headaches are cured by the use of Dalley's Family and Liver Fills, They remove the cause. 10 cts. a box. College Wealth ofthe U.S. There are 426 colleges in America, with property estimated at $250,000,- 000. Girard, with $15,000,000, .and Leland Stanford, jun. with $13,- 500,000, are the richest No Worm Medicine acts so nicely as Miller's Worm Powders; no physic re- quired. ' Cameo Green. They call the pale-colored greenish- or visiting Sovak ty by me of "cameo in," use "erhitrely title, for the a oieane- rent ; but one must - asthma, bronchitis, colds, etc. | It cures by joh because it cannot fall to reach the seat of th It is guaranteed, and in the ng fore the air reached' the smaller cells or lungs. Ws ga physicians declared ca- curable, beca stom- pers modiines saya and douches all. proved: usel They asnihed +? m in their bellef until the int: oie cr Catarrh zone, the ozonated air cure. Catarrhozone is the ais germi- cide ave tor volatile enough to impregn every particle of air breathed, Tyee leaving it free from moisture, thus enabling this power- ful germ destroyer to reach every part of air passages in the head, throat and lungs, where it at once kills the bacilli that cause, catarrh, incurs not the. slightest gage or inconvenience to .the patien Catarrhozone . outfit, wonanieten $1, at all or d mail. son Co. Manufacturing Chemin: Box 514, Kingston, Ont. He Wished to be Just. "Phalim," wearily said Mrs. my, With some difficulty making herself heard above the lusty how =o of her leather- ---- offspring, will -hov to howld dhe for" a whoile. Try to git him quieted av ye can. Sure Oi'm ahl worn out wid his yells. Mc- "O;'ll not howld him!" indilferent- ly replied her husband, who was luxur- lating with his pipe and newspaper, "ut's your duty, not moine. Av can't keep dhe little ----s lave him yell, for ahl 'Oi ca "Ut's your duty as ce 'as ut jis -- Half of him belongs to ye, any- still, - Wull, thin, do phot yez plaze wid yure half, an' lave my half holler = ut wants to. Oij'm busy !'"--Bazar. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. ¥. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectiy honorable in all business transactions, and finan- clally able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, wholesale Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly -upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the syStem. Price, 75c. per bottle. Ren d by all drug- gists. Testimonials f Hall's Family Pills a are the best. druggists, Too Personal. "Did you ever have any trouble with your stomach?" asked the doc- tor, after noting the pulse of the patient who had called at his office. 'Yes, sir, sometimes. A good many of the things I eat don't agree with we " ust eo. Any breaking out of the skin is se in a while." Head itch occasionally ?" "Doctor, that's none of your busi- negs."" "When children. are pale, peevish, and restless at night they require a dose or two of Miller's Worm Powders. Church Members Classified. A New York pastor divides -- members into three classes shirkers and 'Jerkers. The workers stretches the: traces, another snaps them in paroxysms of energy, and the other shuns the traces alto- gether.--Presbyterian Review Get Bid of that Tired Feeling by using Dalley's: Family and Liver Pills. They regulate the liver. Door Holder. A handy holder for doors has been des cme Pn gag a a a which i the wall on level with the the onan. a headed bar being attached to the are, paving the head of the proper s the enlarged part of the = aroe. ping down to the bottom to hold the Soor open. Salt rheum and all eczematous con- ditions of the skin are cured by the use of Miller's. Compound Iron Pills. Carpets Fastened Without Tacks. A New Jersey man has patented a carpet fastening which can be put down without the aid of tacks and can be taken up the carpet, Sha hi in place by; the han they poy ered & sergeant command early in the campaign, and it Sreit ied t us Yall to think of the poor fellow's probable fate. Later learned Grous spies that he had been ordered brace acing canes and, of jobs had obeyed, b regarded it as meraly a cat's wlay with mouse. en sna ng Mee news that being pathic gk long from tribe . Phat suttlos it,"" said the "The last sheik that gets him will argue that he's a true believer, and killing rapes will only 'send him to heaven. We'll see him again." as to trite colonel. they returned , H He was brought rahe our line by a delegation of about thirty, and as a matter of military formality a guard was called out to receive him. When the tribesmen saw him marching away between a couple of soldiers they aamped at the conclusion that he 8 going to be shot for being absent, use I will never forget their indigna~ tion. They immediately demanded him back. "This is a violation of the agreement !" ba Pain in the ver- nacular. '" He rave man, and we did not bot ny ee here to be killed like a dog!" Their ore flashed and they reached for their weapons, and it was with areal difficulty they were mace ate understand that the man and welcome. Otherwise, I eany believe they would have died in attempting a rescue."--New Orleans Times-Democrat. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25 rove's signature is on each box. No Happy Medium. | average man at the end of his life, t reviewing his life's mistakes, And half an them, as he said to his Were such as rashness mak And the ther half (here he lifted his head) A He could scarce believe his vision "Yes, Sully the other half," he me "Were caused by indecision." Corns and Warts. Putnam's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor is guaranteed by the maker remove Corns, Warts, Bunions, etc., without pain in twenty- four hours. Futnam's has been the standard for thirty years, and is the only safe and sure remedy of its kind on the market. Insist on having only Putnam's, and teware of acid, flesh-eating substitutions. Price 25 cents per bottle, at all dealers or by mail. N. C. Polson & Co., Box 514, Kingston, Ont., proprietors. Rush-Time Photos. 'An apparatus has been devised for automaticuily photographing people as they enter shops and other places. As sou enter you step upon a plate which operates this new camera, the film is exposed and your picture is secured. Where and when necessary a flash light is ---- caused by step- ping on the plate Clear your complexion with the:use of Dalley's Family and Liver Pills They never fail. Only 10 cents a box. At a convention of the Conserva- tives of South Wellington at Guelph Mr. C. Kloepfer, M. P., was again nominated for the Commons. GRAN [SUNK ' Fast and Elegant TrainService Hamilton to Toroato Montreal and East. Express leaving Hamilton 7.30 p.m. daily has Pullman wide vestibule. SLEEPING CAR from Hamilten to Mont real. Tickets and berths can be seoured from CHAS, E.\MORGAN, 11 James street north, Hamilton, or Stuart street Station. NOTE--Train leaving Montreal at 10.25 p.m. car will leave Montreal at 8 p.m. M,C, DICKSON, District Passenger Agent. tion on taelfabould dederieend These remedies will cure about every case in its first stages; and many of those more advanced, It is only the most advanced that are hopeless. Even these are Freak air, proper food aad of Ced-Liver Oil with H; phosphites. Be afraid ef draughts but not of fresh aig. Eat nutritious food and drink plenty of milk. Do not fo that Scott's Emulsion is the ' oldest, the most thoroughly tested and the highest en- dorsed of all remedies for weak throats, weak lungs and consumption in all its stages. Oe and ae " all druggists. wonderfully relieved and life 3° itself tly prolon { coll aon A asda' P 3; A Frenchman has invented an au- tomotor horse. 'The horse contains the fuel reservoir and the motor, and runs on wheels hg in by the motor. It is said that it can be attached to a carriage for driving, the reins being used for controlling the motor and for steering. Pe electors of Westmoreland Coun- y sustained the Scott Act by a cightie 'decreased majority. - Highland Homes | Come to Our Tennessee oa country with glorious climate. Healthful Homes Schools, Gburcses. society. Near Nashville. On main line railroad. A great Happy Homes Fruits and Field Crops. Wood and water. = p and terms reasonable. Ad- THE t HIGHLANDS COLONY CO., Dickson or White Bluff, Dickson Co., Tenn, VIRGINIA HOMES. You Jearn 'all about Virginia lands, soil, water, climate, resources, pro- ducts, prions = mode of cultiva- tion, by reading the VimGrkra OT ARMER. Send 10c., for three months' subscription to FARMER CO., Emporia, Va. A WONDERFUL CURE FOR SICK HEADACHE Tho most wonderful effects produced by KIDD'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS ie curing, Mick Hemiachs, ae ene coe 'oated ue, Nervousness, 1 4g ps eartburn, Liver and ee &, bas pl lacea them at the head o' Cera 75. Pille ay a box Ss cocks at all Druggists, or mailed by M. F. KBY, Port Elgin, Ont. WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY 2nd, 1900 Central VY Afb bhe a STRATFORD, ONT . orit: co tant ea eee ts uation after gradua: ox ia the beat Shane te in Gataioguo gt ves full one. . J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cpt" Ww Solid Silver Solid Gold geneine Pearls Garnet 'and EARN = Nansacens Premium. for selling ie our jg uine 7 PA TAL ENGLISH > K POWDER at l0c per pack: age. package makes Se Guaranteed = ef fine Ink. Send your Good Timekeeper, n and.address ard =e will forward bya the I Ink Shag and o a Catalogu sold sen our money yand ae wil send you ~ he Premium you select. - Write for the outfi Mention thie paper, IMPERIAL IN INK Gow 'oronto, Ont. F TS =. PARMANENTLY CURED BY te wa Arch 8 Philadel; treatise and free 2 trial bottle, Poe mle by J. a Harte, 1780

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