Soldiers 3 Hope to Win. EARNED BY GREAT GALLANTRY. It is probable that of the 70,000 men who have sailed during the last mouth from England for South Africa there is hardly a ae ofticer or sol- dier who does not look forward to returning home with that little co Victoria cross smallest bugler or drummer boy, and there is not one of tham who would not infinttely. prefer it to any form of promotion. For its possession in- dicates tnat its owner is ia every sense of the word a hero, the cross being conferred only for some signal act ot aitogether exceptional bravery, par- taking of the character of heroism. It was foundel at the tim2 of the Sir Redvers Buller, w: chief in South attion Field 'Marshal Lord Roberts, and plain ordinary pri- vates in the army. In fact, at least 50 or non-commissioned officers of the army and as common sailora in the navy. Sir Reivers Buller, for instance, re- oop ino Victoria cross for riding back t times in one day in the farce or 2 A uotly pursuing foe to rescu2 woundel comrades and soldiers. Lord Wiliam Boreriards who is married to 'an American an, received it for feats of a similar , phetacter. Gen. Sir Evelyn Wood got it in India for ad- vancing under a mee, fire Pag 3 a narrow ciuseway to place a bag of funpowder against the gate of a city which the British were to storm dur- itg the mutiny, ple at least » two midshipmen weg? the cross for picking up bom i the decks of their vessels catty the Crimean war and throwing them Overboard vefore the sizzling fuse had time to explode the shel! and carry death and destruc- tion to all around it. In the case of military men the rib- bon is of red, while in the navy .the is blue. The metal of which used for ficld guns. style known as Maltese : crown, surmounted by. the lion in the centre, and bearing the inscription : rid is hung. suspen a bar, < on the reverge side'o fre rank and name of the nin itt is engraved, while on the cross itself are inscribed the name and date of the action in which the honor was won. Any additional act of rte which would have won the Victoria cross for i ol gag cen he not mien y poo it, is signa clasp being added to the ribbon Sat stove the bar from which the cross ded. P e cross carries with it . pension of $50 a year and an additional $25 is given for each bar.° To the best of my knowledge there is no Victoria cross man who can boast of an additional bar to his cross. It must thoroughly be understood that the feats of bravery for which the crogs is conferred must have been performed in war time and to oll in- tents and purposes under the fire of the enemy. Acts of bravery in -- es of peace do not receive Y snch cognition, and, although Admiral Lord Charles Beresford has on several occa- sions risked his life at sea by diving overboard from a ship to save fellow- officers and sailors from drowning, yet he has never received the Victo- ria cross, which, as stated above, was « gran brother "Bill" for rescuing one wounded trooper under fire.--St. Louis Post Dispatch. Corns and Warts. Putnam's Vuinless Corn and Wart Extractor is guaranteed by the mak- ers to remove Corns, Warts, Bunions, etc., without pain, in twenty-four hours. Putnam's has been the standard for thirty years, and is the only safe and sure remedy of its kind on the market. Insist on having only Put- nam's, and beware of acid, flesh-eating substitutions. Price 25c per bottle, at all dealers, or by mail. N. C. Polson & Co., Box 614, Singeton, Ont., propri- tors. lise of Mistletoe. The use of mistleto2 at Christmas is a curious Ligriees betes va Druidical and . It was pein: mistletoe yod Baldur, the beautiful, being inciend thereto by Loki, as Baldur was im- to arrows of all other wood. which is supposed to ma © ma en's heart susceptible to tlie tender passion. Wedding Uouses in Old England. In clden times certain towns. and villages in England pe vial ------ a wedding house, where ples, after they had been aiid 'ab Saeal, could entertain their friends at oa small cost, the only outlay being the purchase of such provisions for their guests as they brought with them, the house for the day being given free o payment. Don't Take Chances ~ You do not know when you may have Summer Complaint. It comes jike a thief in the night. 1 mankind-- ; places | or 'employment: is called eho gay hor," pnd 1% not uty registers the precise ute ab Which the emp.oyee arrives at his work, but it photograpls him neatly and expeditiously on " film, just. hio * by. the curacy and simp.icity of ch bagi ure held to be the chief advantages Ww recommend it to the favor of large empioyers of lnbor. In point of size anu Sane appearince "che guy'nor' is a good deal. ike a polished oak port- ,abieé photographic camera To insure correct results the instru- ment must be so fixed against a door that the light, being at the back of the employee as he faces the lens, will fall through a glass lil intu the box. That is the single condition of suc- cess. All that is further necessary is for the employee to | uarely at the lens, smile softly if he feels that way, and push the knob that pro- trudes S torelaely from the box. As he wil ring'a bell and expose a Gextion gf celluloid {fim upon which the face of a small clock showing the exact minute beg which he arrived willl be andes feel age ed. Immediately teneath the clock face his own will be "fixed by a sunbeam % eterna! prime" for fuiure reference. 'Or days when there are no sunbeams a spec contrivance has been pro- vided in the shape of a reguiator at the side, marked, ** Fine, medium and dull,' and a small indicator moved roumd to the proper description ban. arrange an reito suit the vailing atmospheric condition. vach instrument contains twelve feet of film, upon which 288 pictures may be taken, and for estabiishments with a grenter number of hands larger ma- chines can be saaliad. ne from its purely commercial uses, "the guv'- nor" promises to Saenlant ' highly in- teresting record for any one who may want to turn up old fi!ms and see how he !coked on each morning of the year. --London Mail. A HERO'S GRAND-DAUGHTER. Tells How She Defeated a Dangerous Enemy--A Picton Episode. P-cton, Oni., Dec. 7.--Every student of Canadian history is tamitar with the mame and achievements of Colonel Henry Young, the United Empire Loy- alist, who was the first white settler in Prince Edward County, and in whose honor ol. Fort Henry at King- ston is named. Citizens of Picton are aware that one of tha most respected residents of, this town, Miss Anna roung, grand-daughter of a illustrious United Empire Loyalist iss You had laid her fellow- Canadians under a debt of gratitude iy poin out to them an unfaiiing way--the only unfailing way--of con- quering one of the worst enemies -of beumatism, (Mss Young has written as follows to the Dr. Arnold Chemical Co., Lim- ited, 43 Canadian Life Building, To- ronto: "Dear Sirs--About a mont ago I read in one of your circulars how disease is caused py germs and toxins in the blooi, and how Dr. Ar- nold's' English Toxin Pills are a new remedy to kill these germs. I conclud- ed to try them. "T had suffered with Rheumatism for twenty years; my poor body was all twistel out of shape, so you can form an idea of what I suffered. The first box of Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills caused a decided change for the better, and I have since continued improving every day. I am at third x* now, and can enjoy my sleep every night, something I have been deprived of for many years. course, nnot be made young again, for I will be 79 years of age in December, yet I feel that I can emi my days in peace, thanks to Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills. ANNA YOUNG." Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills ut- terly destroy and sweep out of the system the germs that cause Rheu- matism. at's how they cure--al- ways. Large packet, 75c ; small packet, %c; at all drug stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price by the Dr. Arnold Chemical Co., Limited, 43 King street west, Toronto. Triumph of Engineering. One of the latest triumphs in the engineering world consists in the con- struction, shipment by steamer and transfer band ray hgees portation of a steam 4,200 to: displacement, which ina finally One afloat in Lake Baikal, Siberla, not Se than 5,000 miles from St. Peters- urg. A Sure Cure TALLEY"S SUMMER' REMEDY Will cure Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cramps. It never fails. How, Natal Got Its Name. South America was discovered. by the Portuguese, = were searching one an ocean road India. Bartholo- w Clas was the saunas of the ne. pate ante that formed the ex- pedition in 6. consequence. Miller's Worm Powders cure all all- ments of children Iike magic. Some of the Great Battles. DALLEY'S SUMMEZ REMEDY Wat will surely cure. A disco day, and thus anene it in} ; " alatinion prove tha ninety-saven = suffer from cade, - FS covery: of tatexthosone, the medicated air treatment, that the 'ession could be persuaded to trext 'this dis. ease locally. Catarrhozone treatment, founded upon the knowledge that uir, and dry air only, cun enter the bronchial tubes and lungs, at once commended itself to all scientific and medical men. They found tn Catarrhozone o new germicide of sufficient power to kill the bacilli of Catarrh, Bronchitis and Asthma, and volatile enough to im pregnate every particle of air breath- ed by the patient, yet leaving it free from moisture, thus enabling the cure to reach every part-of the tis in the head and throat, and to pene- trate the minutest air cells in the 1 ung. After the germs have been killed» Catarrhozone at once acts upon the inflamed mucous. membranes, soothing and restoring them to their<natural and healthy condition. The convenience and value of the Catarrhozone Inhaler is easily recog- nized. A sudden change in weather, damp feet, or sitting in a draught, is often the beginning of serious com- plications, but having the inhaler in your pocket, at the first shiver or sneeze: you can apply she remedy and avoid fatal conseque For sale at all rupee or direct by mail, price $1.00. Send 10c. in stamps for trial outfit to N. C. Polson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, Box 514, King- Bton 'Ont. Lavender Pillows. Lavender pillows are taking _~ place of the pine needle cushio They are usually covered with white linen, decorated with spikes of tlie lavender flowers worked in, natural colors or heliotrope linen worked with fiax threads of a paler tint. Lavender is also largely used in place of the malodorous moth balls, and is said to be quite as efficacious. When you travel do not neglect to take a bottle of DALLEY'S SUMMER REMEDY with 'you, for it will save you from sickness. Emperor William's Charm. The German Emperor! a fam- ily charm, which, ny course, they prefer to call a talisman. It js a black stone, which is said to be handed down by each dying Emperor from his deathbed to his successor, and has a putative origin "curious even among charms. According to a legend, the stone was dropped by a huge, black toad on the bed coverlat of a princess of the family, who had. Just given birth to a son. The father of Fred- erick the Great had the stone mounted asa ring. There are documents relat- ing to it in the archives, and the present kaiser always wears it on all great occasions. To Gure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- fets.. All d sts refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. Rallroad Bullding in Turkcy. The Sultan of Turkey is about .to have the cinemetograph brought in- to use for the purpose of eh him to survey his railway works in Ana- mere without the Oeoe of movitie from his chair. The 110 kilometers of the line are to be photographed and reeled off before Ree May and the court at kildiz k Neuralgia's Presistent Agony Has but one source of relief. Nervilina --nerve-pain cure--penetra thie irritated nerves, soothes them into re- pose, and affords relief almost instant- ly. The whole range o cine af- fords no parallel to Nerviline as a pain reliever. Mr. W. E. Bennett, of the Post-office artment, is in Vancouver to in- quire into recent complaints of letter carriers and mail-sorterg regarding insufficient pay. This new and most useful invention in the way of an indoor Closet, after being in on market for over two years, popular that the manufacturers have had % double their {out-put in order to meet the de- |] mand, They gave him a 'cap of wi He rinsed his mouth, taking plenty "ot Rath ory I pry vay bigger, b See zeae r, eaecte it ap- size. ' ke it added : "Where is pod money x Bi the man by way reply. When he -- the rubles tn his palm of ial satisfaction overep: "Why, it's easy," said h he explained how he had retained some of the water in his mouth, how he had had instantly come to his assistance. Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Ear-aahe. M a good-sized very hot, with eight oF ten dro laudanum in the "ml This will usually cure the most eave ear-ache. A change of drinking water may give you summer complaint. DALLEY'S SUMMER REMEDY will stop the trouble at once. Virginia Homes. You --e all about see andy: soil, water, Cc res: urces, gg eed berries, re of cu sitivation, reading the VIRGINIA FAR for three months' subscription to FARMER CO-, Emporia, Va. AGENTS, MEN OR WOMEN, make ten to fifteen dollars per day. Latest improved Cooker Glass Water Gauge. All com- partments interchangeable. t over any other Cooker manufactured. Auto- inatic Steam Cooker Co., 295 College street, Toronto. eB, ete, aes "sS ioe GAN RHEUMATISM BE GURED? You can't tell without trying -- EBY'S DAISY Olb - - The New enn Compound, wonderfully effective in curing Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Pain in the Bock and Sides, Lumbago, Sore Throat, Di Tooth- ache, Bruises, Diseases, Sold by all druggisis at 25 cents, or from M. F, EBY, Chemist, Port Elgin, Ort eee New im Sausage Casings--Nions Hor reliable Sheep By amen Hog Casings-- K, RLACK WELL & CO., Toronto, EXECUTORS FORCED SALE OF 50 VIRGINIA FARMS. Apply to A. L. Adamson, Manchester, Va. linseed poultice of | | hularen They do not complain of ar ythine infarct. They . eat enough, but keep thin and ale. They appear fairly well, ut have no strength. You cannot say they are really . sick, and so you call them . delicate. Whatcan be done forthem? Our answer is the same that the best physicians have been File for a quarter of acen- Give them 'Scott's Emulsion | of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- } Phosphites, It has most re- t markable nourishing power. | It gives color totheblood. It ' brings strength to the»mus- cles. It adds power to the nerves. It means robust } health and vigor. Even deli- | cate infants rapidly gain in flesh if given a small amount three or four rey each day. §0c. and $1.00; ruzgists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Hchattei Toronto, [CRANDTRUN Christmas € New Year Holidays RETURN TIC Good galt 'RALEW AY SYSTEM sar per ast LASS FARE enh SINGLE FINSI-CLASS FARE AN ONE-THIRD Good going Dec. 22nd, 23rd, 2ith, and 25th, valid to return until Dec. 27th. Ew - SINGLE FIRST-CLASS RE Good going Dec. 30th and Sst, 1899, ton us Jets 1900, valid to return until Jan. 2nd, 1 eo Py wliye "oats FARE AND ge Between all. stations in Canad Tra ni eRaaey ara ' nada an Grand rw tati i onada Dati and Pt, Huro = sacs: = enn nen na Trank i wir ons i Canada to, RoM Buffilo, RC k, Niagara Falls pa ee sio ete ridge. NSYs ay erin fa fb : -CHOOL b hooray -class Fare and cne-third, aor of Certificate te), from De shied (on worsen inclusive, valid to return until iden ith, t00, COMMERCIAL TRAVELLER: ee curee ech a = in Canada rete i "CLASS ¥. on presentation 'Gortificate. Dec, 18th is" 35th. eee i valid to return until Jan. 3rd, 1900, anaes Tickets and _ all Information from Agents pod Graod Trunk Railw: MC Diat. Pass. Agent. 156 POPULAR, SONGS tar and beaut Ital sn nea, Ser . 10 centa, . JOUNSTON & MCFAMLANS, 71 YonzeSt., Crrorcater cas: WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY 2nd, 1900 ee » ST caaritingc a ike: When cost of noes of ccufetne rs id p Sponge of in Lap ge man ih ike ion after gra ool and ra munity, , for terme addres, E.F. Wetmore Ogden, T ry PARMANENTLY.CURED BY Dr. King's Great Nerve Ree a Pe fite or nervousness use. Send t pnd acer hy leheor, free, Tite -- pape NATIONAL SupPLy Co., ELY ITIONS ae -- 5c RUB 'AND stove