Atwood Bee, 15 Dec 1899, p. 5

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Eima. Miss Ciara seo of Rochester, N. Y.- pm ig rar the winter with her' broth- , W. H. Jolly, of Eima. Sia A Very quiet wedding was svlemniz | ed at the manse in Milverton on Thurs- a, and Miss Agnes Struthers, of the 16th con, Elma hey have now settled down to housekeeping on the 14th con. Their friends wish them ali the forts and happiness of wed.ted life. Monkton, The building committee of the manse | | had a successful bee last wi ing earth to fili ep around the Don't forget to watch for the partial! eclipse of the moon on Sunday night, 16th inst., between six andten p.m. . Messrs. Fullarton & Ziemann, hard- ware merchunts and tinsmiths, are still very busy exvetroughiug and putting up furnaces. . y friends of John Berlet sorry to hear that he is on the He was taken suddenly ill on Friday night. Wehope that he will soon be able to resume his work again. The result of the vote taken in Knox ebarch en Sund»y, Dec. 8, for the elec- tion of three elders, was announced last Sunday. Messrs. Hugh McEwen, Henry McNaught and John Flood were unanimously chosen' by the congrega- oe Their induction will take place a The scholars of our village school have got the rchool house very artisti- exlly de: orated with evergreens pictures and tissue paperof many colors, It fooks really hardseme and they are all looking forward to Friday night, Dec. 15. A very excellent program has been prepared with goud talent, Don't for- get the date. One young man made himself small fin the eves of the people at the concert Frday aight by standing outside in the cola and taking advantage of the door per. when his back was turned, to slip in rather than pay the 15 cents. Sim. otherstried to show their emart. ness by breaking two dozen hat hooks off the wall. Such conduct does not take well with the people and is a punishable offence. 'Jhere wasa good turnout of the ratepayers of Logan and Elmaon Sat- urday night in the school house to hear the report of thetwo delegates that were to Guelph, attending a public merting of the delegates from the various towns and villages along the Supposed route of the extension of the c. P.R. They spoke very highly of the reception they received. Rev. Mr. Abrey acted as chairman, and called the meeting to order about 8 p. m. 'The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting which were adopted. Stewart, delegate for Logan, gave a very glowing and favorable uccount of the meeting, asthe pedpleof Guelph are auxious to bave the ruad extended through to Goderich, Monkton is one . draw- manse, . Mr. Smith gave a g ac count of the meeting and stated that we were sure to get our share of the road providing that it would be made, but there_was alot to du before any- thing definite would be known, A ful Trepori of the Guelph meeting appears in THe BeE-this week. __ The cencert held in 8S. No>8, Elma, Friday evening, was a success imevery respect. Long before the program started. the house was literally jamsm- ed, Every available foot of space w taken up, the lobby was a complete Jam, and some of the young nien had to get perched on top of the purtition and hat hooks. C. H. Merryficid was ehosen chairman, and aftet a brief ad- dress, the prograny was opened b music on the organ, guitar and violin. The children did their different parts in the dialogues to perfection, showing tha' they had no lack of training. The recitaiions and ngs were bnt they got rather a poor hearing, as reading don't seem totake with the young folks. The dialogues by the oung Men were the bits of the even g They were both long and comical, aud kept the audience ina constant roar of laughter, and they received a hearty encore. The outside talent from Atwood and other sources was of the highest order. They receiyed'good at- tention throughout the different parts they took in the p ings. Although the audience became a little noisy at times. no doubt on account of the heat to . ficulty in ovtaining ofder at times while the rogrem wis being carried out. On the ccess, and the Alt. | 3 § pit ankles. Was not Soor when RAILWAY GRAND TRUNK Sais PROVINCIAL FAT STOCK AND DAIRY SHOW London, - Ontario, will be held on Dec. 11 to 16, inclusive, 1899, Return Tickets at SINGLE FIRST- CLASS FARE will be issued on 1Llth and 12th December. 1899. frum all Sta- tions in Ontario, Kingston and West. and on 18th, 14th and 15th December from Stations. in Ontario, Toronto, West and North. Tickets valid returning from London on or before December 16th, 1899. For Judges and Exhibitors, Return Tickets will be issued at Single First- Class Fare for Round Trip, on Dec 7th to 15th, inclusive, on surrender of Cer- titicate signed by F. W. Hodson. Valid to return on or before 19th Dec., 1899. Tickets and all isformation from Agents of Grand Truuk Railway Sys- tem, M. C. DICKSON, D.P.A., - TORONTO. J. G HbBYD, 34-99-9 G.T.R. Agent, ATwoop Cook's Cotton Root inet meet ee * all Mix ti pills and xtures, gerous. Priee, No. 1, $1 Scent Ceck Company Windsor, Ont. m 7 cord ana recommended by iggiste in Canada. No. 1 and No.2 sold in Atwood by J. A, Mitchell, Druggist. Pianos, Organs AND MACHINES. oy If you have never seen a Morris Piano do so before you buy. I have the Bell Organ agency for 40 tare miles, and Standard Sewing achine agency for this district. If you wanta Sewigg Machine get the Standard Rotary &nd Shuttle ---- Silent, speedy and most dur. The above at close prices and terms to sult. J. A. Gardner, : 'amil gee Loan. Offices above Carson & M 's store, Main street. - H. B. Moxnrny. J. M. CARTHEW J. CECIL HAMILTON, B. A., Baketer, RE L CONVEYANCER. 2foney to or at 4 per Urrice--Main-st, Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, Dentist" Buancu Orrice--Main-st., Atwood, next to Berlet's shoe store. Will yisit Atwood every Wed Pee re Bade. J. W. Scott, Banker. Sstablished 1872., GES a general ' bought and «nid. Dominion, United States and rent rate of interest Bank Chi ble in al parted the Gand ee A large amount of Private Funds to sone os good farm security ve per cen privilege of repaying annually. {Issuer of Marriage Licenses. MEDICA DR. A. S. LANGRILL _ Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- i Licentiate College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Special attention given to Eye, Ear Nose and Throat, Evenings preferred for such work. Office and residence--Main-st., next Mrs. Roger's store, .. ATWoop, Ont. D. A. KIDD, M D., Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. iraduate of Trinity University, Tor- to, 1888. onto, Fellow of Trinity Medieal College Toronto, Licentiate of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Late of the Post Graduate Schoo! and Hospitaland Manhattan Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Infirmary, New York, 1899, Associate Coroner of Perth County ATWoOoD, Ont, DENTAL. W. M. BRUCE, L. D. 8.. DENTIST. Painless extraction. Artificial teeth of the best quality. Crowns and bridges at the lowest rates, Gold and porcelain fi 'ings a specialty. All work warrant- e@:to give satisfaction: Office over thompson Bros. store, Main street, Listowel. R&aK K&K K&K K 8 SRS. K, & Kg The Leading Specialists of America} ;¢ & 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. #3 250,000 CURED. K /™ WECURE EMISSIONS Sone cme eget Saee of these "ales losses." countenanco rev tof your the 4g WE CURE VARICOCELE [5 No matter bie ee se fat remtriey ee cpag hare bed iucat & (QD. TREATMENT 'will sexual ve j T wil & K of the word got up in first-class style. pecial Cc a Supplement just lately revised PRICES Ho ! Christmas is Here, and so are we | We are right in the swim with © _|Barrels of Candies and Nuts for Christmas Trees and and Little Stockings New Currants, Raisins, Oranges, Lemons, Peels, Figs, Dates, Pickles, Spices, &c. 'Fresh Xmas Groceries. A specially select stock of High Class Candies, B Bons, Chocolates, Creamg &c. - ss Candies, Bon B. R. Leake. WEBSTER's _ , BY NOAH WEBSTER t ' Encyclopedic+ +Dictionary and THOROUGHLY REVISED To DATE by the Rt. Rev. Samuel Fallows, A Gr eatly Enlarged late Professor-Elect of the Cuiversity oF Wier consin ; late Superintendent of Public Instruction of Wisconsin ; Ex-President of illinois Wesleyan University ; member of the Philosophical Soeiety of Great Fatige ; author uf "Synonyms and Antonyms," "Hund Book ef Abbreviations, e ete., ("45,000 more Words, Phrases and Definitio Ww bridged and Worcester's Dictionaries, ns than Webster's Una "25,000 more Words, Phrases and Definitions than Webster's Inter national Dictionary. Illustrated with 2,000 Engravings, Embellished with Eight Magnificent Chromatic Colored Plates of the Arms of various Nations. This Great Work gives a vocabulary and pronuneiation of Modern Geographical Names, Gives list of all Cities in the U. S$. of over 8,000 population. tw The Paper is Good, the sider is Good, and the work is in every senso. he binding is of the most durable kind, LOTH Hinges. proper covers 1,281 y Fallows of 896 the book being supplied with s (@ As to size, the Dictiona pages, and then we have containing all new technica! words. ctorial Illustrations 48 pages >in ali totat bound in first- ' In elegant Half Russia, marbled edges In elegant Full Library Sheep * In elegant Full Russia, marbied edges PE _ Now, as a Special Inducement to Readers of Taz Bez we will send by Express Prepaid the $7.50 style for $4.85, the $8.50 style for $5.25, or the $9.50 style for $5.85, wirs Inpex complete, with the understand~" ing that this work is not just as re-. presented you return book and we return your money. We will lay aside 500 Copies for this purpose and First Come First Served as-long as they last. Fo make sure of this snap. write us at once. : _ 4. L, Nichols & Go.,

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