VOL. 10. ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 29, 1899. NO. 50. allel WE ARE CIVINC AWAY Every purchaser of 50 cents worth of goods the luc choice o wheels are teed. on all accounts number ets a coupon. The holders of get the wheels-- Lady's or Gentleman's. The high-grade and guaran- Tickets given on payments § DRAWING JAN. lst, 1900. T.A. SACEING, ¢ LISTOWEL, ONT. J.H. McDONALD, Wr ALISTOWEL, ONT., Has a Large Assortment of Fancy Glassware, Chinaware, Dinner Setts and Toilet Setts, etc. Xmas & Wedding Presents A large stock to select from. Call and inspect stock before buying elsewhere. Our usual stock of Groceries alwyas on hand. Hordwore & Tiqware % Stoves... and RANGES |! We have in stock the best makes of Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces, at Lowest Prices. Acetylene Gas plants and piping supplied on short notice. Be she Sac Ar ae a ee Dae Se Da ae a Oa A full line of Hardware and Tin- ware at Lowest Prices. Se ee ee ee Fullarton & Ziemann, Monkton, Ont. GENTS:--Christian Endeavor A Epworth League and B. Y.P, U, Members, "Light of Lite" isa treasure house of imformation We need Christian men and women and others who desire todo good und make money, to circulate this wonder- ful book. BRADLEY-GARRETSON Co., Limited, Brautford, G.T.R. TIME TABLE. Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South, as foilows : GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. Express 7.47a.m.| Mixed 1.20 p.m. Mixed 1U.25a.m,| Express 9,50 p.m. ~*RERSSRasscszeure Gio | BRSNSSSENETELER et A 4 "ee mee GENTS:--Our book of South Africa and the British-Boer War is a regular bonanza for agents. Big td Sells on sight. Outfit free BRADLEY Cinieeretle Co., Limited, Brantford, Ont. GENTS:--Dreyfus; the prisoner of Devil's Island." Fuil stor of the most remarkable Mili- tary Trial and Scandal of the age, Big book, well illustrated, sells on sight Snap for'canvassers, BRADLEY ~GARKETSON Co., Limited. Brantford. GENTS:--Our Christmas books are ready. From Fifty cents up. Four souks explained in ove prospectus, Oneis "Famous Men and Great Events of the Nineteenth Century." Great battles; great men; great inventions and discoveries; pro- gress of nations; every great event of the Centary. If you have asiow sell- ing book or engaged in other agency business, you jose money to continue. Here is the best opportanity for mak- ing money you ever had. ig com- mission; big profit; easy time; new plan; get our offer sare, BRADLEY-GaRReTsox Co., Limited, : her nds ma. 8. etry visited friends near Mildmay last week. Will T Toe. as visiting friend(s) | ™ in Wallace to ip Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs, Rich. Gray, of Strat- ford, i visiting Eima relatives and en ss Aghes Montgomery, of Inner- kip, . visiting friends in the aes Geo. Bray, student of Osgoode 1, Toronto, vacation at hoe Mrs. Jolin Jackson, of Cumnoc tended the wedding of her slater, Miss 'Mary Richmond, on Wedhesd Mr. and Mrs. Ballingall, of g Sven accompanied by Miss Shirley-Loraine Knox, are guests of Mr. and Mts. T. J nox. Mrs. James W. Dickson is spending the Christmas holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Steven Pelton, of Innerkip. We huge tile dochrate ts to Mr. and | Nos. Mrs, death of their Infant da daughter, Edith Marion, on the Miss Lizzie McLennan, teacher a ee and A gece likial of Jas. MoLenn- re enga for 1900, ata substantial ncreees of salary. She an excellent teacher, In connection with Treasurer Har- vey's financial statement for Elma for the past year, one Frengrapuice! error occurs in the 'liabilities, viz.: The tot- al amount due schools for 1899 stivald read $2,188.19, instead of the figures in the report. Wm. Coates, of Trowbridge, is one of the candidates for municipal honors, and solicits the votes and influence of the electors in his benalf. The Trow- bridge ward has no representative at the Council Board, and Mr. Coates looks to Ward No. 1 to support him liberally to-day. We congratulate John Adams, son of Geo Adams, on having secured his 2nd class teacher's certificate, He will teach inS.S. No. 4, South Easthope, (near Harmony) for 1900. John is not only a plucky student but a fine spirited boy, and his success will be watch with increasing interest and gratifica-' tion by his numerous friends in this lo- cality Wm. Blair, Dave Bell and Charles Buchanan are getting out 400 cords of wood in Alex. Clark's bush, 10th con., for Mr. Blair's brick and tile yard, to be established on his farm at Awood next spring. Dave says the three of them cut, split and piled 12 cords of four foot wood in nine hours on Wed- nesday of last week. This is surely a record-breaker The last of the Newry cheese was shipped last week from Atwood station. It was conceded to be the largest ship- menteyer madein one car from the Newry factory, 686 cheese iti all, the Sept., Oct. and Nov. make. It was sold at 113¢c. per Ib The patrons were ei id, however, some time ago for Sept. The whole shipment amouuted to $5,- )--a nice Christmas box for the patrons. ScHooL ConcERT.--The concert held ns 8S, No.5o0n Thursday evening of | $4, last week was asuccess. The leading features of the program were the in- strumental playing of T. G. Tennant om the guitar, Messrs Robt. Gampbel and Samuel McCourt on the violin and Miss Roberta Wilson on the autoharp. The children performed their several parts exceptionally well: "The Maple Leaf Forever" and "Red, White and Blue," took well with the andience in these war times and the children sang them witha vim. The-drill was also appreciated, Messrs. Butt and Staple- ton, of Listowel, captured the house with their songs. The chair was filled | & by Humphrey in an acceptable manner, The proceeds netted 62 Ww. Blair has found marl deposits on his farm just outside' the Atwood corporation limits, and it is of the best quality too, Astothe depth and ex- tent of the deposits we have not fearn- ed. It looks promising, In connec- tion with the other vast marl. deposits situated about three miles from At- wood, there is an inexhaustible supply of the finest marl clay, these two com- ponents being the basis of Portland cement. It was thought by some that should these valuable deposits eyer be developed the necessary cluy would haye to be imported but such is not the case, William F. Forrest, of At- wood, owns forty aecres of this marl land, which extends oyer seyeral bund- red acres. PRESENTATION.-- Before her depart- ure from their midst, the members of the Jubilee Bibie class presented Miss Mary Richmond with two plush uphol- stered rockers, an easel and picture, as & momento of their appreciation of her services as teacher. Miss Rich- mond was taken completely by sur- prise but replied in a few well chosen words suitablesto the occasion. Few young ladies of our community will be more missed than Miss Richmond, who was -- Teady to gorledgy! if the Mas ter's call. For the ears she has anes the @ Bible ok erbnah hes was a organise of the church. Itis the wish of her many friends that God's blessing may be with her in her new home and | ga' that her good work may be appreciated - were by : } kK, at-| 4 ; Mane, seconded b t| lector to CouncIL MEETING.--The municipal Mics of the township of Elma met is Bay Atwood, on the 15th Dec., 1899; mbers all present except Mr. Ruth well who was detained by illness. Min- utes of Jast meeting read and signed. Moved by Mr. McMane, seconded by Mr, Donaldson, that R. Buchanan be lee $100 on 14th con, drain contract. Carried. Moved spending his Corlétines R. n, second- ed by Mr. Smith, that W. Bawtinghim er, be paid $75, and J. Catscadden $100 for cuts through their land re "Bayle drain. Carried. Moved by Mr. Mc- Mr. Smith, that as soon as Mr. Crowley, contractor on the Boyle drain, obtained a certificate from the Engineer that the Reeve and Clerk issue an order for the amount of same. Carried. ov y Mr. son seconded by Mr, Smith, that By-laws 407, and 409 as now re third time be finally fiselle Carried. Moved by Mr. Smith, onded by Mr. tare ete that the time for the col- return his roll be extended until the next regular meeting of the Council. Carried, Moved by Mr. Smith, is |seconded by Mr. Donaldson, that J. Hanna be paid $200 on account of bridges. Carried. Moved by Mr. Mc- Mane, seconded by Mr. Donaldson, that McPherson & Davidson be paid $200 Carried. Moved by Mr. Sen. seconded by Mr. Smith, that tne follow- ing accounts be paid: J. Hinks $10, ditching ; H. Rone oe ie ditching con., 18; A. Quipp $4.00 Buchanan aud A. Henderson $1.00 oo o taking ice from bridgein sprin . Dewar $1.00, ditching con. 12; T. Ga Hammond $1.00, tile drain con. 14; J. Smith 48cts., tile; E, Fisher $1 80, gravel; Adoiph & ye eet 8. Wright a hah M, Co $862, tile TI. E&G Posiiff 31: 75, repairing culvert con. i; G. C. Coghlin $11 50, gravelling in At- wood; R. Buchanan $10, cleaning timb- er and stumps con. 14; A. Rovb $1.50. cleaning timber con, i2 and repairing culyert; A. Struthers 75cts. cleaning drain con. 12: W. Strickert $1.60, clean- ing award drain con.16; J. Cockwell $1, peeing eulyert; J. W. Steekly $22.80 1; A. Stevenson-$1.50, re pairing: cutest sideroad, con. 9; J. Lt ley $15.60, culverts & Condie | $4, culvert TLE &G; W. 'uli len $8, repairing culvert a 6; Travis $260, ditching con. 3; J . Hanna $250, cutting hill T L E& G; Peebles $3, cleaning ditch and putting in tile; G. Nichol $2.50. cleaning and re- pairing culverts con.8; A. Campbell $10, ditching con. 3; G. Crooks 50cts. repairing culvert gravel road; W. Coats $3.50, grading sideroad con, 3; W. .Furtney $4.50, dttching and putting in tile Trowbridge; J. McCrae $250, rail- ing on bridge; J. Mitchell $1.80, ditch ing con. 8; hig Jackson 75cts. ditching sideroad - ;G. Adams 33, culvert con. 2; R. taith $1, repairing culvert gravel mou: L. Lucas .$2 50, repairing bridge sideroad con, 10; G. Freeborn $3.5u, erading T L E & M; R.S. Pelton a balance of account general print- ng; W. F. Forrest $31 86, . R. Fitegerald $i, gravel; A, J. milton work onculverts and aa 8.5. Rothwell 72cts. sewer pipes; E, Huut $7.60, gravelling TL E & W; J. Hamil ton $360, repairing culvert and grayel road; J. Duncan $75, salary as collector and $29.12 oeeenains on roll; E Fullarton $2.25, assisting engineer maitland drain; ¥ 'Mildram $1.60, work on TLE& W;M. Harvey $7, extra work and paying different drain money; T. Fullarton $17.45, work on engineers awards; R. Clark $14.40 gravelling side- road con. 7; J. L. Turnbull $1.75, work on grayel road; Mrs. hoger $26, allow- ance to Mrs. Montgomery; W. Robb W. J, Alexander $1.50 each, work on Wilson drain; G. Chapman. $1.50, tile drain, Atwood; T. Grabber $27.50, gravel; 8. Love #5, approach to bridge sideroad con. 10 and li; J. W. McBain $'055, tile; W. Robb $i, repairing cul- . Scott $4, balance on er $7, work on culverts gravel road; J. McCallum 84.80, culvert TLE & W, $1080 gravelling, 8450 roud machine, $8 work of teams up road machine, all TLE & W; J. Mann ps 50, iP Wen to bridge, filling hole bitt A ~ Miebi T "ES J. MeC en 59, cater t iL E& W; x Thompson 5.10, gravelling T LE & W: P. David- son $1 70, gravel; W. J. Near $i, work sideroxds 20 and "21, con, 17; avid- son $50, gravel; Local Board of Health $26; Dr. Langrill, medica! health officer, $21; Yor 6 trips to Listowel re anthrax, Board of Health meetings and report; J, Heath $10. ap a Pent be row, bridge, and J. $4, ditching in Atwood, Carr ve Mites d by Donuldson, seconded by Mr, McMane, that the following accounts be paid: 'T. , , $120, for 16 days Council meetings, ditches, watercourses} and bridges, gravel road and road commis sioner; S. 8. Rothwell $59, for 15 days Couneil meeting and road commission- er; T. Smith $57, for 16 days Council "meetings and ose 4 commissioner; A- McMane $64 for 16 days Council meet- ing and road commissioner; J. Donald son $64 for 15 days Council meetings, road commissioner Mat 1 day on patil T. Fullarton $ balance of Clerk and $l. 50. 'rate bill for po M. H salary e .| sentence, yiz. : On Thursday evening the young ple of the choir and congregation of Siok church, Elma, presented their r, Rev. W. V. MeMillen -B. A., arch achakdaaen chair asa g Brie of ee of his efforts in their Gre; Died in pete on ok 17, Robert | Dron, aged 70 John Hill is recovering quite nicely from his recent illness, George McFariane has sold his farm on the 2nd to Nelson Hayden for $4,- . George intends. buying a farm in some other locality. At the auction sale of G. K. Mathe- pee 's farm = other day, Chas, Quer- gerser ught 100 acres at $1,800 nod 1 D. MeMillen secured a 64 acre lot for $800. They are both bush lots. Jno. K. Baker, 10th con. hada well on his farm drilled 180 Looe being a depth of 200 feet from topof ground, He Now has water within 13 feet of the platform and is well occa with his success, A steam drill was used. Allan Lamont, who aerived home ast week from the Clinton Model school, has been engaged toteach in 8. 0. 5, Known as piano for 1900 ata salary of $260. He sneceeds Jno. Men- zies, who talks of atrending the Nor- mal. Wednesday evening, 20th inst., Peter Sinclare, a well known resident of the 14th con., was summoned from time. He was within 20 days of 90 years of age and was a wonderfully well pre- served man for his years, not eyen hay- ing to wear spectacles, eceased was born in the Orkney Islands where he was married to Miss Jennie Thompson, who pre deceased hiim 14¢ years since. The ree Council of the town- ship of Grey, met at the township hall, December 15th, 1899, persuant to ad- journment; members were all present, Reeve inthe chair; minutes of last meeting were read and passed. Sever- al communications were read and filed. Moved by Isaac Lake, seconded by James McDonald that 'Oarain & Con- nelly be paid the sum of $85.00 on ac- count of Fraser drain contract as per an oe a certificate. Carried. gra dam Turnbull, seconded by Robert Livingston, that both ¢ollectors time for returning their rolls be extend- ed tillthe 8th day of January, i90U. Carried. After passing a number of accounts the councii then adjuurned, | sine die. **Grasp All and Lose All."' Many people are so intent on "grasp- ing all" that they lose strength of nerves, appetite, digest health, Fortunately, however, these may be re- stored by taking Hood's Sarsaparilia, which has put many a business man on the road to success by giving him good digestion, strong nerve, and a clear brain, It does thesame thing for weak and tired women, Hoop's Pitts cure sick headaeher indigestion. PERTH COUNTY NEWS. CouNTY CourT "SENTENCES -- His Honor Judge Barron held. Court on Saturday for the purpose of sentencing the prisoners found guilty at the recent county court. .Five prisoners lined up in front of His Lordship to receive Russel Sipes, who was indicted of theft, was sentenced to twelve months in- the Central Prison .... Albert Embling, Sipes' chum, was sentenced to nine months in the Cen- tral.... Kate Sparr was visibly affected when called upon to state why sentence should not be pass npon her. She wore a forlorn appearance which led those present to think that she was be- reft of friends and sympathizers. One sad thing about the case the Judge said, was the fact that none of the prisoner's friends had interested them- selves in her behalf. This was not as it should be, but on the other hand Mr, Panton had put up for heran able de- feuce. He wonld, however, he said, have to deal with her as the evidence pointed, The jury had been lenient and he wonld also exercise as much charity | (Eawthe circumstances would permit, s26 therefore sentenerd her to six siete in pod epg reformatory at Tor an Dixon and Jno, Martin. hai froin the neighborhood of Listowel and were found guilty of cattle stealing. Martin, in auswer to the usual question why sentence shonida not be passed, uttered ofie sentence, bul it wasa fortunate one for him tle said: "Mr. Dixon, was not with me at all when I got the steer." His Honov gave the prisoner credit for endeavor- ing to make the-sentence lighter fer r.| his confederate and atthe same timo told himthat he had simultaneousiy lightened nis own term. The crime of which he was found guilty was a ser- ousone and might be punished by im- prisonment for fourteen years. He hid received a number of numerously sigu ed petitions, and althongh these very often did not amount to very rauci:, still he would take them into considei- ation. He had purposed giving Martin five years but upon consideration se: ten him -to two years and one mouth inthe Kingston penitentiary....Nor- man Dixon the other cattle thief wos sentenced to two years. less one day, »t arvey a8ithe Central prison, Torerto, the ot» her} Treasurer and $10: municipal state- ment. Carried. Council then adjourned, | if ject being to separate the two prisoners if possible,