Atwood Bee, 29 Dec 1899, p. 5

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PETITION 1 TO MINTO. REMARKABLE Doockast IssUED BY THE SONS OF TEMPERANCE ce The Sons of Temperance 'ae ied The Toronto Star to publish the follow- ing copy of their petition to the Gov- ernor-General;: We, the undersigned electors of the Dominion of Canada, wish to direct Your Excellency's attention to the as- sistunce of a very serious grievance that we have against Your Excellency's present advisers, and also against the present Parliament of Canada, Some time ago a measure was introduced in- to the House of Commons, was accept ed by that House, aud also being pass- | ed by the Senate of Canada, received the assent of the Earl of Aberdeen, your predecessor, as. the representative of the Queen inCanada. That measure provided that a ballot should be taken throughout Canada to assertain the opinion of the people of Canada with' regard to the continuance of the manu- facture, importation and sale of intoxi- cating liquors in the Dominion of Can- ada. The vote of the people entitied "The Prohibition Piebiscile" was tak- en on the 29th September, 1898, and by a large majority of the votes cast the | eof Canada declared in favor of the abolitition of the manufacture, im- portation and saie of intoxicating li- quors in the Dominion of Canada. We haye waited patiently untilthis time for your-advisers to initiate a prohibl- tory law, and to introduce itin parlia- * ment.' We have waited for the Parlia- ment of Canada to pass a law prohibit ing the manufacture, importation and sale of intoxicating liquors ia Canada, but uptothis time nosuch law has been passed. On thecontrary, we are credibly. informed that your advisers do not intend to introduce any such measure ,in Parliament, and that the present House of Commons are adyerse to passing such alaw. In such case there is nothing left for your humble petitioners todo except to proceed to the foot of the Throne, and to address you as the representative of the Queen in Canada, We think that itis a well understood principle of British govern- ment that your advisers should be in accord with the will of the people as lawfully expressed. Their will with re- gard tothe prohibition of the manu- facture, importation and sale of intoxt- eating liquors has been expressed in the so-called Prehibition Plebiscite by ag very large majority of the voters casting their votes in favor of prohibi- tion. The House of Commons also ghould be in accordance with the people in any matter that has been submitted to a popular vote. We believe that it is the prerogative of the Queen to dis- maiss her advisers, when they are not in accord with the will of the people, and to dissolve any House of Commons when it is evident that that body is also out of accord with those who elect its members. As loyal subjects of the Queen we most humbly request Your Excellency to give careful considera- tion to this our petition, and to do all that isin your power to relieve our grievance. We hope that Your Excel- lency will be able to see your way clear to ask your present advisers whether they are willing todo that which the electors of Canada haye declared by a lawful vote that they should do, and if they express unwillingness tu intro- duce a prohibitory law iuto Parliament to ask of them their resignation, and to getnew advisers in accord with the will of the people, as expressed in the Prohibition Plebiscite, and, if neces- gary, under the adviceof these new Ministers to dissolve the present House of Commons, and give the electorate of Canada an opportunity to provounce in an effective way whether their will, as expressed on the 29th September, 1998, should be carried out. In conclu- sion, we would request Your Excellency to do all that you can in any way to re- move our grievance, and to suppress & business which we feel is dealing out death and destruction toalarge num- ber of our fellow citizens, among them to some who are very dear indeed to us. and No.2 sold in Atwood by J. A, Mitchell, Druggist, te" No.1 aches Relieved in One Minate. relleves _ Before a Fall." 'Some proud people think they have strong constite- tions, and ridicule the idea of disease. Such people neglect their health, let the blood ran down, and their stomach, kidneys and liver become deranged. Doi't be foolish about your health. Use Hood's Sarsaparilia and you will prevent the fall and save your pride. Sore--"My mother was troubled with rheumatism in her knee for a number of years, and it broke out into a i running sore. She took three bottles of Hood's Sarsa) and is now well. Hood's Olive Ointment helped to heal the eruption." Mus. Joun Fazer, tuoveriawan Ancaster, Ont. | Bowel Trouble--" My mother, Mrs. John Ried, suffered with bowel trouble for four years and tried different doctors, but obtained no relief until she began taking Hood's lia, Three bottles of this cama nd eres -- her." Lizzrx Pep, | prondborrcgn Pha piu Gs as Ws | lanced and never healed. Another broke out on the other hip and the next more &) year three I took Hood's 8 rilla and pre petal wha had discharged for Mus. F2anxim H. Tzep, Freeport Never Disappoints Hood's Pills cure liver ills; the non-Irritating and Saly cathartic to take with Hood's Sarssparilix Cc. H. MERRYFIELD, ad County of Perth, Monkton, Rates moderate. For particulars ap ply at this office. RAILWAY SYSTEM GRAND TRUN NEW YEAR HOLIDAY Rates. SINGLE FARE, going on Dec. 23rd, 24tland 25th, tickets valid returning from destination on or fore Dec. haga Also on Dec. 30th, 3ist and Jan. Ist, tickets valid return- oe ABOU: destination on or before Jan, FARE and ONE-THIRD, go- ing Dec, 22nd, 28rd, 24th and 25th, tick- ets valid returning from destination on or before Dec. 27th, 1899. Also on Dec 29th, 80th, 31st and Jan. Ist, tickets valid returning from destination on or before Jan. 3rd, 1900. To teachers and pupils of schools and colleges, lowest One-Way First- Class Fare and One-Third, good going Dec. 9th to Bist'inclusive, tickets valid returning from destination on or before Jan. 17, 1900, Tickets and all information from ae of Grand Trunk Railway Sys- m, M. C, DICKSON, D.P.A., - TORONTO. .G. HEYD, 34-99-9 G.T.R. Agent, ATWooD Pianos, Organs| AND MACHINES. _ Piano do so before uare miles, and Standard Sewin you want a rea Ig us the Standa to suit. J. A. Cardner, Residetice, Mo. 1, Mitchell Road. P.O, Box 109, LISTOWEL, -- LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE | ity If you have never seen a Morris ore you buy, I have the Bell Organ agency for 40 ng elastin saad gnarl for this district. If ood Sewing Machine Rotary and Shuttle oo Silent, speedy and most dur- a The above at close prices and terms MORPHY & CARTHEW, Listowel, Ont.. Barristers, Sulicitors Conveyancers, &. ee for = Bank of Hamilton. Mon Offices above Carson & Mc fe atone, Main street, H. B. Morpry. J. M. CARTHEW We Keep The Goods J. CECIL HAMILTON, B. A., BARRISTER, CONVEY ANCER. Btoney to = at <4 per diss ane ea next to Dr. Foster, Dentist, BraANcH OFFICE--Main-st., Atwood next to Berlet's shoe store. Will yisit Atwood every Wednesda: BAITEOILT GS. J. W. Scott, Banker, Sstablished 1872. general Banki Sraghianh sold fo ait pesteet tee Dominion, United States and Great Britain nted, Deposite received and cur cate rate of interest allowed. Cheque Bank Cheques Issued, payable in al parts of the world, thoes notice or charge. Drafts |- A large amount of Exivaee -- bok ee on good farm security ml Five . with privilege of repaying an' Issuer of Marringe pceneess MEDICAL, DR. A. S. LANGRILL Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- Licentiate College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Special attention given to Eye, Ear Nose and Throat, Evenings preferred for such wor Office and residence--Main-st,, next Mrs. Roger's store, ATwoop, ONT. D. A. KIDD, M D., Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. Graduate of Trinity University, Tor- onto, 1888. Fellow of Trinity Medical College Toron Licentiate of Colees of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontari Late of the Post "Greduate School and Hospital and Manhattan Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Infirmary, New York, 1899. Associate Coroner of Perth County ATWOOD, ONT, DENTAL. W. M. BRUCE, L. D. 8. DENTIST. Painless extraction. Artificial teeth of the best quality. Crowns and bridges at the lowest rates, Gold and porcelain fillings a specialty. All work warrant- edto give satisfaction. Office over Thompson Bros. store, Main street, Listowel. KRbK K&eK K&K OK & Das. K, & Kt q The Leading Specialists of America}.¢ 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 4 250,000 CURED. WECURE EMISSIONS Nothing can be moro demorsiising to K youve or middle-aged men oa pt a feeling & itera a 'night nervoummess, a CURE- NO PAYA ler, youneed help, Early abuse ork oy excerses may have weakened you. K re mar bare, © diseased you. You red, pent fe areas iq 250,000 CURED K Young $tan--You are pale, fechle aggard; nervous, irrita! pe ynopspere = citable ¥ You beoome forgetful, m and: despondent; blotches and pimplen nkled cron a yom | the blight of your existen K oe VARICOCELE K your 'ca bas naar a a bad it ite on 4 & W. METH oT fl for will The Mecin 7 oF a urn to their normal condition ve p AIINO ¢ K veins" re and sees the roper pooxte & Hag cure TION N ON view BUSINESS. i CURES GUARANTEED i You are Looking for Ho ! 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