Cer Sta HERE AGA and we are now inthe full swing of the Christmas trade. EVER yeite have we had such.a large assort- ment. of New and Attractive Novelties for Old and hen Come in and see them. We want to help you choose your Xmas Presents. Be sure and see the Santa Claus' Stockings filled with Toys, etc., for the Children. Too Si SA, Js SO I SIA Sk Me as ht SS ed Toys ii Dollis In Toys and Dolls we -have everything to please. Mechanical Engines, Iron Trains, Steam Engines, Horns, Musical Toys, Jumping Clowns, Dressed Dolls, Kid Dolls, Dolls' Furniture, Sad Irons, ete. Fancy Goods, Albums &e. Our line of Fancy.Goods is entirely new andis ad- mired by all who see them. --_ are just the thing for a nice Xmas or Wedding Present. e stock of Books, Albums, Bibles, Christmas Cards,.C ate ndars and Games. = Santa Claus' 'Héadquarters J. A. MITCHE Lh 5 Spanos ras In League with St. Nick. Seb deb bp ed Another Christmas here--a time of joy and glad- ness--and everybody wondering where they can procure the right thing suitable for a Christmas Present for their best girl or far.away friends. » Why, everybody says, GO TO HOLMES', they al- ways have the Newest and most Up-to-date goods that money can buy. For the Ghristmas Trade I have left no stone unturned in securing. the New- est, nicest and best goods in the market. Call and in- oe these goods, et prices, and you will be sure to uy o doubt Phe are aware of the big advance in RAISINS ? From now to Jan. 1st we will give them to you at the same Old Prices. 3 lbs. of the best for 25c. Candies tee suget that we keep Cand. ies for the dren,. and a full toes of Staple Goods at rock-bottom C8. Pied cheb ebeleh bbb We are buyers of.all the large Tur- Keys we can procure, and shall not "object to the smaller ones and other Turkeys- kinds of Poultry and Farm Produce for which we will allow you the highest market prices. Thanking our numerous customers for past favors, we solicit a continuance of the same, and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. C..H. Holmes, Atwood. Santa Claus Nexr Monday is Christmas day. WEBSTER's Encyclopedic Dictionary. rare thing. Get Seer creme Diction- ary. Itis th Asa ildinighe ST Gitatidies the aver- age me 'af a howling success. Tu re windows and interiors are well rocked with holiday goods. Mrs. ALice Wiison, of Detroit, is nursing her sister, Mrs. John Knox. Mr. aND Mrs. JOHN WILSON and die spent a few days in Toronto last Mrs. Rost. Burke and child, of Donegal, are visiting Mra. George Dan- i woman who marries a man to reform him seldom lives long enough to finish the job. Every clond may havea silver }in- ing, but the average man 3s satisfied if his pocket is lined with silver, "Loox before you ad ae sure you get Hood's Sarsaparilla chee you call cor it,and you willfind health ip its u ra she throws both arms around you with a piece of string in her hand, don't you object--she is inne. you up to surprise you on Christm THE silver watch lost se advertised for in last week's BEE, has been return- ed to this office in answer to advertise- ment. It pays to nse THE BEE. Tuk Stratford, Herald says the ap- proaching Perth Poultry Association meeting "will be a howling success." It will rather be their crowing time, Bro. Herald WerssTErR's Encyclopedic Dictionary is conceded to be the best value of any Gietionsry on the market. It will cost bio ouly $1.85, regular price $7.50. See 4 nr ATEST returns from Manitoba give Hugh John Macdonald a majority of six, with Dauphin: Liberal and Gimli Conservative. The elections in these two seats were heid since the general elections on the 7th itist. WE congratulate our young friend, Fred 'Wynn, of Newry, on the success attending his first year's examinations atthe Ontario School of Pharmacy, Toronto, he having taken second class honors and stood second highest in his class. Fred isa plucky student, Eyer Sicnut.--Dr. Borland Dukett, the noted Eye Specialist, of London, Engtand, will continue to give free ex- amination of the eves till Dec. 80, at 76 Erie street, Stratford. His treatment in all cases is very successful. The best glasses in the world can be obtain- ed at the lowest prices, Thisis a rare opportunity to have the eyes treated by the most successful methods known to medical science. Have you, your friends, or children eye troubles in any, shape, manner or form, Come or or, before Dec. 30, 1899, aud have a diag- nosis tree of charge. Cut this ont and show it at our office, adv CoLLecTor DuNCAN took jin over $8,000 in taxes on Thursday, 14th inst,. the last day in which to pay them. This is probably the largest sum ever taken in one day by an Elma Collector. It goes to show the-efficacy of the 5 per cent. law, whieh is one of the best that ever went onto the statute books. 'The 5 per cent. charged on all taxes not paid on or before the 14th inst. makes the ratepayers hustle to fork over the needful toad skins, whereas before the law was enacted, it was frequently months after due that some people paid their taxes, indeed some were indifferent as to when they were paid. The new law has done away with ail that nonsense, and none are more truly grateful than the various Collectors, THE British Emprre.--"The British Empire in the 19th Century," isa large standard, up-to date work, in six vol- umes, profusely illustrated with fine half-tone full page cuts of memorable events of the century, numerous color- ed meps, and printed on fine calendared aper, the whole combining to meke it the handsomest, most exhaustive and up-to-date write-up of the British Em- pire on the market. It treats of every phase of our national life, including' not only the mother conntry, but also Canada, India, South Africa, ete., roili commercial and social. volume, month 'THE BEE readers can hve the entire set for $18.50 cash. Every stnd- ent of British history, every Canadian home should be in possession of a set, The work may be seen at this office. For particulars write the publishers, J. L. Nichols & Co,, 83 Rienmond-st., W., oronto, Mentiou THE BEE. Tre Pawnee Indian Medicine and Concert Co., of St. Lonis, Miss., will give a series of concerts in the Towo Hall, Atwood, commencing Dee. 2ist and continuing nightly for one week. Admission, 10c. and 5c. Good Irish comedians, vocalists and dancers, quar- tettes and plantation melodies. Th onde Journal makes this reference tothe Company: "The Pawnee cine and Concert Co made their first appearance in Hepworth on Tuesday evening, and those who attended went away satisfied that they had listened to something better than an _ ordinary medicine concert, Wherever this com- pany have been they have made hosts of friends by their strict adherence to refinemeht in their concerts. The act- ors are all first-class artists and bring || rounds of applause from the audience, Jimmy Fairbanks in bis Irish and col- ored turns keeps the audience in roars of laughter. Mr. Hunt, the (eset is a musician of high order and is equally as clever on the 8 Geo. Cad Bee or beef that 1s not well done is a wood | Court, violinist, of Elm roast fowl, pustry, ete, in aboudiest and prepared iu the best way known to cufinary art, were served at 8, the guests seated around two long tables spread in the body of the Hall. After supper 4. shor) p.o,sam. was rendered, in which: the chairman, Chief Ranger James Hanva,made a felicitous RA followed. by a os from Dr. La rill,a reading from gre Purubull, an address from C. H, Merrytield, a instrumental on violin and guitar with organ accompaniment by Messrs. Mc Court and Tenuant, and last but not least a stirring address from Organizer Wilkinson, who gave some vsry inter- esting and convineing facts and figures relative to the growth and development of the order since its inception, twenty odd yeurs ago. - During She past 18 years the surplus reserve had risen from $4,000 to nearly $4,000,000, with « membership at present of about 160,000 and rapidly growing. He closed his re- marks with a passionate appeal to the ladies to orgauize a Compauion Court in Atwood. He waxed eloquent on woman's. rights, ber Giness aud right tw rule ; referred to the "sparkling eyes," etc., of the ladies present as an cndursa- tion of his temarks. These and sundry other pleasantries caused the giris to flock around him like flies around # sugar bowl, and they fain would haye carried bim off bodily so pleased were they with his eloguent defence of their cause, Five or six gave in thor names at the close as prospective mem- bers of the Companion Court, and we cannot see why a really serious effori should uot be made to bring the matter to a successful issue, The remainder of the night, for it was no tonger eveu- ue was whiled away iv the dance, in ames and music, the latter being fur tiated by Messrs. McCourt, Tennant and Greig,.on the organ, violin and guitar, ar? orchestra of more thap aver- age merit. These annual reunions tend to strengthen the fraternal hond tween'the members, and dissipates the too prevalent idea that the mortu- ary benefit insurance is the ehief inter- .est the members have in the society. I: is true that the order is the poor man's insurance company. It is likewise true gg Indepetdent F Forestry is a father to the erless, a friend in need, a haven for the families of thousands of men who unfortunately or otherwise haye-made a shipwreck of life, 4 GRADE. Knox'--In 'Atwood,' on Wednesday, 18th inst, to Mr. and Mrs, eti Knox, a daughter. @reat Sold and recomm ak druggists in Canada. ony. reli- 4 able medicine Pos hb aM e all effects 2 of abuse Mental W um or Seimulante gy on receipt pA op peice. --y core, Yampaiets "tee to any od Shaieen ee ocd Cempan , ("Wood's Phosphodine sold in At- wood by J. A. Mitcnell, Druzgist, Be Ke Kb KK & sR. K,&K. The Leading Specialists of Americay.¢ & 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000. CURED. fy WE CURE EMISSIONS Nothing can bo more demoralizing to K young or middle-aged ong wor than the res- of chess. nightly feany co WF nervousness, & feeling Gibwastand ser hole train of symptoms. They unfit a man business, married life and social ha hms oO matter whether caused by evil Loe yard rd Reosbgrcu natural weakness or sexual e pal d -- 'Treatment will, ets WINO CURE-NO PAYA Reader, you need bel. Harty abyes or later excesses may have weakened LA K & K R250, "000 CURED M Song aed le, feebl and' haggard porvous, irritable e nad ex: eitab me yf et moro sehpudeilt blotches and pimp Po faoken gp a wrin "pote Boonie Us K WE -CURE VARICOCELE K & K an the blight otyour siaeeee & sa hoy | a cot Seg ag Be ong had it, peor & ee PREATSNT " will K Eee y veins' re i? aK cuntition and ion we i' the oral organs nouris eer, oe Tho -- foe peg manly" fo mers 0 temporat ta "yarmanent core Ro Cc RE, PAY. NO OPERA: Ke NECESSARY. NO DETEN- ON FROM BUSINESS, wy CURES GUARANTEED MAN IONS, IMPOTEN CY ELK, § ie & K KE & dependent Che (People's Clr THE wm Fonesrens' UPP nual supper of the local t Foresters, held on Thursday evening of inst in ap Bests Ree was per- successful affair, socially, ever hare ates Hie auspice peg AG Estray H Heifer. u one bu GTRAYED the un @ersign- sixty brethren with Shake wives pe od, Lat §, Con. meric of the. a Owner is sweethearts were presen nt i. Witten iw leche cerecon + pay aa outside guests, namely, Mr. iu Organizer, of Niagara Falls ; sn, 4-ttn eine: ae erryfield, High Auditor, a Mts ; erryfield, of Monkton, and Mr. Me- as y Sheep. © premises of the und ae ee 1. t Hum. on or about isthe P.O. Nov. 13 1899," three sheep, one with long tail. Any rewarded. ; ei MRS. JOS. re annual mecting of z of the Shareh i the Bey Cheese & Butter rey wet Sa Dec. 30th, 1899, at One o'clock p.m., when sOMnMy ere nleading to their recovery will be -. NOTICH. ~~ bas will be held in their factory on Auditors Elma Reform Association, fea Annnal Mecting of the Elms Reform Association ge og held in fait are in Brandenberger' Thursday, Dec. 21st, 189, edad p.m., for sey Peontion of Oficoes for or the ng year, an neral business. A full attendance is roweostonl: T.G. BALLANTYNE. & A. MITCHELL, Président. Secretary. BLD A Conservative Assoc'n The Annual Meeting of the above Assuciation will be held in Branden- berger's Hall, Atwood, on Tuesday, Dec. 19,1899 at 180 p.m., for the purpose of electing officers and the transaction of gener: business. A. F. MacLaren, M. P. for North Perth, is expected to be present and address the meeting. WM. WHERRY, Y. COULTER, President. Secretary. Township of Elma Municipal Election ! fg pe Electors of Elma are heseby ny Big! See Nomination for the of Reeve and Four count for the Townebi of Elma fer the ear 1900 will be held in the Town mn Halk . LEWOOD, oir, FRIDAY, DEC. 22nd, 1899, finde ym. 2nd. That should mere than necessary number of Senden 'en nomin-~ aor the proceedings gs will be adjou: urred until MONDAY, JAN. ast, 1900, when Polls be ned in each Electoral Division of bo Towne ae at the hour of @ o'clock in the morning, a shall po apecae yen ia until5 o'clock in th ger. To- | _ ou. sg) donc Pollin:; grees ea igeteg ® ioar Elector Division are as Div, 1--Cosens" workshop, Trowbridge, C. Chee a Deraly Returning Officer, Div. Hall, lot 15, con. 4, J. Mitchell, De uty pales ng Office: e all, Britton, T. Sproule, De- put. ; Return Office N r. upstairs, Newry, Fallactou, cena mm Div. Donegal, W. H. Gilmer, sturning Officer. Davies' School House, Ham- mond, sg uty cian wins Officer. Deputy Ret Re! J. R. Div. s9bert's School House, W. Raney, Dopeie Returnin, Salone: Div. 3--Th: tana Bil mewoots t. W. Me~ Sain, | uty Returni: T . F "ULLARTON, Clerk. WEAK, FAINT FEELINGS. Serious Conditions that Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills can Readily Cure. One of the indications of serious heart trouble is the sensation of weakness or faintness that comes on at times. Sometimes it is simply a dizzy hat passes off, or it may be a state of un- vnsciousness with hands and feet cold ese 8 ymp- toma tndiewke a tistressing symptoms. It ' Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills The vase of Mrs, A. Stratton, , Frederic- ton, N.B., amply proves this. Here is her ristatement: stai T e rtion caused heart to flutter and palpitate violenty, and I ampere h pa " oT wy 3 on going to