I desire to thank my many customers for past fay- ors and solicit a continuance of the same whic will al-|"; ways have our prompt attention. 7 Wishing you all a Happy and prosperous New ear. EVER before have we had such a large abeort-| 7 ment of New and Attractive Novelties for Old and young. Comeinand see them. We want to help you Shooae: your Xmas Preseuts. Be sure and see the Santa Claus' Stockings filled with Toys, etc., for the Children. Toys iii Dollis In Toys.and Dolls we have everything to please. Mechanical Engines, Iron Trains, Steam Engines, Horns, Musical Toys, Jumping Clowns, Dressed Dolls, Kid Dolls, Dolls' Furniture, Sad Irons, etc. ' HEP etet Fancy Goods, Albums &' Our line of Fancy Goods is entirely new andis ad- mired by all who see them. They are just the thing for a nice Xmas or Wedding Present. A large stock of Books, Albums, Bibles, Christmas Cards, Calendars and Games. i Santa Claus' Headquarters ATWOOD DRUG STORZE.}: J. A. MITCHELL,. r In League with St. Nick: Se a ete 2 2a Dac he es Another Christmas here--a time of.joy and glad- ness--and everybody wondering where they can procure the right thing suitable for a Christmas Present for their best girl or far away friends. Why, everybody says, GO TO HOLMES', they al- ways have the Newest and most Up-to-date goods that money can buy. For the Ghristmas Trade I have left no stone unturned in securing the New- est, nicest and best goods in the market. Call and in- spect these goods, get prices, and you will be sure to uy. No doubt RAISINS ? to you at the same Old Prices. An é@ don't for ou are aware of the big advance in rom now to Jan. lst we will give them 3 Ibs. of the best for 25c. 5 ae that we keep Cand- ies for the dren, and a full/* aa of Staple.Goods at rock-bottom been 08. PA Bisa PEEP EEE EEE EEE ie are buyers of all the large Tur- keys we can procure, and 'shall not "object to the smaller ones and: other kinds of Poultry and Farm Produce Turkeys- for which we will allow you the highest market prices. Thanking our numerous customers for past favors, we solicita continuance of the same, and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. C. H. Holmes, Atwood. | Mrs. rss Lizzie GRAHAM was as visiting in Palmerston te last week, : the local Gro; Currie has taken agency for the Hensall Laundry. MELVYN GRAHAM, of geen pre Christmas. under the parents "Tey . A. HENDERSO , M.A., of Tor- is retiewing old friendships in owe this week, GIDEON ZIEMANN, of Preston, appt Christmas with' his "parents, - Mr. and Henry Ziemann. Song RS. bie FULLARTON, of ; wir a few weeks in this, icity v tog fe riends. MR. AND Mrs. J. W. Warp. of Mild may, aré. spendin Christmas week with her her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bai MR. A AKD Mrs. Jonn RoGERr and Mise Jennie Harvey-ate their Christmas tor- kev at Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Erskine's, at Monkton. 'THE annual meeting of the Atwood Public Library will be held in the school house on the evening of Monday. Jun 8th, 1900, at 7 80 o'clock, sharp. full attendance of members and the aes public is requested. . Fear and Mrs. Fear ipent "Christmas in Milverton. Mrs Fear Jeft Tuesday for Clinton to spend | P afew weeks Thornton and Luella will visit their grand parents in Strat- ford during their mother's absence, AT the annual meeting of the Elma Conservative Association, held last week, the following Officers were elect- ed forthe ensuing year: President, Wm Bell : Vice-President, Hugh Rich- moud ; Sec -Treas., Wm Graham, The Elma Tories are report ed in good fight- ing trim. The member for Norh Perth, F. MacLaren, was unable to be Soak, At the eiose of school Friday night for the Christnsas holidays, the pupils presented D.G Anderson, the popular Principal of the Atwood Public school, with a beautiful rocking chair and monogram set; and Miss McFarlane, teacher of the Junior department, with a handsome volume of Longfellow's poems anda manicure set. The gifts were much appreciated by the teachers. not so much for their intrinsic value as for the thonghtful and appreciative spirit in which they were giveu. THE three routes of the proposed Guelph Junction Railway ta Goderich are as follows; Northern--Guelph, Little Germany, Winterbourne, Elmira, Hawkesvilie, Linwood, Listowel, At wood, Ethel, Brussels, Blyth, Manches ter, Carlow, Saltford, Goderich, Central ge Little Germany, Conestogo, acobs, Hawkesville. Linwood. Millbank, Milverton, Monkton, Wa'- ton, Blyth, Manchester, Carlow, Salt- ford, Goderich. Southern--Guelph. Bloomingdale, Heidelberg, Weliesiey, Milverton, Monkton, Walton, Londes borough, Holmesville, Goderich. GUNTHER'S CORDIAL NEw YEAR's GREETING.--I take it for granted that your hearts are in the right place for those yon love, Justas you have al- ways been in the past, you feel the same generous desire to remember those who are near and deur to you with a snitable New Year's gift that you can purchaseof meat snch a rea- sonable price. Iam therefore pleased to announce to you that I have laid in a very large and very complete assort- ment ef beautiful new holiday presents admirably to the wants o tind at Gunther's, Listowel, everything that goes to please the most careful buyers. For weeks past | have. labored industriously to prepare for the holiday season, and my store is now brilliant with the array of beautiful New Year's holiday gifts, especially adapted for teachers and young folk, My stock of ladies' and gents watches are the finest and most suitable you can h resent that 1s not only for the day but s life-lasting in its dnrability.. A look throngh Goldsmith's Halli, Listowel, is a pastime, to show you the goods is a pleasure.. Come one, come all, and make as many happy as you can, Wish- ing you the season's compliments, J H. GuNTHER, Goldsmith's Hail, Mam street, Listowe THE Puesbyterian church choir had a pleasant ag og for one of their form- er number, Mrs. C. H_Fullarton (nee Miss Mina Pelton), on Tuesday eve, in the form of a handsome and costly silver fruit dish which they: presented to her, accompanied by a nicely worded address which is published herewith. Mr. Follarton accepted the beautiful gift in behalf of his wifein a few well chosen words of acknowledgement, The event was made memorable in the plensant social evening spent at Mr. and Mrs. L. Pelton's, abont forty being resent in all. Mrs. Fullarton had long associated with the above choir, rendering faithful service, and it was only fitting that some such expression of appreciation be given, Following is a copy of the address Mrs. C. H. Fullerton. j DEAR FRrEND,--The members of the Atwood Presbyterian church ehoir de- sire to remember you at this joyful Xmas season. r many years you were an active and faithful member of onr ehoir, always cheerful and willing to help in so far as you were able, and now that you are amongst us once more for a short time, we ask you aceept this token of our regard and esteem, May it for many years belp to Temirid you of your 'asant associa- tion with us in the past. May you and your husband be long spared to each other to enjoy many a merry Xmas and happy New Year. May God.s richest you throngh life members of Mica Mrs. A. BEREET and ai ir ren spent Christmas with relatives i Monkton. "TAKE time by -the forelock" If our blood is out of order, begin taking ood's Sarsaparilla at once and preyent "--_. illness. ost.--A black and white hound lost cna day. Last seenin Mr. gar's bush, 8th con. Elma. Leave word at this office. AT the trustee election on Wednes- day, Messrs. Wm. Blair, the retireing trustee, was re-elected for 1900. Board consists of Messrs. Alex. Simp- sen, Wm. Blair und Wm. Forrest. Mrs. Rost DuxNnN. of Portage Ja Prairie, Man..is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Jas. Donaidson. it is 16 years since Mrs Dunn was here before We wish ber a pleasant visit among the friends and associations of her youth. THE Elma Reform Association at their annual meeting on the 2tst inst elected the following officers for the en- suing year: President, T. G. Ballan- tyne; 'Vice-President, Geo. Sealgtortiiel, 2nd Vice-President, C,. Hellar; Sec- Treas., Jas. W. Dickson. The gnek of township belay cate hl is. being com- pleted preparatory for waginga strong fight he the approaching election. TuE NomINATIONs.--The Elma mnn- icipal nominations on the 22nd inst., in the Town Hall, passed off quietly. It was hoped by some that the town- ship would be saved/the expense of an election by returning the old Council by acclamation but the majority ruted otherwise, with the result that we have a full tickes for the positions of Reeve and Councillors, namely : For eve --Thos: J. Knox and James Donaldson. For Couneilors--S. S: Rothwell Wm Wherry, Allan McMane, Henry fon, nenberg, Thos. Smith (i4th con.) and Wm Coates, Robt. Smith was a'so nominated but subsequently withdrew his pame. The new aspirants C Donaldson for Reeve, and W. Coates. H. Ronnenberg and Wm. W herry for Councillors, Nominations elsewhere * Listowel--For \ Chas. Chris. Preuter, Peathersienes Robt. Woods, Ww. Pelton. R. th a M. Smith, Robt. ¥ Hemphill Mulonev, R. K. Hall, D. Cam J Gunther. Mikes ton r Reeve te Wiederhold, W,) Appel. ents was elected by.-atcla- mation, viz., C. Herr, C. Spencer, J. L. ae and Wm, Zimmerman, The Morn- ington tiominations resulted in a run betweeneKerr and Waddell for the Reeveship, and McCloy, Griffin, Shear- er, Down and Grieve for the Council Ellice-- acclamation: -while the Councillors are Foly, Sohrenk, oa Smith, Simpson, Bald and Brickman °v Before. After. Wood's Phosphodine, ' The Great 'Sold and Pree amet ded by ble sta in a. Onl a redicine Siz ag cure al orms of Se akness, all sitet: = abuse | or excess, Mental ¥ rry, Excessive of To- Opium or Stimaleate Mailed = » recetps x, $5. One will please, ete gh to ony ocr. Company, W. , Ont basen, Ont of price, one stz witl cure. Pp) The Wood (3 Wood's Phosphodine sold in At- wood by J. A. Mitchell, Druggist, EMISSIONS Varicocele, Syphilis, Weakness and Diseased Men Cured. *HOIW 'LIOWLEG oh feanin Vi ch 40 Years Ener 250,000 CURED. Thousands of young men are made and = other business Com ve--Mr. Goetz went in by y joe in the mend all sufferers from heart Honion SALES, 7. cot i ieee, AP apg at fon! gins' hotel, Monkton. ©. H. Merryfield, auctioneer ; Henry Sanders, proprieto TBe Meople's Cofumn : Estray Heifer. GESTED trom the pre oi anneal, ie Se lot 18, con, rns iy patos a eae information lo lending to their recovery wi will 4 et JOS. HANNA 48-2in* Atwood P. O. NOTICE. Ugly tn aly ace ces 'actu Co., Limited, will be held in thejr factory on a Saturday, Dec. 30th, 1899, at One o'clock p.m., when the Direc C tors' and Anditors' reports will be read and poreaiat. Directors for the ensui nthe A be elected, in terest' y. will be conside . ot - wat LOCHHE Atwood, Dec.:H, 1899. eon Agricultural Meeting. The annual meeting of the Elma Agricuitaral society will be held in the Agricultural Hall on Wednesday, January 10th, 1900, at 1 o'- clock p. m., fer'the purpose of re- ceiving the auditors' report, electing officers for the ensuing year and trans- acting general business, Members are requested to attend, The Society's Hall will be rented at '| this meeting by the new board of di- W.| rectors for the year 1900, Y. COULTER, President, J. MORRISON, Secretary. Township of Elma Municipal Election ! Te outed | Electors of Elma are hereby Ist. That th fo Gs me 'or fe nomination meeti ATWOOD, Bae. FRIDAY, DEC. 22nd, 1899, at 1 o'clock p. m. That should more than the necessary nu Page Cpsreguy pees : nomin- ated, the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, JAN. Ist, 1900, when Polls will be opened in each Division of the Township, at the congo oc! ornipg, and shall angen lovee, until 5 O'clock in the afternoon and pn jon; 'That the Poll laces and Returni = in each El eclal Div: raion are as pri for. Div. --Cosens' sorkstiog. rowteidge, Cc. Coseis, Deputy Returnin range Hall, Tot 15, con. 4, J. Mitchell, iy Returning O fticer. anil, _ Britton, T. Sproule, De- fice ool Ho THOS. eve ULLARTON, Clerk, raeAGH ENIT. and Nerve Pills and 9g cured before things be for four years, caused by excessive use of tobacco. get any Last Nonaies: however, I read of a secu better I bought another --_ -_ oor the cure. My tinge, ad' trongly recom and nerve ses of the uner- |