Atwood Bee, 15 Dec 1899, p. 6

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ed many are asking} Probably Boér rule will end with. the war. Thé burgliers boast that - they will make it a costly war for Britain ; and they must pay the cost, if it takes every rood of their repiibiics. Prob- ably we shall' have. a great sister Do- minion fn South Africa ere long over which the ola Zing naif Wave, ossur- ing frecdom and ju to all. it is 'reported. ant Her Most. Gra- clous Majesty, Vinnie Dempsey, of the Society "of Holland' Daimes,* has been fo pestered by a middle-aged com- moner with mutton-chop whiskers, avho wishes to marry her, that she has been obliged to close the royal palace in New Amsterdam (vulgarly known as New York), and seek seclusion in un- known haunts, Time was when, a monarch who did not want a consort nvould-make the-other fellows do .the hustling to get out of the way in order to save his head. Which goes to show the low estate in which kinging and queening has fallen, in America, at least. A football team composed of Kaf- firs from the Orange Free State -is now in England. It is composed prin- _Cipally of members of the Basuto tribe, though two are Hottentots. All of the players speak English fluently, and profess unbounded loyalty to the Queén and to British authority in South Africa. They look rpon. the Boers as enemies who kept their: kind in slavery until Great Britain inter- fered. 4 Lord Salisbury's son, Lord Edward Cecil, is with Colonel Baden-Powell at Mafeking. Lord Edward is thirty-two years of age. He joined the Bedford- shires in 1885, and was made a Lieu- tenant in the Grenadier Guards in 1892. He acted as Lord Wolseley's aide-de-camp when the latter was Commander-in-Chief in Ireland. He Was present at the fall of Khartoum, when he occupied a position on the Sirdar"s satff. Sir Charles Dilke has announced his intention of bequeathing to the ves- try of Hampstead, England, the Keats relics in his possession. Sir Charles' collection of Keats relics is large and valuable. His grandfather was a close friend of the poet and besides the re- lics which he inherited Sir Charles has many which were given to him by Ma- jor Charles 'Brown, a son of Keats' friend, Charles A. Brown. A PARALLEL CASE, The Case of R. A. Wade, the Criminal Lawyer of Chicago, Duplicated by That of an Ontario Lady. _a2 Falls, Dec. 4.--The case of R. Wade, the t yer ~ Chi great criminal law- A similar case occurred on our own side of the ye he that of Mrs. Mrs. George rnes, Rn iL Wade is the lawyer who de. murdering Carter crt. Mayo - * yor of Chicago. He had cked his eyes ge pete and grad- dmey t ed and his sight Maison : iaeaciael ow read Mrs. Barnes' let see how what was almost pee a miracle by the people of Chicago has been duplicates ih in Can San nada. Dodd's 3 = ith"s Falls, Gentlemen,--I The Inland Revenue a ag the Mp2 gh ee Y | ductions on cany. Gnensad m conyae AH w Pp: sateen Bate rd ome 1p nd body \of poor Hamilton Fish as it lay on the battlefie' b | 'fifter the Rougli Riders" fight, ie not ea ned Seat and as I turned ] with "my ca I saw a group officers .in apparently the merriest} moods: In : tre-of the »erou cos jokes. a been given all honor. cal of him that he 'should sit Joking, with a dend member-of 'his brav command so near. It was but the first evidence of that character which afterward became so well known and so heartily ges by me, and which so to the end of the When the canvas was flooded again the group red, and Theodore appea Roosevelt wag thé central gure. AT few, feet away sas discern body of young .Hamilton : mene , | New Scientific Treatment by Which here Parts of the Pome] aan coca ecb ra- hence treat- eth man's gulch came next into da view, with the lecturer commenting: is where the some riders' cens2- less march was made and where their fighting began. There was no possi- ble reason or their marching up through this hollow. It was a spec- tacular performance ordered by Sol ticlans and done with the idea of attracting public estep stow. No _one knew how near was." More than 200 cues taken from the moment of sailing from home until the return, gave a comprehensive idea of the humors and _ horrors of the Cuban campaign. AFTER EFFECTS OF FEVER. Mrs. Angle, ot Merritton, Suffered so , Severely That Her Friends Feared She Was Likely to be a Per- manent Invalid. SERB In the picturesque village of Mer- ritton resides Mrs. William Angle, who, after months of suffering, has found a cure from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. Angie re- lates. as follows the experience which she has passed. "Four years ago this spring, while a resident of Buffalo, I had an attack of typhoid fever and the disease left me in a worn ont. and extremely nervous con- dition, so that the least noise startled me. I could not sleep at times fora week op account of terrible attacks of heart trouble. Then again my head would trouble me and had bad dreams. I had no appetite and lost twenty-two pounds in weight and had become so very thin that my friends were alarmed. While in this condition I was treated by two physicians but h no avail. I tri everything aprancended but still cig no lief. Finally aie rela me to try Dr. Williecas' Pink After I had taken the first ogats see a change for the better, I continued the use of the pills until I had finished six boxes and the results were most gratifying. I now have normal! sleep, there is no more twitching in my hands, the palpita- tions have ceased, and I have gained in weight and strength. My whole system seems toned up, and [ feel en- tirely well. I feel grateful -- te Dr. Williams' Legg Co., and they will-keep up t good work Of administering to the afflicted." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by go ing to the root of the disease. 'They renew and build up the blood, strengthen the nerves, thus driving disease from the system. Avoid im- itations by insisting that every box you purchase isenclosed in a wrap- per bearing the full trade mark, Dr. i oinaiamed Pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple. A STORY OF INHUMAN TORTURE Extraordinary Case of Savagery in the Caucasus. The Berlin correspondent of the London Daily News sends an account of a case of inhuman torture stated to have taken place in a Belgian iron- works In the Caucasus. A sum © mouey having disa ppeared from the safe, suspic ion fell on a number of boys engaged at the works, and the direc- tors, not considering it necessary to inforn: the police, had the lads lin- risones for three dass, keeping them entirely "without food, to make them confess. No conteneae being obtainei, they were stripped a nd beaten with sticks, after which their eseliis wore raised, a tormen water till they regained conse onsciousness, began their devilish wos me they prc { their teeth, and, so re- their agony selves, and the If you are ill, take Dhol Family and Liver Pile iy sBeeata am 5 fecting a perman but a few wooks in the most severe cases to bring about a perfect cure when Catarrhozone is u Catarrhozone outfit, complete, nrice $1.00 at all druggista or direct. by mail. Send 10c in stamps for sample outfit and testimonials to N. C. Pol- son & Co. Mfg. Chemists, Box 514 Kingston, 'Ont. Parted Hair: There is a movement on foot to again have a fad for wearing the hair parted in» the 'centre and prettily waved, announces a Paris correspond- ent. Some charming American girls who were recently in Paris had their hair dressed at the most fashionable places, and the manner of parting she hair in the middle seemed to exactly suit their features. At some very swell functions thereafter their coiffures were greatly admired. The fashion which has been revived is now French "a la Americaine." Corns and Warts. Putnam's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor Is guaranteed by the muk- ers to remove Corns, Warts, Bunions, ete., without pain in twenty-four hours. Putnam's has been the stand- ard for thirty years, and is the only aafe-and-sure remady of its kind on the market. Insist on having only Putnam's,.and beware of acid flesh- eating substitutions. Price 25c. per bottle, at all dealers or by mail. N. C. Polson & Co., Box 514, Kingston, Ont., proprietors A Disappointment. "Il came mighty near tryin' to enlist in de Transvaal urmy," said Meander- ing Mike. #8 "von might have ter work," said Plodding Pete. "Fur a minute I was willin'.ter take de chance. I was deceived. by a typo- graphical error. De paper said de Transvaal was chock full o' Beers, an' I had ter rend half a column before I got convinced dat it only meant Boers."--Washington Star. In Penetrating Power: No remedy in the world equals Nervil- ile--nerve-pain cure. Neuralgia and rheumatism are relieved almost in- stantly, and the minor aches and pains by a single application. Nerviline-- nerve-pain cure--is sure to cure. Few Weddings in Cincinnati. There has been a surprising and unaccountable decrease in the num- r of marriages annually perform- ed in Cincinnati since 1890. In that the population of the 8,848 marriage censes 'deer to 2 last year, with a further inaraien in the number of inhabitants, there were but 2,847 marriages r led. Rich, red blood is produced by Mil- ler's Compound Iron Pills. Increased Customs Revenue. The following statement shows the customs revenue collection in the Do- minion i the first five months of each fiscal year since 1894-5 1894-5, $7,228,946 ; 189 he $8, 404,308 ; 1896-7 $8, 08s, 105; 1897-8, $8,180,- | 481; 1898-9, $10, 569, 08 ; 1899- 1900, 051,378. 'These figures tel tel! the tale of the wing time for them- selves. A similar increase is to be seen in the figures for November of this year, as compared wear: those for the same month last Custo ceipts, November, ig09- 1900, $2,894,- - 168; November, 1898-9, $1,934, 106; increase, $461,057. Dalley's Family and Liver Pills. Their action resembles the mene roperties of dates and ® Price, 10c. a His Conscience Forbade. "Are you willing to work for your dinner ?' asked the woman. it ds on wot you wants j and. take him to the nearest dress ¥ tive at four: 'thousand yards,. Sees iT} a Africa it has ar that all th * eftective. aid a tie ares will 'be that of (t Arm Medica bla ¥o'untary. aid will ped fine fevel tothe lines of* Serer tion between the field and. the: base weeh the base and Llows accompanying ane "fighting ine. are he bearer companies of the Army Medica! pot coe "or four' men to each regular regimental company. When a man drops out, wounded, the Army Medical Corps men ir ges him she ing ation, where he is attended to as quickly vs possible. From the dress- ing station the wounded are take to collecting stations, these being placed te satya where more shelter ts obtain~ In the case of collecting stations, it is possible, of course, to select more effective shelter than at the dressing stations, where shelter is more a mat- ter of improvisation. lecting stations the wo sha ae = ried as quickly as comtele to the ficla , cing, base hospitals and four general hos- pitals, each with its complete staff. The "latribution of these hospitals will te determined by the officers Cone in Suth Africao, and mt pend on the manuer in whic the military Station develops. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- = for any case of Catarrh that ai be cured by Hall's Catarrh ¥. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Tole'io, O ~ the undersigned, have known F, . Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectiy honorable in ss transactions, and finan- ae able to carry out any obligation made by thelr firm West wee a Truax, whaléeide druggists, hag ae & Marvin, wholesale sts, Toledo, O. Ha i's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all drug- gists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. No Apology to Muake. "JT have notiecd,"~ said Rev. Dr. Goodman, pausing in discourse, "that two or three of the brethren have looked at their watches several times in the last few minutes. For fear their timepieces may not agree I will say that the correct time is 11.45. I set my watch by the regu- lator at 'the jeweler's last night The service will be over at 12, clock. It would have been closea rouipets - 12 but for this digression. proceed to consider now what the apostle means when he says, "I p toward the mark.' '"--Chicago Tribune. For 10c., Cure Yourself Dalley's Family and Liver Pills, They purify the blood and remove all impurities. The Omnipresent Scot. "Again it has been demonstrated that the English soldier can fight. were neither Highlanders re irish in Methuen's force at Mod River."--Hamilton n Spectator. Two battalions of the Scots Guards and a battalion of the Argyll High- janders are in Methuen's force. Among the ge nes officially reported wound- ed at Modder River are Lieuts, ripe "Fy aL of the Scots Guards, Lieuts. Baker-Carr and Neilson, of 'the Highlanders.--Ottawa Journal. For Liver Trouble, take Dalley's Family and Liver Pills. big are purely vegetable. cents a box. Care of Lips. The Hips should never be rate' with cologne, wo ey a "biting the color into. their lips." Not only does this unwise prac- tice make the skin very sensitive, but re- | 4t also thickens and swells the lips till they lose all charm. Milier's Worm Powders are a won- out medicine for ailments of chil- n. trust in his For twenty doo- tors have prescribed our Emulsion for paleness, No other preparation of cod- like it. Don't lose oo; all druggists. OWwnE Chemists, Toronto. Stood the Test for 100 yeasr DALLEY'S FAMILY SALVE. This Salye has never failed to cure scalds, frost bites, bolls, felons, bunions, corns, sore throat, chapped hands, insect bites, piles, etc. Will remove the soreness from a wound like magic. Will arrest baldness by removing the cause and stimu- Jating the roots of the hair. Regular price 25c., reduced to 10. a box. The F. F. DALLEY & CO,, Limited, Hamilton, Toronto and Montreal, WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY 2nd, 1900 Central Hy enlsde hMnllige STRATFORD, ONT Vhen cost of tuition, board, phos superiority studies, and like ou. Our Catalogue gives full rite tor one, J. ELLIOTT, Principal. pana | ! 28 ACRES IN CHATTA o rovements, fruit ra munity, Fi sd terms address, Ogeen A VALUABLE RECIPE For Coughs, Colds and Lung Diseases Takes belt, feepoeees Flax-seed Tea with a dose of E GERMAN BRUST BALSAM Four or ave® timesaday. It never fails to give immediate ef. and iO cents at all Drueggists, or from M. F. EBY, Chemist, Port Elgin, Ont. Sausage Casings--tstiins "tne. Pasian enw sigh Loe oe Hog Casings-- Ne Be RL eon VELL & CO., Toronta. EXECUTORS FORCED SALE OF 50 VIRGINIA FARMS. Apply to A. L. Adamson, M hester, Va. 156 POPULAR pees' ree B2. Laot sales Yosrvety olticctiom of Meaieat Yot®@arn all about Virginia lands eoll, "Sitter, a resources, pro- pent eee oe , mode of caltiva- eee reading the tion, te., Vinoria FARMER. Send 10c., for months' subscription to FARMER CO., Emporia, Va. F ITS =. PARMANENTLY, CURED BY Dr. King's Great Nerve Ree DDY er AND STOVE

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