Atwood Bee, 15 Dec 1899, p. 4

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anid "rs now inthe full-swing of the Christmas trade. EVER batins 'have we had such a large assort- ; ment of New and Attractive Novelties ..and young. Come in and see them. to hel you choose your Xmas Presents, Be sure and see the Santa Claus' Stockings |, filled with Toys, etc., for the Children, Toys iii Bois In Toys and Dolls we have .everything to please. nine bg i Tron Trains, Steam Engines ome Sag Jumping Clowns, Dressed Dolls, K lls, Dolls P Warniture, Sad ull ete. Fancy Goods, Albums &c _ Our line of Fancy Goods is entirely new andis ad- mired by all who see them. They are just the thing for a nice Xmas or Wedding Present. A large stock of Books, Albums, Bibles, Christmas} Cards, Calendars and Games. Santa Claus' Headquarters J. A. MITCHELL, *2203% DRUG STOR. Tn League with St. Nick. See ee ee Another Christmas here---a time of joy and glad- ness---and everybody caer where they can procure the right thing suitable for a Christmas~Present for|*. their best girl or far away friends. Why,.everybody says, GO TO HOLMES', they al- ways have the Newest and most Up-to-date goods that money ean buy. For the Ghristmas Trade I have left no stone unturned in securing the New- est, nicest and best goods in the market. Call and in- spect these goods, get prices, and you will be sure to uy No doubt RAISINS ? From now to Jan. 1st we will give them to you at the same Old Prices. 3 lbs. of the best for 25c. And don't forget that we keep Cand- _wi's for the Child dren, and a full = eh 'of ee Goods at rock-bottom Seb Ma are buyers of all the large Tur- keys we can procure, and shall 1 not ™object to the smaller ones and other kinds. of Poultry and Farm Produce Turkeys-- for which we will allow you the highest market prices. Thanking our numerous customers for past favors, we solicita continuance of the same, and wish you Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. C. H. Holmes, Atwood. , not fol ou are aware of the big advance inj|cen 4 Mus. J. A "Mrronent -and are visiting Meaford and Clakepate berger's friends, " bert aeapedi ah a "green Christ eR quit certainty f Never take a medicine of dun value instead of Hood's Sursapari hoops pr os to do pribeet be paid for | Prepa 1809. your prt ag sy aud see if you cannot get ome the little son of J. A. Kium ae pinying-with a revolver in sib A 8 conta of or THe Dee % "3 Pees 4th, Oct, 6th or Old te wean e want)" TU) "tw af ge pees is have 'nv oe. However, in this | 8Toc* not aware hl ee tt onrtridues were 80 success ay | york reater aurprines, ere ¥ they di KuMA eee adjourned Uourt of ltevisivn 4 the assessment of the Wilson Drain Repair By-law, met - the Agricultural Hall, Atwood, on w Suth November, 1899 Members all ce Minutes of just Court read aud signed. Appellants present, Coulter, A. M. Sweeton and R MeMane. Ibe appeals were all cousiderrd ahd disposed of as follows ; uence by Mr. Rothwell, seconded by Mr. Donaldson, that the appeals against the assessinent of repairing Wilson drain, viz, BR. Smith, VY. Coulter, A. M. Sweeton, W. Sweetou and R.MeMave, be dismissed. Carried, Mr. smith veting against the motion. Moved by Mr. McMane, sec vuded by Mr. Donaldson, that the Court of Revision on the Wilson Drain Repair By-law be now closed. Carried Council then met fur general bustoess. Minutes of last meeting cn and sigu- ed. Moved by Mr. Donaldson, sevond- ed by Mr. Rothwell, that the Clerk bow read the report of the Engineer iu the proposed drainage work known the Peet Drain. Carried. The said report wus then read and vonsidered, Moved Poy Mr. McMane, seconded b r. Don- aldson, that the petition of J. Gernheid- er and others requesting to have their land drained under tne Municipal Drainage Act be accepted and an Eu- giueer appoi nted to carry out the work Carried. Moved by Mr. Donaldson, secunded by Mr. McMane, that the petition of W, Gilmer and others re- questing to have their land drained un der the Municipal Drainage Act be ac- cepted aud an Engineer appointed to carry out the work. Carried. Moved vy Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr.MceMane., that the Reeve be authorized to make | qug arrangements with the Stratrord Br idge Co to haye the bridges erected. Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Rothwell, secoud- ed by Mr. Donaldson, that the Reeve be xuthurized to take the necessary steps to defend the claim of William Bailey. Carried. Moved by Mr. Don- aldson, seconded by Mr. McManue, that orders be isened for the payment of the folowing accounts : . Atkins 82,tile xcruss roxndway con 9 ; S$. B. Stevenson 7i:.. tile on sideroad con. 2; E Hanna 8780. tile drain con. 4; $16 69 work touwnline Elma and Listowel ; 83 grad- ing con. L ; T. Thompson $2, sewer pipe culvert and drawing tile; A. Camerou 25, assisting Engineer on Maitland drain. and $24, Engineer Stew art Drain; M. Regan $450, xssisting Engineer Maitland drain; G Smith $2.25, oe Engineer Maitland drain ; J. Bell $21, assisting Engineer Gf Siemats Arata 5 4, Struthers $21, assist- ing Engineer Stewart drain ; L. Schade $4.20, gravel V. Schade $1.50, repairing culvert ;C, tel Na for two cul- verts ; D. Keillor $8.85, work con, 17 aud lank ; R. Hammond $16, ditch ing bb's award; J. Holmes 88 40 culvert Dobb's award ; LD. Morrisou $1 50, cedar for calvert ; J. Holman 81. cleaning aren gravel ind = Bricker & Ce. 6 ¢., spi kes : J Benty Tee, digging Engineer's awa Buchan ide , repairing bridge con: ia: G. Hutehison 86,50, gravel ; S12 gravelling sideroud may 822.50. gravelling at Trowbridge bridge and $15 50 grading ling sideroad Tughen's bridge ; ling gl, rererre culvert sideroad con. 7; Fred Curtis $8, gravel, and 81 re- pairing bea ined Clerk, Reeve and As- sessor $4 each making jurors' jist ; Knox 50c, plank and repairing culvert ; Ww, Stevenson $10, ditching sideroad 40 and 41, con. 1; ; W. oer et. dite - E: and E: balance cleaning ditch siderogd con. Roger $54.67. concrete tile hese lah H. Richmond $52.64, balance in full of Silver Corners drain contract ; J. r repa: Engineer Peet drain ; P. Guffo ting Engineer Peet drain ; larton $28.10. expenses re voters' list poh) ; H. Fogal $33.85, ditching and gravellin; 'ogal ravellin gr ing con " con. 10, and $22 diteh- Bae ditching T. L, ng F.! than the Modder Riyer casualty Tee " It Methodist Sabbath school <r the "fall graveyara" will hi wf . the 22nd T Hal | afore 'own Hall commen: for the big yeu Ow1ne to the Fess demands upon our .advertising space, considerable local and district matter Bhs unayoidably crowded out of this iss J. A. HACKING, Smeaty is giving] away on Jan. ist, I two high grade bicycles, ladies' orgen its, to the epee holding the lucky tickets. See Ho.mesis tothe front aia C.H vibe mith 2 fai stock of Christmas} eg and is suitable for Xmas ons an nd pny of candies for Santa Clans' boys and. gtris. St..ALBAN's church Sanday school entertainment cde he held in the Town -- So haa pregrn Leigh ot at 10 Fe m is being prepa re aint Lig! de will be taken in aid of the Sunday school. Show your sym- pathy by your presence. SANTA AT THE Drvuc StTore.--Old Saint Nick, has made special arrange- ments -with J. A. Mitchell this year to carry his toys and novelties, olmes, McKoy and Leake supply Santa Clans mi the candies, and Mr. Mitchell the Aud such a family of dolls. Big dette, little dolis, dolis dressed, dolls un- dressed,: wax dolls, china dolls, rag dolls and rubber: etc. If Santa fails to call at og Atwood drug store this Christm: then we know ofa fot of little stockings that will not be filled right. CHRISTMAS AT GuUNTHER's.--J. H. Gunther, "the well known Listowel fomelles, invites the readers of Tne Ber to ee 'his fine line of gold and eirer wavenea, sterling silver and other Christmas novelties, which he is offer- ing at a@ specially low price. Gold headed ebony walking sticks and ris brellas inthe newest and bandsomest designs, which make beantiful as well ag sensible Xmas or wedding gifts. A few pieces of art china ata bargain. Call anyway, before making your holiday ae Waten for advt. next week. Latest War News.--On Sunday last Get. Gatacre was defeated at Stormberg, witb a loss of three gue and Major Sturges, six officers, and 360 non-commissioned officers and men of the Northumberlands, and two officers and sbont 2560 non-commissioned of ficers and men ofthe Irish Fusiliers 'This is a severe reverse, and will great- ly prolofg'the war and cause the Cape Dutch téjuie-the Boers. Major-Geo eral Gatacre has sent additional par ticulsrs 'of his defeat at Stormberg, and uequits the guides of treachery. The patches say that 66 men in addition to those alretidy reported are missing, bringing the total loss up to 699. The Boers have not followed theit suc- cess by attacking position at Mol- teno, There is no new Gen. Lord Methuen, commanding the Kimberley | ows relief column, 'This is probably due to the interruption in cable communica tion, Mafeking garrison is cheerful and holding a a he the shelling has increased in eff The ratious have been reduced. sak by half a pound and bread bya quarterof a pound, On Sundays. there are church concerts and games of cricket and oo Gen. Buller continues silent as to his own prospective movements. The fact that he has not yet advanced does not excite impatience here, his judgment being unquestioned. On Monday last General Methuen's force attacked the Boers under commandant Crunje and Colonel Albrecht, but failed to drive them from their position. Only # par Ho - the British foree was en- e battle lasted all day, and His night che British troops slept on the positions they had gained within 800 wae of the Boer trenches. On Tues morning finding that the Boers ot | occupied their trenches strongly. General Methuen retired to his former ition at Modder River, The British oss was. heavy A number of- Boer prisoners state that the enemy's losses were terrible, some of the corps being wiped out of existence. The British | *# logs was great, 298 wounded, including 27 officers, having arrived 'already _ Orange River. Unofficial estimates a Cape Town make the total loss ee kill, ad, wounded and missing 450, "2 CRADUE. Ross --In Elma, on the 8th inst, - Mr. and Mrs Andrew Robb, a so Vrronp.--In Elma, on Nov. 29th 1800 to Mr. and Mrs. _-- Vipond, a Wood's. Phosphodine. é, At- Druggist, or}, wood by J. A. Mitchell, 6. HP MERRYFIELD, Tt the Hine Chome Co., Limited, will be held in their factory on Saturday, Dec. 30th, 1890, at One o'clock p.m., when Dt 'Auditors roporta Will be rend' and nabiniteed, year will be elected, the interest of the Elma Reform Association, 1 Nagy Hon ner Annual Mesting of of the Elma Reform Half Att a be held in ae ilk one ee, Dec, 2ist, 1899, at 1.30 p.m., for the Mociion os Geioers for the ensuing year, and the transaction <a business. A full uoeatanee bie is req T.G. BALLANTYNE. J. A MITCHELL. President. Secre! ary. BLIMA. Conservative Assoc'n The Annual Meeting of the above Association will held: in Branden-' berger's Hall, Atwood, on Tuesday, Dec. 19,1899 at 1.80 p.m., for the purpose of electing Officers and the transaction 'of general business _ A. F. MacLaren, M. P. for North Perth, is expected to be present and (dress the meeting. WM. WHI tY, Y COULTER, President. Secretary. Township of Elma Municipal Election ! T= Manicipal Electors of Elma are hereby otified : for the Nomination ce ereeea oie. FRIDAY, DEC. 22ud, 1899, at 1 o'clock p.m. the necessary aetlwen of senndthcees bes Oe heme: ated, the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, JAN. Ist, 1900, when Polls will be opened in each Electoral atyaien ot the Township, a the hour of 9 o'cl morning, shall continue open anti o'clock in the afternoon and no ase 3rd. That the Polling -- in each El Returni: eis are as f v. 1--Cosens Trowbrid; Cc. Coser >on ibe pe et ™ Hall. lot 15, con. 4, J. Mitchell, A eae Newry, T- Donarel W.H. Gilmer, Den uty Retarn ring Office v. 6--Davies' School "'touse, J. R. Ham- mnek. ty Bet perio ec J Officer. any! Urs School House, W. Raney, Deputy ning Onioor. iv. b-Thomprous shop, Atw Atwood, J. W. Mc- Bain, Deputy Ret: THOS, FULLARTON, Clerk. PALE PEOPLE Have their blood enriched, their heart strengthened and their + nrg ae by using Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Insufficient quantity or of the blood is one hays fa ils roy Ard usually follow any derangement of the becomes weakened in any e blood to the lungs purified and im- the life-giving oxygen. As a result the ood deteriorates. ar eataitcine, , Vitalizing, heakh- alg If the wah caeela pregnated ness, Bed degra from thin or wate: brood 7 » RS Ce tw thoes sufferi L&CENSED AUCTIONEER FoR 'THe

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