Atwood Bee, 20 Oct 1911, p. 4

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ner? ee PHYSICI Failed to Cure Rheumatism ~- Miss Flora Ohapman Viv. idly Describes Her Suffer- ings and Ultimate Cure With "Nerviline,"! pnd heart tropbie, tried scores of so- galled remedies, consulted for weeks and months with Toronto's most em!- nent physiclang, but derjyeq only slight benefit, orous rubbing of this powerful lini- ment eased the pains and reduced the pilffness in my Joints, I continued to use Nervilingé and was red. I am now perfectly well, r three years have CURED 7 had - rheumatism at all, ene wwomany nor Ments like pars cho, tor sake che. neuralgia, Sot he: colds, jumbago, end Felatl I call Nerviline my , Guard," " and urge all ty try its merit.' Dec. lith, 13 ncaa ton nue, Toronto, Refuse anything cine. offered instead Sie per bottle, trial size, ef Neryiline, 25ce>- Allo = The ealers, Co,, Kingston, On api H*.54 fos Catarrhozone DECIDED, a ! Johnnie Canuck ree ae ur good pluck at pyee o do ; Brave Sir John Bull will emile In good old British style When he pinks.o of his loyal lad and ee eee r Akin e oe hry jovial dad, Loyal Johnnie Canuck You have certainly struck The nature of your sta For the great motherland In either her woe or her weal. It was surely vee | fad Taft's theory ; that you had Come to the partin "Ott the ways ; For vou have = to see Such Reciproc Midst the lure, of election blaze. Friendly President Taft Would have agreeably laughed 1f Canada had eaid, ** Amen," But with euch ciga point He must feel out 'ol faint ; Such fate is for nations and men. Uncle Sam you esteem, Though in the late se heme You prefer not now to accede, But with best of good will Intending to fulfill Your part in the measures you need. Gallant Johnnie Canuck May you enjoy good luck hithe Parliament of your choice, May their rule be success And national progress NERVILINE Cures Rheumatism Which makes happy nation rejoice ! You will stand ever true To the Red, White snd Blue, Ensign of the Mistress of the seas, Which for a thousand years, "What do » you care, Estimating ig a quesg-- Que wakes it njare, Another lesa; - But what care you, jf more or lesa, Phe prating fem our privtifg Wins for you trade \ And wing syccess. Who' s Happy, The days are got ting colder, And soan we'll he friz : Of course we aren't happy, Sut ' u The coal min iz. The frigid days are caming, The mercury's not riz For long. We aren't happy, jut The fur man iz. Yus, winter's coming nevrer, Jt is no longer hat. Soe folk's about are bappy, Rut The ice man's nat. ome There are now 75 yubtic library buildings in OQutarvia and over 400 fibraries. There were 12 pyhtic lib vary Tnstitytes held in Qntario last year and 280 libraries were represent- fod press, i Midst all conflicts and fears, Has braved the battle and the breeze. --T. BE. IL , ""FEEBLE STOMACH" lee Digestive Weakness | and Poisons the En- tire System. "No ene pan have suffered more than I did with stomach §troubie." nll, E. Pascalar, well known : Andrews Corners. "My doctor told me my indigestion and sleepless- od. t / would lose my reaso I ened to tread about Dr. Hamilton's Pills and 'oought five boxes from the druggist, tuch body-cleansing pills I never used; they were mild and yet quite strong itrength rapidly - sills and I improved so much that in tight weeks I could eat and digest all wrdinary food. mage ession and -- ness passed away and I am, than r. oe Pills, enjoying Santee sic stipation that compares with Dr. man -- Pills. Refuse substitutes. Sold jn oxes. <All dealers, or The Putarshonone Co., Kingston, Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure ; Stomach Troubles re medy for Romances, 1 indises- st . or "FRIDAY. oct. 20th, 1911. THE ATWOOD BEE is printed Every Thurday 91.004 year--or $1. $1.50 when in arreare. Advertising tea ;--One veel $5 per year, 2 tnelieg, rior per Professional cards Transient eavertaniente ore per line first sneerion, 3c per line each subsequent insertio Aavestioients without specitic instruc- tions inserted till forbidden, and charged The chord that must surely reveal | «cord y. Kavactionneate 'of articles or animals lost or found, articles for sale, houses or rooms to rent, etc.. four times for one dollar. One column si 20 inches. We have no hes' Births, Marriages riod Deatha inserted free Job Printing of every description exe- cuted in neat and fashionable style, and on short notice. WANTED A live representative for Lrn'ide 7 OOD) and surrounding District to gell high class stock for The Fonthill Nurseries More fruit trees will be planted in the Fall of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history of Ontario. The orchard of the future will be the best paying part of the farm. We teach our men 'Salesmanship, Tree culture and how big profits in fruit. growing can he made. Pay weekly, permanent e:inployment exclusive territory. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON Toronto One of our xiles, It is a rule in all printing offices that there is a charge of so much per line for advertising coucerts, socials, entertainments or any sort of affair where there is an admission fee charged, and any varying from this rule is a mere oversight on the part of the printer. You should not ex- pect something for nothing from the printer, any more than you would from yéur merchant, or than the printer weuld fron: vou It is our source of revenue. Kindly respect it. = ------- Good enough but not easy to fol- low, is the following :--Do not let trouble conquer you. No what cares, wnxieties or sorrows may vex or sadden you, do not prove yourself a wenkling by going down before them, but show yourself noble in rising above them and using them to life's purpose. Rather bear an in- sult than give one ; rather dry a tear than cause one to be shed. CUE T wy ish if | by pur For the Woman Quest! what to eat, but how to covk tt, and you find the answer in Gurney-Oxford --first 'in con- struction, as well-as convenience; first in facilities for contro] and readiness. Ge Oi teers rT aS confronting the hie a Fi e+ line Ee oie te he This is the problem average housewife--a problem of vital importance to the home, end one best solved a trip to aur store and the chase of on is not only The Divided Oven Flue Strip assures perfect baking because of its even heat-distribution, and in every detail the perfect construction of this Chancellor Range assures satisfactory ooking results, Another phase of the question economy, and we invite a visit to our store expressly that you may exam ous fuel-saving device the Oxford Economizer _ W, PRICE, and waste, is mings, beauty ine the marvell- and find the Question- Oxford has not a rival. Gurney-Oxfords' are the only stoves licensed to sell with this wanderful patent. needs only to be sect at a proper angle to old heat for hours without attention. fuel is wasted--a saving of 20 per cent, Ic No The Grate is Reversible with strong teeth that save accumulation of clinkers a In point of appearance--nicke] trim- of design, etc.--the Gurney- Come to our store best answer to the Woman Question--a Gurney-Oxford stove, Hardware, matter '| Tt is easy to appreciate the points Bate sermon when they jab thé other ow. He who has money to burn can always find plenty of 7 ole willing to provide the matches. No more than you can eat enough in one day to last you a week, can a business man advertise enough in one week to last a year. According to Bradstreets, at the end of August 1911, the savings of Canadians in the various banks and other financial institutions, was near- ly 700 million dollars or to be exact, $661,778,122.00. Assuming the pop- ulation to be eight million, the say- ings average $82 per head _A retired railroad conductor joined the Methodist church and was soon afterwards made a steward. One of the duties of the office was to pass the basket when the collection was taken, and whenever he came to any- body who didn't give anything he would reach for the bell to stop the train. Farm News, Far and Near. A United States cannery has 2,500 acres of sweet corn, New York's milk supply dae last week was 295,000 cans. The old country potato crop is go- ing to be good this year. Fruit along Lake Erie is ripening two weeks earlier this year. 116,000 British emigrants have left for Canada since April last. There are 115 new 2.10 trotters this year in the United States. The Indiana tobacco crop is now heing cut and cured for market. The tobbaco worm has been ex- tremely bad in Indiana this year. The Canadian North-west will soon erect elevators for storing potatoes. Apples are being shipped to South Africa from the Burlington district. Twenty-six tons of tomatoes per acre is the news from Pennsylvania. Prairie chickens were as common as the English sparrow fifteen years ago. Tho forage cropa of Canada are on the average larger this year than last. An Ontario peach tree yielded 35 eleven-quart baskets of fruit this season. The city of Brandon, jn the Canad- ian Wheat Belt, is building a étreet railway system. Winter growing of pansies is a profitable enterprise to some Ontario market gardeners. These are the days when "the frost is on the pumpkin and the fod- ders in the shock." The United States hay crop is ea- timated at 46,969,600 tons, compared with 60,978,000 last year. Forage corn of the tall variety is being grown with fair sucooss in the warmer parts of Ingland. The Yankee pig of 1911 is smaller than the same animal of 1910. This is due to a shortage of corn. 60 head of Short-horn and Hol- stein bulls will be shipped from the Toronto Union Stockyards to South Africa, At Milwaukee a steer was killed, dressed and hung ready for market in four minutes and one second. A record ! United States statistics show that in sixteen leading states the hog pro- duction is 104 per cent. of that of last year. CURE THAT COLD This is Quickly and Pleas- antly Accomplished ' If You Use Catarrhozone Catarrhorzone will releve colds al- most inetantly and in a few hours will If it is old-standing hitis its quick and i to the You indathe air passages. It is sense as well ag healing, be- cause Catarrhozone is a germ killer, a healer and restorer of weak tissues, because it is so prompt and certain in its results, better than any other remedy for diseases of the throat. lungs and bronchial tubes, and it is neither nor morphia or cocaine--all dang- erou Tens of thousands have used Catarrh- ozone without reporting a single "te t RH taken in firs and is little Cie a a ing for the throat, nasal Passages, or The Kind You Tig Alwase Wott, and which ha besa' in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- . sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this, All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good"' are but . Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Offi, Paree goric, Drops and Svothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic . substance. Its age is its guarantee, It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. ° The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. -cenuins -CASTORIA Bears the Signature of vs --__- } The Kind You Have Always Bought . In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STRECT, NEW YORK Crry. HYSLOP $25 WHEELS When you purchase a Hyslop Bicycle you know for a fact that it is the very best your money can possibly buy.- It could not be anything else and bear the Hyslop name. Your assurance is 21 years of absolute re- liability, and a responsibility behind it that eliminates every possible risk. . Hyslop bicycles are intended to give the greatest amount of all-round efficiency at a popular price, and are built on lines of absolute thoroughness. Send at once for Illustrat- ed Folder, and sce the surprising yalue we _ have to offer before investing in a wheel of any sort. HYSLOP BROTHERS LIMITED Shuter and Victoria Sts. Toronto BUTCHER SHOP The Leading Meat Shop for the Following Pork Sausage, Bologna, Beef Lamb, Veal Pork, All cured Meats. A call solicited. Highest Cash Price paid for Hides, R. J. WALKER, Proprietor. THIRTY YEARS Our Seven Colleges have been established during the past 30 years. The largest trainers in . Canada. Owing to our connec- tion all over Qntario, we do better for our graduates than any other school. rou may study all at home or partly at home and finish at the College. Affiliated witty The Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. ' It would be well for you to investigate before choosing. Exclusive right for Ontario of the world-famous Bliss Book- 'keeping Systom, which is un- |Are You Ruptured, I can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. Act At Once and remove the daily danger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Dept. H 7 equalled. It is Actual Busi- Name ness from Start to Finish, and Kaa the student keeps same books caress as Chartered Banks and Whole- sale Houses. Enter any time. Age........ Time rupture ......0 Individual instruction. Pall Term From August 28th Write, call or phone for \ : ' att re. Satisfaction guaranteed, P fh WINGHAM BUSINESS VL OLLEGE 7: S. SMITH GEO. 88 Caledonia Street Single or doublo..........seseee0 Srorton, President. lunge. it nivays does cure--is guar- Price 88c., 50c., and $1.00 at all drug- gists or by m 'atarrhozone mail, Post paid, from The uffalo, N.Y., pe gage Chas. W. Burns, Principal. Stratford, Ont, aa nettles

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