"On Fall Fair apni : September Twenty-first and second I will inaugurate my Millinery display of Autumn styles which I would be pleased to have you inspect. OPEN ONLY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS. Miss S. E. Sinclair MAIN ST. s ATWOOD Fair Night at Atwood September 22nd. Connor Meehan, Celebrated Irish Tenor, four years with De Wolfe Hopper Opera Co. Mrs. Coutts-Bain, Scottish Reader and Singer. Millard Grant Stauffer, Humorous Entertainer and Impersonator. Miss Annie McKay, piano soloist and accompanist. Popular Prices--25c ; Reserve 35c. PROG hA DIVE Part 1, 1 Piano solo "Caledonia" Miss Annie McKay. 2 Song "Standard'on the Braes o'Mar Mrs. Coutts-Bain. 8 Song "Kerry Dance" Connor Meehan. 4 Comic Irish Song "Mrs. Mick" Millard Stauffer. 5 Recitation 'A Wee Bit Wifie" Mrs. Coutts-Bain. Nora McNamara" Connor Meehan. 7 Comic Song " Birds of a Feather" Millard Stauffer. 6 Song " Part 2. 1 Reading 'A Half Hour We Grannie' Mrs. Coutts-Bain. 2 Tenor solo--Selected Connor Meehan. 3 Comic sketch "The Huskin Bee" Millard Stauffer. 4 Song in costume "Caller Herrin" Mrs. Coutts- Bain. 5 Song "Annie Jaurie" Connor Meehan. 6 Comic Song " I've Got Harry Lau- { der on the Brain" Millard Stauffer. God Save The King. The Least Fuel, The Most Satisfaction When a range combines all the most mod- ern conveniences and when the makers in- sist that only the best materials should be used and that every range that leaves their factory should be perfect in every detail of wormanship--why, it stands to reason that the product, the " Happy Thought Range should be a good range a perfectly reliable range. Take your time in buying a new range. whether your housework old furnishings. It is ths most On it depends whether your housework is going to be a drudgery or o pleasant task, with sure results. When you have seen the many special features of the Happy Thought, haye heard the enthusiastic praise of the thousands of Canadian housewives who use it and see what & strong, seryiceable fine-looking range it is, we have no doubt it will surely be your final selection for use in your home. More than a quarter of a Million " Happy Thoughts " are 1n daily use in Canada, John Roger Hurmiture d Undertaking OVER-WORKED KIDNEYS Cause. Rush of Blood, Full- hess, Dizziness, J. T. Chetland, the well-known rail- Way engineer of Hamilton, found the Strain always restl upon men of his occupation vastly intensified by tendency of the blood to were rer some ffi- culty In ng--a yee with pain having settled in his b it oc- curred to him that qe ban might be at fault. "This was a happy idea, for by it I not only jin rid Of the pain but many other troubles as weil, took a full dose of psi Ag gene Pills lad struction of the ucicre: which I had lately noticed, was at once relieved. The flushed appearance of my face Refuse any substitute, All dealers sell Dr, Hamilton's Pills, 25c per box. or The ait aia Co., Kingston, Ont, Dr. Hamiilton's Pills Cure Kidneys and Liver Henfryn Special Harvest Thanksgiving ser- vices were held in St. David'schurch on Sunday last and also on Monday evening. In the morning Mr. G. W. Tebbs, of Wycliffe College preached & very impressive sermon from Gen. Iv.3 and 8. In the afternoon and on Monday evening the pulpit was occupied by the Incumbent. He preached from the texts Ps. 105 and a|Gal. vI.7 and 8. Thechurch was] \.* beautifully decorated for the occasion Mr. Geo. Cox of Atwood, sang during the offertory "Fairest Lord Jesus." Next Sunday the servicas will be in St. David's church at 3 p.m. on account of the Harvest Thanksgiving I | services in Atwood. Methodist Church Anniver- Sary. Anniversary services of the Meth- odist church will be held here on Sunday and Monday, October 1st and 2nd, The Sunday services will be conduct- ed by the pastor in the morning and by the Rev. T. Barber, of Lis- towel, in the evening. The choir of the church are prepar- ing special music for the occasion. On Monday evening in the music hall a tea meeting will be held fol- ' lowed by an excellent programme. Watch next weeks issue for fuller announcemente, The Bee to January lat for 25c. rege business men, had sudden- ly passed away. Some weeks ago he bed to go to bed suffering with typ- hoid fever, and during the last week it was thought that the danger point had been passed, but suddenly taking a bad turn, and notwithstanding all gradually sank and expired. Robertson was born in Elma Tp., Ont., and received his early educa- tion at Atwood, being a gold medalist of the entrance examinations. completing his high school education, he decided to take up drugs, spend- ing some time in Toronto as a clerk and later graduated from the College of Pharmacy there. He then went to San Francisco and engaged with the Owl Drug Company for three years, and after going through the trying experiences of the earthquake, he moved back to Winnipeg and managed one of Gordon- Mitchell Drug Co's. stores for two years. Later he purchased the drug busi- ness in Craik from Chas. Davis. In religion he was a Baptist, having joined the church at the age of 14. There being no Baptist church here, he attended the Methodist church and was an actiye worker in the choir and Sunday sehool, being pre- sident of the Eureka Bible Class and leader of song in the school. He was alsoa member of Craik Lodge No, 55, A.F. & A.M. Two years ago he married Miss Josephine Tisdale, who with his sorrowing parents and family have the deepest sympathy of the community in their sad bereave- ment.-- Wingham Advance. Do You Know the Law? BEGGING.---Any person sending children begging may be committed to goal for three months or fined $100. LIQUOR-SELLING.--Any | saloan- keeper who gives or sells liquor to a youth under twenty-one years o age, is liable on conviction toa pen- alty of $20. TOBACCO.--Any parson found guil- ty by a justice of the peace of giying or selling tobacco to a boy under eighteen years, must be fined $10 and the sum many be increased to $50 Poot Rooms.--The keeper of a licensed pool or bilhard room who allows boys under sixteen years to frequent his premises may be fined $10 by any justice of the peace, half the fine to go to the informant. ScHOOL.--Every child between the ages of eight and fourteon years must attend school, unless excused for some good reason. Factory.--No child under four- teen years can be employed in any factory. INDECENT ConpucT.--Any per- son found guilty by two juetices- Of the peace of committing any indecent act, may be fined $50 and sent to goal for six months. CRIMINAL ASSAULT.--Any person who criminally assaults a girl under fourteen years of age is liable to im- prisonment for life. PISTOLS.--<Any person who sells or gives a pistol orair-gun or sells ammunition therefor, to a boy un- der sixteen years of age, is liable on conviction to a penalty of $9°. NEGLECTED CHILDREN.--Can be removed from the control of vicious or drunken parents if there is no like- libood of improvement. "PILLS LIKE A FYLE" So Harsh and Drastic are Many Pills as to Seriously Injure Health. In a letter written from his home in crawing atten- tion to.the injuries inflicted upon dell- cate peorile by drastic purgative pills. "For a long time I suffered from constipation. This condition compell- ed the use of pills. other. I made the unwise choice of using pills that were Ike lightning in their activity. J began to be filled with Intestinal disturbances, constant rumblings, gas in the bowels and diar- rhoea. I grew pale and emaciated Then the Gaetee told me drastic irri- tating pills had caused catarrh of the bowels, an most' incurable diseasc. Explaining my situation to a friend, he advised a trial of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, I speedily experienced the heal- ng and curative effect they exert on he stomach, liver and bowels, The ntestines, freed from irritating drugs, rapidly regained natural tone, the bowels acted as If nature and not Dr. Hamilton's Pilis were at work. I know it will be of value to thousands to know that a pill as mild and curative as Dr, Hamilton's Is available to the ailing." For bowel disorders, sick headache, constipation, liver and stomach de- rangement, there {s mo pill so invari- ably sure to cure as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Refuse a substitute. Sold in 25¢ boxes, ail dealers, or The Catarrh- ozone Co, Kingston, On Dr. Hamilton's Pills, Are Mild--Never Gripe that medical science could do, he! co, J. E. | turthest 2 SPaaas ¢ Colds 'Bronchitis there is an ailment in the throat e germ destroy Pa caure of the trouble. These are the reasons why Ca cure a genuine case 0! ro. the lungs, pro- duces a healing, curative effect that is pra we a@ tablet or ai wh rely to the stomach, and atte rey to help the throat or After | 'ungs: To permanently cure your winter {lls, your coughs, sneezing. and Ca- tarrh, by all means use a tried and proven remedy like Catarrhozone. But beware of the mubatitutir and imitator. Look f for Catarrhozone only. 50c and $1, at all dealers. 10 Catarrhozone Just Breathe It, Cure is Sure Special Grants. The section of the Agricultural Societies Act in regard to bad weath- er conditions is as follows :-- 49. Section 24 of the Agiicultural Societies Act is hereby amended by adding the following subsection : (2.) Ifthe Superintendent on or before the thirty-first day of Decem- ber in any year receives proof by the joint affidavit of the President ani Secretary and Secretary-Treasurer that rain or snow has fallen at the place of holding an exhibition and be- fore three o'clock on the afternoon on any day of the holding of an exhibit- ion, and upon his being satisfied that as a consequence the gate receipts were less than the average of the previous three years of holding the f exhibition, the society shall be entit- led to receive a grant equal to one half of the difference between the gate receipts of the current year and the average of the gate receipts of tho preyious three years, but the am- ount to be paid shall not exceed three hundred dollars, and the total "|amount so paid to all societies shall not exceea ten thousand dollars. Perth County at Western Fair. Perth County scored well at the London Fair. In the cheese competiton Perth County exhibitors ranked high. In the special best collection, C. Don- nelly, of Scotsville, ranked first with R. A. Thompson, -of Atwood, second. The following are the results : August colored--l OC. Barber, Woodstock ; 2 J. Cuthbertson, Seb- ringville ; L. E. Schneider, Rostock ; 4 R. A. Thompson, Atwood. August White--l Geo. Empey, Newry ; 2 R. A. Thompson, Atwood ; 3 J. Cuthbertson, Sebringville ; 4 H. Donnelly, Staffordville. June and July colored--1 R. A. Thompson, Atwood ; 2 C. Donnelly, Scottsville ; 3 P. Callan, Woodstock ; 4 B. F. Howes, Atwood. June and July white--1 J. Cuth- bertson, Sebringville, 2 C. Donnelly, Scottsville ;D. Menzies, Molesworth ; 4 R. A. Trelevan, Moorefield. Special Best Collection--1 C. Donnelly,. Scottsville ; 2 R. A. Thompson, Atwood ; 3 E. S. Phelps, Birnam. Judges--W. W. Gray, Stratford ; Jas. Bristow, St. Thomas; Robert Johnston, Woodstock. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears ths 5 - Signature of ACCIDENT AT MOTHERWELL.-- Master James Murray, son of Mr. John Murray, blacksmith of Mother- well, met with an unfortunate acci- dent on Monday, Sept. 4th. A young lad named McKenzie of the Mitchell road came into the blacksmith shop with a rifle of 22 calibre. He was warned rot to load it while in the shop, but did not heed the warning, with the result that the rifle was dis- charged, and the bullet, which was of the fine shot variety. entered the thigh of little James Murray. Dr. Smith was hastily summoned, and dressed the wound and if no pli- cations arise the patient should re- cover rapidly. This should prove a warning to those who are in the bab- it of carrying frearms. It may not be generally known that it is against the law to carry rifles, or even airguns now, without a license, and those who break the law in this respect are li- able to a heavy penalty. 'man and wife. The star of the eyening; however, was undoubtedly Millard Stauffer, and this young perkiin has evidently a future before him. He appeared as & real interpreter of Harry Lauder, and he certainly kept rraaig audience in good humor and roars of laughter.-- Wiarton Echo. Hear him at Atwood on fair night, Sept. 22nd. The mepreover Rod and The large and ever growing army of game bird hunters will find ample variety in stories dealing with their favorite recreation in the September issue of Rod and Gun in Canada, published by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, Ontario. From New- foundland to British Columbia is a wide range and all is included in this one number, the differencesin the sport enjoyed in the various Provin- ces being pleasantly conveyed in a series of stories dealing with actual occurrences in the field. Further variety is given by a finely illustrat- ed story of the Cruise of the Papoose & camping story, and some excellent verses, Geese, ducks and prairie chickens afford the very best of sport and their devotees tell of the com- '| plete enjoyment. experienced in a way. to make their confreres resolye to make similar trips with the same object in view. Wing shooting is a sportsmanlike occupation and with only fair conversation there should be ample opportunities for all sports- men in Canada to enjoy some of this fine recreation for an indefinite time to come. A more interesting num- ber of this fine Magazine has never been issued. Elma Wedding. On Wednesday evening last week the comfortable and commodious home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chapman, second concession of Elma, was thronged by neighbors and friends from far and near who had assembled to witness the mar- iage of their only daughter, Eva Birdell, to one of Elma's rising young farmers, Mr. Nelson Hamil- ton. The ceremony took place on the verandah which was prettily decorat- ed with JapaneseJanterns, and under a large floral arch, fhe bridal couple standing directly underneath a wed- ding bell constructed of large white asters. Rey. Dr. Barber, pastor of the Listowel Methodist Church, tied the nuptial knot which made them The couple were un- attended except by little Miss Lydia Twamley, who made a charming flower girl in a pretty dress of white embroidery and carried a- basket of flowers, in the centre of which re posed a smaller basket containing the vedding ring. The bride was given away by her father. Miss Mabel Tughen played the wedding march as a prelude to the ceremony. The bride made a truly handsome picture in a beautiful dress of cream satin palette trimmed with allover lace, and her long bridal veil with orange blossoms entwined. She car- ried a large shower bouquet of bridal roses and lily of the valley, tied with along flowing white satin ribbon. Her travelling suit was of navy blue broadcloth with hat to match of silk velvet with plumes. After the cer- emony the wedding dejeuner was served in the dining room and par taken of by over one hundred invited guests. Guests were present from Hamil- ton, Toronto, Stratford, Brussels, Mitchell, Listowel and other places. An intensive array of presents bore tangible testimony to the pop- ularity of the young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton left the following morning for atrip to Tor- onto, after which they will take up housekeeping on the grooms farm on the second concession. CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Our registration greatly ex- ceeds that of previous years. Why ? Oar school isthe best of its kind in the West; Best in courses given, best iu teachers employed and best in assisting graduates to positions. Our graduates are in demand. Busi- ness men state that they are the best. In the past three days we had eleven applica- tions for help which we could not supply. We have three de- partmente-- Commercial, Shorthand aud Telegraphy. Get our free cata- logus for full particulars. Commence your course at once. D. A. McLachlan, Principal a Seer ee oo Sn Sh Bee No ph Shia ie Me ts ne a aoe 8m ga na Sta pi aad as oor Meare oe Fr i BUSINESS COLLEGE We place our graduates in Our graduates are Two courses Com- Fall ? ness at LISTOWEL. - mercial and Shorthand. . term opens September 5th. ; EDWIN G. MATTHEW g PRINCIPAL. p ebbeb pb 2 4 tte tee ee ek 8 8 7 o L. V. Croft B.A., M.D., C.M. Office and Residence--Main Street. Telephone No. 10. D. A. Kidd M.D.C.M. Main Street, Atwood, Ontario. PHYSICIAN SURGEON ACCOUCHEUR CORONER Specialties, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Diseases of Women and Children. Morphy & Carthew Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. 6 Money to loan. Office above R. Thompson's Store Listowel, Ontario H. B. Morpnry. J. M. CARTHEW. Geo. Bray Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Listowel, Ontario. J. Cecil Hamilton Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada Money to Loan Office--Main-st., Listowel, Dr. Foster, dentist. Branch office--Main-st., Atwood, in same building as the Clerk of Town- ship of Elma. Will visit Atwood every Wednesday afternoon. F. R. BLEWETT, K.C. Barrister, Solicitors; Notary, &c. Office: Gordon block, opposite ost Office. Stratford; Ontario. Alex. Morrison Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth and Huron. Charges moderate. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Atwood P.O. Wnm. Holman Licensed auctioneer for the County of Perth. Charges moderate. next = , | Satisfaction guaranteed. Newry P.O. W.H. Grosz & Co FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKERS. Night calls promptly attended to. Phone 109, Residence on Wallace St. LISTOWEL. Ebenezer Pestell Horse Trainer and Tamer of all bad habits such as kicking, balking, shy- ing, running away, afraid of automo- biles, papers, umbrellas, tail switchers lolling of the tongue, jumping fences. ATWOOD, Box 122. ONTARIO, - Trowbridge -- Cider Mill will run on Thursday and Friday of each week until further notice. JAS. McCRAE, Trowbridge Pablic Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by Hig Honor the Judge of the County of Perth at the Agricultural Hall, At- wood, on Friday, the 6th day of October, 1911, at 1.30 o'clock p.m. to hear pnd determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List in the Municipality of Elma for 1911. Dated the 19th day of September, LOCHHEAD, Clerk of Elms.