Atwood Bee, 8 Dec 1899, p. 8

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B, of Hostilities. London, Dee. 2.--The Transvaal sita- tation in yiew of recent occurrences 'and the latest news from Methuen is}. ¢ 'deemed to be critical, The War Office promulgated an order to-day calling 'out a further portion of the army re iserve. . The- corrected list of the total casualties at Modder River Tuesday is 'as follows: Killed 76, d 894, missing 7, London, Dec. 2--The War Office has received the following from Gen. 'Forestier-Walker: "Cape Town, Dec. i.--Gen. Gatacre menue nochange in 'the situation. Gen. mch has made a 'reconnaissance from Nauuw Poort to Rosmead; the troo urned to 5 'Men. Methuen's flesh wound is slight. 'ents, and three battalions .of infantry, 'which have moved up to De Aar 'and Belmont line." "pDum-dum" seems to be war's worst scurse word, The South African war has cost 'Great Britain $50,000,000 thus far. ~ London, Dec. 4.--The Chronicle's ac- ount of the battle of Nov, 27 at Mod- der River, just arrived, says the battle 'was waged fiercely for nearly fourteen hours. The enemy occupied a strong 'entrenched position, their first front 'extending'tive miles along the bank of 'hey were well supplied ght rately. the right were met by an awful hail of 'they m 00, 'T yards before they were fired dad to be down to esca fusilade, which lasted without inter- mission throughout the day. The High- Janders made several attempts to force a passage of the river, bat they were 'exposed to such a murderous fire that they were forced to retire after they had suffered terribly. Su uently a party of the Guards got over and held their own for hours against a vastly superior force. Qur men fell in dozens while trying to rash the bridge, The British guus keptup # heavy fire all day and fearful havoc was done in the Boer position, the enemy being forced to fly from their entrenchments. Night put an end totbe tetrible bloodshed. 'The infantry brigade was dreadfully cut up. The Boers retreated at night, taking their guns withthem. We are now occupying their positions. Th enemy's loss was tremendous, Some of the Boer prisoners say that Gen. Cronje was in supreme command. lle had to whip his men to prevent them trom deserting, and, despite this, many threw down their rifles and fled. Itis officially announced tbat Gen- Methuen was among the wounded at the battle of Modder River. on. les t+ Gen. Methuen is now in constant | yar searchlight communication with Kim- beriey. he Boer force at Colenso is estimat- ed to be 20,000 men, with 30 guns, The British have at present 78,000 troops. Itis the purpose of the War Ollice to raise the force to over 118,000 men. Reports from Ladysmith under date of Nov, 25th state that the bombard- ment was more heavy than formerly, und casualties as a consequence more] * numerous. The transport Ismoreis a total wreck off St. Heiena. All the troops and nearly all the guns were safely removed before the vessel broke up, but over|/>* 200 horses were drowned, London, Dec. 4.--At_the War Office : conference, which practically decided the arrangements for the colonial con- tingents, Sir Redvers Buller insisted strongly that not more Canadians and Australians should accept than 'could be put to really effective use. "J mean," he said, "to put these co- lonial beys right in front. We will then see who will win," London, Dec. 4.--The fact that the De Beers mines. foundry is casting shells while the garrison seldom replies to the Boer artillery is said to point to a scarcity of ammunition at Kimberley partially accounting fer General Me- thuen's haste. Cape Tewn, Wednesday, Nov. 29.-- 'The Sardinian, with the Canadian con- tingent on board arrived here at noon to-day. Private Deslauriers of Ottawa, 4 member of "D" Company, died ate Marti, al of Ot rs ed |the:roof was ablaze, There beiig no on November 3rd, four days after sailing. ure. Priv | Trowbridge Orangemen intend hold- ing 4 social in the near fature, Jas, Dickson and ©. H. Merryfield are eee County Council in Stratford sw the Trowbridge f sold at 115¢¢. per ib - The annual en te Sunday school entertainment will held as usual at Christmas. Wwm.,: Morrison will be one of the Grand Jury at the High Court pro- ceedings in Stratford next week. -- Tue Bee and Farmers' Adyocate to now and get balance of year free. A new Standard Sewing machine, di- rect from the manufactory, with latest attachments, complete, will be given in exchange for w Apply st Tue BEE office, John Roger, O.L.S, is busy taking levels, etc., for the Stewart drain in northern Elma, which in magnitude exceeds the Boyle drain for which six municipalities were taxed. You are expected at 8.8. No. 8 con- cert this (Friday) evening. Admission, lbc. and 10c.. A fine program' and a good time generally is in store for all. Miss Maude Harris, the teacher, is un- tiring in her efforts to make it a suc- cess. Be there : Ema Council meets on the 15th inst., at 10 a.m., the last meeting of the year. The past year has been a busy one for the Board. Wehear of no new candi- dates for municipal honors. It is more than probable that the present Council will be re-elected by acclamation. : On Monday of this 'week Luke Lucas sr, narrowly escaped having his house burned down. Before it was observ witid of any consequence the fire was snched ) brecra It was caused, we lerstand, by a defective chimney. MARRIED.--A pleasant social event 8 spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs E.M. Alexander, Listowel, on Wednes- day, 29th Nov. At5.30 pm., while the r dding march was being played, the i@and groom, Miss Kate Rolling and Thos. R. Alexander, and their as sistants, Miss Emily Rolling and John McCutcheon, took seats in tne awaiting carriage and were rapidly driven to the manse, where they were securely joined together in the holy, bonds of matri- mony by the Rev, Mr. Hardie. Dinner 'was served afterwards by the hostess, Sirs. E. M. Alexander, in her usual style. The bride was attired in blue ladies' cloth, with satin trimmings, her sister also being similarly attired. The groom is one of Elma's most progress- ive farmers, and is tobe congratulated on having won such a fairbride. The bridal gifts were varied and costly. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander have taken u their residence on his beautiful farm. "Sunny Hill," in Elova, amid the best wishes of their friends. "They will be "at home" after. Dec. 25th. qué unit BE AMAN Se aa 24) bed f 6Alln.sncan t be ida Apollosof strength Se9 and fo:m, but all "may have robust & health and strong neryes and cleat = minds. Our treat Mz ment makes such : = men. The methods are our own exclusively, and where anything is left to build upon, the restored. Weakness, Nervousness, from early errors or later excesses, the result of over-work, sickness, worry, etc., forever cured. Fuk strength development, and tone gir en to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Im mediate improvement seen. Failure Large 2,000 references. Book, | ontoere and business. new subscribers for $1.75. Subscribe| Pm ra verger's Hall, Atwood, on Tuesday, Dec. 19,1899 | the taeeaion. ot gucacel _A. F. MacLaren, M. P. Laxa-Liver Pilis cure Const tien and Dyspepsia. De not pil Price 85e. GENTS:--Christian Endeavor, Epworth League and B. Y. P. . Members, "Light of Life" is a treasure house of imformation. We need Christian men and women and others who desire to do good and make money, to circulate this wonder- invite buy. price. A child can er. We invite you to our store and make shopping place. Christmas in a Few Days. It means no time to waste. We are ready for you. Don't wait till the last hour and buy what's left. ) Ne to come early if you want the best money can i ; we give uy here as wel e have the SPREE EEEE EEE EEEEEEEEET New fur-lined Capes $20, $25, $30, $35, extra choice value, pes, Goat, $10,Astrachan $12, $15. $18. $20,325. Ladies' Fur Ca, Ladies' Fur Jackets, astrachan, a very large assortment to : = choose from. : > Far Ruffs. Caperines, Moffs and Gauntlets, Children's Far bi Setts, Ruffs and Mitts. F BEY as ra wh} -- a p< a yy -- aA new lot of Ladies' Jackets, and very cheap. A beautiful range of Infants' Jackets just to hand. SILKS and SATINS--A fall stock of all kinds of Silks and Satins for Fancy Work and Shirt Waists. Beautiful Velveteens. Handkerchiefs by the Hundred of all kinds from 3c. up to 0c, each, All makes and styles, FANCY GOODS--Glove Holders, Handkercliief Holders, Dolls, Toy Children's setts, Mouth Organs, Silverware, Kuives and Forks, Picture Holders, Drums, and hundreds of fancy articles. i Men's and Boys' Keadymade Clothing--We have a superior stock to chouse fram. Men's and Boys' Underwear, Caps, Ties, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Watches, Men's Fur Coats, Mitts, Gauntiets. Try ton Heeced underwear at 50c. is a world beater. In Shoes and Slippers we are giving special value, New Currants, very best ew New Raisins, , New Orange, Citron arid Lemon Peel, Powder, Nuts, Pickles, Canned goods, Xmas Candy, Dates, new Teas, 'Toilet Soaps, Coffees, Sugars, Biscuits, &. A GROCERIE nut, new Spices of all kinds, Baking tew New Diuner Sets at a Bargain. VIGOR OF MEN is czy, gules: |" Debility, and all the train of evils afforded ful book. BRADLEY-GARRETSON Co., Limited, leg | A Solid Sore. When it comes to healing up old running sores of long standing there is no remedy equal to Burdock Blood Bitters. Bathe the sore with the B.B.B.-- that relieves the local irritation. Take the B.B.B. internally--that clears the blood of all impurities on which sores thrive. Miss D. Melissa Burke, Grind- stone, Magdalen Islands, P:Q., says: - they gave me salve to put on, but it did no good. Finally my leg became a solid running sore. In fact for nearly a month I could not put my foot to the floor. "I was advised to use B.B,B. and did so. Three bottles healed my leg en- 4 Grety eo that I have never been troubled with it since.' Brantford, "It is with pleasure I in favor of B.B.B. which cured me of a running sore on my leg. I consulted three doctors and BARCAINS EVERY DAY. J. M. Schinbein. 4 Main St., Listowel. yon the closest one- , as mother or fath- our silk fleeced Underwear, Our cot- cleaned, 8 Ibs, for 25c, 3 ibs, for 25c. ; shredded Cocoa- Business Directory. --_--- LEGAL. : "MORPHY & CARTHEW,. ~ Listowel, Ont., Barristers, Solicitors Conveyancers, &c. Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Money to Loan. Offices above Carson & McKee's store, Main street. H. B. MorpPHy, J. M. CARTHEW J. CECIL HAMILTON, B. A., BARRISTER, CONVEYANCER. Rioney to Tucan at 4 per : cent. OFFICE--Main-st., Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, Dentist. Brancu OFFIceE--Main-st., Atwood, A tary 'Trial and Scandal of the age. Snap for canvassers., BRADLEY-GARHETSON Co., hed SMOTHERING SENSATION. sation caused by heart a : Loverity of the in any eae Graduate of Toronto Univers heart me much suffering. I was | 'Licentiate College of Physicians apd also very nervous and my whole Surgeons of Ontario. 8 run down and debilitated Special attention given to Eye, Ear Hearing that Milburn's Heart Nose and Throat, Evoninas preferreo Nerve Pills a specific for these | for such work. : troubles, I it I would try sg se Office and residence--Main-st., nex! got box at McLeod's Drug Store. They | yrs: Roger's store, me great relief, nerine toned ': 0 my system and re the TWOOD, ONT. symptoms from which ego nal el uieanfomhettooe. | OD. A. KIDD, M D., (Signed) MBB. A. ie IRISH, ton,'Ont, | Physician, Surgeon, Acconcheur GENTS:--Dreyfus; the prisoner of Devil's Island, Full story of the most remarkable go , Big book, well illustrated, sells on sight. **T have suffered for some years with a next to Berlet's shoe store. Will yisil Atwood every Wednesday. BARTERI cS. J, W. Scott, Banker. Established 1872. i 4 ES a general Banking business. Drafts DY ioaghtana sold, payable in all parts of the Dominion, United States and Great Britain Notes Discounted. Deposits received and cur rent rate of interest allowed. Cheque Bank Cheques Iesned, payable in al parte of the world, without notice or charge. large t of Private Funds to lend on due soon! y at Five per cent., with privilege of repaying annually Issuer of Marriage Licenaes. MEDICAL. DR. A. S. LANGRILL DENTAL. . W. M. BRUCE, L. D. 8. DENTIST. Painless extraction. Artificial teeth of the beat quality. Crowns and bridges at the lowest rates, Gold and porcelain fillings a specialty. All work warrant- edto give satisfaction. Office over . Thompson Bros. store, Main street, Listowel. ~ G. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of Perth, Monkton, t. Rates moderate. For particulars ap- ply at this office. ; EMISSIONS. Varicocelé,;-Syphilis, Weakness and Diseased Men Cured. "HOI '11I0UL35G 148 SHELBY g 260,000 CURED. ung m ont for on 'are made business, 80- cial pleasures or home duties by evil habitsin youth, piers exceses, or Thousands of nervous wrecks, Ce | a, Ihave gained twenty: Arse strong mentally, ph sexually. It is a wonderful Disease--with the worst symp- i heur. Graduate of Trinity University, Tor- onto, 1 2 Fellow of Trinity Medical- College Torou Licentiate of College of Physicians ion ti sure, and Su 8, Ontario, Regt of hoes sas Deebtgge ge ist Hospi Man 6, Ear,|: Throat , New in the mouth or en the

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