Atwood Bee, 10 Nov 1911, p. 4

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CAST Always Bought ANranr§ Qu Snow has fallen in North Dakote.| Ww E Bh Re | Prosia's wheat average for 1911 is rt we | 2,904,000. For Infants and Childre:: The United States have 51,123,000 i . fs ne acres of wheat. i The Kind Ven :, One good backbone is worth RU bisa million wishbones. ; popular at fall fairs. timothy crops this year. fences on bis farm. Canada has 10,508,000 acres. of beat Every Thursday $1.00 s year--or $1.50 when in arrears. FRIDAY, NOV. 10th, 1911, Ayrshiae cows are becoming very Alfalfa beat out the clover and - The good farmer is known by the/ A man uses hypnotic influence to STRATFORD. ONT. e Stands to the front as the best school of its kind iu the pro- vince. Our courses are yond those of the ordinary business college. This school has a continental reputation -------- . : Ps : i make his hens lay eggs. for high-grade work. i Great Britain and Ireland ae | _SotpBata od Intod weld Weare tine Demtoote- #1 THREE COOKS AND : L. Cattle in the Old Land number fon meres | axe | att Oh sauna THREE REASONS '2 irae See | The Yukon gold production this aud - : | fee, | desing Télegraphy we Feri sh iy lead seen eg ceca a a i A barn has been erected near/3 and the demand for trained ecveraneu clr : ; ; ke a ts Winnipeg at a cost of $12,000. eee GURNEY-OXFORD RANGE Mt (eee Phare 'e help greatly exceeds the supply. ; . P ; -- i? '| English barley crop is the finest|% Students are entering each week Fn plenum jr tenner sc how Mite eoihint | Genet eee whet the experience ty | Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- ever. It is worth $8 per quarter. and the sooner you enter the took be a professional chel or the young bride with oaly "him" to please, the stove mast BE? i ai furnish these three easentiale--steadiness and control of hest, even bakiag facilities, anda a tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, | |i wie ie : better for yourself : . stapearneiptyeriper itl ariel a Worms Convulsions Feverish- we Prairie chickens, geese and rabbits . , va tien seonty of 2k to the ie ie enccle oveugrest tke OURNSY OXPORQ a | ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. h r y €: are very plentiful in the West this Get our free catalogue at RANGE has three answers, three Sood ceauoee wht: ' sit - : : '| TacSimile Signature of {i : si once, THE OXFORD BCONOMIZEE Ts serps romerinsle erving i feel eo oll 0h | F T 1 rt y ¢ [cee ere Ye ee ts se etinioe erties Ties Bite Eoctoos Gea beak ly LUD, ' § making $45 per acre in the milk bus- $n at i fo against a H at ] t { y t al if (a milk bus-!2 D. A. McLachlan, Principal Scking. "There ono bese teat prt presngioaryr bl 4 | Ato months old | Oh = . . Are vou always dentleg? Tie G iheid Saver Cll y | Seeman oat nedeauatae Reet 3 tT |' less feed There are plenty of other "reasons" for the advantage _ o . of the Gurney-Oxiord, as a call on we will convince you, [XACT COPYOP WRAPPER, |i a: Years ago the miller damped his Come in and see car varied Has, oad we will demonstrate = aa THE GARTAUR OSSIPANY, Rw YORK CITY. saath most convenient dump- Ar e y ou ; . 2 sot) SS ie Se be ML, wy £ 4 farm wagon built in 1815 bas : W. PRICE, HARDWAR c. ATWOOD ies recently been sold. in . Yorkshire, 4 Bogland Ruptured ' 3 BI I ( -H ER SH OP Luxembourg, Europe, has the is ie smallest wheat acreage in 1911 of all ee ee pe . : t . i Cc {3} 0. . * . * a , countries isieaues (ecm teittng > OU see, S| A CL AIMS A Gift With a Thought in it. a The Leading Meat Shop for the Following The Hudson's Bay Co., have 1,000/} without operation or loss of time. : ' . iy Pork 8 Bol Beef acres of land within the city limits What other Christmas present ork pausage, ologna, ee of Edmonton. Act At Once MANY LIVES costs so little and means so much as . ° Pl a subscription to The Youth's Com- Lamb, Veal Pork, B ic eb been ah hee 88/1 and remove the daily danger of -- ; _,. |panion--52 weeks to any Canadian js All cured Meats. Te Die Dies tg uable. Guernsey |] strangulation. Fill in coupon and || But John Mitchell's Life | subscriber for $2.00? It is o gift - A call solicited. =a ee send to Dept. H. was saved by Morriscy's | which benefits not only the one who The United States Packing Com- No. 11 Dyspepsia Cure. receives it, but every member of the Highest Cash Price paid for Hides. pany, . Chicago, intend selling Name ° pi ad same household. poultry by suction. : Woodstock, N.B., Aug. 10, 1910. With many Christmas presents the R. J. WALKER, Proprietor. Russian and Sanadian thistles and Address "T had a very severe case of stomach sense of novelty wears off iby the , Johnson grass are the only weeds trouble which caused me great pain, anda week 8 end, but The Youth's Com- = legislated against in Kansas. Age........ Time rupture ..... a a pegs i ae peuten is as Ey he aa after ' . "t+ 1) could ge ief. t . : The Least Fuel, The Most Satisfaction Brant county milk producers have the patent medicines that are recommend: |110 fret Tt. is "alaitie in iby edlept -- ---- advanced the price of milk at the Single or double............0+++ . ed for stomach trouble, and still T was| iit. too; for it does not matter When a range combines all the most mod- ern conveniences and when the makers in- sist that only the best materials should be used and that every range that leaves their factory should be perfect in every detail o* wormanship--why, it stands to reason that the product, the Happy Thought Range should be a good range a perfectly reliable range. Take your time in buying a new range. It is ths most whether your housework old furnishings. On it depends whether your housework is going to be a drudgery or a pleasant task, with sure results. When you have seen the many special features of the Happy Thought, haye heard the enthusiastic praise of the thousands of Canadian housewives who use it and see what a strong, serviceable fine-looking range it is, we have no doubt it will surely be your final selection for use in your home. More than a quarter of a Million " Happy Thoughts " are in daily use in Canada. John Roger "Ee sarhiture g& Undertaking Capital Paid Up $2,750,000 Reserve & Undivided Profits 3,259,000 000, Total Assets , 000 In an age of extravagance. the thrifty forge surely ahead--while their less pro- yident neighbors accumulate debts. Many a thrifty man or woman can point to the first decided step in life as having been taken the day a bank ac- count was opene A Saving Account in the Bank of Ham- ilton will prove a gure incentive toward thrift. TA PEEETA A: pa st er) Head Office, G. PERRY, Agent, Atwood, Ont. Hamilton. dairy frow 18 to 16 cents per gallon, An English farmer had a crop of hay making forty-seyen stacks, with an estimated weight of 750 tons. It realized $18,600. A New Zealand cheese factory turned over two and three-quarter Satisfaction guaranteed. J.S. SMITH 88 Caledonia Street Stratford, Ont. million pounds of milk in one year, and «a few years later 17,000,000 pounds. A New Zealand farmer obtained thirty and one half bags of red clover seed off 114 acres. The bags aver- eged 200 Ibs. apiece. His crop of seed was worth $88 per acre. Lucknow--A big, fat porcupine, from parts unknown, strayed into the barnyard of Captain Dick Emmerton, at Pine River a few evenings ago. Whén' the animal was first seen it was mistaken for a coon, and the captain's hound was loose at it. When the hound returned from the charge he was like a howling, suffer- ing, animated pin cushion, and two men sat over him for «couple of hours or more removing the quills. The porcupine was eventually killed and was found to be of extraordinary size. Now is the time to put up horse radish for winter use. Dig up the roots, scrape them, and put them through the meat chopper. Pack loosely into pickle bottles and cover with white wine vinegar. . If packed too tightly or not entirely covered with yinegar, it will discolor. In preparing the horseradish for the table--and a roast beef. dinner is hardly complete without it--half fill a tumbler with the horseradish, add a little vinsgar, some good cream, & teasyoonful of sugar, and half a one of salt. Those who haye never car- ed for horseradish will relish it when prepared like this. It ismice eating with bread and butter. be held about a month earlier. -- cured, and are now in the hands of Listowel, Nov: 3.--The necessary |the Council on Monday evening. percentage of names required by the | This necessitates a vote being taken local option committee have been 8- | 5¢ the next municipal election, and it end of June, cS Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S will be a bitter fight. tho club, who. will lay them before -| Because of the many complaints which were made last July in con- nection with the system of holding matrictlation examinations during that month, it bas been decided by the Ontario Education Department that hereafter the examinations will Dr. John Seath, superintendent of edu- catfon for the province, is notifying prinéipals of schools that, commen- cing next year, all matriculation ex- aminations will be completed by the THIRTY YEARS Our Seven Colleges have been established during the past 30 years. The largest trainers in Canada. ' Owing to our connec- tion all over Ontario, we do better for our graduates than any other school. You may study all at home or partly at home and finish at the College. Affiliated with The Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. It would be well for you to investigate before choosing. Exclusive right for Ontario of the world-famous Bliss Book- keeping System, which is un- equalled. It is Actual Busi- ness from Start to Finisb, and the student keeps same books as Chartered Banks and Whole- sale Houses. Enter any time. Individual instruction. Fall Term From August 28th getting "worse --in fact, I felt like dying, and had to stop work. My friends thought my days on earth were few, and I thought so myself. I had heard a great deal about the wonderful skill of Father Morriscy, and thought I would go and see him. He prescribed his No. 11 Dyspepsia Cure for me, and I took his medicine as he directed, and soon began to feel relieved, and to- day I ama very well man; have gained in flesh -- have no pain in my stomach, and am feeling first-rate. There is no doubt but that he saved my life, and I only wish I could find words to express my gratitude, I hope all who suffer as I dit will-use his marvelous No. 11 Stomac!. Remedy." John Il. Mitchell, The above prescription is not a "Cure: All" or so-called patent medicine. Dr. Mor- riscy prescribed it for 44 years, and it cured thousands after other doctors failed Price, 60c. per box at your dealers or Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Limited., Montreal. E00 EXECUTORS NOTICE "TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Jackson, late of the Township of Elma, gentleman, dececsed, Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the statute 1 George V. (Ontario) Chapter 26, that all persons haying claims or demands against the estate of the said Thomas Jackson, deceased, who died on or about the twenty- ninth day of September, 1911, are Write, call or phone for particulars. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE Go. SPOTTON, President. Chas. W. Burns, Principal. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE. -- Alex. Morrison, auctioneer, has received instructions from the undersigned to sell in Atwood 7 cng © November Lith, at one o'clock reg e book cage, 2 roll top deske, high office desk, letter cabinet, ° | yed joint notes, or CASTORIA appro 8 per t. off for cash on 'orrest, Prop. * Le required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to Geo. Bray, Esq., at Lis- towel, Ontario, the solicitor for the executors of the said estate, on or before the twenty-eighth day of No- yember, A. D. 1911, their names and addresses, with full particulars in writing of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the security (ifany) held by them duly verified by Statutory declarat- i ° n. And take notice further that after the twenty-eighth day of November, 1911, the executors of the said estate will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the part- ies entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, as aforesaid, any person or claims notice shall not haye been re- and said executors will not be liable for such assets or afy part thereof to persons of whose whether the present is for a boy or girl, young married people, sedate couples, grand-parents--there never was one yet who did not set store by The Youth's Companion. You can- not make a mistake if you give The Companion--and it is only $2.00 a year now to Canadian subscribers. On January 1, 1912, the price will be adyanced to $2.25. The one to whom you give the sub- scription will receive free The Com- panion's Calendar for 1912, litho- graphed in twelye colors and gold, you, too, as giver of the subscription, will receiye a copy of the Calendar. THE YOUTH'SCOMPANION, 144 BerkeleySt., Boston; Mass. New Subscriptions Received at this: Office. Great Britain's barley acreage bas decreased by 130,734 acres this year. A Discovery of Vast Imporiance It Is Nov Adxitted That Bron- chitis, Asthma, Catarrb, Coughs, ond Colds Can Only Be Quickl7 Cured By Mixing a New Medi- cine With the Air You Breathe. thet. medi- e only treat- ment that will cure diseases, and that stomach medicines are Worse tarrhozon mere} difeaces ete an is) a very simple Yo 4 hy as {it 5°Catarrhozone treatment affords littls dreps of healing for sore places in the lungs, throat, and nasal passages. Catarrhozone Does This, And Cures chial ceived at the time of such distribut- --t-- ion, as aforesaid. you TAKE THIS Dated at Listowel this 27th day of Oct. A. D. 1911. = anes Georgg Lochhead, Geo. Bray, se dina aioe nga ost pein ee a arid I Gordon, _ Listowel, Ont. al CE tan OnE nea Buttale, Executors. - their Solicitor.) N. ¥. 0 i

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