for one moment ee I have an extra nice lot of RUBBER and PLusH vas i in stock a "present, SPECIAL SALE FOR 60 DAYS ONLY FROM NOVEMBER 1ST 10 % off on all Rugs. 5 % off on Robes and Blankets. Thave also an extra fine lot of Horse Hide Mitts, Gloves and Gauntlets in Men's.and-Boys' sizes. Rope Halters, Tyes, Rope Lines always kept in stock. Old Robes re-lined. No charge made for whip crackers or repairs on whips bought from me. F. C. Liersch, Atwood. The Least Fuel, The Most Satisfaction When a range combines all the most mod- ern conveniences and when the makers in- sist that only the best materials should be used and that every range that leaves their factory should be perfect in every detail of wormanship--why, it stands to reason that the product? the Happy Thought Range should be a good range a perfectly reliable range. Take your time in buying a new range. whether your housework old furnishings. Tt is ths most On it depends whether your housework Tf going to be a drudgery or a pleasant task, with sure results. When you have seen the many special features of the Happy Thought, haye heard the enthusiastic praise of the thousands of Canadian housewives who use it and see what a strong, seryiceable fine-looking range it is, we have no doubt it will surely be your final selection for use in your home. More than a quarter of a Million " oo Thoughts are 1n daily use in Canada, John Roger Ss urmiture & lnlesetenitalinainiacatitind Capital Paid Up Total Assets................ Esile ae $2,750,000 Reserve & Undivided Profits 3,259,000 40,000,000 Besides offering an incentive to eave, a ords a safe and con- venient method 'i keeping the accumu- savings tc ount a aa dollars. afe custody is of paramount import- ance--either for the hard-earned savings of the worker or for trust funds. The Bank of Hamilton invites your say- ings account, Whetber Jarge or emall. Head Office, Hamilton. ' Vj" cooking or not, she are prepared on it, having the best. satisfies thet pride; bor's envy. Gurney- fanges carry every convenience, econ- with some new points of excellence that are exclusive. No danger of the fire going out between meals, The Oxford Economizer will hold the liegt at a low ebb till you want jt; then turn the handle, and your stove is hot in a jiffy. Besides this saving of time and worry it saves in fuel to the actual extent of one ton in six. THE DIVIDED FLUE STRIP is the eavy of all women who bake, It guides the heat equally along sides, back end front of the oven. Let us demonstrate these and other strong advantages of the Gurney- Oxford line. We have stoves for every purpose, every fuel, and a variety PRICE, HARDWARE First ofall ig the lever that holds. of prices, W. Neighbors is the woman whose kitchen shines with a handsome, roomy range--whose face beams with the satisfaction afforded by a perfect cooking equipment. For every woman -wants a good stove. Whether she docs her own eats the meals that and feels a pride in GURNEY - OXFORD justifies the neigh» Oxford stoves and known feature of omy and contro] ours, for Thanksgiving Day, a day wherein every man, woman andchild should bow their heads in prayer to our Maker for the multitude of bless- ings which He has seen fit to beer upon each and every one - of though wicked and sinful we might have been all of our lives. He has been 'food to the sinner as well as Lto the saint, he has caused the rain to fall upon the unjust as well as the just, and yet how far we fall short of our duty to our Maker. A great many people certainly misconstrue the object and purposes of Thanks- giving Day. There are some who with: gun and dog take to the fields to shoot the innocent quail or dove ; many others, for any kind of sport, fun or frolic, amusements of any nat- ure, anythng but the real purpose for which this day was intended. Some few bave a different view and these will remain at home and talk, and. discuss their neighbors, their faults and habits, not fora moment do they speak of the good traits of these friends and neighbors, but gos- siping and tattleing seem to be the ruling enjoyment of the day. Then there is a class who well know the objects and purpose of Thanksgiving Day and the class though small, yes, very small, will respect this good - and spend it as the day should wr few of these good people will meet in their holy sanctuary and there lift up their voices in prayer to their Master for the many kind blessings and comforts showered upen them and theirs. This class. of people are few and far between, yet the good Lord will bear and answer these prayers. My dear young men, stop and reflect e'er you desecrate this great and good day. Celebrate it as it should be und us it was in- | tended to be, a day of prayer and thanksgiving to our good Master for his goodness and kindness to us all our lives. As the day rolls around we of times reflect when we see the youth of the country preparing for wicked and sinful sport that he in- tends to participate in, how greatly the meaning of this good day is mis- construed. Turn over a new leaf, young man, in life's history and vow to do so no more, hut instead assem ble with those who do know and who will always be found doing the right thing at your church, and there in humble submission to His will, offer up to your good Master a prayér for his blessings. Do not desecrate this good day in the wicked and sinful way that you have been doing in the past, hold this Thanksgiving as a holy day. Interchange of Pulpits Planned, For Missionary Campaign The Last Sunday in November. The committee appointed by the recent meeting of the Stratford district to arrange an interchange of pupils throughout the district for the last Sunday in November, in the interests of the missionary campaign, met Friday at the Trinity parsonage and made the following allotment : Stratford, Central, Rev. W. H. Cooper, Milverton. Stratford, Trinity--Rev. John Henderson, Wellburn. St. Marys---Rev. J. C. Reid, At- wood, Mitchell --Rev. T. Fothergill, Full- arton. Listowel--Rev. Peter Myers, Wal- lace. Milverton--Rev. Stratford. Trowbridge--Rey. Josias Green, Clinton. Wallace--Reyv. I, F. M. Wootton, A. MeKelyie, | Trowbridge. | Atwood-- Rey. ©. C. Couzens, Staffan. | Monkton--Rev. L. F. Barber, Lis- i towel. Siaifa--Rey. A. Moorehouse, Monk- on Fullarton--Rev. W. E. Stratford, and W, Millson, Kintore--Rey. F. E. Malott, St. arys. The committee consisted of the following : Rev. W. E. Millson Strat- ford (chairman) : Rev: F. M. Woot- ton, Stratford (secretary) ; Rev. J. C. Reid, Atwood ; Rev. W. H, Cooper, Milverton, and Rev. A. Moorehonse, Monkton, NOTICE, All persons indebted to Alex. Mor- son for small goods, twine and re- pairs, are requested to call and settle at once as I must have money to pay my own bills, yours truly, Alex. M ae . i # ¥ --_ 2 ae, 8 RS : eae id 'On Monday next, Oct. 80th; is the} day set apart by this great county of! Patterson, Har- {3 mony. 3 d_ thos f tl di ; : yon hose o 168 ordinary ne ee H. W. Watts, | 3 business college. This school arton. has a continental reputatio Embro-- Rev. L. C. McRoberts,|/2 fo, high-grade work posamon Kintore. : Wellburn--Rev. W. Baugh, Em- |: bro cident while handling a revolver a few mornings ago. In some way it was discharged, the ball penetrating the fleshy part of the leg above the knee. Surgical aid was summoned, s,|but owing to the painfulness of the wound the removal of the ball was deferred for the present. The young man is progressing favorably and it is hoped that nothing serious will result from the accident.--Standard. "REEUSE NOTICES." -- 'Refuse notice." Every-edior has received them says an exchanges. 'The post- master sends them to the editor. For instance, there is a man by the name of, we'll say, John Jones, who refused to take his paper out of the post office. He did not want it any longer. We wondered what was the matter.. Upon investigation of our subscription book we found John owed $5.70. He has stopped his paper as a matter of economy to us. A few evenings ago we stepped into a church and John's melodious voite rang out loud and clear in the soul stirring song, "Jesus Paid It." We might have been mistuken but his earnestness impressed us. The next day we sent him a receipt in full, begging his pardon for not knowing he had made an assiggnment of his liabilities to the Lord. in MILLINERY CLEARING SALE eee I wish to clear my business by the First of the year and will sell all. Fancy Goods, (2 Novelties, Millinery Mater- < iuls and trimmed hats at cost price. Here is your chance for reasonable Christmas gifts in Fancy Goods, GEE Miss S. E. Sinclair Nain Street. 4 WANTED - CREAM Farmers or dairymen who have no good local market should write today for quotation card from the Sarnia Creamery Co. We pay highest prices. We pay hard cash, and we remit after each shipmeat. You can deliver yourcream to your nearest railway station. A trial shipment will convince you that there is good money in shipping cream to Sarnia. We furnish best bank references. Write for quota- tion card. SARNIA CREAMERY CO. Sarnia, Ont. >. Vay STRATFORD, ONT. = Stands to the front as the best 2 school of its kind in the pro- vince. Our courses are be- We have Three Departments-- Conmereial Shorthand and Telegraphy and the demand for trained help greatly exceeds the supply. Students are entering each week and the sooner you enter the better for yourself. Get our } ieee catalogue at once, D.A. McLachlan, Principal |. Biday wigh¥ iadk bo We Hutiber of 'entation to Mrs. J. Johnson, (nee | >| busy this week moving into part of - | Porter's Hill, Goderich township, 148 :!were firsts and 2 barrels were sec- thirty gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McCulla the occas- ion being their 20th wedding anpiver- . The guests were given the freedom of their home: and every- thing was ready for the evening's en- joyment, of which Mr. and Mrs. Me- Culla.are splendid entertainers, The first part of the program was the per- forming of acts, such as singing, im- itating, story, etc., of which all par- ticipated in, afterwards a guessing contest was given, this caused much amusement, after the answers were given two beautiful hand painted cups and saucers were presented to the couple having the most-correct, this being Mr. T. G. Ballantyne and Mrs. E. H. Swing. Rich and varied re- freshments were furnished and duly disposed of, and the toast to the followed by & good musical pro- gramme, the closing number was the shaking of hands and 'singing 'Auld Lang Syne." Mr. and Mrs. McCulla were presented with beautiful gifts that added spice to the occasion and will'ever serve to awaken pleasant memories. Address and Presentation. Tuesday evening a number of young people of the Methodist church gathered at the home of Mrs. J. A. McBain, King street, and spent a rmost delightful time. A splendid programme was given in which all present took part, the most impor- tant one being an address and pres- Miss Olive Ballantyne) for her faith- ful work as Sunday School teacher, League work: and a member of the choir ; Following is the address :-- Mrs. J. S. Johnston. Dear Fellow Worker : We, with whom you havebeen associated in Qbhristian' work, have often noted with satifaction and en- couragement, your fidelity, punctual- ity and zeal, We perceive with much regret, that your departure from our midst, while it will not remove you entirely 4.2. 2. er ee ee Ss ee se eee es Se ee ee ee King, host and hostess were given, from us, will make it impossible for you to continue your active relation- | ship in Sunday School, choir an Epworth League. That you may be rssured of our | warm appreciation of your services | to the church, and of the esteem in: which we hold you as a fellow work er in tha Master's cause, we address; these sentiments to you ; asking you | to tuke them as but weak asking yoo] of the ties of strong friendship and | Christian fellowship, which haye wi | ited us in the work and worship of | our common Lord. And asa mom ento of the feelings herein expressed please accept this jirdinere and wich our best wishes for your life long happiness and temporal and spiritual prosperity. . Signed on behalf of the choir, Sunday School and Epworth League Mr. Jolinston in behalf of Mirs. Johnston made a suitable reply. The remainder of the evening was spent in numerous ways to the enjoyment of all. er ee Monkton. Mr. and Mrs. 'sz -- spent Satur- day in Mitchell. Miss Loye Hamilton spent a few days with friends in Millbank. Mr. A. Icherbaish shipped a car load of bogs to Toronto on Thursday of this week. Mrs. MacIntyre'and Mrs. Rogers, of Fullarton are the guests of Mrs. J. A. Hansan. Mr. and Mrs. Erskine and daugh ter Helen, spent a few days with Mr. | and Mrs. Jas. Erskine. Mr. Jas. Wilson returned home on Monday night after spending a couple of months in the weat. Mr. George Coghlin and daughier Aileen, apent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hamilton. Mr and Mrs. Gorden Seifert are Mr. J. J. Woolacott's house. Mrs. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Terry. The L.R.C. met at the home of Mrs. J. J. Woolacott, on Tuesday evening with a good attendance. Mrs. William Komph of Stratford, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Florence Johnson, for a few days jasc week. Mr. and Mra. A. Chaimers and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Graham attended the anniversary services at St. Paul's on Sunday. -- <-- Out of 150 barrels of apples picked on the farm of Mr. A. W. Sloane, near onds. This is certainly a good show- ing, and an object lesson on the re sults that can be obtained by the F. Pridam and children, of} - Toronto, is visiling at the home of |* proper caring forthe orchard. Young People We can 'prepare you for basi- ness at the LISTOWEL = BUSINESS COLLEGE and place you in a geod position when graduating. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION You may enter any day. EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, ' PRINCIPAL. Feb ee ee teres 2 i a te L. V. Croft B.A., M.D., C.M. Office and Residence--Main Street, * Telephone No. 10. D. A. Kidd M. D.C. M. Mair Street, Atwood, Ontario. PHYSICIAN SURGEON ACCOUCHEUR CORONER Specialties, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Diseases of Women and Children. Morphy & Carthew Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. . Money to loan. _ Office above R. Thompson's Store Listowel, Ontario / H.B. Morpuy. J. M. CaprHew Geo. Bray Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie. Listowel, Ontario. J. Cecil Hamilton Barrister, Conveyancer | Solicitor for Iinperial Bank of Canada Money to Loan Oftice---Main st, Listowel, Dr. Foster, dentist. | Branch office--Main-st., Atwood, in same building as the Clerk of Town- 'ship of Elma. Will visit Atwood _ every Thursday afternoon, next to FP. R. BLEWETT, K.C. Barrister, Solicitors, Notary, &c. Office: Gordon oe opposite Post Offic Str atfora Qntario. Alex. Morrison > Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth and Huron. Charges moderate. All orders by muil promptly attended to. or otherwjse Atwood P.O, Wm. Holman Licensed auctioneer for the County of Perth. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed. Newry P.O. W. H. Grosz & Co FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKERS. Night calls promptly attended to. Phone 109, Residence on Wallace St. LISTOWEL. 'Ebenezer Pestell Ilorse Trainer and Tamer of all bad habits such' as kicking, balking, shy-. ing, running away, afraid of automo- biles, papers, umbrellas, tail switchers lolling of the tongue, jumping fences, ATWOOD, Box 123 ONTARIO.* ~ al Trowbridge Cider Mill will run on Thursday and Friday of each week until further notice. JAS. McCRAE, Trowbridge Female Help Wauted 100 Girls wanted. $5.00 per week to start with for girls eighteen and over. Apply at once D. S. PERRIN & Co., London, Ont. CASTORIA The Kin Yo. ro Always ivays Bought Bears ths 5 j ; : Signature of